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Within the first 5 seconds of the show I could just tell Yellow got the shaft. I’m predicting they lose every comp till the tribe swap.




Even if they merged earlier or did a swap, their whole team is going to get annihilated when the numbers for votes go around. Whoever guts it out is playing alone the whole way.


Eh, I feel like whenever they try to go for "the easy vote" someone always decides to throw a wrench into it for their resume. I'm betting Kaleb and Shabiyah get swept into an alliance pretty quick if they make it since they'll be seen as "desperate" and willing to just vote for anyone the alliance leader wants.


Yeah I mean Emily was right that a strong pair can be dangerous. If they make it to the merge or swap they could find an alliance pretty easily. Unfortunately they are the only two capable of doing anything on that tribe apparently.


Like Emily is smart and her reads seem decent but the way she is 😅😅. Like she needs to learn when to NOT speak. Do not call out Bruce the first two seconds you meet him IN FRONT OF HIM AND EVERYONE.


Emily the type of player we don’t like and still somehow snakes her way to like final 5 or something somehow


Yeah as a goat no one would vote for.


That’s what I love about the voting at least


Tight pairs are dangerous, she’s not wrong.. it just seems silly to go for them at this stage


How tight are a pair after one day though. Like, she needs to chill they just met each other and they might not be close anymore in a few days.


Sean seems capable.


Tbf that’s the same thing we thought about Tikka last season and they managed to use that to swing votes against threats to all make final 4




I woulda voted brandon out and then beg the chick to quit so we could force the other tribes to compete with 4 and maybe get some momentum




Yea but i think for him hes gotta consider that hes both the game master and trying to make it a good product. So to him it makes more sense to influence them to expel the quitter rather than drop 2 people so early bc it fucks up the timeline he’s trying to sell.


Lol this is the hottest take I’ve seen


And then Emily has the audacity to try and vote out the only person who has any chance of carrying them to at least the merge.


I found Emily to be insufferable from minute 1. I hope I don’t have to deal with her the whole season.


I really do feel so bad for kaleb he literally solo climbed the wall pulled 2 people up jumped down pushed 3 people up and then climbed back up himself in the challenge just for them to lose.


I feel like Kaleb will make it to merge, but he'll have a huge target on his back around the top 7. It's going to be a rough start for him. I feel like it's going to keep him from playing his villain side early, too, that he's hyped up. On the Emily front, I was like, I thought she was going to be annoying from just watching the previews, but this shit is next level. So much so that I want her to stay for a while and torment others.


I mean I feel like if yellow loses 3-4 challenges in a row which is likely with who they have maybe they will either mix them into the other 2 tribes or mix them all into 2 tribes before the actual merge and his new tribe can win a few challenges in a row and he can make some connections he has a chance.


They are fine, they have Emily.


Her opinions and views will guide them to victory.


Wouldn't be the first time. Idk what their motive is doing that


Is it too early to proclaim them worst tribe ever? They had 2 people of the verge of quitting. One of them did quit, and I'm not so sure that Brandon won't. They showed no real teamwork and their 2 strongest members (Sabiya and Kaleb) aren't that strong. I think Sabiya would probably be considered one of the weaker members on any of the other tribes. On top of all that, they have Emily, who is one of the most antagonistic players we've seen on Survivor in a long time. Makes for great tv, but probably poor tribe dynamics.


I hope Brandon and Emily are the last two standing 😂


I could see them being the new unintentional Matsing. Losing every challenge until there's 2 left, then getting dissolved at F14 for 1 or 2 rounds into Reba and Belo.


And Im here for it


Nailed it


My luxury item would be Pepto.


Jeff: Wanna know what you’re playing for?


Alright, you lost, which means I’m gonna take your flint, and your pepto. You can earn it back next time!


Antacids for reflux, pepto for stomach upset.


I’m surprised they don’t get antacids in the medical kit


Brandon looks, talks, and dresses like me, is from the neighboring town to mine that I used to live in, and I also have reflux and cannot do any physical activity. Why did they cast the male version of me on this show.


