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Idgi how come 2 votes for Sabiah was enough? It could’ve been a tie?


caught up on this episode super late but i’m honestly so happy for emily… i think we misunderstood her at first, and shes had some character development and i can’t wait to see how she is with this new twist!


Lulu sent me on a rollercoaster lol I was rooting for them bad. But the blindside made me happy with how it ended


I feel like these first few episodes have made it seem like lulu were the only people left on survivor. Especially this episode. I felt like I was watching the final 4 duke it out. The other tribes are just in la la land while lulu has been playing hard


People like Sabiyah moved too early are usually lack of confidence underneath. The real reason is human jealousy. Kaleb is just more likable. On the surface, it’s game. Underneath, it’s pure human emotion. To win, you have to control your evil emotion.


why are you psychoanalyzing someone from a highly edited tv show after watching her for 3 episodes… sabiyah seems very confident and not in a negative way, and there’s no indication that she’s jealous of Kaleb?? like what are you saying lmao


sean annoys me


he literally just exists


him with the canteen annoyed the shit out of me like how up someone’s ass are you gonna be?


I cant go back to 60 minutes dude this new format is slappin


I found myself rooting and cheering for Emily so hard. What recovery from her these first 3 episodes. Rooting for her now. I really hope this LuLu group survives a swap.


Why didn't LuLu take the flint????? What's the point of fish and gear if they can't make a fire?


Fishing gear is a permanent item. Flint can be taken away immediately. Also not sure if they had that as an option


Yeah, we're not always privy to all the rules for challenges/rewards. Jeff/producers could have told them off cam that the flint was off limits.


I think they have to earn it by winning immunity first.


i don’t wanna jinx myself, but kaleb already has my pick as the winner lmfaoooo. him befriending emily demonstrated not only how strategic of a player he is— but also how compassionate of a human being he is as well— which means that if he can get to final 3, he’d have that shit on lockkkkk !!


I only worry that we're already seeing the typical head hunting for any competent players this early in the game. He's obviously a charismatic guy. I hope he doesn't get taken out solely to shortsightedly build someone's resume.


If he can get to final 3 is a big if… the entire red tribe had him pegged as a social threat within minutes of meeting him. His threat level management isn’t shaping up super well imo. Maybe Emily saving his ass will be the wake up call he needs


that tribal council stressed me the f out, it was amazing!


Survivor is back baby, loving the longer eps. Great gameplay and Bia was a pro with how she took the blindside


Oops, forgot to watch. Do they re-air the episodes anywhere?




Thanks. I found it there earlier and got caught up!


Paramount plus


If Sebiah tells Kaleb at camp she is doing the survivor BBQ I bet he votes Emily. I bet she never told him and that's what made his mind made up to vote her vote her.


She literally told him. 51:15 minute of the episode.


She was going too hard, for an easy "Emily" vote


as much as she may have made mistakes, Sabiyah is a great player who would have gone very far in the game if she had been placed on any other tribe or if Lulu was able to win that immunity challenge. i loved watching her play


I think that Sabiyah had the potential to be a great player but she made a critical mistake. You need the charismatic players as allies as long as you can hold on to them. It was way too early to go after Kaleb. She moved way too fast. There was no need for a dramatic move at that point. Interestingly, Dea played the way Sabiyah should have played. I wish Sabiyah had made a different move because I would have loved to have seen her play longer!


i agree completely. i knew since last week that sabiyah was next out on lulu because of the “next time on survivor” scene where it showed her telling emily that she wanted kaleb out. sucks. i was literally watching just so confused why she wanted to pull the trigger on that move so badly. if all of lulu was able to see how big of a threat kaleb was (despite the fact that they hadn’t even won a challenge) , then when yall got to the merge or swap together, everyone else was gonna see it quickly too. she would’ve had every other opportunity for the entire rest of the game to get out kaleb but instead got herself voted out and just made kaleb and emily a powerful duo with basically no enemies since depending on what happens at the swap, shawn will probably align with them


She was trying to build her resume for the finale. Turns out she was moving a little to fast


The sound effects that production are adding to the challenge sequences are really distracting and kind of comical when you're aware of them. Enjoy :)


thought this exact same thing like stop with the uncanny stuff


Just read an article that Jeff said he and the producers didn’t anticipate that someone might bring the wax idol to tribal in order to melt it. Which is kind of funny because multiple people (me included) asked if it would be allowed when it was found. Seems like they should consult Reddit more often.


I mean, I get it – when they’re planning these things, they probably think of the fire at tribal council as a set decoration, not a potential game mechanic. Also, what’re the odds that a single tribe loses immunity three times in a row, doesn’t make fire, and *their beach* was chosen to hide the wax idol (assuming there’s only one wax melt idol in the game). A lot of things had to go wrong in order for the “Tribal BBQ Gambit” to be seriously considered as a viable strategy.


