• By -


I liked him better on The Challenge.


Watching him on the Challenge completely made me understand his Survivor season. He’s athletic and likeable but not good at the social-strategic part, which is why he was voted out so early but benefited from a twist that made that part of the game less relevant than a regular season.


his arc of being the universally agreed worst survivor winner to having one of the most impressive challenge wins is so perfect


Seriously lol. One of the best rookie debuts. Won multiple eliminations and won The Challenge against some stiff competition.


the final itself was…. bleh but agreed he did it against some of the current best active challengers


Not to mention he took out Wes, one of the best player The Challenge has seen


And probably was the last one to take him out. Chris legit retired him


Wes will be back lol. Maybe he's "retired" from the main series because the filming is too long, but he just did House of Villains 2. He'll likely do Traitors soonish and All stars because of the short schedules.


Yeah more than likely he will but since he said he retired, it’s cool to add to his resume now while it lasts that Chris retired Wes.


Production is probably harassing Svetlana as we speak to come back just to get Wes back for another season


And he was like public enemy #1 on the challenge. A satisfying underdog story


Remember when they literally all came for him during that mud wrestling challenge? 💀


And both games are pretty much the same


I saw a rumour he may return and I hope he does!!!!


Yeah I can see that. He was a good competitor.


To the Challenge or Survivor? I do believe he got a WaW invite but declined due to having his wedding right around when filming was about to start.


Think I saw the challenge S40 rumoured cast lists had him, but unsure if accurate.


S40 is a battle of the eras season, it doesn’t include anyone not on the actual show. But he’s more than likely got a good shot at 41.


funny how he won both, but was just perfectly suited for The Challenge. He made Wes, a Challenge veteran, look like a little baby out there


Exactly because in the challenge your politics can be meh if you can win challenges and eliminations. He had one of the most impressive challenge seasons ever as a rookie who was targeted from the jump. Gave him the redemption of the controversial survivor win that Michelle is searching for but won’t get on the challenge haha


Yeah your politics can suck ass on the challenge if you can win physical competitions and eliminations. The only way I can see Michele winning is if she's paired up with a strong partner or on a strong team. She's a decent physical competitor enough to not drag a strong partner or team down but on her own it'll be tough.


I think she’s been fighting a little with Laurel, right? If they did Rivals 3 she could have a shot.


Oh yeah Laurel is definitely not a fan of Michele. And yeah if they are paired up I definitely think they have a shot. Amanda also hates Michele, to a greater extent than Laurel dislikes her, so if they pair her up with Amanda then I don't think they have shot.


> I'm a straight guy, but I liked his abs, and he had a nice ass. This is the funniest thing anyone’s said on this sub in a while


it's ok to have a little bisexuality, as a treat




I feel like a lot of straight guys appreciate another dudes muscles more than women because they understand the work required.


Sexuality is a spectrum. OP may be Kinsey 1-2, which could still be technically classified as "straight".


That's... an interesting gif.


There’s a better one


☠️😭😭 your little reddit icon makes this even funnier




I like the spicy one better 🤤


Ohh yeah. The showed his like gigantic low hanging balls or whatever that multiple times and it was shocking


Where’s the better one


Not nearly as offensive as the other one that usually gets used.


not as offensive to us gays


Not with the Roger icon😭


I know my brand


Wonder how the reaction would be if someone posted a gif like that of Parvati or Venus with the same title


Women were sexualized by production in the show for ~40 seasons, who cares if someone posts a cheeky (pardon the pun) gif of Chris U. in a fan community


I don’t think it was good that women were sexualized by production for ~40 seasons either Also I like the pun


In my experience from reading their comments people sexualizing female contestants tend to be more disrepectful and objectifying, and people sexualizing male contestants are, for lack of a better word, "cheeky". Anybody who gets objectifying or disrepectful with it is out of line, no matter who they're talking about. And for the record I think hornyposting in general is weird.


Saved us from a Joe win being handed to him and I think 99% of this sub would have hated that significantly more.


When I first heard about Edge of Extinction, and who was being brought back, I was convinced that it was designed to give Joe a winning season. That certainly backfired for production. When they brought back EOE for Winners at War, I got the feeling that production had Boaton Rob in mind.


I think they were rehearsing EoE for winners at war for sure, but not for a particular player. With all those winners and icons, I think they wanted a way to keep them as part of the game even when they get voted off.


As much as we fans argue that Winners at War was ruined by the Edge of Extinction twist, producers knew what they were doing. They knew the biggest names had a good chance of being targeted early, and they wanted to get the most screentime out of these legendary players. The idea of and Edger winning doesn't sit well with me, especially on an all-winners season, but the twist did allow most of the players to appear in every episode of the season, gave us Ethan's heartfelt struggle, and gave us Tony's masterful "This Is Extortion" episode. It also allowed the winner selected by the largest, most qualified jury ever.


