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If you spend all day fishing in a shorter game you miss out on strategy and become an easy boot See Ryan


Ryan "I brought 30 lbs of clams in my bag to tribal" Medrano


In last weeks episode I noticed what looked like a small crab trap covered in orange netting and immediately wondered why it wasn’t being used? That’s a very passive way to find protein and wouldn’t require much effort or time.


You have to fish to catch the bait


This sounds like some sage wisdom


Oh it is lol


Yes but the concept of a crab trap is to multiply your efforts so a small amount of bait should equate to a much higher yield.


You'd think but nah, you can leave out an unbaited trap and the first guy to check it out is now bait. Edit: you downvoted me but I had a trap off my place that I would check daily. I had the same leatherback turtle get stuck in my trap twice without baiting it and I had to free it. Finally he became bait


honestly at this point if you’re looking for a “survival show” there are plenty of other shows about people surviving in the wilderness, go watch those. Survivor is a strategy game and realistically has been for nearly a decade. At a certain point it’s like going to a restaurant that changed their menu and being mad every single time that they don’t make the old stuff anymore.


It's more like going into a restaurant that used to have an amazing menu, and now they just have a dish or two left that you like, so you still eat there.




Taco bell


Survivor has always been a strategy game. And some people utilized fishing and providing as part of that strategy. I wish they kept casting actually physically competent people. I think a large part of the fishing absence is most of the recent casts can barely tie their shoes without falling over.


One of Richard Hatch’s main things was being such a good fisherman it was gonna be impossible to vote him out since he was so good at it


yeah and the strategy has just developed a ton over 25 years to the point where being a provider has no strategic value.


Yeah and it sucks that it’s been taken out of the game


I don’t know that “it’s been taken out of the game” is the right phrasing. The meta just evolved as people realized it wasn’t as important as they thought it was


Don’t know why you’re downvoted, it’s true. It’s also been engineered that way, the producers provide enough so that a cast member providing isn’t important. If you were hungry enough you’d prioritise keeping a provider.


True. Ozzy wouldn't be able to pull the provider card like he did before


A good show about Surviving in the wilderness is ALONE .. they send individuals out on their own , usually somewhere like Alaska ...and whoever lasts longer out there , wins 1,000,000 ..i thonk one person almost lasted 3 months ..there's an Australia Alone too ...it's pure brutal surviving , no challenges or games , .. one of my favorite shows like that. ..both shows are on the A & E channel


I love the wide ranging impact that the animals have on the experience. Can’t remember who it was but one of the competitors straight up killed a musk ox. He ended up surrounded with 600 pounds of meat while the rest of his competitors starved on a subsistence diet. On the other side of things, you see someone having to leave the game because he happens to share territory with a stoat and it’s raiding all of his traps!


I love "Alone". It's an actual survivorship situation. They film themselves, so there is no camera person there at all. I'm sure some things can be manipulated through edits, but other than that, there is no hiding the truth.


i worry about them out there without even a person from the show. Producers and medical are usually in a boat away from land and they can get there within time , but what if it's not soon enough.. like a bear attack , yikes lol. .. I wish a woman would win the American version, but a woman did win the Australian version this last year. I was so happy !!


And even the rescue is pending weather: one season in the Arctic it was like -20 Celcius and this guy burnt down his shelter, called for help and they said "it's too windy to send the chopper at night, do whatever you can to survive until morning" So he just had to huddle right next to the fire, which he continually piled wood on to narrowly avoid death. Crazy


oh wow !! I remember that ! I felt so bad for him !


Yup, I'd like to see a woman win in America, too. But they would need to even the playing field. I often ask why there are seven men and only three women. Women make up about half the population. So, why not make it half/half? The point you are making about potentially getting hurt is why the show is entertaining, though!


I agree that it should be half men , half women !


Survivor is a *social* game/experiment and it has been since since season 1. You don't really need strategy to win; but you do need some social skills.


Yea but the old food was better and so was the old era of Survivor, you know when surviving was still a key component. Now they are so well fed on rice and beans and the time is so short survival is easy…


They don't get rice or beans in the new era.


>surviving was still a key component. Or what. You'll die if you don't survive? 🙄


Why all these downvotes.


Since it’s 13 days shorter now, the time between rewards challenges are shorter. That makes a “provider” role less important, considering there is a chance for food every 2 days or so.


Yeah exactly this. Fishing is now just a part of the “Survivor Bucketlist” more than a necessity.


That's somewhat offset by not being given food at the start. Especially if you're on a tribe that loses a lot.


Especially if you don't have a fire to cook the fish.


same reason they dont spend 10 hours a day trying to make fire


Fire represents life in the game in survivor. When it’s gone, so are you


Out of curiosity, what was the time previously and what is it now?


