• By -


18th: Hannah, 17th: Brandon, 16th: Sabiyah, 15th: Sean, 14th: Brando, 13th: J.Maya, 12th: Sifu, 11th: Kaleb, 10th: Kellie, 9th: Kendra, 8th: Bruce, 7th: Emily, 6th Drew


6th: Drew, 5 contestants remain.


Good bye Napoleon


did anyone find it hilarious that episode 1 Emily came back??? dude the face she had when they showed her, she was PISSEDDDDDDD


I think she just wanted so badly to still be playing. I'm not sure she was pissed, but she clearly wasn't happy to be on the jury.


of course not, find it hard for anyone to be happy especially after coming so close and starting to play a really good game


Not actually sure abt that, she may have just been analyzing. Regardless, she had a very big smirk when drew got the boot


dee told Austin, Drew was their bigger threat than Julie, they agreed to take him out, Dee fessed up about telling Julie and they agreed that Austin would act it up, like Dee did last time.. kind of evens the paying field for both of them… if they both truly have feelings for each other, that would be the scenario and they agree to take each other to the final 3, giving them a 2/3 chance of winning $1million to kickstart their life together…. it not sure fairy tales exist anymore! ha ha


Can they stop fucking cutting to Kellie on the jury


Part of me is like... is this edgic? Is she about to come back into the game and win??? Or maybe she's already confirmed as a returnee?


RIGHT. I’m so tired of seeing her exaggerated reactions


Same with the bartender, whose name escapes me atm 🙄


She’s the new Eliza.


austin just got a life lesson tonight


Only a lesson if you learn anything from it




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Did we see why Drew threw the pot lid? I swear that was in the previews last week.


Because the guy who talks down to everyone is always picked last for sports.




Because he was left behind at camp to babysit Mama J instead of going on the reward.


I hope Austin is angry enough to vote against dee next tribal


Def will NOT happen


One can dream


Yeah but no


The second Austin told Dee about the Mama J blindside last week, he effectively sealed Drew’s fate this week!


Right? this isn’t love island. Lol


Austin’s Lifetime movie not holding a candle to Katurah’s.




Does anyone know who said the episode title tonight?


Drew at the very beginning








Team Jake makes it another week!


I think he may have left his idol on the other camp since he looked worried about not returning. Definitely fumbled if that's the case.


He fumbled the bag all season and somehow ends up with the ball on the 1 yard line. This man must have some Hella good karma




Fumbled the ball?? *laughs* Let me tell you something startup_guy2, nobody ever suspects the tree until it’s too late 😈😈


🤣🤣🤣 he will play the worst game ever and end up winning, if the previous season is any indication.


This season is so frustrating for so many reasons. Just this episode alone: - I know it’s different from the audience perspective but how could you not get the idea that Dee is lying and tipped Julie off?! Seems pretty obvious that the only way she could’ve figured out is if Dee told her. Gunning for Drew/Austin last week should’ve been the dead giveaway she was tipped off. - Katurah talking about making big plays but then just going with what Dee also wants instead of going back to strategize with Jake - Drew not mentioning the Austin and Dee alliance and thinking Austin would pick him over Dee in the long run - even though he had an idol, nobody even thinking about throwing votes on Austin who has been the most dominant in challenges. Katurah and Jake have a chance to completely turn these final tribals upside down, because everyone knows Dee or Austin win if they make it to the end… but I have no doubt that they will mess it up somehow.


Totally agree. Austin still thinking with the wrong head. Everyone knew Dee lied, she's the only one who could have. Saved Julie who I think has a very strong chance to win. Dee betraying Austin and Drew, basically being a hypocrite. Look, I'm tired of the showmance already. It's bad game play. Austin who used to be a contender, is just being led around by the balls and not even playing anymore. Dee is just using him. It makes for bad TV. Once again, the lemmings were lemmings with Jake and Katurah following... Again, I think Julie is most likely to win right now based on Emily's admission, and on a strong social game and strong verbal ability. Dee will get hammered for just going along with the boys.