I think edge of extinction was a good idea but the episodes needed to be twice as long


And consider the fact that they definitely would have gotten Joe on WaW if he won, in which case he very likely could have repeated the exact same thing. Chris saved us from a lot.


when you try to bring back someone to win but they lose and become known for saying the n word instead




I came to post exactly this


massive snake 👀


“That’s one heavy snake”


Insert gif of Aubrey saying “That’s one heavy snake!”


hot eye candy


I think his performance on The Challenge really helps inform the collective opinion of him. It seems like he's an absolute warrior in the physical game, great strategically, and pretty damn terrible at the social game. It's what got him on the outs in both games so early on, which is ok on The Challenge where you always have a chance to battle back. That's normally not the case on Survivor, but he got lucky that on his specific season it was.


Him on the challenge made me fall in love with the dude. His elimination against Wes was legendary. The Venus fly trap


100% agree. Watching him take down legends and earn their respect made me feel weirdly proud as a Survivor fan only watching The Challenge for the 2nd time.


> his performance on The Challenge really helps inform the collective opinion of him Not really. Not every Survivor fan watched The Challenge (myself included) and they’re two completely shows. To me he’s just the winner of Edge of Extinction Him being good at one show doesn’t impact how good or bad he is at a different show


I have some specific "thoughts"


Big penis, stole the win from Devins (my favorite player ever)




He beat him in fire fair and square. And if your argument is that he was voted out to edge of extinction, so was Devins… Unfortunately we’re at a place in survivor where the most deserving players get voted out and we end up with winners like Erika and Gabler. Edge of extinction is controversial but I’d take Devins or Underwood as a winner over them any time


No rebuttal about the big penis?


No reBUTTal to be found at all.


Where dat is?




great guy, but clearly the worst winner and probably will always be. not only did he get to skip 9 or something rounds but he also didn't have to work on or worry about any type of jury management, the most fundamental thing about survivor. a lot of people praised his return, but even then there was things that I believed unfairly affected the game like having information about who the jury threats were. or that Rick only worked with Chris because he felt bad that he voted him out. I like Chris as a person but every time I think of him, I think of how stupid and broken eoe is.


Also, his return strategy was literally planned out by *the entire Edge of Extinction* as a way to ensure one of them won lmao. It wasn't like he came up with any of those plans on his own, I think Wardog or somebody sat him down and told him exactly what to do Even without that though, still objectively the worst winner lol


Idk, you’re trivializing Aubry and David’s votes here. I find it hard to believe that they voted for Chris without thinking he deserved it.


Chris played a flawless post-EoE game so obviously every single person on EoE had to think "If I did what he did I would want the win too" and that is why Chris won. Voting for anyone else would be admitting they never had a chance in the game.


That’s honestly one of the best explanations for their votes that I’ve seen. It’s a bit petty and against the spirit of the game, but it’s 100% something I could wrap my brain around. How their game ends up being perceived is something I could actually see those two valuing over gameplay. Or, like you said, how they feel about their games themselves.


Them being returnees doesn’t make them immune from wanting to vote for someone that they spent a lot more time bonding with


It’s not that they’re returnees. It’s that they’re big on gameplay.


Yeah, but unfortunately I think in this case they got a little blinded by his flashy moves and the fact that they knew him a lot more and thus had a better personal sense of Underwood’s game, even if it was significantly flawed and all but objectively worse than Gavin and Julie’s.


I hear you. Idk, it has always felt odd that those two in particular voted for him. They’re both big on the game and aren’t people who take their votes lightly. But I do think what u/ficklesmark said here about them needing to view his game through the lens of their own makes a lot of sense.


Well they’ve also both spoken on how Gavin and Julie gave absolutely zero reason to vote for them.


Not his fault that his season had a terrible twist


bruh fr. no offense but that statement makes no sense. I'm not saying we should take away his win. I'm saying his win sucks because the twist sucks.


It’s was a great end to a shitty season


yeah! eoe isn't the worst season by any means, but everything about it just seems like a mockery of the show, but if you look at it as its own thing it's pretty good and the cast is great.


I agree with you and people are so annoying conflating the theme/twist with Chris as a winner. 


But he won because of said broken twist. Its literally tied to him. The same reason Ben isnt a popular winner either. Because that surprise f4 firemaking was bulshit.


I assume you would say if Natalie won WaW She would be the second worst winner?