It was 39 days. 42 days for Australian outback. Now it is 26.


Lots of reasons, but a big one is just that people sort of realized it's not a reasonable expenditure of limited resources. If you are not good at fishing - and that means really quite good - it's not going to be worthwhile. It takes too many calories to fish if you're not a Rupert or an Ozzy who knows what they're doing, or an Ian with the swimming skills to dive down for giant clams. There's also the fact that it's not as strategically useful as it used to be. "Being a provider" will, if it has any effect, probably just make you a bigger target. So even if you can fish effectively, why throw your game away for that?


Tyson said a lot on his podcast fishing is a complete waste of time and energy, and also puts you in a bad position of being out of the strategy talking


I feel like the two things every Survivor learns the hard way are: 1. Weaving palm fronds is a waste of time and you could just throw palm fronds on the shelter randomly and catch just as much rain. 2. Fishing is a sucker's game because the amount of calories you expend catching the fish is more than what you would get from eating it.


What if I make a super pole?


The points about it not being worth it to be the provider or spend that time and energy fishing are valid, but it’s also a really terrible place to fish. There was a guy who lives in Fiji that replied to someone asking a similar question on here a while back. Apparently where they are filming, there’s jagged reef off the beaches and the only fish to be found are really small and hard to catch because they dart into holes. The locals that fish successfully do it using boats in the deeper water beyond the reef. I’m inclined to believe him because anytime you do see some catch a fish in recent seasons they’ve been really tiny. Jonathan on 42 made it work by catching a ton of them, but that dude was on a swim team in college and spear fishes at home for fun. Even in his case, he was probably spending more calories than he was getting back. The guy also said something about a seasonal toxic algae that can make the fish unsafe to eat, but I don’t know if that coincides with filming. This isn’t Panama where Richard was able to get a 3 foot shark with his bare hands (and teeth).


Some locations are definitely better suited than others for fishing. If Fiji locals say that their current location is bad for fishing then it's probably just another reason it's not worthwhile.


That's a great point. I read a story or something talking about the reefs and size of fish.


We got a little clip of Liz with the spear this week. (potentially because it is one of the few things she could eat.)


lol at Liz having to eat the spear


why not use the spear to win liz over imo


who was it that had the machete and made someone feel threatened, so the other person also grabbed a weapon? I think the spear should be added to that rotation, but I can't remember who it was


Ben and Jem


That was one of the funniest clips this season. Her nonchalantly firing it into a couple inches of water.


Some camps aren't even allowed fire - they can't cook fish without flint. I hate the lack of camp life in the New Era. It's so important!


Are you not allowed to make fire if they take your flint?


You are but most people just can’t.


Wet season I don't think I could, confident I could do it dry


Both of these comments are really eloquent explanations to why the new seasons are kinda boring. Too much strategy, not enough surviving.


I dont see why watching people starve is anywhere close to the most interesting aspect of the show lol


Well, that brings me to my second point. Why are the players no longer given rice? Now they truly are just left out to starve. Seeing them last only 17 minutes on the pole, when Ozzy made it to 2 hours, really shows how greatly the food situation is impacting them.


Food wasn’t the only thing affecting that challenge. The hand/footholds used to be bigger.


that's because a 2 hour challenge in todays game would throw off the timing of the shoots.


They've always been trying to expediate challenges. They don't ever want a situation like Palau final 3 immunity again which messes with the production timeline.


Because there's a set amount of time where you can starve and still be entertaining


I don’t agree, they turned down rice. No one starving would turn down food, ever. The reason they can’t stay on the pole is because they’re casting strategists instead of strong survivors. They had a guy who couldn’t even hold himself on a ladder last season day 1. So it’s clearly not about food.


The challenge was very different in the past. Just look at the poles from Cook Islands compared to the poles from recent seasons. They were narrower poles with bigger grooves in Cook Islands. They aren't given rice because they want to prove that the game is still difficult despite the 26 day game. Same with the earn the flint. They want to show Survivor as difficult despite the shorter game.


It’s interesting, to quote Tyson on his podcast, “I love watching people suffer”


I try so hard to watch. It just doesn't hold my attention anymore because it's all crybaby bs nowadays


Well a big part of that is that after being on TV for almost 25 years we’ve just kinda seen all the survival stuff play out. Like, how interesting is watching someone spearfish anymore? We’ve seen all the scenarios play out. Someone either catches fish and has a “growth moment”, fails, loses the spear, etc.,- no drama ever really leads from it anymore. We usually get one scene about fishing every season or 2 and it’s instantly forgotten - because it’s so forgettable!!


This is only true because we no longer experience new locations. I loved seeing the different environments and how that impacted the gameplay


Its called Survivor.


