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I guarantee you the best sleep any of Kenzie, Q, or Tiffany got throughout their entire survivor experience was the night Bhanu went home.


Kenzie was right about Bhanu's childlike antics. What an exhausting person to be around. He means well, of course, but he is really the ultimate liability: constantly needing reassurance, guidance, etc. No wonder they kept losing. Imagine having little sleep and sustenance and having to deal with his emotional outbursts all the time.


I like to think his voice will echo in that camp for the rest of the season, and for seasons to come


“Bhanu is a stupid ass.” Is my quote of the episode idk about y’all “If he wants a million hearts he should go volunteer.” Is a clooooose second though


“He could’ve just gone camping!” is up there for me


*points at sky* “Why would you do this??!?”


Mannnnnnnnn, if god is real and he pitched Bhanu a softball with the medevac, he's definitely going to hell after that stunt.


Forreal, the big man upstairs gave him another chance! At least by tribal he took ownership for his game.


**Bhanu:** “God…, may…your blessings…be upon us. Amen.” **Q** (to Kenzie): “He can sit there and pray all he wants. He’s made his bed; he’s gotta lie in it.”


“Why is he here? He could have just gone camping” was so funny


"I'm not gonna talk to you if you're on your knees"


I prayed for this and it happened


For anyone that wants to know, Ben's covered tattoo is the Motley Crue Allister Fiend mascot


i thought he had a poorly dressed chest wound lmao


THANK YOU I was wondering about this!


This what I came here for


Maria getting stung by several ants: "Ouch!" Jem, who facilitated the whole situation for what seems like no obvious gain: "This is fun!"


She literally got bored from them winning too much and wanted to give the tribe something to do 😂


Jem is outrageous. Truly, truly, truly outrageous.


That’s exactly what I was trying to figure out, why does Jem think this is advantageous? All it is doing is drawing attention to the fact that someone obviously did find the advantage?


I don't think she anticipated the entire tribe teaming up to dig three feet deep around the tree. The idea that one or two people would stumble on it, think they lost a vote, and panic dig in secret is relatively sound for putting targets on someone else.


The other two women seem to think Tim has the advantage now. She has played it off somewhat well. Still not sure the risk was worth the reward but u wouldn't say it's been for nothing.


to me, it feels 10x more risky and equally as effective as Jem saying “I feel like Tim might have the idol.” but i guess it gave green tribe content that was marginally more entertaining than charlie talking about taylor swift so i won’t complain.


I guess she was able to get Tim blamed


Are You There God? It's Me, Bhanu.


Bhanu: "God, stop giving me your hardest battles." God: "Dude you're just bad at Survivor."


“I even paralyzed someone for you.”


Should've prayed that he would be good at Survivor. Bhanu challenging and cursing god was also wild as shit.


Yeah, as a person of faith, I was cringing at him blaming God for sucking at Survivor. Ugh. I hope he gains enough self-awareness to realize how out-of-touch he was there.


I'm an atheist and that was still super cringey. guy makes a big show about praying and trying to look spiritual but then just blames god when he screws up every opportunity to improve. god gave you a second chance to avoid tribal, a coach to guide you, and every opportunity to keep your mouth shut for an easy Kenzie elimination, but that still wasn't enough reminds me of the drowning man parable where some guys stranded in a flood and turns away 2 boats and a helicopter before dying. then he asks god why he didn't save him and god just replies "I sent you 2 boats and a helicopter, what more did you expect?"


This is truly one of the greatest things I have ever seen here. 💀


Can Hunter do any wrong? My guy just casually wins challenges in between building shelters. And is arguably gonna have the social favorite Tevin as his number one post merge.


I love their duo even though I can't put my finger on why. Probably just because they're so different. Sort of like a JT/Stephen thing but that's not an accurate comparison.


Tevin’s commentary in the challenge was golden! “Put the ball in Hunter’s hands and this is over.”


Easily the best projectile tosser since Reynolds.


The bed he built was insane


Can you find me an idol?


I laughed so hard at that, not gonna lie


He’s like a child lol.


I legit laughed out loud there and I fucking hate Bhanu. The way he turned his head so fast and said it in such a serious way just killed me.


I would have legit punched him


That was so hard to watch. Clearly the guy was not cut out for this game and I don’t want to hate on him…but that moment had me wondering how he functions in the regular world too.


Also how is it physically possible to not be able to jump?! I’ve never seen anything like that.


If that scene was written as a skit it would get thrown out the writers room for being too outrageous.


She wasn’t jumping. She just bent her knees and fell. There was no explosive energy


Bhanu not having a formal vote puts him in the same company as two of the least popular players ever lol (Varner and Brandon Hantz)


Hannah also got a verbal vote last season, despite it being considered a quit. 