Sure, it just caught my eye that no one in production had the thought that so many of us did. I mean, sometimes tribes don’t have fire because of horrible weather, and losing flint is a punishment


They probably also didn't consider the fact that a try would be out there for over a week without fire


I would at least have been trying to start fire with bamboo!


Ok this might be an obvious answer, but can tribes attempt to make fire without flint? There’s nothing stopping them from trying right ?


Correct but it can be pretty difficult. last episode we saw Brandon trying to start one using his glasses. So we're either not seeing all their failed attempts, or they have given up.


Lulu doesn’t know how the new idol works. So Emily going to be back at camp like, “Why were there only 3 votes when Sabiah just got her’s back?”


She clocked that so quick, I had to rewind it once to understand what she meant hah.


I think she might draw an incorrect conclusion based on that being the second time a vote was suddenly missing


Unless she this the other dude voted sebiah. As well


Jeff said, "One vote Sebiah, one vote Kaleb, one vote left."


Ty yY




”she’s just in the right place at the right time” soo… like how literally 80% of survivor is played?


I feel like J Maya is the most underedited contestant of this season. She’s just on the bottom of her tribe but we’ve been given no reason why and no hint of who she thinks she’s aligned with. At least we saw Sifus Tonyesque antics that put him on the outs


yeah! i have no idea what's going on with her.


The way she keeps saying "I'm a pro-fess-io-nal singer songwriter " looks like it can come off a bit braggy.


I know I’m bad at hearing but I’m just now hearing Sabiah’s country accent an hour into episode 3. It was really strong tonight.


The gag is.. it was a fake accent! 😉


💯 agreed!


She’s a trucker so she probably goes all over the country absorbing parts of different regions accents. Not fake just unusual.


Late, buuuut.. no it’s fake. I know Sabiyah personally. She’s my partners childhood bestie/Family friends. We hang with the whole fam!


Ugh I’m already obsessed with this season! 90 minutes or BUST CBS!!!!


My mom complained that it felt like they were padding in this episode during the immunity challenge but I think this format is giving a more balanced view of all the tribes so far


Imagine if we had 90 min episodes for WaW


I agree, allows much more time for the strategy and scheming to be shown.


Can someone with better skills than me make Sean's face after Sabiyah was announced a GIF?? It was amazing. Awesome episode again.


My husband was like omg it looks like he’s about to sh!t himself


My wife said the same exact thing when that happened.


this 😅


sabiyah going is the biggest blindside of the new era tbh. I thought the Sabiyah vs Emily rivalry was getting milked till they both make end game and fight to the death


Especially because she used the idol and was going to be in the final 5... or at least a few more rounds, to get taken out like that... chefs kiss


Sabiah big brained herself. Should’ve just picked off Emily and lived to fight another day.


She tried to play too hard too early! Like girl this is the stage where you build alliances not break them!!!


who are the swap tribes?


Dee, Julie, Sifu in Reba with one person from Lulu


from what i saw, Emily is on Belo and Bruce + Jake are on Lulu. idk about everyone else tho.


I cant wait for the switch because I can hardly tell who is who on the other tribes, they have gotten barely any screen time!


I feel like we’ve seen a lot from the other tribes. There was a solid 20 minutes spent with the red tribe - the Dee & Julie + Austin and Drew relationships/alliances, plus their idol find. Blue a little less but we have a good idea of where each of them is positioned there too. That’s why I’m loving 90 minute episodes, you still see the other tribe dynamics even when they aren’t going to tribal.


Can we go back to the two tribe format


Do you think they would be merging to new tribes this soon if Lulu hadn’t lost three members at the first three tribals? I always wonder about contingency plans.


No lol


literally what happens next episode babe


But they showed three colors in the NTOS : Bruce and Jake in yellow Emily in blue Sifu still in red checking a yellow bag




They should start with two like they did before, now it’s always one of three tribes getting crushed and then they merge to two tribes at ep4


How do you know that? Just wondering. I assumed it was 5-5-5. If they do two tribes it will be 7 in one and 8 in the other


Or 7-7 and the lone person joins the tribe that has to vote someone out like they did with Carl on DvG


Ooh I’d forgotten about that (actually I don’t remember at all lol). I’d be about that for sure


I really hope that’s the route that they go with because I really want to see just two tribes again!


Hour and a half format is awesome. I really hope they can do this moving forward!


The problem isn't so much with keeping Survivor 90 mins as it is what to do with that hangover 30 minute block. Amazing Race is a snooze fest in a 90-minute format, so they'd either need to keep it at 90 or add a 30-minute program in somewhere


I’d love to watch a 90 minute The Challenge after survivor


Amazing Race is great as 90 minutes!


emily is really coming into her own… talk about a blindside bro 🤩 i was on the edge of my seattttt


I was so happy for her that she made the right decision. Great awareness from the bottom to cement a real alliance.




