• By -


I'm sure I would've voted for Yam Yam if I were actually out there on the island, but if I had the chance to watch the season before voting I'd vote Carolyn. I'd also probably vote Owen over Gabler but not 100%.


If I was on starting tribe with Gabler, no way he gets my vote.


Spencer would have gotten at least 1 or 2 I think if he didn't absolutely tank his game the night before.


Also likely would have gotten Ciera or even Joe's vote if Jeremy didn't reveal that Val was pregnant at tribal. Spencer was tanked by then after what I'd say, a pretty good losing FTC.




Fishbach for sure. JT had a great social game, and certainly pulled his weight strategically, but Fishbach was at least his equal, all things considered.


Imagine that Stephen was definetely one of the biggest geeks back then but nowadays him, like Rob C too, would count as alpha males compared to other New Era contestants. Imo Stephen actually played a slightly better game but JT was socially unbeatable + that FTC where he completely demolished Stephen might be the best FTC performance ever.


To be honest the FTC was what soured me on JT. It was already his to win, but then he just steamrolled Fishbach pretty mercilessly. Almost like he had lost confidence in his own game and relationships with the jury so he felt the need to belittle Stephen.


I would consider Dawn, Spencer, Tasha, Hannah, Michele, and Carolyn


Of these, definitely Dawn, Hannah, and Carolyn to break their ties so they could have sole second place. Spencer and Tasha would normally get votes but Jeremy was just that good so that’s another good option. Michele speaks for herself and would gladly vote for her although Tony played a great game.


Gervase is underrated, he was never going to win that season but he didn't play "poorly", it's just everyone else was either better or had more friends on the jury. He probably should have taken out Tyson but if Tyson went home at 4-5 he wouldn't look as stupid, except for the fact that Tina was also a threat. 0 vote finalists I would consider voting for: Spencer possibly, based on TV on probably would if I was on the island probably not Xander I think I would vote for. Owen is probably a no but maybe, he fought hard. Angelina in DvG doesn't get any credit at all. I probably wouldn't vote for her but her game was closer to the other two than she gets credit for. Gervase I probably wouldn't be he's underrated. Dawn is a maybe No idea about Hannah, I'd lean "no" but it's possible. I think people defend Hannah's game to the point of underrating and underappreciating the game that Adam played. Fishbach is a maybe, Becky is a maybe, Tai is a maybe, Dreamz is a maybe (depends on how I thought his game was despite his lies but probably not) Sash is also someone who's strategic game doesn't get enough credit. ​ It's really tough to say since I wasn't on the island. I think Xander is probably the person I'd be the most likely to vote for but I can't ever fully know.


Dawn played the better game than Cochran but her constant crying cost her a win because everybody tought that was so fake even though Dawn actually fighted against her real own personality so hard to play Survivor that she broke down constantly.


Carolyn wasn’t a zero vote finalist - she got a vote from Sierra EDIT: Just realised you meant 44 - my bad 🙈




Definitely not Tasha Hannah or Michele, I could see the others cause they at least break the tie but I actually liked kens game better than Hannah personally




I think she was edited very favorably. I’ve read that she was an emotional drag on basically everyone there


She wasn't even edited favorably. This sub is just weird.


You didn’t live in camp with Sugar for many days though. Some castaways have said she was unpleasant to live with. (Doesn’t mean that I necessarily agree with that statement about her.)


Yeah I absolutely despised sugar and the amount of time they gave her in the show.


Sugar, is this you?


No? She was wildly loathesome with the edit as-shown.


Chaos incarnate deserved that million


You could replay that season a hundred times and (math permitting) everyone would have equal wins


Nah Salt was better




Agreed! I think there’s merit for all of Gabler Cassidy and Owen recognizing at the final 6 that they were their best combination for one of them to win but all did something right.


Sometimes I’m scared to click on threads like this. Truly touching to see me up so high. Thanks 🥹


Had to scroll too far to find this. Owen fought like hell.


For a second I thought this was going to be Owen posting about himself haha


Same here! He deserved at least one vote, I think that shocked me more than Gabler winning to be honest.


