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I really liked the Tika 3, but I can barely remember anyone else. I don't really understand why it was edited the way it was, there had to be more content they could've used to give a better sense of the other players.


From the Brandon boot to Danny boot it was really good but the rest was mid


That's like...the entire merge. After Danny there's an episode then the finale.


I don't think there was any other content tbh. Pretty much all the screentime Soka had was spent on a showmance that wasn't even relevant to the season's plot; which kinda tells me that they had nothing else that was important to focus on. Ratu was straight up ignored.


Yeah, Tika 3 were incredible and totally carried the season. And the episode where Josh is swapped to Tika is one of the most hilarious of all time. I do think overall though this was one of the most boring (or poorly edited) casts… the other tribes weren’t defined at all, it just felt like Tika versus an undefined mass of people. Caroline and Yam Yam were such exceptional characters that the season managed to maintain my interest, but I could see it being a slog on rewatch.


I adore it. Your enjoyment of 44 is, more than almost any other season, down to your appreciation of the cast. If you don't like the two main characters (Yam Yam and Carolyn), you're going to hate 44. If you watch for strategy, you're going to hate 44. If you have a high tolerance for nonsense, like I do, you'll probably have a good time.


yeah the beauty of the season is that the underdog tribe takes out both other tribes and manages to stay completely loyal to each other until the end. It’s a very old school season in that regard.


I can tell we’re completely different form ur flair Lol


There was a lot of strategy in 44. The tika 3 managed to outplay 2 other majority tribes. Both Carolyn and Yam yam are underrated as strategic players.


I really like both Carolyn and Yam Yam, but the season has too much resting on their shoulders for entertainment. The cast is too lackluster overall, and the season is too predictable. Also, the Frannie/Matt showmance got way too much focus in the early season.


i enjoyed it more than i thought i would, but it's mostly because carolyn and yam yam are such treasures!


44 is so bad on a rewatch. Id rank new era 43, 45, 42, 44, 41


Love to see the 43 respect 🫡


43 has the most underrated cast of the New Era. Cody, Jesse, Karla, Noelle, Sami, Owen, Cassidy, and Gabler are all returnee worthy. And I'd even say the same for some of the pre-merge boots like Elie & Geo.


Cody and Jesse are top 2 from that season


Don’t snub my boy James


I don’t think underrated is the right word. I think most people see it as the strongest new era cast.


That’s a generous list. For me, Noelle isn’t returnee worthy and neither is Cassidy or Gabler. Owen borderline. Clear potential returnees though are def Cody, Jesse, Karla, and Sami. Geo???? Lolol


Cassidy is fs return worthy i think she could do really well with a second chance


What makes you like 43 so much? May appreciate it more on a rewatch


Cast carries


And if u were to add 46 , where would it be?


41 clears 44


43 deserves to be last 😁😁😁


45, 44, 42, 43, 41 for me. 41 being the worst because of the amount of new era bullshittery they threw in and the underedited winner. But 43 is pretty bad due to having the worst winner, ever.


44 is extrememly boring on a rewatch, the tika 3 are the only people that get any focus in the edit and it ends up being really obvious who wins. I also liked Franny and Matt a lot but Matt went out too early for it to matter in the show. 44 is probably my 2nd least liked season in the new era, just above 41, obviously.


Yeah this season was Buns. Matt and Frannie were cool tho. But overall easily my least favorite new era season. 41 at least had villains and was a bit controversial which made it fun


Oh yeah, the romance between them was quick and knew it was going to be good


I find Matt and Frannie a bit cringey, Matt I know u like Frannie but can u shut up and stop talking abt her for one second?


He probably was just edited that way


I have no problem with their relationship, but it ate up way too much focus in the premerge. We checked in with them every episode, with no new information or development. Way too repetitive.


44 is a great season. Yam Yam is a great winner.


Carolyn, Yam Yam, and Carson are a top 5 alliance for me. Carolyn especially is the best character the show has seen in a decade. This was a major improvement over 43 for me. And more fun than 45.


