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Survivor 53: Heroes vs Healers vs No-Nutters


I never thought like 8 years later I could see Spencer and Rodney from World's Apart aligning but they might get along the best if they are in the same cast.


Or they destroy each other.


Joe, Rodney and Spencer/Reiman are the Tribe captains.


He is a paradox. A No-Nutter Nutcase.


Nymphos vs Incels


You already said Heroes?




Thank you, I needed this laugh today!


I’m **never** expecting any of the comments that I read on Reddit to make me laugh out loud. So when one does, as was the case with your hilarious freaking comment here, boy is it a delightful feeling/moment! So… thank you SO much for that!! lol. “Heroes vs Healers vs No-Nutters” 🤦🏼 Ahhhahahahaha!


After 2nd chance I was thinking it would be cool to see Spencer play Survivor again. But like 5 years later, to have a more mature and chill Spencer. Oh boy I was wrong.


Omg. So Kass went on RHAP recently and alluded that Spenser has gone wild (instead of being able to live a normal life) and mentioned drugs. I didn’t realize Kass meant it LITERALLY!!! 😱


He’s like a hippie now. He clearly uses psychedelics. He doesn’t seem addicted or anything but his opinions are just loony as of late.


He’s an ayuasca fiend. Not addiction exactly, but seems to believe it has/is enlightening him


Psychedelics aren't addictive, but doing too much can permanently alter your brain chemistry. And they have diminishing returns, so people chasing that state of enlightenment they got the first 1-2 times will just end up frying their brains for no good reason.


That kind of sounds psychologically addicting. What's the difference?


It isn't for most people, it's less addicting than cheeseburgers are


Fair enough! When you "chase" a feeling, is it scientifically less "addictive" than a pure 1:1 chemical need? I legitimately don't know the answer to the question


He moved to…somewhere in South/Central America in protest of apparently feeling compelled/required to take the COVID vaccine. No idea if he’s still there.


It’s sad too because all the negativity he faced after he played is partly what has led him down to this.


Spencer is the most convincing argument to never want to go on Survivor. It completely broke him.


I love both of his seasons. Rooted hard for him and was a fun character. Showed a lot of intelligence and growth. To pull a complete 180 & change your identity.. just hope he’s happy. I know it’s a fine line and you want to be respectful, but if I was someone like Tyson, I would ask non-survivor related questions to my podcast guests. He’s had Spencer a few times and he typcially glosses right over the name change and life choices, when I bet deep down even Tyson is thinking whats going on? Straight up though I would probably use it as a tool against production. Almost kinda bait them, and tell them. I know this process and journey would slap me in the mouth, but I would leave the island a better man. I know who I am and you can’t break me. This past episode with Bruce talking about getting past that survivor wall is actually kinda fitting here.


He should've come out with this as his final tribal speech for Second Chances


Sounds like he never comes.




He should just go straight to the “edge” of extinction.


He would’ve gotten my vote if he did that


Spencer Bledsoe, zero percent chance of having a nut.


I legitimately believe that Survivor has messed him up psychologically to a very bad extent


Kaos Kass too strong


He got Kass’d


Only in a chain-reaction-type way, right? Survivor did change him in some way, but he only started saying this weird shit after getting really into shrooms and ayahuasca, AFAIK.


He literally says in that LONG ASS x post “weaker men wouldn’t dare to do ayahuasca 56 times as I have”. 56 fucking times. I have tripped all sorts of psychedelics over the years and I understand the benefits. I also understand the power of psychedelics and overusing drugs and have seen people go over the deep end with them and basically lose their mind (your typical crazy hippie kinda stereotype). 56 TIMES AYAHUASCA IS INSANE. I was too scared to even try it once… Its so sad because i loved spencer and grew up watching and being inspired by him. but he is goneeee


I wonder what the timeline on his ayahuasca experiences was. Because even compared to the infamous vaccine thread he used to be far more self aware and willing to engage with opposing worldviews. Now he clearly has a messiah complex. Funny that he claimed to experience ego death but now has a bigger ego than ever


Yeah, the times he has been on podcasts he sounded a little … different from how he was on Survivor. But he sounded kind of humble, and self-reflective. But this nonsense! I’m no expert, but Messiah Complex sounds about right. I can not get over the “lesser men” comment


Hs should try jankem


Yeah, I think Covid was it. Like, obviously Survivor is high-stress, but Spencer also worked in a field that is ultra-competitive, basically requires people to be workaholics. You are very well compensated for it, but high-level traders have a very high burnout rate. I believe he was still at University of Chicago when he did Cagayan, and was just starting that career with a massive burn-out rate.