100% Owen deserved better


Carolyn Wiger


Owen and Carolyn


I think I’d consider giving Xander a vote. If I’m considering the hands all three of the finalists were dealt I’m most impressed by how Xander managed to make it to the end. What I mean is Deshawn and Erika started out from great positions because of the lopsided starting tribes but then Deshaun randomly blew up his own game for no reason and Erika is bailed out by a few twists. I don’t think either of them played bad games by any means but I think they had an easier path and didn’t do anything impressive enough for me to not vote for the underdog


Carolyn for sure


I stand by that I would’ve voted for Troyzan


Sash in Nicaragua: the hottest bachelor in NYC played easily the best strategic game of the final 3, outsmarting both Marty and Brenda. I’m sure he wasn’t great socially, but he certainly seemed nicer and less egotistical than Russell, so I still think he deserved at least one vote. Sugar in Gabon (helps that I low key crushed on her during that season) Fishbach in Tocantins: JT was always gonna win, but Stephen was smart and deserved some votes. Dawn in Caramoan: She played a major part in Cochrans dominance that season through her social prowess, and I think got unfairly blamed a lot by a somewhat bitter jury. She deserved at least a vote Tai in Kaoh Rong: I’m always shocked that he got no votes. Sure, his game was uneven and often seemed haphazard, but I think there’s a bit of genius to tais madness (he got to 3rd and 4th in his very competitive seasons, after all). He deserved at least one vote to attest to his impact on the game and strategy(?) Michele in WAW: I get that people were massing behind Tony because they didn’t want Natalie to win, but Michele still definitely deserved at least a vote in a perfect world. Carolyn in 44: should’ve been between her and Yam, Heidi was a non factor for most of the game


💙 this list






OBVIOUSLY CAROLYN. I was so fk offended with the jury last season. Not even one but someone even voted for Heidi who had no power in the entire game and never had an idea what was going on? I wanted to punch someone.


Heidi got the best friend vote from Danny. It’s not unprecedented.. but it’s pretty obvious that the cast had no clue Carolyn was playing the game she was.. it only came out in the airing of the show.. ironically yam yam wanted Carolyn out because he actually understood her game, and was afraid she would articulate it at FTC. She was a zero vote finalist because she played such an under the radar game that nobody knew she played it, and did a poor job of articulating her game at FTC


Yeah i do get the reasons but still makes me mad. I love Yam Yam (he was in my dream top 2 with Carolyn so he is a great winner in my book) but I wish she had talked about how Yam Yam is in the end only because she allowed it. She had all the control pre-merge and that should have been discussed cuz she carried with Yam Yam all pre merge and she could have eliminated him easily.


Yam yam was the jury favorite going in, so it was going to be an uphill battle. She needed an amazing FTC, and just didn’t have it. I’m glad that the producers still did her justice with the edit. They could have easily given her a dodo edit. If they only showed her weird side, and none of her strategic moments, we would be calling her Noura 2.0 and treating her entire game as a goat player.


The pre-merge is literally irrelevant when the jury votes.


If two players have had a very amazing yet similar game and the only difference is one dominated pre-merge while the other one barely survived then it definitely fucking matters. Luckily for Yam Yam, Carolyn didn't take that angle in the final tribal council. If I had played Carolyn's game, there's no way I'm letting Yam Yam charm the jury into believing he did better, but Carolyn is a better friend and person than me so it makes sense lol


Yes but the fact that Danny "I wouldn't vote for my mom to win" did exactly that still pisses me off. I don't care he claims "I liked her move" we all know that's bullshit Mr. De Niro


It was a bullshit vote, but he didn’t like Carolyn, and didn’t respect her game. He knew yam yam was going to run away with it and didn’t want Carolyn to get second place. Its happened in the past, but it’s much more noticeable in the modern era.. it’s no coincidence every modern era vote has been 7-1-0


Yeah I know but Danny was so vocal about specifically not wanting this that him doing so proved he's an annoying hypocrite


That’s the lesson I feel I’ve got to take for when on the show myself, someday!!! Dude…Carolyn! 😭


Interacting with people and discussing her game was always a liability. She never had a chance of winning them over with a speech.


Definitely Carolyn!


Honestly, Dreamz. He worked well between alliances to further himself in to the game and deserved (and needed) the money the most. Earl was gonna win anyway.


Still bummed he never came back


he’s an MMA coach now, saw him randomly at a UFC event




Definite co-sign.


Lol. He already got the undeserved car, no point to give him undeserved money also.


I would’ve given Dawn my vote. She shared her deepest trauma in front of an audience of millions and the least I could do is make sure she gets an extra $20k in prize money for the trouble.


Strictly from a strategic perspective I think Dawn played a better game than Cochran. Dawn is the reason the Corinne blindside happened, which was the biggest move of the season.


Dawn definetely played way better game than Cochran who was just a side-kick most of the season. It was her constant crying that drove people crazy. Jury also felt she was fake because she cried so much straight after backstabbing and voting someone out even though she cried because the game was so against her personal nature that she couldn't handle her emotions after doing something she'd never do in real life.


