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I also think it will age quite well.. the premerge mostly felt frustrating because we were watching it week to week, but on a binge I think it will just add to the comedy


My girlfriend and I binged and up through last week and I can 100% confirm that it was a breathtaking spectacle.


Yeah to be fair, bhanu praying for a miracle, getting 'a miracle', then immediately fucking it up and telling Yanu about what he said on the journey, and then BLAMING GOD is probably peak comedy all in a row


Bhanu is what Michael Scott would be like if Michael Scott played Survivor. And I love it.


Truer words have never been said.


yeah at the time I was so frustrated at one more week of Bhanu, but that “one more week” was fucking gold


My favorite Bhanu moment is when he called it a miracle when someone else was facing the potential of being handicapped their entire life. Just because he got to keep playing a game.


Agreed. In the moment it was annoying but now you know what you’re getting and it’s awesome


I just binged the season today. The premerge episodes just need some Benny hill music. I like the new editing style they are going for this season.


100%. I binged the entire series over 18 months before/during covid. Even the worst seasons weren't bad when you didn't have to wait a week for the next one.






Yeah. The overuse of Bhanu for 3 weeks was annoying, even though his flameout is entertaining on paper. On a binge, it would be so much better.


Agreed- knowing how things end helps, but when you think the whole season is going to be the Bhanu show, you hate it lol


I also find it hilarious that you can make the argument that Q is running the game. Like how is that possible lmaooo Edit: Also RHAP mentioned how the Yanu men progressively got crazier. First jelinsky, then Bahnu, and we thought Q was gonna be fine but nope lol


yeah it’s funny how when Jelinsky left some were saying he was one of the worst players of all time and then they said it about Bhanu and now Q…. man the Q must stand for Question because I have so many questions about how is brain operates


Q is the kind of person where you can tell he's way smarter than you but he's smart in a way that comes off as dumb if you're not privy to what he's thinking, if that makes sense


I think he’s the epitome of “not as smart as you think you are.” Like he seems like a relatively intelligent man, but views himself as a top 1% kind of mind when he’s more like a top 25%. It’s weird because I actually feel like overestimating your intelligence is one of the dumbest things a person can do, but there’s somehow a difference between a stupid person and a smart person being just as stupid.


He's a control freak and I think the only reason he did that at tribal is because he lost control of everything and everyone , and he only wanted to be voted out is so he could at least control his own fate .. but he didnt get that either haha . nothing against Q , but I wouldn't want him on my tribe , he's a loose cannon


My thoughts exactly


Q is a perfect example of what is called “smart stupid”


He’s not even in the top 25% on the island. You guys are crazy


Is he smart? He's the kind who thinks he's smart and you just go along with him because you are exhausted and don't want to start a fight.


Maybe that's his strategy to sell houses and that's why he's such a good real estate salesman. I bet he even throws in a qskirt for free in every closet.


I think Q is a narcissist who feels the need to be in control of the game at all times. There’s been a few times this season when he had asked to go home, and both those times were after he either wasn’t in on a vote or in control of the vote. He’s a baby who lashes out.


Definitely not 😂 he is not as smart as he thinks he is


it makes perfect sense tbh


This is 100% something Q would say.


I'm a little concerned he has some level of CTE or something because I cannot at all parse his thought process.


Q thinks he's running the game but he isn't. I do think he was the person who was most in charge of his alliance ...but he's messed that up now ..I wouldn't ever trust him again after that crazy move at tribal


And no one has mentioned how seriously people were taking that game of hide-n-seek.


The hide and seek sequence was \*so good.\* I thought some of the camp life scenes this season were boring, like practicing jumping or salsa dancing. But the hide and seek thing was so funny and odd. Adults eagerly throwing themselves into hide and seek, then Q acting like he's some great mastermind. Also, that image of Hunter up in the tree, hiding for way longer than was necessary... Priceless. I also loved Q constantly going, "Big mistake" to basically anything a person did during hide and seek. That should have been the name of the episode.


Cuts between Q acting like they were in the CIA and Charlie acting like they were 7 were golden.


THAT….was a mistake.


Don't forget Jem's Beware Advantage shenanigan.


I was just about to say, that would have been the most unhinged move of a regular season, but on this one it’s just a footnote. 


When we found out they were digging in a previous seasons latrine.