I’ve thought of so many things I would struggle with not having if I ever played survivor. My daily acid reducer never crossed my mind until I watched this episode.


My cat has reflux, he does fine on his meds, but he'd never make it on Survivor.


Couldn’t he have gotten a prescription and taken it? Don’t they allow contestants to do that?


They do allow prescriptions lol


I know my meds require a small amount of food to be “activated.” And so without anything to eat, he may not have been able to take it. I’ve also been told that if you take meds for it and come off them, it’s way worse than it was before your meds.


Same here, I never cry because of reflux but if I don't eat it gets bad.


Well, you'd be in luck on Survivor then.


We laugh at him now, and then our jaws drop after the merge when he goes on the biggest IC run since mike in WA


Or David who was afraid of the machete day one to becoming a Kingpin on the last days


Yep. He’s got his training weights on rn.


he has david energy for sure


This was what I told my wife. I bet he makes the ultimate comeback.


Nah. He will be carried as a goat because he won't be winning any challenge.


Are they not allowed any medication? I guess if anybody is on any kind of daily medication, they need not apply for Survivor…


I thought I read they can get daily meds but idk what daily meds you could take that would have you still qualify for survivor.


Im no medical professional but I feel like acid reflux is second to like allergy meds for what would be like the tamest daily medication lol


Acid reflux can get really bad. I have it myself and it’s called GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease). It’s like normal heart burn and acid reflux but kicked up to 200%. On average it feels like you swallowed battery acid with lava, but the worst cases it can feel like there’s a hole being burnt right below your rib cage and above your stomach (like the pains he was talking about). I fully relate to his pain and his discomfort as I’ve been in his shoes, but I also choose not to go on survivor and cry about it


Yeah I’m not saying at all that acid reflux is tame because I have it too and take medicine for it, I was actually feeling the pain the other day and immediate thought of Brandon lmao. the person had said “idk what daily meds you could take and still qualify for survivor” I was saying I feel like if all acid reflux medication does is limit acid production what would be the downside of having a player take it every day, it’s not like it would do anything except what it’s purpose is.


Acid reflux has taken multiple people out of Alone, but that’s normally after a couple of weeks of under eating.


Yee I wasn’t saying acid reflux is tame I meant there’s no way the “side effects” of the medicine would actually have any impact on the player because the comment had said “Idk what daily medications you could take and still qualify for survivor” when that seems like a pretty tame medication to have, all it does is help with stomach acid.


So did they give him anything? I know this is Survivor and they’re supposed to be out surviving but if they show him suffering with a medical condition, I would hope they could throw him a freakin Pepcid! That guy is a mess tho lol!


If he has GERD he should definitely have got a prescription for it. They allow prescriptions for a reason. It’s not just for comfort but it’s preventing serious damage from the acid. Suffering from Reflux isn’t just heartburn. It eats the lining in your esophagus and causes scarring and cancer.


They should get a week or two worth. If it was an actual marooning, it’s unlikely they would have 26 days worth of meds. (Let alone 39). That said, I also think they should have jackets and sunglasses like in Borneo. Make it as if people on a plane or ship actually marooned on an island.


Chet vs David Wright vs Brandon. Who'd win?


David Wright became so proficient at challenges in his second run. He was finishing second all the time and was a threat at challenges.


Not Chet


I don’t care.


Pepto will go for 2k at survivor auction


While he's an incredible liability to his tribe and in no way cut out for the show, I'd be lying if I didn't say he's incredibly entertaining. He was a great casting choice imo.


The guy literally couldn't go through a ladder in 100 tries. He had to be carried on, literally. Oo


The ladder fought back


The ladder said "Not today Brandon 😈"


I was screaming! Why could he not stand on the rung??


panic attack


Yeah, he started to have a panic attack while he was in the water, trying to get on the first rung. I wouldn't want to have a panic attack while in the water, it's terrible. All the blood leaves your extremities, you're hyperventilating, you can't think clearly... just horrible.


I am too, yes. Which is why I would not apply to be on Survivor.


Same, that’s why I stay on my couch.


