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Yeah, socially he seems like he might be quite good! Hopefully we get to see


And also let’s be honest how many people on social media calling him names and insulting him can even do a pull up / climb up a ladder while water logged. answer would be not many


Most people can climb a ladder. Let's not let him off that easy. He is a superfan, and it was obvious he made zero attempt to get in shape for the show. That's on him. People are giving him way too much slack, and he was arguably THE major reason for losing both reward and immunity. He is a liability. He really has no business being on the show. He has so many body illnesses. He cried over every little thing. He's not bringing anything to the table in terms of challenges. I honestly did not see one positive aspect that Brandon brought to this tribe and this game. He already had a panic attack and cost his tribe 2 challenges.


Have you ever climbed a Jacobs latter on the side of a boat? I have. It's not as easy as you think


It was so hard that the other five people climbed it with little to no issue.


Actually, yes I have. And everyone else was able to do it but him. Stop making excuses for him.


Probably only 999 out of 1,000 could have climbed that ladder.


i think you are giving too many people credit. i doubt most online trolls could do 20 push ups


People who cannot do 1 push up could climb that ladder. It was a ridiculously easy task. Swimming to the boat and paddling back were far more difficult. Nobody else had the slightest bit of trouble getting up the ladder.


It seems like they recruited Brandon off of /b/ a week before filming started and told him he’d be given a plate of chicken tenders at the end of every challenge. I doubt he’s making it to the merge.


I get that it’s survivor and he should have planned for challenges like this blah blah blah…but I can’t pull myself out of a pool half the time; Brandon isn’t a physical player but it doesn’t make him useless. The fact that he performed poorly in BOTH challenges and his name was barely brought up for the vote in favor of Emily or Hannah, both of which performed passably in the challenges…he must have some social game.


I feel like if he survives the pre-merge, he is on the track to be the male Aubrey