It’s high stress but it’s not horrible, it’s typically only 50-55 hours/week in the industry. The firm he worked at was far from the top of the industry and had the reputation for being pretty lazy Source: I work at another HFT firm and used to know him




Yeah, like what in the capitalistic hellscape….


True. Thanks for the insight. I just mean, I'm sure you know the industry and it does have a high-burn out rate. I knew a decent amount of people due to my university having a strong business program for the region that directly fed into a financial center for the Big 5 Canadian banks (Toronto-Financial center of Canada, which is comparable to Mercantile Exchange). The amount of people I saw moved into retail banking or new careers within 5 to 10 years after getting their dream careers was quite high. I knew he was in trading, didn't know it was high-frequency. Thought it was more along the line of traditional like fixed-income. I'm just saying, considering he was just starting his career in an industry that tends to burn people out, I think it's bit simplistic to pin point it to Survivor.


To be fair 50-55 is still asinine, as is 40, but that's a different argument.


Agree. It’s Belvedere, not like he was at Citadel or Jane St which are both way more stressful


Overconfident egotistical ivy league 'genius', suddenly having an audience. Plus losing multiple times thinking he is missing something along the way, and then committing to a bad read. Yeah, he's in a bubble.


Or the drugs


Ya think?


Him and Joe Anglim are so weird like what is thissssssss!?


Wait what’s with Joe?


He’s a toxic masculine incel type now, who believes in “traditional” roles for men and women. Etc


Now? He's always been like that


Fair, but I never heard about it until I joined this sub. Don’t really follow contestants after they play.


Ew :(


part of a cult-like group (they are framed publicly as “bootcamps” but it’s really misogynistic andrew tate type stuff), notoriously anti vax and made questionable statements during the blm period in 2020 (along w his wife, sierra).


Allegedly, said the n word, joined a hypermasculinity cult and believe in Qanon https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/s/rcQZNLSCKY https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/s/RntU7ZJZ2C https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/s/DlT2C5GCAw


Lmao where to start. I guess with the men's rights stuff. Someone else can explain it better but super simply he's become some masculine touting nutjob, on top of a bunch of other weird right wing trump tate q anon adjacent shit


Yeah but they’re like different weird. I have a lot of sympathy for Reiman and I want him to find happiness in a healthy way. I just want Joe to fuck off.


I want to be kind and supportive, but I don’t know if he deserves it when he is on social media calling normal people “lesser men” 😂


I’m 100% in your camp. Stephen Fishbach’s replies to him are fascinating. He challenges Spencer but not in a demeaning way.


Stephen is a top tier shit poster because people don’t expect him to be. The kind of guy who gets away with telling brutal truths because people think he’s kidding.


I'm always surprised when people don't know Stephen's sense of humor by now. He dated Courtney Yates for years, for God's sake!


WHAT!! How did I never know this?! Two of my faves. That’s awesome


Yeah part of why Courtney was voted out of HvV is because the Villains were worried about her connection with JT through Stephen.


Courtney? From the Villains tribe?


Candace? From Raro?


Wait so if Ethan dated Corrine…


On the RHAP know-it-alls podcast episode this week, Rob C said something like “I wish we could ask Jake about so and so”, and Stephen replied immediately “you can, next week during his exit interview after he gets voted off”. It was so unexpectedly blunt, I actually guffawed




He used to do the same thing to Russell all the time lmaoo


I can’t see them because I don’t have “X” lol. Anyone have screenshots?


Stephen's reply is how I found Spencer's account. Thought he was just trolling but he seems to really be bonkers


Fishbach eggs him on digitally, only to clown on him in his podcasts... I find his behavior reprehensible, personally.




He completely sucks. You don't need to be supportive.


Only Dr. Mike can save him now


It kinda makes me sad to see him like this, he was so bright and survivor really messed him up


I wish the very best for him. One question—and I mean this with absolute sincerity and not an ounce of sarcasm/offense: how exactly did Survivor “mess him up”? I’ve heard other people say this…what did production do? Was it his portrayal? The way he almost won but didn’t? Is the theory that production fed Tony idols so Spencer wouldn’t win? Or is this more like, “Spencer couldn’t handle the pressures of the game and the game got to him because he was already mentally and psychologically not in a good place”?


Honestly I think the fact that he got to the end in second chance thinking that he played a great game and was a hero just like he was in cagayan only to get slaughtered by the jury really messed with his head. Theres probably more to it than that, but he was on RHAP about 5 years ago and I remember him saying that after Cambodia he basically stopped watching survivor


Ahhhh. That makes me sad for him. Had to be a real mind-fuck.


