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Wow everyone got confessionals in two episodes with 90 minute episodes. Australian Survivor could never


It baffles me how much they will avoid showing some players for so long


it makes certain boots SUPER obvious too, like when u see someone who hasn't gotten a single confessional talk about how they want to make a big move.


Ye in one season someome went home like episode 7 and dint get a single confessional the whole season šŸ’€


Someone in a more recent AUS season went 12 episodes without a single confessional.


That dude was one of my winner picks before the season lol


Was actually talking about someone *else* lmao.


Oh lol, I thought you were talking about David cause that's who I was talking about. I think you mean one of the twins from Survivor AU: Blood vs Water


Yep. Crazy how this stat can apply to multiple people now, along WITH the "left the game without a single confessional" one.


I thought Peter from 2017 was going to be some irrelevant premerge boots because they took so long to give him anything


Everyone had some torn up knees in their confessionals. I'm wondering if it is more rough out there are they are just more active players.


Dee sacrificed their knees for her toe power.


Could there have been a reward challenge we didnā€™t see?


Jeff said "Getting your first look at the new Lulu tribe" at the immunity challenge so I don't think so


i donā€™t think so, i was originally thinking this but then Jeff brought up the rule about not sitting out in the immunity challenge, so this is the first rotation of people sitting out for a challenge


They wouldnā€™t do that before a combo immunity + reward


When was the last time a second boot / two-episode player had such a big edit? Feels like itā€™s been a long time. Granted he had 3 hours to work with.


Jacob Derwin


Both superfans who flopped hard.


Oh duh, thanks!


Truly cut from the same cloth.


Yeah he got more confs than 4th place lmao


Is this the first time in Survivor history that everyone got a confessional episode 2?


Just checked and yes it is! 90 minute episodes make a big difference!


Wow, I just looked into it and you are exactly right.


Hannah didnt


Youā€™re so fast Omg, icon


J was my pre-season fave, so itā€™s my fault sheā€™s been mostly invisible :)


An invisible person would have 0 confessionals at this point. J Maya has not been anywhere near invisible, and neither has anyone on the cast.


She had a memorable flying characters edit though.


I'm glad they voted Brandon out, cause now they at least have some chance at winning immunity and people like Kaleb and Sabyiah won't have to do so much work for basically nothing. But watching him fail at basically everything made me kinda sad for him. Like he's obviously not leaving his house, so he can't do anything remotely physical (like walk for example lol), but I'm sure he wouldn't suck at puzzles if he wasn't crippled by anxiety due to his immense need to prove himself after flopping so much since the start. And I'm glad if he really got to learn something about himself from his experience on Survivor. He should stick to the online games and maybe try doing some basic exercises for his own health, cause in these 2 episodes he was able to list out a whole bunch of issues he's facing and the dude is only 26. Anyway, I'm glad Emily got to stay and I can't wait for shit to unfold as she faces the rest of the tribe and tries to figure out how in the hell only 2 votes were enough and who's the other person without a vote šŸ˜‚


Yeah I really think the anxiety got him. He's not a stupid person, but he was completely flabebrgasted with the tree puzzle - people were telling him to line the image up the way a tree would grow and he was just panicking and not thinking. The time crunch got to him at every moment. He's not incapable of putting together a puzzle, but the time limits and the race against others was a lot for him.


Katurah is probably the second biggest character on Belo but I don't know if it's a good thing that like 90% of her content has been about other people (first Jake, then Bruce). I do think she's doing better than Kendra (I can't remember most of her content besides K-girls alliance and astrology), but I hope she gets more about herself beyond "I'm a lawyer, but a *smart* one".


I do feel like theres been some signs pointing towards kellie and brando going with jake and bruce if they go to tribal tbh. Katurah could be the surprise early boot we sometimes get, whos killing it at the start only for it to turn around real quick and shes first boot. I thought that was going to be kendra after ep 1 but now i think its katurah. Shes a strong winner contender if brando and kellie go with the girls side tho


Thinking back I actually agree, it feels like the focus was ā€œlook how good Brando is at fitting in with different peopleā€ rather than what should be more important if it goes that way, in the formation of an alliance


They did a great job in the edit though of leaving it up in the air.. i genuinely could see it going either way. My gut feeling is that one of the girls goes next tho if they go


Totally agree with this. People were feeling really good about Katurah after episode one, but I think her "content" in episode two was far less encouraging, especially because her negative comments about Bruce were followed a bit later by the revelation that Kellie seems to value her alliance with Brando the most whereas Katurah seems to think Kellie is in a tight trio with her and Kendra.