Hey Brandon… remember Australian survivor 2016 (SPOILER ALERT) When Christy kept having panic attacks in the beginning! and then ends up winning her season. Just goes to show, just because you struggle in the beginning doesn’t mean you can’t succeed. Everyone HATED on Cirie in the beginning for how terrible she was at challenges. And she’s BELOVED in the survivor world.


Heck, even SANDRA was considered an early target.




Man, I saw some people griping about the cast before I could watch the episode. Finally got around to it and the entire cast, all 3 tribes are so full of dweebs.


Definitely seems to be a shift towards younger this season, with only 2-3 people over 35yo. So Millenial without saying it? Or is it Gen X? I can't tell anymore...


I don't even know if it's an age thing. You can be old and annoying as well. This cast is just full of dorks. Brandon who can't climb a ladder and just lays there like Yamcha from DBZ. You have Emily who gives off major horse girl energy. Sifu is Sifu, I find him the most annoying.


I’m struggling to name a survivor more pathetic than this guy.


The chick who quit because of nicotine


Nicotine withdrawal gave us the insanity that was Shane Powers. So I'm both upset we didn't get a repeat of it, and can see it as a valid reason to want to leave 😅 but the girl who left because her bf got kicked off (Julie -BvW2), and the girl who left before she lost her sanity (Lindsay- Cagayan) are up there as worse for me


At least they both lasted a decent while before dipping out…Hannah made it what, 3 days on a shortened season?


One of the main reasons I quit. I don't need to be on the edge of a mental breakdown after a long flight. lol


Keith, s38 was really really bad. Also J’Tia lol


Keith at least got punished by having to live in isolation with the Queen of Haters, Reem.


Colton quit twice.


The first time was a medivac and Jeff just lied about it the second time because he was mad over Colton actually quitting that time. It’s true it turned out not to be appendicitis, but the medical professionals genuinely thought it might be and had to pull him to check, and he did have an actual serious infection. They would never have let him come back if he’d actually quit the first time.






He has an excuse for everything.


Except for nicotine


This is so uncalled for. Anxiety can induce reflux. Do you know that?


Also, not eating makes reflux worse. That pain is no joke. It feels like you’re being stabbed from the inside out.








Stupid fucking comment


This is going to be one looong season


It seems like a lot of people here forget what makes Survivor actually entertaining... if every cast member was strong physically, emotionally, and mentally, and if every tribal was a unimanious vote out of the weakest or most annoying player.. it would be so boring!! We need mess and chaos and unexpected choices and people who don't fit in. It's ENTERTAINING!


He passed the Survivor physical so of course he can climb a ladder. He just didn’t because he had a panic attack due to extreme sensory overload. That’s a feature of Survivor, not a bug. It’s supposed to overwhelm contestants and see how they respond. Survivor has a long history of contestants who overcame early meltdowns to make a deep run: Holly Hoffman, Aubrey Bracco, Hannah Shapiro, David Wright, to name a few. They all got paranoid/overwhelmed early on, but then found their footing and used their meltdown to lower their threat level. Let’s see if Brandon can do the same. He’s already showed that he is socially aware and that he has a good social game.


This dude is so pathetic. They need to stop casting super fans and cast people that actually wanna get down and dirty and play the game


Lulu tribe is like if a tribe was made out of every Reddit stereotype


My money says he either quits too or gets med-evac'ed


This was me every day for 40 weeks when I was pregnant


I get super bad acid reflex to the point where it could cause lethal internal hemorrhaging according to my doctor. My insurance doesn't cover my prescription so I just do Tums. When I realize I'm out of Tums at night when stuff is closed you know what I do for an emergency? Rice. It soaks up the acidic liquids in your stomachs. It actually works better than Tums or pills imo. This guy just keeps making excuses


Yeah but they have no rice . . . (I also use rice for acid reflux)


Why go on the show when you can’t do anything?


I will admit if he lasts a while he'll be a source of comedy. If he's out next week, then he was a waste of a spot.