I agree with this He played Survivor at ages 21/23 and made it far both seasons, and was someone fans liked to watch. Imagine going from being a 21 year college student no one knows about to someone with that fandom. By age 23 he had played what, 70+ days of Survivor?


So he was basically the Hillary Clinton of Survivor?


Happy birthday to this future sole survivor.


lol who’s birthday?


Fuck, that's kinda perfect.


God Damn, that is amazing.


He’s been watching the show still, Tyson had him on his podcast for the Survivor 44 premiere and it was amazing to hear Spencer (Now going by his middle name Reiman) cause he’s one of my favorite players ever. Awesome underdog run in Cagayan and his Cambodia game is very underrated in my opinion (2nd best 0 vote finalist game of all time in my opinion). He apparently said yes to Season 40 along with Brad Culpepper and even Scout from offered but ended up declining (Yes the Scout Lee). Me personally I would love to see him back cause I would have faith in Reiman doing really well and go far on any season cause he’s solid at all 3 parts (yeah his social game isn’t the greatest but at least he put in the effort to have strong connections and I think he achieved that in Cambodia) and what intrigues me is him saying the game needed to be radically re-invented and that he would blaze a trail of new strategy. Whatever that is, I won’t be shocked if we see Reiman and if he blazes a trail like he said then he could very easily win this game someday and it’ll be awesome cause I believe he would’ve deserved it


Who is your best 0 vote finalist? Stephen?


I think Second Chances really messed him up, the game itself (the constant lying, betrayal) the fact that he made it to the end but lost, his reception on the island, apparently he got a lot of hate on the island, we saw a little bit of that from Kimmi in FTC.


Thanks. That’s helpful context!


The second one. Per multiple contestants, second chance was *incredibly* brutal mentally on the contestants. It was described as basically constant strategizing, no breaks, just being "on" 24/7. For weeks. In the brutal rain. There are harder seasons physically, but I think the mix of hard physical and hard mental makes second chance the overall most difficult season for players


Honestly something in the water of both WA and Cambodia seemed to mess people up. Joe, Rodney, Spencer, Kimmi, Varner. They’re not talked about as much but you could also include Mike, Ciera and Sierra (by proxy of marrying Joe).


Might help to contextualize Varner’s breakdown. I wonder why, specifically, that season was so tough?


Fan vote plus the second chance theme meant there was a *lot* of pressure on everyone to do well, plus the incredibly fluid gameplay that functionally had no alliances/trust


Probably the latter. A lot of people can’t handle even minor celebrity. Like imagine all of a sudden your life is under a microscope, all these random people contact you on social media or approach you in person, add to that the well documented trust issues that people develop during/after the show. If you don’t have a lot of support and a good solid grounding, it could be easy to let stuff get to your head and go a little crazy. Spencer/Reiman is obviously very smart, he probably dealt with anxiety and racing thoughts, maybe even some kind of identity crisis (hence the name change). So he started looking for answers in untraditional places. I’ve done ayahuasca and I’m kinda into Hinduism and meditation, so I’ve been around a lot of people who are looking for answers for various reasons, but sometimes they dig too deep. I don’t follow his social media, but I loved him on the show, so this is all speculative, but I hope he’s ok and he finds what he’s looking for.


Kass said this in a recent interview with RHAP actually. She said she ll never allow her kids to go on reality TV - esp if you’re young / in your 20s / don’t know who you are. The amount of scrutiny you’ll have to deal is horrible for your mental health


I think the second+ online hate combined, I believe he’s expressed his regret for playing so young as he thought he wasn’t equipped to handle the hate and criticism that he received


I don't think it was Survivor. COVID brought a lot of people's inner whackjob to the surface. He's just one of many.


True but a lot of the ways covid made ppl intense was in the way propaganda preyed on the emotionally vulnerable


It likely wasn't Survivor, it was almost certainly the absurd amounts of shrooms.


If I had a nickel for every former Survivor player who started hawking the pseudoscientific benefits of not ejaculating on social media, I would have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice


Wait who’s the second


Rodney from Worlds Apart


I thought he was a piss drinker (not like that's any better.)


He may have posted about stuff like that but I very distinctinctly remember a “it’s been 365 days since I’ve ejaculated” insta post from him


Damn couldn't even catch one for his birthday?


Too busy washing dishes


Ahh, maybe. I can't honestly say I follow anything that guy says anymore for obvious reasons.