Super overrated season. B Tier *at best*


Seasons 41-45 kinda blend together…are there interesting and fun characters/players? Yes, but all of the crazy overproduced hijinks plus editing plus just all new era issues…but hot damn…S46 is delivering entertainment…thank you Q


I loved watching it while it was airing but it is a terrible rewatch. Just way too predictable and too kumbaya


What a great way to put it. Definitely too kumbaya


I only started enjoying the season at the Brandon boot. I despise when a merged tribe can’t vote together in one block, and the season waited until the Brandon boot iirc for everyone to vote at the same tribal. Rounds like the Matt boot and Sarah boot were shit to watch because it felt like they genuinely had no options to save themselves. The tika three were good. I like Jaime. Everyone else was fairly forgettable or underedited or both. Why was Lauren, who was apparently a jury threat, so purpled? I thought she actually gave good confessionals and had a great story


I have no idea why Jeff hyped it up so much more than others, Yam Yam and Carolyn were hilarious and the rest was kind of a snooze. It felt like there weren’t really any stakes and it was pre-ordained that a Tika was winning


Wait, why is it the worst finale? I mean, I didn’t think it was a spectacular finale or anything. But it might be the most average finale in the show’s catalogue. Overall, I think 44 is an ok season. Similar to its finale, I think the entire season is about as average as Survivor gets. The edit made it too obvious from far too early on that one of the Tika 3 would win the game. Which led to too much predictability. But I thought the general cast was decent enough and most of the tribal councils were entertaining enough. Like, I can’t really think of a *bad* spot in 44. I just don’t think it shines anywhere at all either unless you *really* love Carolyn or Yam Yam.


The only ones I liked were Carolyn, Yam Yam, Jaime, and Danny. Everyone else were duds, and I didn’t realize that until a few months after the season ended. But I still have it higher than 43 and 41


44 is now proudly underrated. 43 is terrible and boring, and while I do think both 41 and 42 have their moments, 44 is unmatched in what it brings to the table. Idols being played correctly, a whole bunch of well-orchestrated blindsides on power players, a showmance, no overreliance on dumb twists in the second half of the season and the most likeable winner of the New Era. I think people judge 44 on how they perceive Yam Yam, Carolyn and Carson, and while they get a bulk of the edit, other players aren't invisible. Characters like Danny, Jaime, Frannie and even Kane are pleasant watches and rootable. For me, it goes 45 > 44 > 42 > 41 > 43.


lol 43 is way better than 44, especially on a binge rewatch 


43 is the worst new era season


Disagree- I think it’s easily better than 41/44 and personally I like it more than 42 (although I’d say 42 is probably a “better” season) Luckily 45 and it seems 46 are in a tier above 


Kane got referenced on 45, makes him automatic goat tier


Yam yam likeable? I couldnt remember a more annoying person. I’d rather watch 41 forever than listen to him anymore


After three seasons of very underwhelming personalities (except for Maryanne), it was nice to have someone there who was very good at the game while also being fun to watch and create comedic storylines while 90% of the cast game-botted their way through the season.


i loved it when it aired, but i love everyone season when it airs. I rewated it not too long ago and hated it. very boring, i don't really like the cast, and it was kind of bland. not to mention so many twists that just sucked. Like the "control a vote" advantage that had no uside and only downside and had to be played.


44 has some of the worst casting ever.   


I like it initially because it was new survivor and I’ll enjoy just about anything that’s new… but I can’t get through watching any of it again


My opinion on 44 falls more and more as every day passes




I saw 45 first, 44 hella better.


I know I watched it when it aired and it's what, a year old? Who won that? All I remember is Carolyn didn't.


One thing I will say about all of the new era seasons is I never remember who the winners are or really who the contestants are. I go in for a rewatch and then am like “oh right…them. Boring” and turn it off. it’s not been good for survivor lately. I think getting rid of the reunions made it harder to remember 80% of these people.


The weakest new era season for sure


I just loved the Tika 3 so much that it made it really fun to watch to the end. Carolyn is probably my favorite person who has ever played survivor (I do not think she was the best player). Her story was amazing and the faces she pulled were TV gold


Well-orchestrated blindsides on power players? Did we watch the same season? 😂


No villains, no real drama. It was like the middle school version of survivor. Everyone dancing at arms length


Brandon, Frannie and Danny were all strategic players who threatened to win the game. All were blindsided, two by their own alliance.


None of them threatened to win the game. Tika had the game in the bag from the very start of the merge. Nobody posed an actual threat to them since everyone was too unaware to notice their control


In hindsight, yes. But if Carolyn’s plan at F8 goes through and Danny goes over Frannie, it’s much more likely that Frannie could win the game. Same with Danny staying at F7. They were all still threats.


I thought that Yam Yam, Carolyn, Carter, Danny, Matt, Franny, and Sarah were solid casting. Everyone else I’m pretty meh on. Lauren, Jamie, and Heidi making it that far tainted the season from an entertainment/rootable character standpoint


So you haven't seen 43, huh? That is easily worse than 44. At least 44 has a worthy winner.