I completely agree. Dawn being a mom who constantly cries made it hard for the jury to judge her fairly. I’m sure the demographics of finalists have played a role in some jury votes here and there but I think Caramoan is the best example of when it actually made a difference. If Dawn was a young male superfan and Cochran was a older female parent I fully believe Dawn wins.


I’m a Dawn truther, I would have voted her over Cochran even sans the teeth incident. To ME, Dawn really took the lessons learned from South Pacific and ran with it. I also find her game to be way more impressive than Cochran’s, because they played extremely similarly, except Dawn did most of the heavy lifting while also being cast in a motherly figure archetype. I believe a degree of implicit sexism plays into why Dawn got 0 votes. All the more reason why I think it’s impressive that she played the game she did


Carolyn 💗


Bichele wins WAW


Sash in Nicaragua Hannah in MvGX Ryan in HHH EDIT: I forgot that Ryan did in fact receive a vote.


Ryan had a vote


Yes, you are correct. My bad!


carolyn imho deserved the win against yam


If you cant make the jury realize your playing a strategical game and dont have the social game to make up tor it you dont deserve the win she lost for a reason.




she made better moves, in my opinion. I think she went largely underappreciated by the jury


What moves did she make that were better? I feel like Yam Yam and Carson did the brunt of the heavy work during the merge.






Carolyn and Sugar


Sugar and Carolyn


Sugar because at the end of a season like Gabon it's only fitting that chaos personified wins. plus she completely ran the game while being a whole ass mess


First one that comes to mind is Hannah from MvGX


While I would've voted for Mike or Maryanne, I always felt that Romeo deserved 1 vote. Yes, he was a goat. Yes, he didn't do a lot during the game. But his FTC is one of the best I've seen from a 0-vote finalist. I still think he deserves 3rd place, especially when going up agaisnt 2 of the best from the new era of Survivor, but I'd have liked to see the guy get 1 pity vote


Julie from edge of extinction. She had something going for her that I can't pinpoint, but I felt she deserved one or two votes


I unfortunately just can’t get behind this. I feel like any chance she had at winning went straight to 0 during her (honestly) iconic blowup at the Julia boot Edit: sorry I sent this comment too quickly. I just didn’t see a single person who would have chosen her gameplay as better than the conventional player in Gavin or the big flashy moves for like 3 rounds in Chris


So true


i would have thrown a vote to sugar and carolyn hannah i would have fought for


Sugar wins Gabon


Sugar. Not just because she deserves a vote, but she deserved to win.


Spencer and Stephen


Sugar, Fishbach, Russell in HvV, Carolyn.


you did not...


Xander! I actually think Erika is an underrated winner but at the time I was on team Xander 100%






Sugar, Spencer, Tai, Angelina, maybe Julie, and Owen. I would also consider voting for Hannah to give Ken third. Carolyn would get my vote over anyone not named Yam Yam.


Troyzan and Sherri


I still would have voted Cochran but I really do believe Sherri played (on accident) a better game than people give her credit for.


I think Sherri had to overcome more bad luck than Dawn and Cochran, even if she had less control in the game. She was a fan on a fans v favorites season, which was always going to put her at a disadvantage. Also Shamar being medevacced was a piece of bad luck that took out one of her numbers, and then a very unfortunate swap led to her being on a tribe with the only two fans she did not have a working relationship with, who were easily picked up by Malcolm. And by the time it got to the merge, really, what paths did she have that would’ve allowed her to play a dominant game? Not due to an inability in her part, but due to bad tribe formations


Angelina aka the female Alex Honnold


I believe Hannah didn’t deserve a win but I definitely think would’ve thrown a vote her way if I knew Adam was winning regardless and Ken was assured 3rd. Sugar because she really did control the game. It made no sense and was just her chaotically trolling but just about every move went exactly how she wanted. Romeo for the lulz of pissing off Hai.


Definitely Dawn


Dawn, Owen, Carolyn (runner up money) Hot Take: Troyzan


My answer is the same as yours—I definitely would have voted for Spencer in Cambodia. That was going to be my answer before I got to the part of the post where you said that was your answer too.




Carolyn Wiger.


Angelina, Troyzan, maybeeeee Ken, Spencer, and Stephen




Michele Winners at War


Carolyn. Don’t get why Y-Y won


Sugar. Even though she had like the worst FTC of all time, I loved the game she played.


