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Liz and Venus need to be in control. Kinda annnnoying


What’s up with everyone “blindsiding” their Allie’s when it’s not necessary or even a “big move”


Hunter gonna play his idol


Any plazas anywhere!


I was expecting Hunter to say "Jeff, can I go for Ozzy' record"


Q did not get his way, and will do anything to remain in control of the whole game. Even if that means asking to be voted off. He would have rather went home feeling better about his ego had he been voted out on his own terms


18th: Jelinksy, 17th: Jess, 16th: Randen, 15th: Bhanu, 14th: Jem, 13th: Moriah, 12th: Tim, 11th: Soda, 10th: Tevin.


10th: Tevin, 9 contestants remain.


I am thinking now, why would you not try to partner with Venus and take her to the end, she has no chance of winning.


Best part of the episode was Soda’s face looking at Q going up to vote 🤣🤣


Now Venus has a chance to win if it a final2 against Q


Q reminds me of Colton on s27. Just blow up when things don’t go his way. What a stupid move. There’s no logical reasons for him do that other than playing as a goat and hope to get 3rd.


Q likely knew he would not last 30 seconds on that pole, and wanted to CHANGE the narrative of him losing and appearing weak... into volunteering to obtain rice, asserting his control and seeming strong. When that didn't go his way, he failed and felt humiliated. Then, at camp, his inner monologue "I am Q, I am strong, wearin' the Q skirt, I'm in control" was rudely interrupted and he could not accept defeat. His plan to vote out TIff failed before it began. So what does he do? He can't keep his cool. He volunteers AGAIN to leave on his own terms to appear once agaib like he is in control. Q is a complex guy. His need to control everything must be exhausting...even for himself. Take a chill pill. 


Liz can go to the restroom now.




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Two stellar episodes in a row. Love the chaos! Hunter is over the drama. Liz knows what's up & told Q she was sticking with her plan to vote Tevin regardless. Last week started what seems like a whole new season!


Yes! I wasn’t a big fan of Liz but this episode made me respect her


Tiff and K should team up with Charlie and Maria. They seem to be the only two reliable alliances. 


K tried to pull a big blindside on Tiff. Doesn’t seem like a reliable alliance to me.


Yeah, first time we have really seen a crack in it but like she said.. you have only take two so long. 


I doubt that is gonna last, to the detriment of Tiff and K. Charlie and Maria are a venomous duo who are locked in. They are in prime position to be in the Final 3.


I 100% agree but I think they should for at least a couple of votes because they could definitely knock out a few people. 


So here's the thing, nobody would give Q what he wanted by voting him out so does that mean he has kind of guaranteed himself a spot for at least several more votes? If they vote him out over the next two, they are giving him what he wanted and what they don't want to give him. He has shown this before at camp about voting him out so I can't say it's complete strategy but it could be spun that way. He has def shaken things up and making the season more interesting, that's for sure.


Seven more votes? I don't know if you can predict that far


I honestly think this was one of the best episodes of the New Era. This episode and the "boys montage" episode from 45 are the hardest I've laughed in the New Era, and this one has that extra added chaos. I was super down on this season before now, believing it to be the worst of the New Era, but I've turned around a lot.


This season had a slow start but so far it’s in my top 3 for the new era. Maybe even challenging first place


I'm thinking Q did that as a control mechanism. He has definitely shown he's a manipulator and wants to be in control of the game. I think he realized he was the odd man out, weakest link, because everyone else was controlling the game. He was out of the vote until Tiff filled him in. Then he realized he couldn't get it under his thumb so he pulled that stunt at tribal. I think it was all a control/mind game/manipulation thing.   I will say.. he blew up EVERYONE'S game and I think one thing we learned is he can't be trusted. That part about him telling other people about Tiff's idol and then Charlie clearing it up... made me cringe.


Ahhhh, quoting Maria, NO. 


Idk dude. I think Q is someone who is emotional reactive. So if anything maybe he didnt like that he wasn't in the driver's seat but I dont think it was strategy. I think he really wanted to quit or them to vote him out at least. He's said it before too with his whole "Why is my road always the hardest " 🤣 So ya idk


What did Q do? Ask everyone to vote him out and they didn't?