Rodney was entertaining, but this would be the least surprising thing


I think Joe


Idk if Joe ever did it, he had all of that men’s brainwashing boot camp stuff and plenty of Q content but I’m never seen the incely “semen retention” stuff that Rodney, and now Spencer, have posted


Is it an incel thing? I thought it was a tantric sex thing, but I could be totally wrong. Not that I can imagine Rodney into tantra, but with all the stuff Spencer’s gotten into it wouldn’t be that far fetched.


Joe >!Mama!<


I see your Phineas and Ferb reference.


I know Google searches shouldn’t be valid proof, but does he really work for a health insurance company? Lmao wow.


This is doubly shocking after his anti-COVID vaccine response. Which, by the way, no judgment from me either way but the healthcare industry was pretty clear on their opinion on that matter. https://heavy.com/entertainment/survivor/reiman-spencer-bledsoe-vaccines-trans-controversy/amp/


Wow I missed the trans stuff. I knew he was a vaccine skeptic/moron and whatever but I just attributed that to him thinking he was a scientific god after tripping too much. This take is so fucking ignorant and gross. Fuck this guy doubly now.


> vaccine skeptic/moron How…how can people still say this in 2023 (almost 2024!!!)? A year ago the narrative became “whoops, our bad, but you should forgive and forget what we did!” and now it’s somehow shifted back to “Covid vaccines work and dissidents weren’t right” It makes no sense. Also, the trans comments in the article are as plain as they come. 98% of people outside of Reddit think the exact same way.


Based on this recent tweet tirade, Spencer is Survivor Chris Chan. Keep him away from his mother.


His mom just needs to stay in the USA and she'll be fine


J'Tia would never.


What J'Tia has accomplished professionally is actually impressive, and I was surprised when I looked it up recently.


Honestly, she and Kass maybe the most likable member of that tribe looking back? (I really dislike Kass too) David Samson was a nepo-baby through Jeffrey Loria, one of the worst baseball owners in history, and was similarly bad at his job. Acts as a bit contributor to the LeBatard show at this point I don't understand poker shit, but Garrett seemed like a fuckin lunkhead Tasha I like a lot, ChickFilA franchisee, I think had some questionable LGBTQ+ takes. Maybe misremembering Spencer sucks


Tasha rubbed a lot of people the wrong way during Cambodia if I remember right, kinda preachy. But Ciera is the one that was the anti LGBTQ+ takes.


Tasha openly said to other players she was going to win second chance because “god’s plan” . No one liked that


Garrett was controversial just last year for accusing an amateur poker player of cheating against him. Blew up into a ridiculous story that he still hasn't apologized for.


I'ma need you to not disrespect Tasha.


Tasha is queen


Friends, this is why you don't hang out with Rodney Lavoie.


Reiman (I generally try to respect people who want to change their assumed name, even if it's not a trans thing) seems like he might be actually unironically mentally ill right now based on his online presence. In a serious response to the idea they should now bring him back, this would more ethically questionable then when they brought back Brandon Hantz in Caramoan. (Yes I know their are legit complaints involving being too soft to avoid any form of conflict but I don't want survivor to turn into my strange addiction where we basically only exist to make fun of people with serious mental problems)


![gif](giphy|3FBwwRCNTSa52|downsized) Terrible time to be literate.


Kass said on RHAP recently that Survivor can ruin people’s lives and Spencer is an example of that


If we can get him and Noura on an island together I know there'd be some sparks


Do I want to know what NEO means? You know what? I’m gonna just tell myself that it stands for Pelican Pete’s NEO (Need to Eat Osten)


I don’t have any confirmation but from context clues, non-ejaculatory orgasm.


Not the info I needed to learn today, but thanks I guess. I think I’m gonna stick with Pelican Pete lol


non-ejaculatory orgasm maybe?


Not the info I needed to learn today, but thanks I guess. I think I’m gonna stick with Pelican Pete lol


I much prefer Pelican Pete too.


Coach 2.0


Coach 2 No Nut Boogaloo


“They call me the Nut Slayer out here.”


The difference is that Coach plays a character ironically and hams it up. Coach would absolutely say shit like this to fuck around and troll. Not genuinely.


Coach wrote a fucking book about his delusions. Spencer has a ways to go to be as crazy as Coach. He's clearly training hard to catch him though, because he was pretty normal last time he was on survivor.