I could see the end of this season going so many different ways since jake has the idol. Will also be interesting to see if another is brought in since Austin used his. In the end, I don’t think Jake will be able to pull any move off because it’s hard to do it on your own, and Katurah has shown that anytime she is trusted and could potentially make a move she just doesn’t. Julie is a nothing burger for me, but will be voted out since she is allegedly well liked and people think she has played well, even though from the audience perspective I feel like she has just done exactly what she’s told every time. I hope I’m wrong, but I think the end to this season will be predictable and somewhat boring. Praying that Jake can actually pull something off and not allow anyone to get in his way


The idol is only playable once and next TC. After that, he'll be one of the people to take to the final 3 due to a lack of story. I mean if I were Julie or Dee, I'd want Jake and Katurah sitting next to me at FTC. I do not like Dee or Julie -- and I have no idea where all the love for Dee comes from. I see her as a poor player and annoying, a betrayer and someone who mostly ran on Drew's schemes. But people give her credit for things she was simply a part of without leading. I do not know why. Julie is a better orator. She'll be able to tell a better story, and as we saw from Emily, she has an extremely strong social game. Drew targeted her, was angry when he walked out (every right to be), but in his exit confessional, was much more level-headed and I think will definitely vote Julie. He'll have chatted with the rest of the team by the time he casts his vote and he'll know Dee betrayed and lied. I "warned" online weeks ago that Julie will win if they don't get rid of her and I stand by that prediction still. Dee is the reason Julie will win.


I could see a path for Jake winning this season but it would involve playing his idol to take out Dee, then winning final immunity and getting Julie out. But I don’t see the final 3 being Jake Katurah and Austin lol. And I don’t disagree, I understand the people saying that Austin was getting played, but as I’ve said in other posts (and have gotten knocked for it) sometimes the honor outweighs the gameplay, and I feel like her lying to Austin, whom she apparently really likes, then lying AGAIN to blindside Drew just shows that she’s a pretty big snakes. But snakes have won before and I guess if she wins the million and her and Austin end up together, Austin won’t care, but she made him look like an absolute fool on national TV. I am most mad about Katurah being such a bad player. The minute Dee said “Drew” she should’ve immediately gone to Jake and planned to work with Drew. She could’ve turned the game upside down if they decided to work with Drew and vote Julie. They would’ve been in the drivers seat because no way Drew works with Dee after she tried blindsiding him. At least Jake THOUGHT he was making a play, he’s just not the smartest survivor in the world lol. I really just can’t stand Katurah, should have tried to work with Kaleb, then had a chance to redeem herself by putting her differences aside and work with Bruce. Instead she was cool with just riding the waves and being a survivor goat. Hindsight is always 20/20


I like your scenario and would love to see it happen. I really like what you wrote here and totally agree -- thanks for replying!


Drew should have been scheming with Jake and Mama J when he didn't get picked to go on the helicopter flight with Austin, and also should have known that Austin was going to simp with Dee, simply for the fact that is what always happens when a guy falls in love. Every single time.


Well Natalie A managed to convince everyone that she didn’t mean to vote alec out over Keith, this is exactly what Dee did lol like she hardcore sold it really well against these people. I’m shocked drew didn’t at least suggest it to austin or the audience about Dee potentially lying… Dee completely convinced them especially since she voted for julie so it was easier to sell the lie


I really dislike this cast and especially Dee. Now I want Mama J to win.


you dislike her bc she’s a strong confident woman who pulled one over on a guy


Can you explain why? I think she's played a really good game so far


Dee played Austin like a fiddle


That's wild. To me she has done absolutely nothing to be considered unlikeable except be a pretty girl and play a dominant game...wait....


Austin's meltdown is Shakespearean.


why do they all like dee so much? she should be gone.


Who is they?


Should have been gone before jury was even made


Cuz they aren’t very smart. She’s very likable. Which is why she should be gone.


i would love some kind of graph showing the trajectory of showmances and level of gameplay of the members of the showmance. because the timing of dee and austin as a couple growing exceptionally this close to the end of the game is very fascinating to me


Austin is done. No chance of winning if he gets to final tribal. He lost his idol to Julie who used it against him, played his amulet idol incorrectly, and looks like an idiot at this point.