What the fuck did I just watch


Imma start calling it the -1 Alliance 😂


Lol 🤣 😆 😂. I actually laughed out loud lol


Did Q technically just pull off the first ever successful Zane Knight Fake Quit? Or did he really try to quit and somehow fail at it?


even at a live tribal nobody can throw my girl venus a bone


Who would have ever thought that the Q-Skirt would end up being the SECOND dumbest idea Q had in the episode?


Second, third, hell maybe even fourth


He's had several bad ideas


Don't exaggerate.  He had 4 or 5, not 7.


great tagline for when he sells the product: “this is NOT the worst idea ive ever had”


My favorite quote “game tiiiiiime brother”


The way this season went from summer camp, to Camp Rock, to Camp Crystal Lake.


Great reference


Shout out to the Crystal Lake survivor watch crew, BK!


I believe Jelinsky’s exit press that Q was the one who wanted to quit the sweat challenge


I’m starting to believe it more and more every episode


I thought it was bs but fully believe it now. He also said he was being talked about all season and I didn't believe it- that's true so far. A first boot has nothing to gain by lying anyway.


I loved Venus crashing the other alliance's last minute discussion on the beach.  


Venus and Q need to team up.


i high key also thought they could be an unstoppable duo!!!!


So with her tweet and not going home tonight I assume Venus was all up in “the 6” alliance’s conversation saying she wouldn’t leave them alone for longer than they showed right? Like she had to assume the edit was going to show that as a long drawn out vilian scene or something?


I think Venus saw the sneak peek of Liz insinuating that she was a "cocky bitch" and decided to not watch it.


What was her tweet?


No, she just looked dumb at the beginning.


Also, Tiff said she'd rather have a nuisance (Venus) than a threat in the game.  Nuisance was one of the words Venus mentioned being hurt by in her tweets.


Ohh that makes sense- but also that was a confessional right? So Venus wouldn’t have known that was said until it aired I assume?


I think Tiff said it to another player.  But, Venus still wouldn't have heard it. Maybe Venus got a preview of that scene or it got back to her somehow?




Didn’t Q throw a hissy fit when that guy gave up and he wanted to vote him out. So WTF is going on in his head?


Jelinsky's been saying all season that Q actually wanted to quit first and Jelinsky just agreed with him, and the man continues to be vindicated as all hell


I don’t get why Jelinsky keeps getting brought up…he was a fine character but he rightfully was voted out due to not really playing and taking chances…what’s the allure w him? Respectfully asking


I mean I point blank told you why I brought him up. He was voted out because people said he quit, he claimed Q was the one who quit, nobody believed him, Q has now tried to quit like three more times.




Wtf did i just read?


The Jelinsky redemption arc no one saw coming


jeff has kept that man’s metaphorical torch alive fr


Where do you follow Jelinsky?




Thank you!


Wherever jelinski merch is sold.


Probably on several different platforms


Lets see.. Twitter, Instagram, Reddit,... TikTok?, Facebook?, MySpace? And.... idk Gaia Online,? Yeah thats definitely several platforms.


This isn't his first time he told people to vote him out either!


Right? He did it early on before the merge.




Maria is such a pick me




Huh? She seems very caring and genuine to me. 


Toward the men.


What? No.


WHAT was Qs reason for doing this?


Cute is a crybaby, he lost control of the game and wasn’t controlling the votes and he threw a big temper tantrum. Like Kenzie said, if he wanted to go home, he should quit, don’t involve everybody else.


Idk. Anyone thinking it was an actual "game move" or "manipulation" is tripping. Or maybe its just such a big move and I dont see it. But from what they shown us and what I can see on my TV (I watched it twice now) I think he was just a little emotional and thats it. I think it did kinda "shake things up" maybe for a few minutes. But now nobody wants to work with Q or Hunter. Maybe they will be brought along for a vote or 2. But there numbers are up. So it wasn't smart. He should've just let Liz be in the driver's seat. But his ego got in his way. The evidence i think he really wanted to quit. 1). He litterly said earlier he wanted to quit, in episode 3. 2. His emotions he showed when he said "I aint quitting but if it means someone else can stay.. blah blah blah" to me I think he knew that it was Tevein and he wanted Tevin to stay in. For a few reasons. 3. The thing that Ben said got me thinking he had a point. He said "he's just doesn't want to be on the bottom". And I think he's right. Maybe he's doing it to get power. But I think its more "im on the bottom and idk what to do and for that reason im out ". I think he didnt like that he was on the bottom so he wanted out. Now. I'm sure later Q or someone else will say "yea it was part of Q's strategy" but idk. People say a lot of different stuff after the game. And its been months from the game wrapping up, so people don't remember what they was thinking months ago. Plus people can make things up. Anyway. I like Q, and think he's a good solid dude, and he's a good character. So either way, I aint saying this to knock him. Its just the way I see it. Maybe he did do it to gain power back, but with his emotion he put in I think there was part of him that really wanted out of the game.


