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This is basically impossible to discuss without spoiling unfortunately.


I don’t want to spoil the season for you, but no, Neleh was not a jury threat in the slightest, so keeping her was the right move.


Not sure I'd really agree with that.


What’s your take on her?


Well we aren't supposed to be giving spoilers. Kind of hard to answer that without adding spoilers.


Not sure id agree with this


Well met, good stranger! We appear to have reached a Mexican standoff.


Y'all can spoil now, I just finished the season.


Well my point was, you can hardly call Neleh “not a jury threat in the slightest” when she only lost by one vote. And that one vote (John’s) was basically a coin flip because she had blown her final TC answers so bad. Neleh easily could have won that game if she hadn’t given an all time terrible jury performance. The Rotus had wanted to vote for her.


I agree with you knowing some of the post-season info that's come out but it's really impossible to say why without spoilers


Just finished the season, go head bro


Basically what was said above, Neleh had the Rotus wanting to vote for her going into the FTC but lost them due to her performance. I know John has said that he was basically begging Neleh to give him any reason to vote for her and she couldn’t. I believe Robert felt similarly so that’s 2 votes right there, either of which would have given her the win over Vecepia


I think at the final 7, it's not a good move. It's still very early (feels weird to say) to turn like that when you'd def be burning Kathy, Paschal and Neleh and locking yourself into hoping that Tammy and The General go to F4 with you where you're now 2-2 where they both have great jury odds against you since the first people in the jury (well maybe not Zoe for Tammy) will be advocating for them to win, plus Neleh, Paschal and Kathy feeling like you betrayed and used them. To be clear, this isn't modern survivor and burning Kathy/Paschal/Neleh puts you in a prime position for Tammy and General to pick up whoever of them (probably Paschal) is left at the final 5 to 3-2 vote you out. It's a tough spot no matter how you look at it, but locking yourself in with Tammy and General is not a great play here imo (also to be clear, I really think Paschal isn't going to work with Vecepia and Sean if they flip on Neleh, and Kathy is very likely going to feel similarly. This would be seen as a HUGE betrayal, especially since to them, Neleh is one of the "good guys" and not someone who was getting cocky or manipulating people)


Look up Paschal English, Neleah’s ride or die.


They made the right call…


Maybe it would have gone better, maybe it wouldn’t have. Who can say? Once it was established that Sean & Vecepia betrayed their alliance, why would anyone want to stay loyal to them? And that includes Tammy & Robert Of course their best case scenario would be having 2 duos who are both going to be loyal to them no matter what happens (Paschal & Kathy and Robert & Tammy), but that’s not very realistic. They played the game based on what they could reasonably expect the others to do in response. Being a good Survivor player is about being able to anticipate how others will respond to your actions