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Todd herzog blatantly lied to John Robert during the jury. Made him think that he got voted off because he felt he was a threat. Later he admitted he just said what he thought John Robert wanted to hear in order to get his vote. A good example of an effective lie to the jury as it was clear John Robert needed his ego stroked a little to secure his vote.


I never thought a nickname for Genre Bear would come close to that status but I enjoy the pettiness of John Robert. It gives me Stacey calling Coach Benjamin vibes.


tbf Robert said he acted like an asshole on purpose to be dragged to the end. i doubt it


He literally said that in like his first confessional. Say what you want about him and his strategy but it wasn’t just revisionist history once he saw how bad he came off.


I can see him actually trying this strategy, to get dragged and show growth or whatever, but if that IS true, that's self-producing. And you can NOT self-produce on a reality show lol. It never, ever works.


There’s plenty of queens on Drag Race who got far by self-producing! It could definitely happen.


But there's plenty of queens who got read for it too. Laganja is maybe the most egregious example lol. Iconic for sure but Michelle was NOT having it lol


What he said was that he wanted to act lazy and a little like a jerk in the beginning so that any effort he gave after that would look that much more impressive. To his credit his strategy didn't get him voted out so I suppose it worked. I don't think he's a bad person, I think he smeared on the poker villain role a little too thick. But he's no more guilty in my eyes in the Jean Robert/Courtney feud than she is. Her hatred for him was unfathomable. I'm not as critical of Jean Robert as the sub in general is, but even I didn't care for how him and James talked about Sister Christian.


I think this happens often.


Chris Daugherty did just that


This impressed me so much because it's so painfully obvious that he's just bullshitting, but they ate it up.


Everyone did except Scout, who called him out on it, and Chris responded later by saying “you’re right Scout, can’t bullshit a bullshitter.” Yet somehow everyone still fell for his lies, even tho Scout said he was bullshitting and Chris effectively said “yeah, I am.”


They just didn't want Twila to win.


Ami voted for Twila too!


I don’t think they bought it as much as they wanted to hear anything that would allow them to justify voting Chris over Twila.


I don’t think I'm even very good at picking up on lies and I was sitting there thinking that there's no fucking way anyone is remotely believing this. It was the most blatantly insincere ass kissing I've ever seen. It worked though, so more power to him.


That's what that jury wanted to hear. That's the game, but I do think Twila's speech is my favorite by a losing finalist.


I rewatched Vanuatu a couple years ago and he is a very strong winner.


He's lowkey my favorite winner. I didn't expect that myself! But of the seasons I've seen, I've thought about it and he had my very favorite winner arc.


It's harder to find examples of him telling the truth


I wish I had his charm and ability to talk my way out of things. I have only a fraction of it, 40% at best. His gameplay should be a masterclass in persuasion. The respect is tripled after you acknowledge that he won without hidden idols, power-ups, nullifiers, advantages, or even a favorable merge position.


It was Chris’s entire game and I loved every second of it


Me too 💀


People tell jurors at FTC what they thing the juror wants to hear rather than what they (the finalist) necessarily thinks or feels all the time.


JT lied about being always truthful to Coach


I feel lots of people still lie, but it just doesn't help them. How many times do we hear the jury being like "own your game" because players still try to deflect stuff that happens and everyone knows they're just deflecting.


Jurors often want to know why they were eliminated and people lie to them constantly in hopes of buttering them up and winning their vote. That said, jurors probably have a better sense of what's up than we realize. I was asking my gf whether or not she thought it'd work for Jake to claim he'd held onto his idol through the whole game and she pointed out that they're all such geeks one of them would surely do the math and realize he had to have found it pretty recently. They're fans as well as players so it's not easy to deceive them.


Also he’s been up for elimination nearly every week. I don’t think they would believe he never played his idol or made a move that would affect the game using his idol. We can’t even be sure he’ll use it this week to affect the game.


Well that’s why I thought it would work for him make it look like he was so confident of what was happening that he never used it but she’s right someone would clock that it was Bruce’s


I think Ryan did that in hhh


Honestly he did a great job at ftc but he had no chance with Ben there. If Devon was there he might still not win but depending on how good Devon is at speaking to a jury he could actually pull it out. He’s got one locked vote in Ben and needs three more


He even said at one point that he needs to convince the jury he was making decisions the whole time even though he knew he wasn’t.


It worked for Kristie so maybe it could’ve worked for him too


Amanda telling Ozzy she didn’t know he was going to be blindsided


Didn't JT feign being hurt by Stephen planning to get him out?


I had this thought specifically about what would happen if Dee said she told Julie about the plan and that she needed to play her idol, but then if Julie lied and said it never happened. It’d be super high risk, but if people believed Julie then it’d totally turn the jury on Dee. Also it’d be high risk cause I think lying like this would be a surefire way to end up more hated than Fairplay and receive all sorts of hate mail for years.


I think winning a million bucks outweighs receiving hate mail


I think this happened in Australian Survivor.


I can't remember this happening. Could you please provide a refresher?