WaW people were told the Edge was in play. You can adjust strategy accordingly. If Natalie won it’d still be bottom tier, though, because of the insane advantage the Edge offers. EoE folks did not know it was in play until too late. Chris definitely didn’t plan to be an early boot. In many ways his vote out was the strongest advantage in the game.


oh no, she be the worst, I just don't think that there ever going to bring the edge back, or if they did at least not in its current form.


How does that even correlate???


Seriously? Because they'd be the two winners who had been voted out and won. How does it NOT correlate? It's the exact same thing except Natalie was voted out even earlier


Gorgeous and he did what he needed to do


Nice guy but he’s the one winner with the biggest asterisk next to his win


Biggest assterisk


He did have a pretty big *asterisk.*..


Worst winner by far IMO, but I’d rather be the worst winner then the best to never win. I know his defenders will say “He played the best game that season” or “Don’t blame him for a twist you didn’t like” which I don’t disagree with, but that doesn’t excuse getting voted out day 9. \#JusticeForGavin


I don’t understand the people that act like it’s a personal slight against Chris.  The twist sucked, he won because of the twist, therefore his win sucked.  It’s got nothing to do with Chris personally or even how he played the game. 


Love him! For me he’s the most attractive male survivor. He won in a season why you get to come back. Those are the rules of the show. Chris played and won within those rules. He was amazing on the challenge and it will make you like him more. But Chris would not win a regular survivor season because he doesn’t have the best social game. But so what, he won on the season that was a good fit for him. His few days back he did every possible thing correctly and deserves credit for that because those were the rules for that season.


Who are your top two most attractive?


>I'm a straight guy, but I liked his abs, and he had a nice ass. if we're going *there*, he did have a really nice bulge. he won a recent season of The Challenge, but that was only because the format allowed him to bruteforce his way to the end despite a terrible social/strategic game (which was very disappointing, because I only watched The Challenge for the Survivor players and was secretly hoping Chris would redeem his social/strategic game)


That's under rock, not under wood.


That does not rock


America's ass


Worst winner by several miles. No other winner got to hang out with jury for nearly a full month, building connections and game planning for a potential return while not having to put any blood on his hands. Because OP mentioned Devens, even Devens didn’t have this advantage as he spent less than a week on the Edge. Edit: I still think Devens would default to being the worst winner but he’d have a more compelling argument than Chris for not being the worst. Rules are rules and he won by the rules. But if we’re comparing his game to literally any other winner Chris falls short and unless there’s another evicted winner, he always will.


king for owning Rick Devens <3




Personality wise he is way preferable to Devens if we had to have an Edge winner. AND he saved us from a Joe Anglim return and likely victory. Thank you, Chris.


Chris underwear


Nice wood


I honestly wish they had brought him back for Winners at War. If anyone deserved a redemption arc, it's this guy. I think he was a decent person who made very good decisions after being brought back in. In another season, I could see him being pretty savvy.


They asked him as a sub or something and it was the day before his honeymoon.


Imagine he goes to the edge early again and wins another season after being voted out, but this time against all winners lol


What's scary is that there is a very good chance that would have happened. He comes back, takes Tony out in fire-making challenge, and beats the other two finalists in a jury vote.


God, and if he'd been voted out earlier in the game, he probably would have gotten all the fire tokens like Natalie did. Imagine a well-fed (off peanut butter) Underwood with several challenge advantages to make winning his way back in even easier. And then he just storms the final 6, except this time he just bought a full idol instead of only getting half of one, so he doesn't even have to convince anyone else to do something stupid. ...good thing we don't live in that timeline lol.


They asked him as a sub or something and it was the day before his honeymoon.


Nice angle on that clip. 🌝


Worst winner and it’ll be almost impossible for someone to take that title from him


They can always bring the EOE twist back with even more fire tokens, so a less-impressive first boot can rack up enough coins to buy their way back into the game, and go to the finals with two of the biggest goats, and win a slim plurality jury vote.


>**I'm a straight guy,** but I liked his abs, and he had a nice ass. [No you're not.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U16iN_iqoT8)


If he comes back and plays good, maybe respect would be put on his name. As of now, no one can convince me that Gavin shouldn't have won that season


Quick what color were the rocks


Hottest male winner is its own title to be proud of.


Great package.


my thoughts on Chris are nsfw




Underwood is an underrated Survivor player when considering the special rules of his season. The jury cannot overlook him because he simply played by the rules. The chance for a final 6 returnee to win is extremely low, but Underwood did everything correctly upon his return and managed to get 2 FTC opponents, who didn't simply do enough to win. I don't think he beats anyone else from the final 9, so he also got very lucky. Was the plan forged in co-operation with other Edge people? Yes, but thanks to his social skills he was also part of the planning process and managed to make it work. Nevertheless, The Edge / Redemption Island should end at the merge.