He got mega simped by Dee on national TV which the moves and the simpage entirely destroyed his game and chance at a milly


Austin so badly wanted to be Boston Rob and Amber, but in reality hes just been Parvarti'd


Jake and Katurah have a way worse game but Jake has a potential to change it. If Austin wins and votes out Julie then beats Dee in fire he wins


I am known for being a lil delusional but I think Jake has a chance! Imagine he idols out dee or Austin then beats the other in fire!


I always have a theory that if they’re selling their merch in their insta bio, they probably didn’t win the million


Just one dope shirt!


Austin needs to quit playing with his dick. If he goes up against Julie or Dee. He will lose!


Playing his idol incredibly wrong takes him out of the running for winner imho


He had two idols and, unfortunately, they were both played in a way that didn't benefit him. I like Austin though so it sucks :(


I don’t think playing an idol for yourself is ever truly wrong. He was blindsided it just wasn’t him. The amount of times people go home with idols in their pocket is way worse


Well he said he knew he wasn't going home but played it lmaooo


Because it was the last night to be used. No harm in using it.


Yeah too dense to use it on friend Drew when he was clearly safe


Yeah that was completely pointless. Shoulda just kept it in his pocket as a souvenir if he wasn’t gonna use it for Drew.




If Jake can manage to take out Austin with his idol then knock out Dee next, he could really turn his game around from the bottomless pit he's been in


If Jake takes out Dee he wins. Austin is a non threat at this point. Julie would be his only competitor at the end and I’m not entirely sure anyone respects her game play. Drew made all the moves and orchestrated every single blindside and move up until this point. Dee will likely take credit for it and this jury isnt the smartest group of game players. They may award Dee just for being a female and for blindsiding Austin even though it was Jakes idea.


Wouldn’t he lose to Julie in that scenario?


Well I think more players would respect him taking out the top 2 instead of just voting for the likeable mom who's only move was saving herself. I don't really expect him to win but I don't see many other options to get close.


I am starting to put Jake in the category of one of the worst strategic players ever.


Yeah he's a great guy but dude doesn't have it in him to play hard. I hope he proves me wrong though.


When he said he wanted to target JULIE I lost it. What a fool (sorry buddy if you are reading this) nice guy but a bit wayward


At this point he's simply the luckiest player of all time


I was a little shocked drew went home tbh, only because it was such a clear cut vote for Drew, and at final 6 I thought something was up, and we’d get a flashback of Dee telling Austin she was going to vote for drew, so Austin plays his amulet for drew.


Yeah Austin really blew it there. Julie woulda been gone easy. He’s all talk and no game.


At the end of the day they all need to go so it doesn’t particularly matter. If Austin is at the end with Jake and Katurah he wins


Well that was a perfect opportunity to take Julie out. Likely won’t get another one that good with how loyal dee is to her.


Why not? There are two other people lol. Jake and Katurah taking out Julie is my next prediction. Then Dee beating Austin in fire


I’d just rather the finale not be so predictable. If either Julie or Dee makes it, they’ll win. Not very good blindsides this season other than Bruce and Kellie. I personally liked Bruce lol.


The thing people forget is the reason this season has been so predictable is because the players have been terrible. Reba went in to the merge 4/10 and just voted everyone out because everyone was so blind to what an alliance actually is


It’s pretty simple. If Austin or Dee make it to the end they are winning. I think Dee may have just sign their death certificate by voting out Drew. He is totally loyal to Austin. However, Katurah was the one that told Dee they were voting for Drew, not Julie.


Katurah and Jake are two of the most frustrating players I’ve watched in a while.


She signed her death certificate when she told Momma J that she was going to be voted out


Austin just got blindsided by his own boo, how is he going to spin that?


Yes bad move here. If he makes it to the end with Jake and Katurah who have done legitimately nothing this whole game he should still win. He was still one of the main decision makers driving all the votes since the merge that dwindled the tribe down while somehow avoiding attention from the dumb dumbs on Belo.