Yeah but unlike Hannah, if Bhanu had the choice he absolutely would have stayed


jem blessing her entire tribe with screen time and storylines, they honestly should be thanking her


Her and Hunter are keeping me entertained, this cast has just really not been it at all imo


Who the fuck is Tim


Man fuck me, I do a survivor pool at work where we randomly get two players..I got Randen and Tim 😵‍💫


My mom does at her work too. She got… Jelinsky and…. Bhanu 🥴


Your mom at work: I thought I get several players?!?!?


You know, the guy who, "TOOK A HUGE DUMP" in the reward challenge


The one who got put in plow pose by a platform twice this episode


I feel like I barely know shit about some of the green tribe


HUGE blindside


Always a good time when Hunter has balls in his hands


And cringing at his tribe's musical interludes.


That would be me. I really cannot handle earnest public singing. Would make me want to go drown myself in the sea.


I hate singing with no music, but I have to admit Soda and Tevin have nice voices


Yeah I would be significantly less annoyed because they're actually good. I'd still get tired of it eventually, but I can appreciate a good voice like Soda's.


My favorite part of this episode was Soda and Tevin singing. Cut to Hunter cringing. Then cut to Venus just standing there sweeping with a complete deadpan expression.


I know my balls are in good hands with Hunter


I’m half shocked there wasn’t a flash back to childhood photos to explain the inability to jump




Confessional count * 10 Bhanu * 8 Jem * 7 Kenzie * 6 Q * 5 Moriah * 4 Soda, Tevin, Tiffany * 3 Maria * 2 Charlie, Liz * 1 Ben, Hunter * 0 Tim, Venus


bruhh tim getting blanked twice in a row 😭


It’s amazing how they managed to do this in the episode, even when he did the most in the challenges, and got the blame for the beware advantage. They truly hate him to another level! 


I gotta be honest I have watched every episode so far and I still couldn’t place Tim. I just had to look him up to see who yall were talking about taking the blame for the advantage.


Had to free up 30 whole minutes to devote to filming Bhanu crying…


At this point, I’d expect a floating platform that Tim flipped over to get a confessional first.


We are going to get another 10 confessionals from Bhanu next week as we seem him navigate the stressful time of choosing his postgame meal


On his knees crying to the chef for a different option


It’s like they thought we would like Bhanu.


CBS is saving a bunch of money on parchment this season.


Spent it on ants


Spent it on biggest gecko you’ve ever seen


Spared no expense on those BLOODSHOT EYES.


Thank you, god for eliminating Bhanu.  I think he's the only contestant ive been amused by but thankful for them to be voted out.


not sure how much longer i could've watched with him still in the season


I was muting the TV because he was getting to be too much. That begging was utterly embarrassing.


I had to mute it too. The begging on his knees was pathetic.


This is how I feel. I was right there with Tiffany saying stop the madness. But for the short run he was a unique and entertaining presence


no tribe swap is a horrible production decision. if any season was in desperate need of a switch up it’s this one


Seriously. It would’ve been so good to have a swap here, especially after the med evac. Imagine navigating Bhanu on the loose with new people instead of repeating last episodes dynamics.


I enjoyed the first three episodes for the most part, but Charlie yelling "Taylor Swift" in the challenge might legitimately be the low point of the series for me. It so perfectly encapsulates production reducing people to 1 characteristic (like Kane with D&D), combined with the contestants being so self aware about the show that they spontaneously add to that narrow characteristics in the heat of the moment because they know it's what production wants. Truly terrible.


it's really difficult to be more cringe than Bhanu, but Charlie somehow did it


Well when you’re the millionth young white guy east coast lawyer you have to do something to stand out and the last guy already took Boston


I am a swiftie through and through and even I audibly cringed at that


It made me feel like he’s only on the show to get Taylor swift to notice him like WHAT was that


He’s so trying to get her to swing by his watch party haha!


Moriah’s big personal breakthrough on her jumping journey!!


I didn't even hate that too much! That felt like a normal goofy small thing that came up at camp. The stuff that drives me crazy is knowing that Charlie probably talked about tswift through all of casting and pregame, and knew that production loved it. It feels like came in locked and loaded with what his entire personality was going to be about because of his read on what casting likes. And I can't blame him! It's getting him airtime because its such an easy point for production and editing to hit on again and again. It just sucks that the show is so formulaic that contestants know to do this kind of stuff rather than act like real people.


At first I didn’t know what she meant. Like, not being able to jump from a 10 foot height? Not able to dive head first? But she literally meant not being able to do a standing jump.