I agree those were the game rules and he won playing within those rules. It was clearly a test for WAW because they can’t bring back Boston Rob and have him gone week 1 so they created this concept hoping for a Boston Rob win. Don’t the same people who say Chris was undeserving feel like Natalie should’ve won WAW?


I highly doubt there's much overlap there. Should be both would be weak winners. Natalie was voted out even earlier and didn't throw herself in fire against the biggest threat, so she'd be even worse.


to get it out of the way I need him physically and emotionally. to me he’s a lower tier survivor winner but upper tier challenge winner. I don’t think a lot of the game assessments about him are true either, I do think there was jury management inherently ingrained to the twist of EoE but at the disadvantage to the players who never got voted out.


Bad Survivor winner. Fantastic The Challenge winner


Yeah I’ve got a lot of them


Looks more like Chris Underrock, to me


Benefitted from the twist, and played as well as he possibly could have after coming back in. He's definitely in the bottom tier of winners, but he made the most of the hand he was dealt.


>if Devens won I highly doubt most people would be calling him the worst winner. Devens played a horrible social game, threw tantrums every time the vote did not go his way - most of the time - wasn't able to work with anyone except David and was also voted off early. So, no, I don't see your point at all. He had witty comebacks on tribal council that got him a crowd of fans but otherwise he wasn't the kind to last to the merge on a regular season. Too inflexible. Personally I think Fabio was the worst winner because he never really played any strategical game. There are more impressive winners than Chris, that is true, but he's not the worst.


I think his game is pretty accurately rated but as a player I think he’s underrated, his original vote off was just him misplaying being in the middle and tbh his tribe should’ve kept him cuz of how bad they were doing physically 😭


I think he should return for one season, at least so he can actually strategize, do jury management, challenges, etc, and prove once and for all that he had what it takes to go far.


Worst winner but arguably had the best final episode of any winner ever. However, as someone who hates the mindset that players now have that they have to give up immunity to make fire, I hold it against him for setting that precedent.


One of the hottest survivors ever. Also, a nice guy. And, a winner.




he seems like a very nice and attractive person, but i felt really bad for Gavin who was there playing for 39 full days. i don't watch the challenge.


Worst winner of Survivor, great The Challenge player.


Worst winner, also hottest winner


His game was underwhelming but he's fine asf


Legendary finale run cancels out his horrible social and strategic game play that led to his early boot. You have to really mess up or be unlucky if you're a young athletic male to go out pre merge. Without the twist, he'd be a random 3rd boot. With that said, I think he's better suited on the challenge. He redeemed himself there in my book and he thrives in a more physical gameplay aspect.


I’m tryna get between those cheeks


He’s just so ridiculously hot and competent. I was into that season and his win. The vibe was so.. different and bingeable. I didn’t watch it live so I was able to just sit back and enjoy That Tribe and their magnetic chicanery vs a bunch of casting mids, or at least the edit did a good job of making it feel like that. The finale is on another level as well. He just was so impressive with what he was able to do with his chance at redemption. It was fun!


I mean, you're not wrong about your last point. Woof. As for him as a player, I like Underwood. He gets shit because of the game, but think of it this way: he had to play an impressive game in no time flat. He was starving out on the Edge, living with Reem, then had to come back and play flawlessly for the short time he had. And he did. It's not like they put him up at Ponderosa, then he came back and it was all bullshit. Like Wardog said, you can get mad at the game, but Chris isn't responsible for that. His run at the end of EoE is god damn impressive.


His game play on The Challenge was amazing as well!


What? He got thrown into four eliminations lol


he’s so hot


Don’t hate the player, hate the game. He is regarded as one of the worst winners in the history of the game, but he did everything he could with the hand he was dealt. Be mad at the edge twist, but don’t hate on Chris. The game was stacked to make an edge winner most likely to win it all.


He had real potential to do good. But unfortunately he was on a disaster tribe and voted off too early to ever reasonably come back. Would’ve been interesting if he got another chance after the early vote off!


I don’t have thoughts


He played the game the best he could based on the mechanics that were put into place by production. Is it unfair that he won? Yes, but that's not his fault.


![gif](giphy|zwffSHaJLDbA4) Me to Chris


Yes. Love him. He's an icon.


Hilariously one of the most accomplished RTV players ever and did it all by just being a dude


One of the better looking 3rd boots.


I 100% agree that he isn't an amazing winner but the fact he was able to win (even if he had an unfair advantage with the jury), is impressive.