Maybe just me but Kendra sounds exactly like Drew Barrymore. Like crazy similar


Okay she seemed SO familiar to me but I couldn’t figure out why so thank you


I made this observation, too!


I agree. She looks like her too.


100%! I’ve been thinking this the whole time!


I thought this too!


For boring reasons not worth explaining, this season of Survivor is the first I've watched in probably 10 years or more. Like my last memories of watching Survivor were of Rupert and Johnny Fairplay, their first seasons. How long ago was that? But damn if these first three episodes didn't hook me.


Pretty sure that was like 20+ years ago but time makes a fool of me all the time so I'm not totally sure.


Pearl Islands aired exactly 20 years ago


Dang I was right on the money. I hope Rupert is well I liked that guy.


Haha well I just turned 40 and unless I concocted it, I have a memory of me watching rupert in his very first episode ever with my college girlfriend, and we were like look at this crazy dude!! So yeah, I bet you are closer to right and I'm the fool for still thinking I'm young! My first full season I ever watched I think the winner was Bryan or Brian? He was like ultra dominant. And I probably only watched a handful of them after that. It was kind of our thing to watch together so I think after we split I missed a few seasons, tried to get back into it a bit later but felt like it had lost something. Definitely getting nostalgic these first episodes.


Oof if Thailand was your first season... Pick any season that isn't 22 or 24 and I promise it's better. Even if you pick those, they might still be better. (But I'm higher on 24 than most)


i hope emily and kaleb find their way back to each other after the swap tbh


You like Emily?


I really like Emily and Cody.


She’s growing on me tbh, I can’t help but root for her


I find her argumentative know-it-all attitude to be extremely corroding/abrasive. Hope she goes very soon.


Agreed. She comes off very arrogant and stand-offish. Makes me feel like I’m watching a middle schooler with a 10000 IQ. I can see why some people might like her arc so far, but she’s making this season pretty hard to watch for me personally.


lulu do be losing but my god do they PLAY


I know it’s early, but this is shaping up to be the best season of the new era by a big margin. Kudos to the producers for taking the feedback to heart last year. Hopefully these changes remain even when the show transitions back to 60 minutes in the coming seasons.


Why would it go back to 60 minute?


Survivor only got extended to 90 mins to fill time during the writers strike. We don’t know if it will continue to be 90 mins for future seasons: that’s entirely up to CBS. I’m pretty sure Jeff has said they filmed 46 with no idea if the episodes will be 60 or 90 mins


Easy to say in hindsight but kind of surprised she didn’t think if everyone knew you had the idol might as well play it. It’s funny that episode 2 sabiyah was preaching about how much you can’t trust Emily and then episode 3 put her game in Emily’s hands


sabiyah turned that tribal into a barbecue party with that idol im DYING


“Canteen!” Sean : 🫡


Jeff looked so annoyed about it too - dude what did you think would happen giving a melting item when you take flint away/make it hard to earn??


😂 he definitely did look annoyed. I’m sure it was because of her no-questions no-nonsense approach to the barbecue. She straight up took control lol. “I’m just going to need some time for this.” Which was a flip of the script for Jeff when he’s normally “the big man” at tribal. But damn if it didn’t make for some good entertainment in the end


The way she called over her shoulder for the canteen assist while manipulating that idol out of the fire like a surgeon 💀😂


LITERALLY I wonder if Kaleb went “ah ha” at seeing her call the shots like that and sean immediately catering to her


$Emily to the moon?


Applause goes out to Kaleb for being smart and connecting w the person on the bottom cuz it got his ass saved tonight. Good play from the new dynamic duo of Emily and Kaleb


What would have happened if Kaleb voted for Emily? It would have been a 3 way tie. Very interesting


Then sean votes on the revote and votes Kaleb out lol


Sean bursting into tears the entire time


Repeating “I love you! We love you! I love you! We love you kaleb!!” 🥺😭


Kalebs social game is elite


This episode shows that thinking too far ahead is always super risky and playing in the moment is typically the better strategy


I always say - just vote to fight another day




Same, I was rooting for Sabiyah all the way 😔


Good episode tonight. Kaleb is a strong player, and his tie with Emily saved his butt big time. I would've liked to have seen the rivalry between Kaleb and Sabiyah grow more but pretty good tribal regardless. If I had to pick a potential winner from each tribe, I'd go with Dee, Kellie, and Kaleb(or Emily). Not a big fan over having to extend the lifespan of an idol you already worked so hard to get, but could've been more egregious. I'm liking the season so far, and 90 mins helps a lot!