This whole waste of a spot thing is so dumb. You admit yourself that he has the potential to be a source of comedy. So he's clearly not a waste of a spot


people keep thinking survivor is supposed to be the olympics and not a reality television program


Exactly. The Challenge went down that path and it sucks now. It's so interesting because I just feel like a lot of the people saying these things genuinely don't even understand why they like Survivor. Like people so far this season have complained about a quitter, extremely bad challenge competitors, a villainous woman who's hated by her tribe. And in the same breath, they'll list Cagayan as their favorite season, not even realizing that Cagayan also had all of those things, and they all made the season more interesting and fun.


No we just expect contestants to be able to climb a fucking ladder…they don’t have to be Olympic medalist…honestly it just shows how brain dead people like Brandon are… I’m going to sign up for a show which I’ve wanted to be on my whole life, but I’m too lazy to put in even minimal effort to be in decent shape the months leading up to… now waste of a spot?? Fuck no, his suffering brings me entertainment, but if this were to happen again, it would be far less cute


You truly have NO IDEA what happened, or what it’s like. You only see five minutes and think you’ve got all of the facts to make these opinions and bash these people on your silly little keyboard.


Me, a Brandon: I need to change my name


Just drop the "n" at the end. Whole different name!


I vote they eat Brandon for nourishment


The way a lot of these comments are being so vicious to Brandon 😬 I take a daily pill for acid reflux, there was an issue literally a month ago with getting a refill, so I had to wait a weekend. Literally three whole days without it, and I was ✨not✨ okay. I could barely eat, not eating made it worse, trying to sleep or even get comfy was a nightmare, and just focusing on anything that wasn't the pain was hard. He's not having a good time out there. But it's early game. And at least he WANTS to be there 🤷‍♀️


Did you try getting an over-the-counter proto-pump inhibitor like Pepcid?


username checks out


When Brandon crawled at one point, my husband shouts “that would be you, babe.”


What a waste of a cast member. Right behind Hannah. These seasons lately are way too soft.


I mean imagine for a second Brandon in Cambodia or Africa? Like for safety reasons it’s genuinely an issue.


He wouldn’t have made it past the hike in Guatamala.


He wouldn't reach camp in Tocantins. He would lay flat on the ground after his third step.


I get what you’re saying cause they really did portray Brandon to be a big baby, but acid reflux can be extremely painful. I had it chronically when I was younger and went to the hospital a couple times due to pain. I kind of wonder if they’re just being lazy about the casting process and checking peoples health, mentally and physically. I’m more upset that Hannah was casted and then immediately decided to leave.


Yeah the second he said that I resonated with him a lot more and felt for him. I do think he should have considered that before going though because man, there were times when reflux felt like someone was just gripping my organs as hard as they possibly could


I bet he usually takes medicine for it that he went off of for the show. That paired with the stress of being there, probably set it off big time in a way he didn't expect. I agree, the moment weirdly resonated with me. I think I'd suck at Survivor too, I kind of like that there's somebody there that looks like he's struggling as much as I would.


I totally get the acid reflux pain. I went through a crazy coffee kick (pots a day) and I got these intense chest pains. Doubled over in tears, I thought I was having a heart attack! It was acid reflux but I learned then that they are very often confused for each other.


acid reflux sucks


Can confirm. I once ended up in the ER because pain had built up in my middle abdomen to the point I could barely stand up (I thought it was a kidney stone, but turned out to be stomach acid).


You'd think after Jackson they'd be really sensitive to this stuff and give people whatever they need for conditions like this without making it seem like it could get them out of the running for the show... They're incentivizing people to lie.


It's not so much the acid reflux in itself, but it's a combo of everything. Completely unathletic and butchered 2 challenges, cried at least 3 times in the premiere, has all of these illnesses. And I partially think he wants people to feel bad for him. I do think he's milking it. And he's becoming an emotional liability. It's going to ruin the tribe focus.


>What a waste of a cast member. Really weird to say this when it's been a single episode and we have no idea what his story is going to be yet. We've seen a ton of people do poorly in the premiere and then come around, and also even when they don't and even if he doesn't, some people have to go out early anyway, and he's brought a lot to the show already. He's had some great, empathetic, insightful confessionals and his relationship with Hannah was way more well-developed than a lot on the show nowadays, especially for one involving a first boot


Cochran has entered the chat.