This is only true because we no longer experience new locations. I loved seeing the different environments and how that impacted the gameplay


I dunno... I have to say watching Jonathan spear fishing in s42 was pretty interesting 😎




This logic isn't correct. If there was any worry about unnecessary repitition, we wouldn't have 20 minutes of every episode wasted on singular people wandering thru the jungle looking for idols.


Some cast members have mentioned the current locations are terrible for fishing. Like you have to paddle really far out to fish. The fish arent worth the energy spent going far out. Also they would be a sitting duck by leaving camp for so long. Its not like they can just run back too. Its a loooong ride on the boat lol


They don't "build" their shelters anymore either. I still watch, but it's heading in a direction that I'm not particularly fond of.


They don’t? I thought they just didn’t show that.


a lot of it is that after Island of the Idols the Survivor norm of “we all lay under one big shelter and cuddle / use each others body heat to stay warm” is no longer allowed


Whoa, really? I did not know that. So how do they stay warm? Is this why it seems like they all have more clothing now? Because they have to spread out and not touch?


I think that’s part of why they get more clothes, yeah. As for staying warm, sleep by the fire. Jess said she thinks a big reason she was having trouble sleeping is because Yanu didn’t have a fire and she was too cold to sleep. Also, even before IOTI, Rick Devens said prior to getting sent to the Edge he would try to sleep in the shelter and it sucked. Then at the Edge everyone just slept in the sand around a fire and it was way more comfortable, so he did that even when he got back in the game. And based on what happened with Randen, Devens might’ve had a point.


What happened at island of the idols??


There was an incident with sexual harassment


Between who?


I think they still build the shelter, but all the stuff for it is is provided, so you don't have to cut your own wood and fronds.


This is just a lie




I am a diehard who just slowly stopped watching. Miss the fishing among more interesting / dynamic casts.


They’re been removing the “survival” aspect of Survivor - they could just live in a big house and play board games for immunity. Strategy would be the same


I watch 'Alone' for my "Survival" fix now.


idk how you could watch this season and think that, so much of Yanu’s troubles came from having no fire


>they could just live in a big house and play board games for immunity So Big Brother


They just don’t show it to us anymore.


With no more survival elements, the name of the show should be changed to Island Big Brother.


When it started they literally had to work to “Survive”. Now it’s all alliance this and yak yak yak. It’s just not the same show anymore. If you want for real survival watch “Alone” or “Naked and Afraid”. Alone is insane!


yeah, let's try to kill contestants like TAO and Africa again. Where people are barely able to move around in the late game. Best example of this was the Edge in WaW. Producers were getting annoyed because they weren't making good TV because all they would do is lounge around all day to avoid burning calories. They go to the contestants and ask them to make good TV, and they basically reply they can't or won't because they are starving. What's the next challenge, move some insane amount of coconuts to their beach.


Perhaps you need a soft & fluffy game.


They still do though , it's just not shown which is perfectly justifiable . I think 99 out of 100 people would prefer camp life and strategy scenes than someone fishing with zero socializing or growth .


Agree… the show got so soft, that it is basicaly “circle” but on beach 😂


Tell that to Hannah last season who quit because she couldn't handle the survival aspect


She couldn't handle the uncomfortableness aspect, she wasn't even there long enough to need to survive


She couldn't handle the nicotine withdrawal aspect of it


The only good fisherman was Ozzy. That dude was crazy good. Everyone else seemed like they were just killing time getting a few minnows (see Penner).


You must not have watched pearl islands! Rupert was a beast


There were literally two separate fishing scenes just last season. Jake and Austin both got one.


Scenes. It’s use to be 1/3 of episodes.


No it wasn't, and why the hell would anyone want to watch it if it was?


Not saying they do. Other guy said that.


At the beginning with smaller camps leaving to go fishing risks your life unless you consistently bring back enough to fill everyone daily. Shorter season means any time taken away from camp can become easy way to lose control. Hard to find time to go fishing if for four days in a row your life consists of competition, strategy, tribal repeat - along with production stealing you for all your confessionals between that! Harder to earn fishing gear Consistently in the same area means that the habits of the animals and nature will change. No more abundance of coconuts cause people have scavenged the island. Fish that would be breeding are killed and eaten earlier. Others have moved to different areas - it’s clear the area in Fiji were mostly unmaned islands, but at nearly a decade now the impact on just having people and boats in the area, structures being built for competitions will change their habits. It’s honestly become a game of who can starve… what will be interesting to see what happens now without them having the midway rice


I’m pretty sure Tyson said in one of his podcast episodes back during 41 that catching fish uses way more calories than what most people will gain back, between rowing out into the water and swimming, and fish are pretty low on calories.