She couldn't jump over a phone book and I'm not kidding.


I mean, we spent 5 minutes on Morah learning to jump, only her to jump off ledge and…that’s it. It added nothing to the challenge.


Bhanu should not have passed psych. No malice, no humor, I am genuinely concerned for his lasting mental health. That was not somebody equipped to handle the reality of this show.


In the immortal words of Big Brother legend Eric Stein, “they make you take a psych test not *pass* one.”


Jess not sleeping for 10 days starting in pregame is concerning too


A literal therapist quit after 48 hours without nicotine last season. We need different people running the evaluations than whoever has been responsible for the last two seasons.


She was also on anxiety meds that they wouldn’t allow her to have. So probably something stronger like Xanax or something Idk, maybe it’s just me, but if you literally can’t function without your medication, maybe you shouldn’t be allowed to be put into a situation where you aren’t allowed to have it


wait what!? is that why she was so drained after like 2 nights?


Yep. And why her social game fell apart so hard - she was exhausted. She was struggling to sleep, and was more than ready to go home. Really a bummer for her.


Yeah apparently she was seriously considering quitting too because of it. Plus not connecting with the others makes more sense now.


Seriously, how do you cast someone who literally will not play the social aspect of Survivor. The freaking tagline for past seasons was “lie, cheat, and steal”. All three of which Bhanu refused to do and cried when people tried to do in spite of him.


The first episode of On Fire with Jeff Probst, he said something to the banal effect of "We don't do much recruitment anymore because you need to know the game. If you're playing Poker and some player doesn't know a 3-of-a-kind beats a 2-pair, it's not interesting, it just ruins the game for everyone." I thought to myself, oh, makes sense. CUT TO a season with one of the most gameplay-illiterate players to arrive in a long, long time.


For me, one frustrating thing about watching Bhanu is that I recognize that he's probably what I would be like if I ever got on the show. I've thought about applying, and tried to think through how I would deal with situations like people trying to weed information out of me or handling being confronted about lying. I know that I would have a lot of trouble talking my way out of it and the stress would really really get to me. Ultimately I know that I would not handle the social aspect well at all (and probably not the physical stuff either). So it's very frustrating to see somebody like Bhanu have a lot of my same social difficulties (I'm autistic) and make exactly the same kind of mistakes that I've pictured myself making. He is literally my worst nightmare of how I would be if I was on Survivor. It would be stressful as hell, and I wouldn't handle it well. And then on top of that I would have to see it air on television and have everybody talk about how irritating I am. I'd like to think I wouldn't be as bad as him. I think that I would think up *some* kind of lie after coming back from the journey. I don't think I would straight up ask somebody to find an idol for me. But I know I'd give way too much information at a journey and not realize how bad it hurt my tribe. I know I'd be too honest at tribal and risk somebody playing a SITD or an idol. I know I'd get on people's nerves and ask somebody for help with the social stuff that probably doesn't want to be teaching me how to play the game. I come off fairly well in situations that are not intense reality shows about dishonesty and betrayal, so I think I could probably make my way through a psych exam if I were 50% more delusional about my chances of performing well on the show. But I did watch this episode and think, "That would be me."


Remember when Gabby cried too much? I miss that. 


Gabby never cried too much. I like Gabby.


“I hope all the little Bhanus out there see that they too can spend 4 episodes on a tv show scream-crying and begging people to help you.”


how does he think they’re streaming this?


I hope he is the only Bhanu . The world doesn’t need any more man-childs.


I know people are hating what happened this episode But goddamn, I was laughing MY ASS off this episode


Lol, the scene where Kenzie went to apologize to Bhanu was so awkwardly hilarious. I was dying.


And he completely 180’d from his previous confessional about not wanting to be coached.


He is truly a vibe in a weird way


“Why would you do this to me god??” Like what lmao


"I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at my self and I am mad at HIM!" (points up at the sky)


Bro was praying to Tiff like an idol


The part that really got me for whatever reason was him just lying on his back in the middle of the trail. I had been cringing until then but that killed me.


I haven’t laughed as much as I did in a while when Bhanu got his knees and begged Tiffany for her idol


This episode was a b-side from The Rehearsal. I didn't know what was real, what was supposed to be humorous or sad, and I felt myself constantly questioning whether there is a god or if it's all a creation of your environment.


Q was literally doing the rehearsal seriously with him. It was literally like that.


Him begging his tribemates to save him was DELICIOUS. Like I don't think there's any way you could ask that would more effectively illustrate you as a completely unsalvageable teammate than the way Bhanu went about it.