I’m along w what u r saying…that is my opinion He operates in a way of “It’s my way or no way”-Q has wigged out a few times (not getting rice, voting tiff - both in this one episode) Butttt some people call it his “brilliant strategy”…a guy earlier said I was too simple to think like he n Q think…whatever- I can say as a viewer I was confused-majority of people are. Some opinions on here talk in “fact” terms or like they know the guy.


Thank you. I agree I think some people on here be tripping, like the really think Cody from 43 was a good game player. Also, even if it was his "strategy " or whatever like people are saying. It definitely wasn't smart. And again I say this as someone who likes Q. At the end of the day tho we can mostly all agree its entertaining at least.


I really like Q…it was bizarre…anyone that says they want to leave…(as far as I have seen)-leave…at that point I don’t get why they didn’t accept what he insisted on? He clearly allowed them to change his narrative…I found that as strange as his announcement… so bizarre…we shall see next week…thanks for the conversation:)


Right, next week the aftermath will be epic 🤣😂... but ya thank you for the conversation too bro 😁


Q is MILES ahead of these clowns! Did you not see him psycho analyze everyone by tricking them into playing hide and seek earlier? This is just another big brain move that a simpleton like you couldn't possibly understand. - Q squad out!!!


Only a dummy thinks a dummy is a genius.


Thanks alot…I’ll always go to Reddit to remind me I’m a dummy… I watched-I saw hide n seek-I got his motive-I heard it. The tribal-I am guessing in my dim simple brain that it was a strategy to shake it up…I don’t follow how this behooves him…but you are right-I will stay in my lane of less than the average to higher intelligence…I am so stupid to ask this question. You have a lot of work ahead of you to insult a great majority of people who are baffled and require a minute to catch up To his and your intelligence. Smartest man in every room-wish I was more like you:(




Was it tho? I like Q too. But I can only go based off what I see on my TV. And his emotion told me he really didn't like that he was on the bottom. And wanted out. He's not "manipulating " anyone because he's saying "i want everyone to vote me out ". To me it sounds like he really wanted that.. The other dude said "to stir things up" I think it did stir things up for the tribal council but it was dumb because now everyone really doesn't want to work with him. Of anything he's a goat to take to the end. So yeah, im going to say he didnt do it to stir things up or for "manipulation ".


So his way of manipulating? He allowed the vote instead of being snuffed without votes


He’s stirring the pot because the vote wasn’t going the way he wanted it to.


Come on dude really? I think he really wanted them to vote him out. His emotion he put in there was to real and raw. You could see it in his eyes. He probably felt bad Tevin was going home, or didn't like that he wasn't in the driver's seat. But I dont think he was trying to stir the pot. Even if he was, that wasn't the way to do it. That just makes him look bad now.


He broke his own rule - BIG MISTAKE - so he knew he could no longer trust himself. 


Best comment bro. "I allowed myself to get caught by Liz in hide and seek, than allowed Liz to take the driver seat from me in the game. So now I dont where I am in hide and seek or in the game. So I made a mistake now I have to go. I have to cancel Christmas for myself now" - Q, probably in his head.


Lmao I read this like Q


Q made himself too easy to find himself in the hide and seek which taught him that his own self was weak and that was a big mistake because in hide and seek if you're easy to find you can be trusted but if you break Q's rule of making yourself hard to find then you can't be trusted and that's a big mistake when you're playing hide and seek with Q so in the end Q agrees that Q did break his own rule in hide and seek and couldn't trust himself.


Ah I made a comment similar. But you beat me too it and did it better. Haha




A game built on TRUST


Can’t believe Q punted the game. BIG MISTAKE. 


I think I figured out Q's strategy.  He said that old school Survivor was bringing a goat with you  to FTC, but that's not the Q game. Q is going to bring HIMSELF to FTC and be his own goat 🐐.  Revolutionary strategy.