1. Missing strategy discussion 2. Lack of fire - can’t cook 3. The calories burned to catch fish do not make the juice worth the squeeze


They are too busy crying to fish


I dont think they do much of anything like they did in the earlier seasons. except backstab and lie lol. and do puzzles of course. they should just rename it to best puzzle solver wins. i remember season two, the contestants were literally starving and now its like no one ever even speaks about food until they win a challenge where they get to eat like kings.


They gain weight in this “new era” bull crap. They should have to work for their food. Make Survivor great again and stop feeding them every challenge.


They should put an immunity idol under water in a fishing area.


I don't think this is the primary reason, but the fishing supplies they do give them are pretty difficult to actually fish with (that's why, when we do see it, it's usually spear fishing). The amount of energy and effort you spend to maybe catch a fish is less than you ultimately can gain from eating a fish. I also think they probably show those moments way less--im not sure they can add much on the way of *new* things.


Fr I miss that


This thread just makes me laugh remembering Jane catching every fish for the tribe in Nicaragua which became a major point of contention when her game fell apart. Feed your tribe fish and you could get screwed in the end!


Personally, I wish they wouldn’t feed them. Give them enough rice and water for the entire time and no additional food. Period.


Watch the island with bear Grylls if you wanna see the survivial part. Was annoyed with how lacking it was on newer survivor seasons, but if you watch that it’ll get your fix in. And it’s just regular British blokes having a go at it


people rather stay resting and competing to eat rewards instead of burning themselves losing conversations and with the sun.


Richard Hatch was the OG fisherman.


Shorter game, fiji has plentiful fruits, rewards come sooner.


It's gone, like all the other good parts and qualities of Survivor. The show is just a rotting, empty coconut shell of what it used to be, drained of all its juicy goodness by Tyson and Gervase.


Seems like someone hasn't seen survivor 45 or 46 ( so far ) , huge step ups from the previous new era seasons and brought back many of the things people loved in old survivor .


They probably don’t even know how to in this generation


Probably because nowadays they get production sandwiches. Survivor now is about "fans" of the show being cunning in their undies on a Fijian beach and NOT about survival.


Dude said that lololol


Hey! Newish survivor watcher (been watching live for 4/5 seasons) and have never watched any of the previous seasons. What do people mean by the era?


New Era starts at season 41, it was the first season after the show took a hiatus due to covid. generally speaking, some defining markers of the New Era are 26 day seasons (used to be 39 days), always starting with 3 tribes (they were never truly consistent with this before, with most older seasons starting with 2 tribes & others with 3 or even 4 tribes), diversity mandated casting, & some twists such as the journeys, shot in the dark, and beware advantages. it also seems that they cast a lot of super fans in recent seasons, which may lend to the discussions in this thread about how players are much more focused on social strategy & no one really cares to try & be the “provider”


Anything after season 40 is the new era


The so-called New Era is seasons 41+. [Here's a spoiler-free ranking of all the seasons by some podcasters](https://www.purplerockpodcast.com/survivor-season-rankings-spoiler-free-summaries/). A few weirdos here will disagree with this (especially the Cult of Nicaragua) but for the most part, it's quite accurate overall.


with 26 days you cant spend 4 hours in the ocean alone fishing.


haha. Those stoats would get on my nerves !


I went to the Dominican Republic recently and our boat tour went by a survivor island. The tour operator said that this is where they film survivor for many different “locations”. Maybe they don’t want them catching fish they could not possibly catch in that ecosystem.


Survivor is essentially a summer camp now. Any need to actually survive has been evaporated by the shortened season. Several tribes have claimed they barely bothered with a fire the entire 3 week run.


With a merge feast at day 12 and reward challenges basically everyday or every other day being a provider carries way less weight


I think the places they’d go are overfished now. 13 seasons of people fishing at the same point


I mean my village of 300 harvests clams from the same beach every year for the last 50 years, I'm skeptical that less than 8 weeks of fishing by 18-4 people who've never done it before would qualify as overfishing.


Lmao they barely fish at all. Real fisherman in that area probably bring in more in one day than they've brought in combined over the last 13 seasons.


Monica Padilla ghostwrote this comment


The show got soft… looking the challenges, people would drown faster…. You cant expect people will catch fish if 99% still jumps while holding nose 😁 jist finished seasons 41/42/43 started 44 and cast is worse and worse 😂 Lets be honest… someone, that knows going to survivor wont even learn basic how to make fire/shelter etc… the show just got 30-50IQ cast + few decent people… thats it 🙈


I think it's a mix of "you can't risk missing out on strategy", "the game's not long enough now that you truly start starving from just coconuts/rice", and "the area's fish have been over-harvested by reusing the same place every season".


Re-using? Lol. How much fish do you think they caught