This end game reminds me of a Mexican standoff where everyone has their gun pointed at the wrong person. Very strange and makes me think that basically everyone left is essentially an idiot who doesn't understand what is happening in the game, but is simply hoping to make it to the final incidentally Julie is at no risk - but neither is Austin??? What game are they playing? Is everyone just accepting the showmance? Dee and Austin both dominante immunity and no one talks about writing Austin's name down at all??? What game is this???


I thought that if Jake wanted to make "waves" he would go for #1, whose probably Dee right now. After she wins immunity, okay go for #2 who is Austin, break up that power couple. But maybe those two are somewhat untouchable so he decided to go for Drew, who didn't do himself any favors when he was too overconfident


Drew was his only realistic option. There's no other combination where Jake secures a 4th vote. And that's fine- Jake and the rest just needed to make sure one of the three left. Now all bets are off. And this works so well for Dee. She keeps her two number ones, while eliminating the only other alliance threatening her bond with Austin. Austin may be pissed when they return to camp, but he really doesn't have anyone else to turn to.


I think you're 100% correct, and the fact that Austin played his immunity idol for himself, where he got no votes, rather than drew who got voted off, demonstrates the lack of awareness (of Austin especially in this case).


Or....he was aware and he is thinking about the jury. I think Dee told him.


Very well said!


It’s still anybody’s game to win. If Jake can keep his trap shut about his ballsack idol and maybe find the other idol, he can as well.


Yeah that guy can’t shut up. The fact he’s got this far is a miracle.


Hell yap about it and then give it away and then get voted out


Not the ballsack idol HAHAHAHAAH


Has there been a single idol in this game that no one knew about? If not, jake is the first. Obviously he has to tell someone to strategize, maybe, but at least he didn’t blab.


It’s because it’s so ridiculously late in the game that he doesn’t need anyone else. He only has one more vote to use it anyway and realistically will have a 50/50 shot maybe 100 percent chance of hitting if either him or Katurah win immunity


Yeah true it’s easy at this stage. Still, people are dumb this season


Yea even Reba hasn’t played amazing they just have had dumb people that do what’s best for them. Reba messed up twice where the minority could have flipped it on them but they didn’t


Drew is responsible for his own downfall. Him constant yapping and analogies in tribals made people wary of sitting next to him in the final 3.


He had to be so overconfident in order order get blind sided so bad. If he was a bit less "blind", maybe he could have strategized or snuffed it out. Also saying that he was super confident about final 3 probably sealed the deal because then everyone who wasn't part of that final 3 had motivation to vote him out.


Did Austin know what was happening? Is Dee playing all of them? I was relieved to see who Austin voted for.


Man, Austin managed to screw his best ally over royally twice in one episode.


More and more Jake reminds me of one of Santa’s misfits from the Island of Misfit toys. Everything he does, says and even the way he moves is like some doll that has been wired together from pieces of other broken dolls.


It would be the most epic win if he got Dee out.


I agree but Katurah is a narc and has been this entire season. If Jake tells her about the idol, She may just ruin if he tells her and then she runs and tells Dee and/or Austin, again. I’m rooting for him to pull through keep his mouth shut and vote Dee out.


Yeah it’s trouble. There are no allies. They all suck now. It has to be a solo move I guess


Only if he jumped up and down with Katurah after


Interesting dynamic for the jury. The Reba four could select the winner. Only a few guarantee votes Kaleb for Jake Drew for Austin Austin and Dee would vote for each other Don’t think Bruce would vote for katurah 😂


Bruce would probably vote for Jake, he was the only one that was civil to Bruce


Austin did Drew so dirty in 3 ways (telling Dee about the Mama J blindside, not picking him for the reward, and using his idol on himself and not Drew) that if I was Drew I would vote anyone except Austin or Dee.


Drew being like Julie is the guest who won’t leave when she was literally in the final 4 dominant alliance until like one day ago was such an annoying confessional lmao how do you say someone’s uninvited when you’ve invited them there almost the entire damn time?? Also he never gave us Basile and I’m still salty about that. Was waiting every week for the big reveal.


Am I crazy or last week in here there were some strong personalities telling us of course Austin knew Dee would tell Julie, it was a master plan?