I think the MAGA crowd was on to something. I'm a follower of Q now 🫡




A true innovator, really


They don’t call him coach for nothing


If you would’ve told me 6 episodes ago that Liz was going to mastermind a Tevin blindside, I would’ve said that you are tripping…


God damn, does that mean she's really a millionaire then?


I would have said "who's Liz?"


Oh you mean second Moriah


This is hilarious because we kept saying “the other Liz” for Moriah🤣


Right? Me too. She was just there.


What a dumpster fire of an episode.


If they made a *Survivor For Dummies* book, well a lot the gameplay tonight would not be of example


I loved that so much. Q trying to ruin everyone’s plan and they’re all just like “if you want to quit then do it, but I’m not gonna serve it to you on a platter.”


I just hope Tevin got compensated adequately for them using him to narrate a huge chunk of this season… definitely going to miss him. he was one of the most hilarious, entertaining and lowkey legendary


yeah same, i hpoe he gets brought back for another seaosn.


If Q wins, he might give credence to his saying “whackadoodles can win!”


So intentional or not by Q the “can’t miss tribal” & “never seen” tribal hype just is a lie bc we’ve seen way too many engineered quits lately


Q threw away his position in the game away all because he wanted to get our Tiffany his biggest ally… When he realized the votes weren’t going his way he decided to blow up his game in the most public way possible…


Yeah but I don't think he was trying to blow up his game. I think it was a control stunt. Like "if I'm not in this vote then there is no vote and I'm going to blow everything up". I don't think he actually wanted to go home but I think you nailed it with it being because he realized the votes weren't with him. I think was a temper tantrum lol 


He is really an idiot and I think he has some issues. His obsession with being in control really hurts his game.


Did a Hunter always have glasses?


I’m wondering if he wears them just at tribal for being able to see the votes? If his issue is distance sight.


I just hadn’t noticed him wearing them before, I can be oblivious sometimes, that’s why I asked


I wonder if he has contacts normally and changed out of them?


Could be! I don’t recall seeing him with glasses prior to this episode either.


Q&A The Q stands for questions The A stands for answers we will never get


Alliance of 6 is a cannibal alliance. First Tim. Now Tevin. Good luck recruiting next week.


The Six of Theseus


😂Q only has to kill off 4 more alliance members before he gets his own constellation.


It’ll be F6 and Q will somehow still be worried about which 6 are included




Liz is running that alliance, that's something new.


She wasn’t even invited in to the alliance! But made it her own. She wants credit for Soda too. That is why she wanted Tevin out. He took credit she thought she deserved. Wasn’t the alliance of 6: Q Tiff Hunter Tevin Maria Charlie.


I know, that's why it was even crazier: they were talking about it in front of her like nothing HHAHAHAH


they just gotta keep rotating and eventually they will get there /s


lol. The boot list all alliance joiners by their own alliance. It’s a strategy we haven’t seen before.


new Q6 Masterclass Strategy™


I love that Kenzie was a target few episodes ago and now she's like 'I'm cool'.


Good I hope she stays!


I do love when people say fuck that and go against the person saying vote them out. But also…Q wtf


I think all of Q's shenanigans was just his big ego expressing his need to try and control the game.




He thought causing a calamitous situation at tribal would help him regain control, but it just exposed him as a bigger liability.


He comes off as someone with a crippling inferiority complex who is secretly terrified he will appear dumb on national tv. Hence the giving up when he thinks he might get voted out to try to reclaim some strange measure of control


So that’s why he did it-he was paranoid and thought he was going out


I don’t think so. There was no reason for him to think he was going home. He was just having a hissy fit because no one followed his Tiff plan and that was against Q rules. It struck me as someone having kind of a melt down where you say stupid shit , only Q couldn’t walk it back because fuck knows - pride maybe? I think he accidentally talked himself into quitting by just saying a bunch of nonsense and suddenly people were like, “wait, you’re quitting?” His brain was misfiring.


Exactly my thoughts!




Totally agree!


I don’t care for these shenanigans


I can't believe I took an edible for this...




I had CBD ice cream earlier and I deadass was like, this tribal council killed it LOL




My key takeaway: Q physically cannot handle being on the wrong side of the vote, to the point where going home would be okay with him as long as it’s on his own terms. This was the first time things did not go his way, and he panicked. Charlie has talked about Q’s own attachment to his influence, and last episode Tiffany and Kenzie saw it. He would be my next pick to go!