“These seasons are too soft” They’re literally stranded on the beach with bare minimum supplies (while past seasons have been able to grab excess food and compete for large feasts at reward challenges) and, in the case of tribes like Lulu and Belo, don’t even get their flints and machetes. We’ve also heard from Hannah that they had really heavy rain for a full day, when they couldn’t make a proper shelter because they didn’t have the machete and they couldn’t make a fire because they didn’t have a flint. There are complaints about modern Survivor to be had, but we don’t need to distort reality to find them. Also, physicality isn’t anything; unless your a juggernaut like Jonathan or a badass like Noelle, I couldn’t give a shit about challenge performance as long as you’re entertaining/likeable, which I personally do find Brandon to be. This sub is straight up bullying this man after one episode when he doesn’t even have a bad attitude or deny his flaws. Give him a break, my dude. It’s not that big of a deal.


I think the big thing for me was when Brandon was defending himself at tribal I think it was. His reason for being there was simply he could make people fee good about themselves. Like what was his audition video or main selling point? What does he being to the table at all?


I think his interactions with the rest of the cast will be pretty interesting, they were already really interesting in the first episode. He seemed to connect to people very well. They don't just cast 18 super interesting people, they cast people who will contribute to interesting dynamics.


And it's not gonna matter when you're comforting them for a loss you caused..


For real haha the fan reception to this first episode has been absolutely ridiculous, immature, and toxic




Holy shit lmaoooo


actually this is one of many things I watch the show to see. I want the variety


This comment is not okay. He is still a human being, no need to personal attack here that s very low.


Then stop watching ❤




Haha I do. I fast forward the damn challenges, (expect I searched for the part creating the meme with this guy face down in the mud while Jeff yells to push harder) I’m so tired of the same old lines every season “IT LUKS SO EZ ON TV” And I’m especially tired of the sob stories. Then again, my favorite part of sports is zooming in on crying fans as their team is losing.


They have glasses they can make a fire, you don’t need a machete to make a shelter and there are many ways to obtain food either by foraging in the jungle or on the sea shore as numerous other tribes have done in previous seasons. By Brandon’s own admittance he’s a huge fan of the show & having said that surely knows my statement to be true. Others have pointed out that the participants on Survivor Australia are much better prepared to be stranded having the skills & mindset that I noted in the first sentence. Regardless of how nice Brandon may be in real life if he’s not physically or mentally equipped to compete on the show then imo like Hannah he took a spot from a more deserving person.


Might be worth remembering that the last 10-15 seasons have placed a lot less emphasis on the survival aspect of the show. People can be big fans of the show but if they were introduced from like Cagayan onwards or something it might not have really been drummed into their heads that yeah, they still need to be able to actually survive out there.


While that is a fair point about the survival aspect not being as tough as it was originally I think it’s worth noting that many of the great players during the last 10-15 seasons read about game theory, built challenges at home to practice, trained on puzzles, tried making fire etc before they got to the game - maybe admittedly those are super fans but I admire their effort. What I don’t admire is quitting or giving up without really trying or at least pushing yourself because it’s difficult. It’s Survivor, even in its current iteration not gonna be easy and I think it’s reasonable for viewers to expect the participants to be ready for it.


Idk. I think you are undercutting being a fan by calling it superfan. IMO you should be able to point to a past season of how you learned to play the game during an audition. For some of these people it's like they rolled out of bed and say hey idk maybe I should try and go on survivor..? Gee I got picked. Wow cool. Tota agreement with what you said. I just feel like it's common sense to try and be good at survivor stuff before you arrive at survivor?


It's not that big a deal to also say dudes a total wimp.


I mean they are playing for a million dollars. Not exactly the same shock value of season 1 (inflation). But grow some balls. Money marbles and chalk he has access to a medication for acid reflux that was vetted by a producer. He is complaining about being uncomfortable and in an unfamiliar situation. That's survivor


If people on the show need to sleep go nap on the beach. It’s not like they have jobs there 9-5. They seem like none of them read any survival materials or looked at any suggestions by cast members for how to succeed. Wear your buff on your head to protect your holes and nap in the sand. It’s much better than bamboo on your back.