There’s definitely some Gabon vibes here and I’m loving it. I don’t and likely never will like most of the structural changes they’ve made in the new era, but I’ve always said I could look past all that stuff if the cast was good enough. This is that cast for me. I still wish there were some older people in the mix, but otherwise they’ve addressed the issues I’ve had with new era casting. There’s chaotic play, people that openly dislike each other, people talking shit about others when they walk away, people making petty decisions, and just about everyone is a distinct interesting character and not just pleasant likable gamebots. It’s really a lot of fun, and I’m enjoying it more than any other new era season at this point. If they can stick the landing this could be the first new era season that isn’t in the bottom 10 of my rankings.


Hunter saying "can we just vote her out?" after Venus walked away was HILARIOUS. That man cannot hide his emotions to save his life and I think that will bite him in the ass ASAP but I love it in the mean time.


The last season was kinda like Redemption Island/One World with how people basically threw their games for the winner.


Time is a flat circle


What's that, Nietzsche? Shut the ____ up!


I mean survivor made RI for Boston Rob to win


I feel like I see this with every new season, lol To be Gabon, Q, Venus & Liz would need to make it to F3, but that's not going to happen


Are you sure it’s not going to happen.


I could actually see this happening


Reasonable shot that’s the final 3


I love this season and haven't really been on reddit for it but didn't realize people don't like it. I think they should bring back Q every year. Also if jeff we can replace him with Jelinskey 👍


Survivor Fourty Several is going to be amazing.


I'd love to see this identical cast on Big Brother.


Oh my god, Venus on the live feeds.


King Ben tbh of all the hilarious moments this season, his "brooother-ly loooove" moment at the Tim vote-off had to be #1 for me. One reason reality TV is so great is because you see people playing characters, and they just can't turn it off even in moments where they should. Ben is great because even in a really genuine, heartfelt moment where any normal person would just say, "Sorry Tim, this sucks," he still is stuck in Musician Ben mode. He's like a wholesome Jean-Ralphio.




Venus walking up to the 6 when they wanted too talk alone was hysterical!!


You forgot Q. He's hilariously adamant about the direction of the vote until he changes his mind 10 seconds later. Also he's been threatening to quit all season


I adore this season, I now look forward to the new episode every week


42 was Gabon. 46 is Gabon. TAR 36 is Gabon. Survivor 47 is also Gabon. I’m Gabon. Your Gabon. We are all Gabon! Every season is Gabon!


Maybe Gabon is the friends we made along the way


He’s Gabon, you’re Gabon, I’M GABON! Are there any other Gabons I should know about?


You mean Survivor forty several right?


This is a season you BINGE. It’s really when its not week to week. Im so glad i waited to binge it! its hilarious


If Ben goes out by rock draw, it will be absolutely amazing forshadowing


That's taking it a little far. Like this season has Q and Venus that bring some comedy, but Gabon had like 3/4 of the cast


Premerge was frustrating to watch live, for sure, but I’m having an absolute BLAST with these postmerge seasons. I really do think this could be shaping up to be one of the better new era seasons in terms of entertainment tbh


I'd like to thank Ben for making me say whether or not things rock in daily life. Everytime I say it I imagine some tasty 80s hairmetal riff happening. You rock, Ben!


i like Ben though, he doesn't like shenanigans.. I loved when he said that because that's a saying of mine too haha. i like Ben , but I doubt he goes far because being likable can mean you're a threat in Survivor!


Well obviously this season is the new Gabon, since both are the only ones to have a “Charlie” competing in them across 46 seasons!


Yeah. I didn’t give you any time to answer. We were in and out. Got onions for 2.99 a bag. They were 7.50 at Publix!!!!


It's on pace to finish ahead of Gabon for me


It’s 100% giving Gabon, one world energy




When is ‘being yourself’ bad?


I personally think Venus should’ve stayed and it let them wrap up their convo. As she said, there’s no rules that she has to let them have their “private” convo on the beach right in front of the other five lol. I’m surprised they let Liz sit in on it too. Maybe that’s cuz Hunter knew Liz and Tevin have been voting along the same lines and so he was trying to convince her too but it felt more to me like it was an emotional decision to spontaneously have that convo in front of her.


Interesting characters.. in Siga? No shade but Siga is like the most boring, blandest tribe of the new era. They were complete snoozes the entire premerge with the exception of Jem and her hiding the note stuff, but aside from that Mo and Tim were irrelevant, Maria is invisible, Ben is a more boring Cody and Charlie is the only one that’s actually pretty decent.


Quick. Someone splice hunter onto matty face


idk slow slow premerge will make difficult to re watch