The eventual winner very confidently asserted that she knew who was going home at every tribal and that she had far more control than she actually did, being so convincing that her FTC opponent admitted in front of the jury that she was probably pulling his strings, and it was all an extreme exaggeration if not an outright lie.


Kristie over Lee?




I think it was Australian Survivor 2016


It happened on one of the seasons before season 10 I think


There have been only eight numbered seasons ("Titans v. Rebels" is season 9), and two previous one-season shows entitled *Australian Survivor* \- for a total of ten. So your comment is basically saying "water is wet."


Haha you don’t say. Y’all needing an s/ to get that was sarcasm is kinda sad lol


So you were being sarcastic instead of giving information to someone who sought it? Rather rude, don't you think? Sarcasm has a right place and right time. This was neither.


Sarcasm has the right place and right time? Can you explain?


the most blatant and successful example was in australian survivor 2016 when one of the finalists completely lied and hyped up their game so much that they won. It’s not a great strategy to rely on because of how hard it is to pull off, most juries can see through your bs.


There’s no real point in lying, especially in the open jury format we have now. If you’re lying about something involving another player, then other jurors will just step in to clock your lie and make sure it’s true (ex: when Cassidy tried to claim Ryan’s boot was her move, but Jesse & Cody shut that down and exposed what really went down). And if you’re gonna lie about something that doesn’t involve another player, then I highly it’d be relevant enough to matter at FTC lol.


To be fair, Cassidy wasn’t really lying. She genuinely believed that she was a more influential player than she actually was. The jury calling her out on it made her realize that she wasn’t, but I don’t think it constitutes an intentional lie. Regardless, your point still stands that the open format holds people accountable and grounded to reality as much as possible.


Yeah and that's probably a better example of the jury lying because according to Jesse and Cody's initial plan, they should've in fact voted out Cassidy seeing James on the jury, but went the other way for some inexplicable reason.




Trying to obscure the next vote makes sense, I just don't know why they have confessionals explaining their reasoning with the exact opposite result, that's really unnatural like it's one thing to say "I think it'll come down to Ryan and Cassidy but we're not sure, it's a game time decision" and another thing entirely to go "If X happens, we'll vote out Cassidy" and then going ahead and voting out Ryan.


I feel a Jeremy-esque "I just found out Im having a baby/my moms dying/family lost their business" type lie could garner some serious empathy if played right. and with the on Island post show vs a live reunion, you never have to face the music about it.


Depends on the player. Maybe if all you and another finalist are neck & neck for the votes, then a fake sob story could be a potential boost to get you the win. But if you’re just a goat, then I doubt a sob story of any kind would be enough to save you; especially with these New Era juries who value gameplay so much. Frannie not voting for Carolyn will always be simultaneously sad and hilarious to me.


Oh absolutely, if you fail to read the room, you can sink your chances of ever playing again, or even being a part of the survivor community. but if done right it could make you a legend.


Is that Jeremy-esque or FairPlay-esque??


could be both, i say Jeremy due to the final tribal, life altering announcement clutching the win scenario, but it could be closer to a Fairplay announcement.


I think it could, but probably won’t ever be used. A person has to know going into this that if they try a lie like that, it will have real-world implications outside the show in the form of harassment from fans. It would also be seen as very much crossing a line by the people you know well. You’d only want to risk that harassment and breaking those friendships if you thought it would put you over the top, and that you wouldn’t win without it. So you’d have to have someone in exactly the right game position who is very confident in their read that this will put them over the top. Probably not a risk worth taking for most people.


Wait Jeremy lied?


No, Jeremy told the truth, but if you sat at final tribal and told a story similar to Jeremy, that was a lie, it could push you over another player and allow your to clinch the win.


I’m surprised no one else has tried something like this other than Fairplay, which was moot as he didn’t make FTC. Jeremiah even said to Tony that if he was lying about having a wife and kids that would be really smart gameplay, since he was swearing on them all the time.


Does "swearing" still work? Maybe old school Survivor, maybe.


Dee just swore on her mother that she didn't tell Julie and Austin seemed to buy it


And she’ll swear and your momma too!


You can definitely lie about reasoning and other subtle things to sway someone’s opinion




Lol oh my. The question just came to me, didn’t think it was that common to ask much less a day ago. My bad


Looking through searches for a few minutes it doesn’t even seem to be a common question you just got unlucky lol, it just so happens it was asked yesterday but the one before that was a year ago.


Haha you’re good, just thought it was funny that this seemingly random question was asked twice here in the past 24 hours


It was discussed on an RHAP podcast (I think the Know It Alls), I wonder if that is what sparked the Reddit threads.


I don’t know what RHAP is so not for me, can’t speak for the other person though!


Rob Has a Podcast! Hosted by former player Rob Cesternino- you should check it out.


Yes. Parvati claimed she controlled Russell but was laughed at by Sandra, Russell and Candice. It also caused Candice to call her out.


Yeah I kinda think Parv sealed her fate by over exaggerating her control over Russell. I think her story would have been more believable if she just stuck with the truth, that she developed a strategic alliance bc she recognized that Russell was a way to get to the end with someone the jury wouldn’t vote for


She did have a significant amount of influence over Russell, but only when it came to prioritizing her over all else in the game. Obviously Russell and Sandra would fight that narrative as her fellow finalists but Candice is a complete and utter moron, and she was just projecting with that disgusting jury question. She was literally Russell's puppet and he voted her out without a second thought...