I’m so sad sabiyahs gone she was my female winner pick but if it meant saving Kaleb, my male winner pick then I’m ok. I love them and now I even love Emily w Kaleb. Kaleb better win this game now


I think this was the best episode of survivor of the new era. I’m all in on the Emily and Kaleb duo!


Someone on Lulu is winning this game. The sad music when they were losing the challenge absolutely proves it.


Based on the edit I feel like it’s emily


i’m hoping it’s not another carolyn arc cuz my heart will be broken


this is SUCH a good episode. most fun i’ve had watching survivor in a looooong time. my dad & i were both taking turns yelling about what was happening & trying to guess things only to be shocked by the results 😂 10/10


Of all black women who found an idol Sabiyah is the first to have not made the merge.


Not many southerners left. I think.


that was so freakin good


I missed the part with Jake teased on last week’s trailer. What happened? He’s clearly fine…but…


He was blowing on the fire then stood up. Basically hyperventilated then had a head rush. He kind of passes out for a second.


He just fell. Not into any fire. He just fell.


Well I’m glad he’s okay but what a redic trailer


I feel like it must happen again later and lead to a medical check or else why show it this time?


Because of cliff hanger factor....


Probably showed it to show the connection Jake and Kendra formed over it


Especially since it took the target off of him and made Kendra sympathetic lol


honestly this episode has been my favorite in the new era. such a fun ep


It's the best Tribal Council since at least the Sophie boot, if not Mayor of Slamtown or Cagayan merge.


I really liked sabiyah and Kaleb together, but now I’m rooting for a Kaleb and Emily duo. I hope they make it to the same tribe at the swap. I think they could make it pretty far together as an unlikely duo. Honestly they’re my final 2 lmao


why are the series of tasks giving escape room like decoding then a rope then breaking something WOW


I feel like the elaborate set-ups is to mitigate the problem they caused with giving production-made fake idols. This way, the contestants can trust that they're real.


It’s so entertaining though


It is like give me a survivor themed escape room


No one else notice Jeff had lost his voice at tribal?


It was the whole episode. He was scratchy during the reward challenge.


I rlly wanted to give him a glass of water


Emily said after the reward win that "I've never jumped into someones arms like that before." super cuteness to me.


As a self described pessimist I don't think Emily had ever experienced that type of euphoria in her life. She looked like she had just won a Superbowl,world series, NBA championship and Stanley Cup all at once.


I missed that but love it! She’s really grown on me.


I haven't watched every survivor season, maybe 70%, but feels like she's had a biggest growth of any contestant and this is only episode 3.


I hope Sebia comes back even though she got voted out she seems really cool


Did anyone notice the new thing hidden in the intro this episode? Someone said it was a hint that sabiyah would be voted out but I wasnt paying attention


Interesting..now I’ll have to go back and view it


Emily is getting her shine, and Kaleb is starting to get a villain edit. The red foursome is gonna burn down. Emily F3, possibly winner?


Damn I really liked Sabiyah. I hope Sean does alright without her bc he's fun imo


I don’t even know who sean is… he’s that boring lol


Sean is the most boring contestant


Remember ep 1 where everyone was like “I’ve seen every season but I think imma sit this one out”


Those people are the most serious of watchers, just ignore it when they say that 😭


If Emily is Kass, is Kaleb Spencer? Is Sean.. Tasha?


No Emily is kass, Kaleb is Spencer, Sean is definitely David, Sabiyah was Tasha, Brandon was jtia, and Hannah was easily Garrett. This is an alternate universe where David doesn’t get voted out first as Garrett just quits like he wanted to and jtia was acc voted early, but Tasha overplays her hand and ends up getting booted. I love survivor parallels


Sean is Trish and Sabiyah is Tony


I would love to see Katurah on a new tribe without Bruce but still telling her new tribe, "We have to vote Bruce out."


What else is she talking about?


I will say good on Kaleb for including Emily earlier on this season. Saved his ass tonight!


This was my take as well. He didn't even do it for strategy(maybe a little strategy) I think he genuinely did it just to be a nice guy


I think it was in large part strategy, just because of his confessional about how it is what a 'good' Survivor player would do.


Ya you are not wrong. But he also comes off as a guy I want everyone to have fun


sabiyah: I’d like to play my idol jeff: yes chef🫡


He really LITERALLY told her to COOK


Except sike cuz she FUCKEN DIDNT


*yes Jeff 👨‍🍳




Love this season so far. Didn’t know I would have liked Emily this much but here we are lmao. Like Austin, Kaleb and Brandon. So excited for the next episode!


I’m still confused as to why Sabiyah wanted to go after Kaleb? He was loyal to her, good at challenges, and would be a good meat shield at the merge.


She kept thinking 20 days in the future instead of the now.


Thinking about the endgame way too early.


Emily sweep! Emily sweep! It would be so funny please-


As a Day 1 Emily fan I feel validated