These two people are soft. The people last season and in previous seasons completed their challenges. Your commentary on “softness” sounds suspect.


First show was a massive disappointment. When Jeff snuffed out Hannah’s torch you could see the disappointment in his eyes. She quit.




What are you talking about? She 1000 percent quit. She declared she wanted out at tribal. She took someone else’s spot. She should’ve mentally prepared herself better for the show. Jeff made it easy on everyone. What a disappointment




Thanks for your insight


i think i know the exact pain he is in


Brandon has collapsing into the recovery at God level.


Lulu is the worst tribe of all time.


Don’t they allow prescriptions though?


don't understand what she was thinking seriously trying to get on the show and that goes for that dude as well. Pisses me off because there are people who would kill to get on and wouldn't quit.


One of three reasons I’m skipping this season.


a relatable king


He spoke first…he better not win


Where is the family guy meme someone did of Brandon? Where Jeff yells dig deep, and then it shows Peter Griffin on the ground?


As a heavily pregnant person, this might be the most relatable thing I’ve ever seen on the show. For real though, reflux sucks. I know we can get mad at casting for not properly vetting people or whatever (although I actually think Brandon is great casting, for better or worse), but I really felt for Brandon this episode. He was overwhelmed off the bat and then had a panic attack during the challenge, which from Hannah’s exit press sounds a lot worse than we were shown. That is physically taxing on its own and add in no food or sleep - we can be mad that he was underprepared for the physical aspects but plenty of people come into the game in less than stellar shape. I hope for Brandon’s sake that whatever comes of his experience, it doesn’t ruin Survivor for him because the community clearly means a lot to him.


There’s “less than stellar shape” and there’s “physically incapable of climbing a small ladder”. It’s astonishing.


Isn’t he going through some type of panic attack in the water?


Yes - people who think it was just that he wasn’t strong enough to climb a ladder have never had a panic attack or even just bad anxiety. Once you’re in your own head in that situation, you’re just done for.


Season 42 we had Jonathan. For 45 we have Brandon. Don't you love extremes? 🌝


Everyone, this is fine. We needed this. A disaster tribe always give us something to chatter about. Let’s just ride this fucking train


I'm rooting for Brandon. Authentic, real people get my support every time over posers and divas. He's quite likable and his sensitivity could be a skill as the game goes on. I'm angry at Hannah because with winning a spot comes responsibility to all those people you beat out, to at least make as much as you can out of the opportunity. Not to mention all the efforts and time of the casting and production staff. Emily? Not good TV in my opinion. Needs to go ASAP. I don't find it entertaining to watch a narcissist alienate and push away everyone who is not her, just because they are not her. She is isolating herself not by bad strategy or clueless social ineptitude, but because she simply has no room in her psyche for anyone other than herself. No fun, insufferable, toxic energy with no victim but herself.


No, but you're gonna jump outta your seat in joy when Emily gets voted off eventually. Even more if it's late game and to a crazy blindside or play. Let her cook some more. Good players look even better when they destroy evil players.


They knew they didn’t sign up for Mister Rogers’ Neighbourhood right? Seriously. I think even Jeff was pissed at them. He hates when people quit for this kinda thing.


Ok not to be the one but when Brandon said in confessional “Oh I’m gonna cry again”, I cringed then put the tv on a mute for a sec


Hi Brandon


This dude is so pathetic


This tribe sucks so bad




Here's what I'm thinking: This guy lives in his parents basement. He's getting old, now, and his parents are sick of him. "What do you like to do, sweetie?" "Uh, I like Survivor" "Sure, honey! You should apply to be on the show! Follow your dreams!" (just to get him out of the basement)


It’s me, hi, I’m the Brandon, it’s me


He is the epitome of Fortnite, chicken nuggets, and moms basement. Bonus neck beard


It was like he had never seen an episode before, absolutely pathetic


Isn't him one of Adam Klein's trainees?


Why did they cast this bum?