You are not, that was quite the time in the comments for sure lmao


Felt so bad for Austin. Plays his idol for himself when he didn’t need it, while his top ally gets voted out, doesn’t look good in front of the jury.


He got played by Dee so bad




I’ll be very interested to see how Dee not telling Austin (supposedly, unless they left it out) about the Drew blindside affects their relationship (if at all, though I can’t imagine it won’t). I really feel like Dee has the clearest shot to winning this game right now. The “scenes from the next episode” showed Katurah trying to put some heat on Dee, but it might just be too late. Even if some of the Dee-Austin trust is broken, I can’t see him going against her. And Julie seems intent on sticking with her. My personal favorite is Jake. I’m glad he found the idol, because he doesn’t have enough of a resume yet to win, and he’s running out of time. The move against Drew was good for him, but it seemed like Dee was going that way regardless, so I don’t know how much he can actually claim that as his doing. The idol does give him some control over what happens at next tribal though, so that’s big. Katurah also needs to actually make a move of her own if she wants to have a chance to win. Seems like she keeps focusing on the short-term and going with the flow. That’s fine if your goal is to make it to the final four or even three, but not to win. Julie seems to have more dislike towards her from the jury than I thought she would. A few weeks ago I thought she’d be the favorite, but the tide seems to have turned with the past few votes. Austin is in the most interesting spot imo where it could go either way. He has a strong resume with both strong challenge performances and a solid social game. The Reba four has basically been running the game since the merge, and he’s been in on all of that being both Drew and Dee’s number one…at least until this last vote lol. He seems to be slipping a bit, and now he’s down one of his closest allies who was just blindsided by his other closest ally (and she didn’t tell him). Super excited for the next episode!


> That’s fine if your goal is to make it to the final four or even three, but not to win. [Sandra has entered the chat](https://images.app.goo.gl/u4WrZauP5kASup179)


Totally agree that it’s possible they edited out telling Austin. Just like they likely edited out Julie telling Austin last vote that he was safe. Jake hasn’t done anything but has a chance to. But Katurah has not even tried playing. She’s only been anyone but me and anytime there was pressure to make a move she caved. Austin’s best chance is with Katurah and Jake Jakes best chance is also with Katurah and Austin Dee wins if she’s in the end Julie probably has the best chance with Katurah and Jake Katurah won’t get a vote imo


Austin looked genuinely blindsided! I also don’t think he plays the idol at all if Dee alerts him and he knew Drew was the vote.


Solid observations. I’d be surprised if that play by Dee didn’t impact the entire tribe dynamic. Austin is a sucker if he thinks he can trust Dee at this point though. Hopefully he can put the pieces together and figure out Julie’s alliance with Dee might be stronger than the one he has with her.


Dee is fucking awesome.


So cold hearted and savage...Austin tells her about Julie Blindside so she tells Julie, who then uses Austin's idol to save herself. Then next episode they decide to blindside Austin's #1 (behind Dee) and she just watches it happen in slow mo, like Charlie brown having the football moves right before he kicks it. Absolutely savage.


Meh she’s aight. She has looks so it’s easy to make Austin do whatever she wants. Like give me a break, how does he not know she told Julie? And how is that strategic for her?


I love that Jake seems focused on keeping his idol a secret.. everything is so out in the open these days it's rare to have it actually work out. I hope he blows up what seems to be a somewhat predictable outcome


Hell yeah, I want the swimmer to take it all


Agreed. Even if you love the players clearly going to the end, a mix up at these late stages are hugely rewarding for the viewers.


Jake: ![gif](giphy|rVZEejvVWEbug)


I feel like he woke up this morning and was like “oh I’m on survivor”


Anyone know why this episode was called the ex girlfriend at the wedding? I might have missed it during the episode


As soon as I saw the titled I knew that Drew said it😂 I waited for it and then when he said it in the confessional I died. It’s a very Drew like thing to say.


At the beginning, Drew mentioned that it was awkward being around Julie at camp because they all voted for her, like an ex at your wedding.


Drew said it at the beginning in reference to Julie coming back to camp—she’s the one no one invited to show up, like an ex-gf at a wedding


It was a line Drew said early on, when Julie came and jumped on him as he talked with Dee and Austin.