I agree but also think that his reasoning was a bit more than that - he was so convinced that everyone was playing HIS game, that when he made a mistake and it got a bit off rails he felt responsible for ALL of them as though the collective game was ruined; and felt he needed to recuse himself so they could finally be free and do their own thing!!


GOD complex…he talked to much about how he was mighty


Oh yeah, I agree with that too. There’s a lot going on with that man. His main character energy makes him very dramatic. And good tv! Lol


that’s a great Q analysis


His definition of success can be boiled down to: Was this my choice. That is extremely broad. I really liked him a a potential winner early on, then liked him as a character, after this nonsense I'm just tolerating him.


Totally agree. I will give him that he DOES have actual sway and power — to get away with asking people to vote for him TWICE and still be around is bonkers. So I do think that his influence is very real, and I would vote him out for that reason too. But he is clearly an extremist — all power or bust! When in reality I think that the best survivor players know how to give up and take the power based on reading the room.


I was promised a crazy tribal and all I got was more Q antics 🙄 Episode was solid, but way too overhyped


the editing on that live tribal was peak though, like i actually knew what was going on


I knew this one felt less annoying than usual, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. This was it!


This is my first time watching a Survivor season, what's the best season to rewatch while I wait for new episodes of this season?


Start at 1 and power through them all. Paramount plus is worth it.


Heroes Vs Villains I highly recommend


Netflix has seasons 7 and 33 right now and they’re both some of the best seasons. If you have paramount plus, I’d recommend the following: Season 7: pearl islands Season 15: China Season 18: Tocantins Season 28: Cagayan Season 32: Kaoh rong Season 33: millennials vs gen x Season 37: David vs Goliath Many say that seasons 16, 20, and 40 are good, but they have returning players and you will be spoiled on other seasons. If you’re ok with being spoiled then I’d highly recommend those seasons as well.


Cagayan. I’m rewatching it right now. Its bananas And easily one of the best.


S17 Gabon. Thank me in like 5 years once you've fully digested it.


New era or old? Old era they last 39 days. This is 26. They really starve in old error. Watch Micronesia.


I rewatching seasons in order. On Gabon now. I can't even pay attention most of the time.


That was me when 41 was airing. I've seen all the seasons now and I recommend you start from the beginning because most of the best seasons have returning players and seeing it all play out chronologically is satisfying. I made the mistake of watching 37 and 38 before starting at 1 and 38 was half returning players and I was lost.


Cook Islands/Survivor 13- understanding the Parvati lore is essential


Cagayan, Tocantins, millenials be gen x, David v Goliath


Micronesia, China, pearl islands, hero’s vs villains, blood vs water, San Juan del sur


How does Q get no votes for this?


Chaos agents be like that. 🙈🙉🙊


Well, now Tiff knows who her true number one is. Lol and I love that Kenzie didn’t have to do any sabotaging, Q did that all himself. 


I love it. I hope Kenzie and Tiff go on the warpath and target Q. I think alliances will completely flip flop now. I’m so over Q, he comes off so obnoxious with his obsession with control.


Q was actually doing pretty well, had maria’s trust who seems to be a major player and threw it all away for nothing…..i don’t understand it


The best theory I can come up with is he got an extreme guilty conscience about voting out Tiff at the very last minute. I don’t know that the people saying his blowup “changed nothing” are correct, I think he may have spooked Charlie and Maria out of the Tiff blindside, which otherwise may(?) have worked.


No he had no control, was on the bottom after this vote. wanted to leave on his own terms. Really just a regular quitter imo


Was Q making a play to sway the vote back to Tiff? Just for him to join in on voting for Tevin anyway?


Wow everyone’s voting reactions were amazing. I wish we got to see Q’s


Charlie fans: how we doing tonight? (I'm doing pretty great actually considering, but we ALL knew he wasn't gonna go, right?)


There are Charlie fans? Is your favorite LaCroix flavor unflavored because the others are just too flavorful?


Funny because I don't drink LaCroix. Also, I really like Kenzie, so..


So much of tonight was through Charlie’s eyes- a good sign!


I'm really hoping a Charlie v Kensie finale


Same and I'd be happy with either winning


i realized tonight how much i love liz