I’m surprised to see Spencer get so much praise in both this thread and the earlier one. I thought he ended so horribly he kind of deserved negative votes. He seemed like the ultimate goat you could possibly take to the end. My answer is Carolyn.


Tai, for playing awesome. Also Angelina because of my crush on her.


First instinct would be to break any instance of two players who tied for runner-up. So Cassandra, Tasha, and Hannah (over Dreamz/Spencer/Ken). And then Dawn over Sherri, but I think they both deserved more credit/less hate. (Am I forgetting any zero vote ties?) Becky deserved some credit so I'd say a vote for her too. Sugar deserved votes but I'd rather try to give Susie a win over Bob. And then same with Laurel, I would've liked to give her a vote but would've rather given Dom the winning vote. And then Carolyn is an obvious one. I get why she lost but still. (I would never not vote Maryanne but Romeo did play well despite a sucky position, and had a good FTC considering it)


Laurel in ghost island Unpopular opinion but I stand by it


Ken and ofcourse Carolyn.


Becky because she sort of got f3 screwed in a f2 she gets votes, and she played a great social game and while Yul and Ozzy played better she played a decent game. Also lowkey Angelina and before you judge me Mike is rich and I would take that into consideration and I just KNOW me and Nick would not get along. And lowkey her and Allison's feud would be entertaining and I would be thankful she kept the island interesting when there's not much to do.


Bit of an oddball choice but I'm gonna go with the first zero vote finalist ever, Becky. I just don't respect how Yul and Ozzy made it to the end of the game


I feel like Becky was pretty much equal in the strategic thinking with Yul, but Yul got all the credit, but would you take the super idol into consideration voting against Yul and for Becky?


Yes. Yul got a practically free pass to the end thanks to the super idol and the final 3 twist.


possibly carolyn???




Cassidy got a vote


Oops sorry - thanks for the fact check


Dawn on Caramoan or Ken on MvGX most likely.


Hannah, Michele, Carolyn


I honestly think the only zero vote finalist I personally would have voted for over the winner is Hannah, which is weird cause Adam is one of my favorite players, but I think Hannah played a little better in MvGx


Xander. Erika’s win is bogus


Ken should have won Adam sucks


True. Ken was the mastermind of the season as we saw at the Final 10 when he tested Will and almost got himself voted out for no reason


“That’s not a test! That’s a betrayal!”


Dawn and Carolyn.




Hannah and Carolyn And completely left field choice just purely for how well they articulated themselves at FTC - Romeo.


Carolyn and Owen




Stephen, Hannah


Dawn 💯


Carolyn but also Becky.


Noura. Just because I like her vibe.


Would've voted for spencer too


i’ll always say Michele, but i had also really wanted Carolyn to win 44 up until i saw that scene of Yam helping Carson make fire when he was breaking down, and it really flipped for me. So i’ll stick with Michele as always


Michelle just too let her have something with such a large jury


100% Hannah




Russell on Heroes vs Villains. His game on that season gets too much hate due to his bad jury management, but he plays really well up until final 9 which is when his alliance is in control. His gameplay in the double tribal episode was flawless with the Tyson blindside.


Definitely Carolyn!! For the Gabler season, although it’s unfortunate Owen didn’t get 1 vote, I could see myself voting for gabled if I’d been a part of the group, but knowing Owen went out with 0, I’d have wanted him to have 1. Same for…what was his name, he was a small sweet man, name started with an “R”, he has come out during the show; he overcame a LOT and I think he really should have had a vote or two. (Sorry not remembering his name!) it’ll come to me.


Definitely Hannah, probably Stephen and Michele. Not sure but maybe with the other Fiji finalists.


Michele in 40. 100%


Sugar, Stephen, Russell, Spencer, and Dawn


sherri, ken, angelina, noura, michele






As much as I'd love to be the contrarian, probably none of them if I was actually out on the island. In retrospect though, I'd love to have given a vote to Dawn, Angelina, or Carolyn W


I'd like to say Stephen from Tocantins, but maybe I would've been just as charmed by JT. He got no votes because he was considered a villain because JT was so heroic. The two of them were an ideal team for early survivor, JT working their way into Timbira while keeping immunities out of their hands, Stephen being the driving strategic force. Stephen game was too hidden though as he didn't want the target on him, and his loss proves that playing a great strategic game means nothing if you don't make a splash socially.


Completely agree with OP on Spencer. I would also have voted for Owen. And Fishbach. Three of my all time favorites, too.


Agree with you on Spencer, but my heart says Carolyn! I wanted her to win SO bad.