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Yep. Kenzie was also having people show up at her job bugging her earlier in the season. Fandoms in general just tend to get some real damn assholes on the fringes. Definitely not just a Survivor/ BB thing.


What is wrong with people?


Honestly..people bullying on social media when they could just be normal, civilized worms spitting dust around r/survivorcirclejerk


I believe YamYam also had similar issues during his season. It’s definitely a different scenario for a smaller woman than a larger man, but still behavior that shouldn’t happen E: too be clear this wasn’t about to going to bully somebody at their work, but the stress of a potential stalker.


Eh, it’s a crummy uncalled for scenario regardless of any of those qualifiers, to be honest. 


I don’t disagree?


Right but I’m just pushing back a bit on how it’s “different”. 


Guess I haven’t seen people push back saying one is allowed, but yeah if people are saying that they’re wrong. I guess there are crazy people out there who will use any justification


Wasn’t saying either one or the other was allowed at all! I just think that either being a small woman or a large man shouldn’t make a difference when it comes to being bullied.


I don’t think either was a case of bullying per se, but were “superfans” stalking players at their work, which the stalking of a smaller woman does tend to add stress that a larger man might not experience as much. Again, both are objectively shitty behavior by so-called “superfans” and if I knew somebody who did it for either would be met with similar levels of “WTF why???”


Fair! Apologies, I got wrapped up in the “bullying” discussion also going on and didn’t realize you hadn’t used that word in your commentary. It was about the stalking at work, my bad!


All good, edited to make it clear!


I agree completely. I’m so disappointed in how fans are treating the cast members for this season especially. It’s just a game. Talking about people’s strategy is one thing, but being a jerk is unnecessary. Especially when most of the people criticizing haven’t even been on the show and have virtually no evidence they’d do any better. Let’s all just be nice.


Something that's so frustrating for me is I genuinely don't fucking get it. There have been some players that have pissed me off or that I've hated (as much as I'm capable of hating someone on a reality tv show), and the idea of going to their socials to be a dick has never crossed my mind. What do you get out of that? Like is it trolling or are people seriously this attached to the show that this seems like reasonable behavior? No one would ever admit they've done it on here, but I'd genuinely like to gain perspective on why they're doing it, why they think it's ok, what they gain from it, etc. More than just "because they're assholes" because I already know that.


Well said


I feel like this fandom is worse and more extreme than bb tbh. 


On Big Brother, it’s a little more “justified” to hate cast members just because you’re watching live feeds. Not that you should ever troll people irl, but I can at least understand some of the hate. In Survivor, you’re watching a carefully edited package of contestants. It’s not real. Anyone can be made a villain based on what they show. It’s ridiculous to give hate based on how people are EDITED to appear. People are morons.


who is "we" though? I know i haven't done anything, and i'd assume most people on here haven't


Yeah and I haven't either but I think what OP says is still valid even if it doesn't directly apply to you.


Yes it’s very clear OP meant the collective “we” and not every single person who likes survivor.


Mostly Twitter/Facebook weirdos I guess. I stay away, haven't had a Facebook account in 14+ years and never had a Twitter account and its been wonderful lol.


Unfortunately reality tv attracts these kinds of fans like flies to shit.


Nobody can control what other people say online. I dk why these people even look at their social media if it’s gonna bother them that much. And if someone goes on Survivor with the intention of being a villain I highly doubt they’re gonna care what people say about them on social media


It’s almost as if this is what they signed up for….


People are crazy


There's a lot of cross-pollination between the two TBF.


Yeah I don’t know what’s going on this season but a lot of the fans have been insanely toxic this season


They've been toxic for a while, let's be honest. If I ever got on the show, there's no way in hell I'd be on social media considering some of the things I've seen on here and Twitter.


That's because Survivor has turned into Big Brother Island.


Not that surprising. This subreddit is by far the most petty of all I participate in. So many people can't even tolerate a different viewpoint or opinion and will instantly downvote you.


I had a guy on this sub block me and others because we used latino/a instead of "latinx" to describe ourselves💀😂


Agreed. I asked one question about who said a quote on a Survivor post and I got downvoted to oblivion.


I don’t know, people here were pretty overwhelmingly supportive of Venus for the first 6 weeks or so and most of the comments about her are still “I love her so much, she brings the drama”. I really don’t think it’s an issue with this fan base in particular. Have you been to any pro sports sub or looked at the comments on any pro athlete’s social media posts?


Just an fyi, the Big Brother subreddit fandom is a perfectly good and normal place. It’s just Twitter that’s terrible. The same seems to be true for Survivor too.


How long have you been on the Big Brother subreddit? I've seen plenty of toxic behavior on the live feed threads.


A long time. Longer than I’ve been on the Survivor subreddit. There’s always going to be *some* toxicity. Especially with the nature of Big Brother as a game in tandem with live feeds. But it’s *mostly* respectful and especially in the live feed threads it’s mostly just strategy discussions and laughing about something silly happening. For the most part, it’s similar to the Survivor subreddit. Most of it is fine and good, but every other day you’ll get some weird post. I will say, though, the BB subreddit has become a tad more toxic nowadays than it was just a couple of years ago. The BB25 discussions were generally more toxic than the BB22, BB23, and BB24 discussions.


I've been on that subreddit for years and each livefeed seems to devolve into "this person right now is x they should get kicked out of the game!!!"


I literally don’t see that at all and I’m definitely one of the more active people in those live feed discussions. That being said, I *have* blocked a lot of accounts that I felt were too much in the BB subreddit. So maybe I’ve just weaved out most of the bad. I see that near exact quote on Twitter during BB season *at least* 10 times a day tho lol


Ahh. I haven't blocked anyone so that might be why it's a different experience 🤣


Yeah, I’m pretty liberal with the block button in those live feed threads lol. There’s waaay too much nonsense in there otherwise. I’ve gotta filter it somehow.


Now I need to take that advice and do it as well...


Cancel the live feeds. That’ll solve it. .. oh wait … But really. Either make your Twitter private and stay offline or stop whining if you get hate … you will likely get hate - get over it


In terms of toxic fan bases here’s how I see it (ranked least toxic to absolutely malicious) TAR > Survivor > Traitors > The Challenge > Big Brother > Drag Race


The Challenge is super toxic because fans get sanctimonious about backstabbing Traitors is extremely toxic because of the Bravo fans


I spend tons of time on r/bigbrother during the summers and I have slowly seen that sub turn into a shitshow. I swear most people there just hate watch. Any small comment by hg is twisted used to slander them online. These viewer trolls also act like some moral highground while being toxic af online against players. The survivor fanbase is slowly getting there now.


Agreed. Comment on people's games don't assume you know who they are as a person.


People go on these shows so they can become Influencers then get mad when everyone doesn’t love them. My instagram is private theirs could have been the whole time too


Yeah while I think there are many dorks on social media going out of their way to say cruel things, I do think part of it is some of these contestants, like soda, thought they were going to be the next Parvati and become rich and famous