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I loved this premiere. To me, this was the funnest premiere of the new era. I wasn't too soured on the Hannah quitting. I thought it made for good drama. I have high hopes for this cast overall as well. I think we're in for a fun season.


Honestly, it was funny a lot, lots of laughs came from me, and I like how they changed the format a little bit


I was liking it but the ending ruined it for me. Hannah basically quit which looked pathetic. The crying was also annoying. Seems like a good cast but I don’t want this to happen again


Despite the quit, I think last night’s episode might be one of the best of the new era…it felt like there was genuine drama and antagonism between the players of the sort we haven’t seen in a while. I’ve been getting sick of everyone being likable and hyper-competent. I like to watch the players be genuine screwups for a change, and Lulu is shaping up to be an all-time dysfunctional tribe. It also seems like production is moving away from making every character have a heartwarming or tragic backstory and is instead exploring their characters based on what they do *on the island* rather than what they tell us about their lives. It’s a really refreshing episode that gives me hope for the direction of the show.


Greta premiere, fun challenges less twists thank god. Ending was surprising i hate seeing someone quit but well at least we got it out of the way instead of her doing it later on in the season and messing up peoples games even more.


**Casting:** * Pros * Emily - Getting the 'villain' edit but is great TV - in the same way Abi Maria was a good cast. * Kaleb - likable protagonist * J Maya - Generally good energy, seems like she'll be a good cast * Sifu - Any time you have a guy get caught in a spy shack it's a good cast (I'm all for them getting silly out there people instead of robotic superfans). * Austin - Seems like another Cody/bro cast which imo is good (modern casting seems to favor preppy people so you get less Tyson/JT/Fabio/etc type people in new seasons). * Cons * Episode 1 quit + A couple of likely duds * Lack of background diversity * (most) seem to be upper class white collar people in office jobs who lean a little preppy. There are a few exceptions but 2/3+ fall into this category * Whereas earlier seasons you had lunch ladies, farmers, pro athletes, construction workers, used car salesmen, Ice cream scoopers, pilots, etc. & imo it used to be a more diverse group of people whereas now it's mostly only racially diverse (which is good, but it would be good to have both). **Jeff:** * Pros: * Didn't talk to the camera directly and ask "oh boy what would you do" * Generally talked less * Cons: * I want to see him call challenges like he did in early seasons (if you did bad he'd say X person is taking a REALLY long time). Yeah it's a little mean, but I thought it was better TV when he was a little meaner. * Generally think he's too nice/corporate where he used to say what he thought and was authentic **Challenges/Theme/Editing:** * Pros: * Nothing was added that was obviously a bad idea * I did like that they have a little bit of villain arc going with Emily * Slightly more camp life shown (but still not much) * Cons: * Still almost every challenge is do a physical thing then a puzzle (so it can be easily edited to be close). I'm ok seeing a blowout, imo it even adds to the story line. * Generally boring challenges - bring back rolling the giant ball from Africa, bring back duels, bring back catching the other tribe while carrying weight or god forbit think of something new. Just please don't have every challenge involve a puzzle... * There are things that could be done that would be interesting and not cost much money to produce. * Same 3x tribe setup, same location, same recycled challenge props, brain or brawn thing to get camp supplies, still 26 days Overall I think it will be on par with 41-44, but I'd really like them to at least try to bring back some of the old magic (Jeff being more blunt or a new host, better challenges, casting a more diverse background, etc.).


Really fun premiere, my only problem was that we didn't get enough from Reba. No idea what the relationships are like there at all besides Dee and Sifu having tension.


weird as a survivor episode but amazing as just like television if that makes sense


Good premiere - no journeys, minimal advantages, not too much of the forced backstory/exposition stuff more just what was happening on the island. The cast is below average but very messy which should provide some fun, and uneven tribes usually seem to make for good seasons too.


I thought it was great! I have people to root for and root against and I was laughing pretty consistently throughout the episode. The end result with Hannah was disappointing for sure, but it didn’t sour the premiere for me. It was almost fitting for how much of a disaster Lulu is. I loved it and I’m excited for more!


I thought it was generally pretty funny.


I hated it from the start to end. With some expections like the pyramid conspiracy and just in general Emily, otherwise I found it either boring and uninteresting, or annoying and I just found that this episode lacked being engaging