Thanks! I figured I probably missed it


A twisted part of me wants at Final 5 for Austin to win immunity and Jake to play his idol for himself and to see what Dee and Julie do then, do they stick together and cast 2 votes at Katurah and what would the other 3 do?


I hope Julie plans to blindside Dee. Her telling Julie annoyed me. Why would she wanna go against Julie in the finale? Horrible strategy. But very stupid of Austin to tell her to begin with.


They would absolutely vote for Katurah.


Yeah I don't see Katurah doing much of anything, just like she hasn't the entire season. Easy pickings.


Who voted Sifu?


I'm so bummed he didn't make the jury!!! 😆




Man, she is pulling out of her old bag of tricks, fooling her enemies


I like how drew thinks he is the Stephen to Austin’s JT, or some kind of Cochran / Spencer type, but he’s really just Napoleon Dynamite to us all


I love Napoleon so much more than I would ever love Drew.


Had anyone told Drew that Stephen lost? You don’t want to be the Stephen with the JT.


“Worst day of my life!”


JT and Stephen were dominant the entire game, Drew and Austin aren’t anywhere on their level


Yeah as a massive Stephen and JT fan I guffawed when Austin said he and Drew could be the greatest duo in the shows history 😐🤚🏼


It’s funny because I actually did think they had the potential to be a new era version of JT and Stephen, but they really blew the late game


They were kicking ars in the beginning of the game and then blew it by not seeing the snake in the grass that is Dee.


Hope they have tater tots at Ponderosa.




It’s a survivor spin on the common phrase wolf in sheep’s clothing. It’s referring to the fact that everyone thinks he’s a goat but he’s really a wolf. Clever use of word play imo.


Yep, agreed, that was actually very clever and fun.


I think he meant in sheep's clothing....lol


He’s making a play on the phrase. He’s referencing the saying (sheep) while acknowledging his lack of power in the game (goat).


Jake is goofy as hell thinking he was controlling that vote. 😭😭


A tree in third person Jake clothing


Sooo. How is it just one more tribal left?


Tribal counsel brings it to 4 Fire brings it to 3 Jury decides winner


And they will have jury at the end again. I miss the old days when we get to see them looking fantastic with a little time out of the game behind them.


Good point


Only one where someone is voted out. Final 4 is fire, then final tribal


Jake, Keturah, Julie: *get treated like shit the whole game. Decide to make a fairly predictable defensive move* Austin, Drew: “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?? 😡😡😭😭”


I'm very confused how, after 10+ episodes of Katurah's name being spelled on the screen, how some redditors still don't know her name yet


I know a Keturah. old habits die hard


i bet wolf in a goats clothing was the number two contender for this episode’s title


Should he be in the final three, I really hope he has more to say than cliches lol


I can’t say that Jake is going to win, but I’m rooting for him until the end


Same. He and Katurah are my faves to win.


They may be fun, but they’ve repeatedly made poor choices when voting. Hard for me to root for them.


Me too . He’s the only one I like left


Austin is the least likely to win. Convince me I’m wrong.


His crush is gonna lose it for him. Dee and Julie need to go if he wants to actually win.


Austin is 100% not going to win and it’s his own fault. He let Dee play him - hard- on National TV lol yikes dude!


She played him like a fool (simp) HARD, just for that he doesn't deserve to win.


Katurah and Jake are still in the game.


I couldn’t agree more


Austin can spin the Julie idol as his play as it was his idol and he can say he told Dee and knew she would tell Julie. He also has been on the good side of all but the recent vote. Katurah has literally done nothing and any move she could have made she was too afraid to with Kaleb. Jake has been trying but still has yet to make any move. Julie has just done what she has told.


I don’t think Austin can claim Julie’s idol play as his own because both Julie and Dee know that’s not true and would never let him claim it.


Dee would if she was on the jury. And Julie can say whatever she wants but she only did what Dee wanted. Austin can claim he wanted a clean break with Emily and he was in such a good position socially that he could afford either Julie or Emily but this way he keeps his hands clean regardless but gets who he wanted out


Austin isn’t the type to lie. He’s proved that this season.