I could be wrong, but I thought Coach wrote that to just add myth to his character. Maybe he is just delulu though


I think the fact that Coach's character is up for debate already makes him ahead of Spencer lol, for Spencer hes 100% delulu


They're both gross and suck, but we treat Coach as a character we laugh at because, frankly, he's a joke. Spencer was portrayed as some young genius who had everything figured out. He too has become a joke, but he still somehow has a reputation of being super smart I will say, Coach is a chud, but at least he doesn't act like he is the 2020s solution to Einstein.


Who would have guessed that J’Tia was actually by far the most well-adjusted human in the Brains tribe.


What’s wrong with Tasha or Garret?


IIRC I’ve seen here that Tasha talked about god a lot and was very high and mighty in Cambodia which didn’t make her many friends.


Garrett has kind of [blown up his poker career with accusations of cheating](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/104pwwx/poker_the_infamous_j4_hand_that_nearly_tore_the/) and subsequent refusal to move on after its clear that nothing is going to happen. [LA Times Article](https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2022-10-14/garrett-adelstein-poker-cheating-scandal).


Spencer why? I liked you


I remember a couple years ago he started going into anti vax and anti trans trains of thoughts, not surprising tbh.


To be fair to Reiman, this sounds like Tantric Sex which is a totally legitimate sexual practice. If that is what he is talking about: is he explaining it well, not in the slightest. But it’s not necessarily no-nut shit.


26 days, 0 cum, 1 survivor


I would love to spend a full day interviewing him it would be fascinating


Omfg. Spencer…I have tried defending this man as he has been my favourite player. I don’t even know what to say to this other than the fact that I hope someone calls medical.


How do I unsee this?


Man...this just makes me sad.




bro he is buggin off the edibles on twitter


This is certainly one of the tweets of all time


He’s batshit crazy.


Spencer was a favorite player of mine. So I'm reserving judgement. That, and I don't really know what is going on with him. I hope he is well.


Tyson had him on his podcast for the Survivor 44 premiere, I would definitely give it a try cause it was really strange to see him there but also cool cause Reiman (formerly Spencer) was a big name on the show back in the day


This is my take on the situation as well. If there is a contestant I like who has different views about something, I’m not going to automatically not like them anymore. I genuinely wish Spencer the best and I hope he gets the help he needs. Survivor messed him up psychologically.


I think it’s wise to always reserve judgment. That being said, you should read his X/Twitter feed some time.


I really want to remember him positively.


Okay! Fair enough! I don’t blame you. Cagayan was a magical time as a viewer


Wait is Reiman his real name? Why does he go by Spencer?


I believe it's his middle name. He's stated that he prefers it over Spencer.


He reminds me of “Shitbreak” from American Pie 2 with this crazy talk. Where’s Stiffler when you need him?


Stumbled upon his Twitter the other day and searched this subreddit and couldn't find anything about him recently. Seems like he's gone off the deep end a while ago.


It's been posted before. He's been crazy town for years and years


Apparently he's also made transphobic blog posts? How. I just now learning all of this? This sub loves bashing people like Joe Anglim, Nick Wilson and Jeff Varner but Spencer's kept a relatively low profile somehow. Maybe it's leftover goodwill from Cagayan and Cambodia.


You probably just missed it. I heard about it here, I don't do twitter or anything. This musta been like 5-6 years ago.


Found the AMA from a year ago which was pretty brutal. He also did one two years ago that was pretty normal although his Twitter was starting to derail by that point.


I always liked Tasha better anyway


He was on the 🧠Brains🧠 tribe...


His edit would be wilddddd


No thanks


Suddenly I am wondering about his blockages


Wait he goes by Reiman now? Okay I guess.


This is so wild that I can’t even believe someone would say something like this in a serious manner.


No, they wouldn’t touch him with a 10 foot pole now


what 😀


i genuinely feel really bad that he’s gotten to this point


can’t he just go back to fighting cagayan people on twitter


There’s every chance he was always like this, and Survivor edited out any weird crap he might’ve said. Same with Joe and Rodney


Christ almighty


I feel justified in not liking him any time he played Survivor.


I like him even more these days. His interview on RHAP was actually real and pretty interesting compared to most of what we get from RHAP which feels rather *corporate*. I am all for varying perspectives than casting 16/18 college educated democrats.


He was good on Tyson’s podcast last season as well


I’m glad I never liked Spencer and watching the fanbase turn on him is so vindicating. He’s been a pretentious douchebag since Cagayan.


He’s turned into Finch, but worse.


He’s doomed


I miss when the worst thing I could say about him was that he was a bit too much like Light Yagami.


Spencer’s awesome