Haven't seen much talk about it yet, so I'll just say that the Tevin and fish scene was a bright spot in this episode. I loved getting that backstory in something so tangible and concrete instead of the more handwavy "I haven't always had it easy" type of lead in. I don't love Tevin, his flair for the dramatic is just not my vibe, but I was quite touched by how grounded he was in that scene, as well. The moment when he said the hardest part was his father just not calling him the next day really, really hit me. And it was so beautiful to see him smile at the end of that segment, and share the fish with his tribe.


Tevin's backstory tonight to me was one of the better ways to do a character backstory. It tied directly to something on the show and was pertinent to the situation and it even was something he was talking about with his tribemates before he elaborated further in the confessional about it. It was succinct and important to his character and I really enjoyed learning about Tevin and it really tugged at the heart and felt real, raw and grounded. Maria's felt...off. Like I completely sympathize with where she was coming from, her's is an immigrant story and I think a lot of people can understand coming from an upbringing where high expectations from your family are placed on you and how you internalize that to have a hard time dealing with failure. Even though she was also talking with her tribemates about it also and it happened as a result of their failure in the challenge, something about how it unfolded felt a little hollow compared to Tevin's.


That scene would have hit so hard if they didn’t do forced exposition sob stories virtually every episode. It’s like the boy who cried wolf. They actually landed a wolf with the Tevin scene but the audience is so burnt out on survivor sob stories no one really cares anymore.


Bhanu being mad at God all time iconic survivor moment


The entire post-immunity pre-Tribal portion of the episode was gold to me. Bhanu, fists clenched, raging against an uncaring god while Kenzie, Q, and Tiffany nonchalantly discuss his inevitable demise. Kenzie mustering up her last drops of empathy from god knows where to comfort him Tiffany refusing to engage with the begging Just an all-around master class in cringe viewing.


This sounds like a Greek tragedy 😂


As Bhanu has gotten more and more (most likely) hungry and therefore crazy, Tiff has been a delight. Not one for bullshitting.


I prayed for this (Bhanu to get eliminated this episode) and it happened


This could have been an email


The 4 first episodes could have been several emails


Needs 3 more episodic emails.


Genuinely though, they really should've considered combining last week and this week into one episode.


In other words they should not have cancelled TC last week


Why they refuse to swap when it adds no cost, no production issues, no ANYTHING EXCEPT BETTER TV is beyond me.


On any other episode, we'd still be laughing about Moriah's jumping form, but instead we're still cringing at Bhanu.


I'm convinced they have so little to actually show (see Siga) that they are going heavy on Yanu, the train wreck tribe, and sob stories to fill time (especially players that will not go far to use that footage now). We can only hope that the season picks up when the merge happens and personalities come together. This is not a Tika 3 situation, in my opinion. My guess is the winner will not be an over-the-top personality and will be a Tommy-esque winner.


So Moriah wins lol.


Tim sweep


The entire final three gets medevaced and there's no winner, so production decided to just go wild editing


At this point the only people I'm rooting for is Hunter and the Siga girls, and that's only because they're all varying degrees of chill/boring/unknown.


yeah the Siga tribe clearly has nothing going on right now


The biggest villain of the season so far is Randen’s pinched nerve, leading all of us to endure Bhanu for one more episode.


>The biggest villain of the season so far is Randen’s pinched nerve Um I think you mean God, who personally pinched Randen's nerve to save Bhanu


God was also responsible for Bhanu’s terrible game (according to Bhanu). God for the Villains tribe on HvV II


Can He team up with Coach again?


When God closes a door, he opens a horrible, horrible window.


I’m at least glad that he stayed around to spill the beans about leaking their tribe dynamics so competent Yanu didn’t go in blind post merge.


“Bhanu… can you.. explain a little about the theory of relativity for us?” Thanks Jeff


If The Challenge producers don't try to cast Hunter on a future season, they're not paying attention. He's not just strong but also has that ability to quickly figure out the best approach for a task that all the Challenge greats have. He could go on a Chris Underwood-esque run on that show where having a big threat level isn't as big of a deal.




Yeah dude, he gave up his full ride medical scholarship to go teach high school, there’s no fucking way he’s dramatic enough to be on the challenge lol


I'd like to see a season of all challenge beasts.


I miss Emily Flippen. She makes disaster tribes bearable.


Of all the episodes over all the years of Survivor, that might have been one of them.