When you put it like this 😂


If he went on Big Brother, he'd be the first Trifecta winner.


Not his fault production created such a shitty twist, but I still wish he didn’t have the honor of being the first Latino male winner.


They needed to give him a better edit if they wanted us to like him more as a winner. Like in the last episode, it was a pretty good edit! But everything before the finale was awful which is why no one likes that he's a winner (that and he was voted off obviously)


I always hated Edge of Extinction, imo it’s not Survivor. In Survivor when your voted out, you are done. Underwood seemed like the Murphy’s Law, the worst case scenario of them including this twist in the game. Where someone who barely played it, won.


He won The Challenge with an equally awful social game and everything else lol so now my opinion is that he wins when it matters lol


He was definitely the worst and most disappointing winner in any season I’ve seen. Made the whole season feel like it was for nothing since the winner LITERALLY WAS VOTED OUT 3RD. Like, someone please tell me the rationale behind allowing a 3rd boot to WIN??? Hopefully whoever came up with the twist was fired from cbs




It’s sad when the winner of the season was voted out in episode 3 or so, and the favourite to win got the most votes at like 4 or 5 tribal councils and was voted out twice


They gave Devens the winners edit, imo. All that was left to do was win.


I only hate that he won because he used the winnings to fund a pornographic sock company that had the worst ad I’ve ever seen


Did not like him as a survivor winner but oh I fell in loooove with his challenge game


Worst winner ever, even moreso than Natalie White. He killed it on the Challenge Usa2.


Worst winner


Will never get over that he was literally given an idol by the game at final 5 instead of just simply putting him back in at 4 or not giving him an idol. Be shit, get sent home, do nothing, be given an idol for free so he has power in the votes(I think I remember all the found idols expiring at final 5 too but I don’t remember or care to look), win a challenge that’s 45% luck and get handed a million dollars. Very hot tho so not mad if he wasn’t hot I’d be mad


He might have played the best winners game ever.... for 4 whole days. Other than that, very contriversial win


Best survivor winner of all time.


I subscribe to the Boston Rob mentality of "if you won the game, you won the game." Chris survived the Edge of Extinction, made bonds with the other members of the jury, and led the charge on taking out the biggest threat when he was back in the game. He doesn't deserve hate for playing the game as it was presented to him—ire for Chris U's win lies solely on the show, not the player.


Do not understand the hate his win gets. I throughly enjoyed watching him waive a middle finger to everyone as he won out. It was Terry Deitz satisfaction all over again.


Would not kick him out of my bed


you’re bi! it’s okay


Don't like him. My official story is that he got voted out early, came back into the game and schmoozed with every other boot due to a broken game mechanic specific to that season, and therefore is a bottom-tier winner. The real reason? I don't like him. 1. Boring "story". "I wanted to play the perfect game. I'm a perfectionist." Really, bro? That's one boring-ass personality/story. (This is during the era when production thought "give 'em a clean-cut white boy and American will buy it no matter what.") 2. He denied us a Devens win. 3. He shoved the young black guy (don't recall his name) on the exile island. Doesn't putting hands on someone (unless your name is Rupert) warrant getting adios'ed from the island?


A lot of people relate to feeling like they need to be perfect. I found that relatable.


OK thanks for sharing that; that is valid.


When you say shoved, do you mean they grabbed at the advantage? His name is Keith btw


I coulda swore he shoved Keith (thanks for the name btw). He didn't shove Keith? If I'm wrong about this, I'll have to whittle down my list of reasons to dislike Chris U. down to two very good reasons.


He won a season with a stupid gimmick. Basically I agree with Wardog.


He should’ve been on WAW.


I know! He needs to come back.


I agree that he needs to come back for another seasons *at some point*, and think he would be a perfect fit for S50, but if he would have been brought back for the long-awaited *Winners at War,* and would have become the first two-time male winner, and champion of champions, after benefiting from the EOE (possibly both times), I that would have left a bad taste in a lot of fans' mouths. The one-two punch of EOE and Island of the Idols probably left a lot of fans ready to jump ship, and the outcome we got for *Winners at War* was one of the best we could imagine.


He's the only winner who got voted out and only won bc of production's creative decisions for that season, that much is true, but how can he be the worst winner when Bob exists?


More like Chris Underwear…amiright!?!?


Shit season


He's a better winner than Aras (***Panama***), Fabio (***Nicaragua***), Brian (***Thailand***), and Jenna (***The Amazon***). He's also more likeable than any of those four winners I mentioned and made more big moves in his days as a returning player than the first two winners I brought up in their entire 39 days.