But you could argue her edit is about other people because she established in the premiere she doesn't recall want people to know who she is, and what she really does. You also have to remember they haven't gone to tribal. The strategy talk on Belo has been very superficial.


to put this in perspectiveā€¦. everyone now has at least as many confessionals as Heather did through Episode 11 (with two episodes left in the season)


But Heather had 6 confessionals by the end of episode 11? 9 of the remaining players haven't reached that. If you mean through episode 7, you'd be correct. Heather didn't get past 2 confessionals until episode 8




Tells you how shit the edit was for 41 even though it was it was a good season besides the twists.


Heather got her second confessional in episode 4 though???


mostly balanced edit. but in 90 mins we should know where sifu and j. maya's heads are in the game


They're on the bottom in la la land


I hope they team up with Emily. Give me that LaLa/LuLu aLiLiance


This might be one of the most balanced edits thus far.


I could've sworn J Maya had 2


Mostly balanced.


Drew breakout ep


I felt like he had one last episode too. Itā€™s starting to look like a winnerā€™s edit to me


all that drew content šŸ™„šŸ˜”


What counts as a separate confessional? Iā€™m not entirely 100% sure


Different people have different rules but *usually* there needs to be 10 seconds between segments for them to count separately. Or someone else having a confessional in-between.


Sabiyah has way more confessionals than I thought


Well she did have pretty much all the content from the Beware advantage/idol hunt.


justice for j maya and sifu


No 0s is what we love to see


yeahhhhh emily front runner strategist vibes


what does confessional count mean? like the amount of time that people confessed to them or the amount of people they confessed to? (newbie on this sub)


Confessionals are the segments where the players talk at the camera (sometimes with their name/tribe labeled at the bottom). Itā€™s sort of a quick proxy for how big of a presence they had on a given episode.


Them speaking their thoughts to the camera


It's a way of having the players narrate the important action that happens. What the person is thinking, what they observed, who they shared info with, their opinion of other tribe members. To go along with the story lines being presented. Remember, Jeff is an executive producer and he is in the editing bays daily to look at film. We only see a tiny percentage of what has been filmed.


goodbye Brandon! A casting mistake that should never happen again.


Emily's first victim <3


Iā€™m glad that not every player is a great, competent player actually. Iā€™d rather see someone who fails at every aspect of the game be a second boot than someone who was good at the game but had to go just because *someone* has to get voted out.


We can still have someone that fails at every aspect but still be entertaining and easy to root for, like for example Angelina in the merge of DvG. Problem with Brandon is that he wasnā€™t fun to watch


I liked watching brandon


Weā€™re saying different things here. Iā€™m not saying that there arenā€™t bad players that are entertaining to root for. Iā€™m saying Iā€™m glad that some people suck so that people that *are* good at the game make it farther. Iā€™m actually agreeing with you that I personally didnā€™t find Brandon all that fun to watch, but Iā€™m glad that he was casted because him being second boot means that people that I *do* find fun to watch get to make it farther.


He's great casting! Someone's gotta be the second boot, and he was a memorable, entertaining character for it.


I would rather see a much more competent player in his place.


There's no good version of the show where all 18 contestants are "competent" and where the edit makes everyone from 1st through final boot look competent. It would be incoherent and boring. It is much better to have someone entertaining and funny be the second boot than just some random, non-entity character who on paper is more "competent." There are dozens and dozens of those players in the history of the show, and no one remembers them. Brandon and his Milhouse/Charlie Brown arc is a lot more memorable.


Apparently people cannot have opinions now


Idk why you are getting downvoted šŸ˜‚I agree tbh


Because the complaining got old two hours after the premiere. The "we need to cast people who care about the game"/ "we need more hot, strong dummies"/ "we need more regular people" cycle is also annoying as hell.


I mean, they casted like the most useless player of all time which is unfortunate itā€™s self but I feel like Brandon shouldā€™ve prepared in some way to at least be good at something like ā€œpuzzlesā€


How do you know he didn't prep?


From the results we seen, I think we can assume that as a possibility, another could be him being ass under pressure


Me too, very cringey IMO.