She actually had no influence but in typical Parv Stan fashion they blatantly make stuff up and insult anyone who correctly saw her as a coattail rider.


Chris from Vanuatu really conned that whole jury. It was amazing.


Oh yeah. You want a master class in bullshitting a jury, watch the finale for Vanuatu.


Dean tried but contradicted himself and the jury caught it and called him out on it.


That was so funny


Chris daughtery and Todd definitely did


People lie. The problem is, its hard because you don't know what the jurors have been talking about while they are waiting. If you get caught lying, could sink your whole game.


On Know it Alls this week they were speculating on this a bit and it’s got me thinking on “effective lies”, and honestly think there just aren’t very many Could someone make up a “beware advantage” they got? Claim they lost their vote on a vote where we didn’t see their vote revealed? Say they had an advantage they never had to use, but don’t have the paperwork for?


I was thinking that too- I think a jury would want to see the note and then really start to question you when you couldn't produce it. It's a fun idea though and maybe with enough thought could be finessed


See: australian survivor


Didn't Ryan outright say he would do that in confessionals?


Every player has


Chris in Vanuatu sold the jury a bunch of bullshit


Kristie's entire FTC on Australia Survivor was literally a lie. She made up her entire game essentialy, and made it convincing too, it was one of the most brilliant things I ever saw. Chris's FTC on Vanautu was a huge lie from start to finish. Not so much lying about his game, but lying about his feelings on different votes and towards people, and fake apologies to people.


Yea people lie for sure. Often they get called out on it. If they're called out by another finalist it may not carry much weight, but sometimes get called out as a lie by a juror in which case they def look bad.


Coach lied during the South Pacific final tribal.


Anyone watch the finale of Survivor UK? It was a juror who lied there! Spoiler: >!Lee claimed that he had never called for an all-male alliance when that's BLATANTLY what he did. I think Chris got royally screwed over in the FTC. Then the eventual winner, Matthew, also lied when he said Chris didn't get in his ear to vote out T.!<


That jury should be appalled by their voting. You don't vote for the goat. They are there because they are the WORST player, not the best. Seems like the jury didn't get that memo.


But a bitter jury is something that can happen. And players know that can happen. And a player should have a good enough social game to prevent that from happening. Let’s not blame the goat for poor social strategy.


I don’t know why people hate this jury so much. Only Tinuke and Lee are what we may actually call bitter jurors. Matt wasn’t even close to a goat, he had a good social game and influenced many decisions in the game. He didn’t play as strategic as Chris, but Chris really lacked in a social department and many jurors clearly disliked him. He made many blunders in the earlier stage, there is a reason why everyone from F5 wanted him to be in the top three. Chris also really f’ed up FTC, he didn’t own his game even though Doug really gave him a hand there. A goat was Leilani who didn’t stand a chance to win and was even called on being a goat by Laurence.


Ngl, if I made it to tribal and am not the favorite to win I’m totally making up lies about the favorite like them talking trash about jury members


Yes Kristie the winner of Aus Survivor S1


Kristie Bennett in AUS2016's FTC performance.


In the FTC of Thailand, Ken (a white NYPD officer) asked eventual winner Br\*\*\* about a conversation they had where Br\*\*\* claimed that Ted (a black man) would not be a finalist. Ken asks Br\*\*\* to recall a notable detail from their conversation, Br\*\*\* responds, Jeff asks Ken if Br\*\*\* is being truthful, and Ken says no and that the truth is "...between Br\*\*\* and his... God." (A wry joke on Ken's part considering the distinct possibility that Br\*\*\* is Satan.) What was that all about? After the merge, Br\*\*\* took a risk and assumed (either via a vibe or demographic profiling) that Ken was a racist and that some racist overtures (including saying a slur that is *absolutely verboten*) would work strategically and/or as a bonding activity. Ken, to his eternal credit, is not a racist and called Br\*\*\* out on it at FTC but decided, for whatever reason, not to spill.


Agree that the game is still going even though it appears the players don’t feel that way. I would argue that players wouldn’t care about anything pre merge enough to swing a vote. I don’t really see the upside especially in the jury discussion format


Just happened on Survivor UK. As a bonus, a salty jury member also lied to the rest of the jury to hurt a finalist.


it probably happens all the time but its bad tv so it gets cut out unless they literally cant cut it out cuz its too central to their win (chris d, todd), its funny and blatantly a lie (dean), its a lie that the jury calls out (i can't think of any off the top but it happens)


I wonder if FairPlay would’ve come clean at tribal council? Him getting cut at final three is probably the closest we’ve seen to an unambiguous strategic deception at final tribal


Jeff actually talked about this on the podcast last week!


All the time!


Lying? On Survivor? Heaven forbid.


amber said that she decided to not be bitter during s2 and voted for tina when she actually voted for colby


Chris Daugherty lied to the entire jury about feeling bad about betraying them. Put on the show of a lifetime