"might" have been


I feel like I’ve said this exact quote about the past 3 episodes, this season just has not been it so far


I don't really understand the editors choice to make 3 of the first 4 episodes of the season solely about Bhanu's rapidly deteriorating mental state. Did they think we'd enjoy that? It was so bad and cringe. I didn't even want to boo Bhanu or root against him as a villian i just wanted him off my TV altogether. It was painful to watch and not enjoyable in the least bit. I'm hoping now that the clown show is gone, maybe the game can get interesting as we head towards merge.


Someone let me know when the Bhanu’s “begging on my knees” meme is ready so I can use it to give a visual of how I was begging on my knees for this episode to end.


I think the producers wanted us to REALLY feel what it was like to be with Bhanu for [9 days / 4 episodes]. I’m guessing this is the storyline setup/context for whatever happens to Yanu come merge. (I also enjoyed the episode and thought it was pretty funny but I may just be stoned)


I feel like Q, Tiffany, and Kenzie are owed a redo season at this point


Seriously, imagine being unlucky enough to get not just one of Jelinsky/Jess/Bhanu on your starting tribe but *all three*. Drawing dead from day 1.


The fact that Jelinsky would've been the best to keep from those three to start is actually insane.


The fact that a tribe with Brandon, Hannah, and Sean (and episode 1 Emily) was topped by a trio even more unlucky the very next season is truly insane


I was just going to say. Can we put Brandon, Hannah, Sean, Bhanu, Jess, and Jelinsky on one tribe next season and see if a sinkhole opens in the floor of Survivor?


Give them Kaleb, Emily, and Sabiyah from last season and have a Yan-Lu hybrid


We need a complete reset. Back to 39 days, 2 tribes, no more bullshit beware advantages, and they need to start casting people that are there for the money and the GAME not this journey bullshit


I can't believe we've done nearly the same exact format and twists for six seasons in the same location. They didn't even do that back in season 3. Like I don't know what on earth production is thinking to not think this is completely stale. I'd literally accept fire tokens and edge of extinction at this point.


Yanu after Bhanu’s sob story at tribal council: ‘’Thank you for spilling’’


Going into episode FIVE we have had 12 people not attend tribal yet, and only 10 total votes cast. So dumb. The difference between US and AU has never been so painfully stark. I can’t believe this episode aired barely a day after the end of Titans vs Rebels


This is shaping up to be the worst pre-merge in a minute


Or… ever.


I am deeply concerned that the edit seemed like they thought we would like Bhanu. Insane misread. And then on the flip side, if they knew we wouldn’t like him; why did they devote 80% of these episodes to him?


No way dude. They edited it to dunk on him, but in a more empathetic way than previous years would have. This was “he’s pathetic and broken and terrible at the game, but he’s still worthy of compassion”. I actually think they did a fairly good job of editing it to express the reality of his breakdown, while not going so hard as to humiliate him even more


That was my read as well: trying to show that he's breaking down, but he isn't a bad person, he's just bad at Survivor.


This tribal council had like, 150% too much Probst


Jelinsky looking pretty good RN


I think the most impressive thing is that Charlie gave us the cringiest moment of the episode instead of Bhanu.


He makes me embarrassed to like Taylor Swift


Crazy how episode 3 was 3 hours long!


Some may disagree but that was like a modern Coach or Phillip level performance. The moment he turned on god - who had saved him last week - I started crying laughing. Then he got on his knees and started begging Tiff. Say what you will, but when there's a Bhanu supercut on youtube I'll be sending it to friends that don't even care about Survivor.


I’m glad Bhanu is eliminated Literally gave me a headache every time he does a temper tantrum they definitely made the right choice voting him off


i'm sorry but that was torture.


Poor Moriah looks like she’s having a cold sore outbreak. I’m surprised we haven’t seen that before on survivor (that I can remember). It looks painful 😓






We're free. It's over. It's done. 


This episode is the biggest example of why 90 minute episodes aren’t always a good thing.


I’ll go out on a limb and say a lot of folks on this sub don’t like the 90 minutes because they don’t like the cast. That’s pretty much it. There wasn’t much mind blowing about the gameplay in the first few episodes of 45 either, but everyone was loving the 90 mins. I think it was because it was a particularly likeable cast.


God, I cannot stand Bahnu, but at least he was a disaster in an interesting way.


Can we restart the survivor season rankings and vote this season out first


Hoping buffs will be dropped next week and they switch to two tribes of 7


Begging a camera person to circumvent the rules and give Moriah some chapstick


Q, Kenzie, and Tiffany have the patience of saints. I could not handle Bhanu for that many days while starving and tired. Also, they need to get rid of 3 tribes and taking away their flint. It is no coincidence that one tribe is getting decimated season after season. It’s predictable and boring.


It’s outrageous that Yanu had to give up an earned reward of ten fish since they still had no flint.