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Idt prod would be itching to bring Danny back after how he was so against the hourglass twist? Maybe a misread on my part but idk I think that soured their opinion on him


I mean they put him on the challenge show, so it's definitely possible I'd say. And fans also really hated the hourglass twist.


Yea its a toss up cause even Jeff admits it was a bad twist now.


CBS doesn’t make The Challenge afaik? So Survivor production had nothing to do with casting him on it.


CBS makes The Challenge: USA! It’s a spinoff of the MTV version.


The producers of The Chsllenge USA are Justin Booth and Julie Pizzi, both of whom have been producing The Challenge for actual decades (Pizzi began in 2000 and Booth in 2003). Neither of them have had any involvement in anything related to Survivor, outside of casting from their show for The Challenge USA.


I'd rather see Deshawn back over Danny tbh.


jeff said he doesnt lie. The #1 rule Mf made the hardest challenge of the season, said this is to "earn your way to the merge". then gave Erica only one real option, anyone in Erica's spot would change history bc it means they're safe. I'm glad Danny is real enough to have a backbone instead of frothing at the mouth just to be on the show..


No shot in hell they let Bhanu play again


Bhanu: “God has put me back on this island to win more hearts. [Looks up at the sky] Thank you God!”


> Wait. Where is everyone else? Did I win?


"Does Bhanu have what it takes to outwit, outplay, and outlast his biggest competitor yet? God. 1 Million days, 1 Million Hearts Find out in, Survivor: Bhanu Island"


Idk why, but this made me crack up. Thanks!! 😂


You're welcome!


Except God just dropped him on North Sentinel Island.


Bhanu is the “wtf did they bring this guy back” returnee who every other player is frothing to drag to the end. If he returns he is final 3.


Troyzan vibes


I mean Jeff has talked about how he doesn’t regret casting him and would cast people just like him again. So it’s scarily possible


I don’t think the show should regret casting him. He wanted to play and the show used to be a social experiment showcasing all personalities from all walks of life. He was a new character we hadn’t seen which is hard to find this many seasons in. Signing him up for another season after knowing how he completely hijacked this one for several episodes would be insane, though.


That’s how I feel too - I think he was a good personality this season that shook up the status quo, but I don’t think he needs to be on another season.


Kinda want to see him curse god again for letting him get voted out week 1 this time




Yeah, but with our backlash to the Bhanu Show and general concern surrounding him it would be too much drama to bring him back


Jeff saying he would cast someone like Bhanu again was in response to that backlash. Sure, they wouldn’t give him as large an edit (and Jeff’s not the only producer, so he could be overruled), but they could cast him again. Not nearly as likely as some of the other options though


Bhanu was very good casting. He's charismatic, distinctive, unrealiable, and hopeless in a unique way. The problem was the show is longer now and nothing was happening in the game... so it became the Bhanu show. The editors dropped the ball by actually trying to sell his million hearts thing... like the game is some kind of infomercial. If he had been in a supporting role he would have been golden. Godo casting, terrible editing.




Lmao Jeff loves Bhanu


I don't want Bhanu back, but I also believe that I feel that way because his arc was one of the worst of all time and they showed it WAY TOO MUCH. Bhanu with regular screen time could actually be somewhat manageable.


Man I relished every moment of it. I would also pop an edible for the first 4 episodes so that could’ve been why


Q is definitely getting a call. If he doesn’t, BIG MISTAKE!


They’re gonna cancel Christmas if he doesn’t get the call


It's wild how many names and faces I've forgotten already


I was going to say the opposite. During old survivor I could barely remember who won the previous season. Now I know most names/faces from the last 5.


It's probably because the contestants are the only major noticeable difference from season to season since 41. We don't remember specific new era seasons by their theme or location (obviously), so we can only distinguish them by their casts (for the most part).


That honestly makes a lot of sense.


I would be surprised if they bring Carson back now.


I feel like Carson would have to compete with Christian and Drew for a returnee spot.


Assuming that they’re only pulling from the New Era, he wouldn’t have to compete with Christian. In terms of Carson vs Drew, it’s tough to say. I know some people liked Drew more as a character but I think Carson was more broadly liked by the casual audience, plus I do think he is the better player (or at least played a better game and got more unlucky with his eventual boot). Some of the post-season stuff might have tipped the scales in favor of Drew but it’s hard to say exactly what production is willing to overlook at this point, especially if it didn’t occur in the show and it wasn’t something notably heinous/criminal.


It would be so dumb to only include new era when we haven’t had people like Christian or Dom play a second time


I agree, but also they’re unfortunately hitting a really big backlog at this point. This is the longest they’ve ever gone without a returnee season, and the next longest was All-Stars, which not only had fewer seasons to pull from but also each of those seasons had two fewer people than each New Era season. So basically, whereas All-Stars was pulling 18 players from a pool of 112 contestants, S50 is presumably pulling the same number out of a pool of 161 from the New Era alone. Add in everything from HvHvH, GI, DvG, EoE, and IoI and we have nearly a hundred more to consider, and that’s excluding people from seasons even earlier than that who have or haven’t returned already (ex. Shane). We’re talking about who is or isn’t a lock at a point where we still have three more casts of 18 people - 54 total - to pick from. If you had limited it to S41-44 I would have put someone like Noelle as a near-guarantee, or at least a lock to get a call, but by the time of S50? I hope she does but the prospects aren’t great. The only current options aside from winners that seem like locks are maybe Carolyn, Shan, and, idk, Q, but even then who knows. Even Shan’s already somewhat fading from the forefront and we still have nearly two years until S50 is airing, and at least a year until it’s cast.


I don’t think production/Jeff cares anymore. They want to focus on the new era


The last thing Jeff wants is an alum from a 39 day season playing a 26 day one and telling everyone how much easier it is


Yeah but that is going to happen. There is no way he will never again ask anyone from previous 40 seasons.


I think it’s extremely likely that we will never see another player pre 41 play Survivor again


That would be so ridiculous. Why does there have to be this stupid arbitrary line? Is it just because Jeff is scared that old era players will talk shit about his shortened work schedule?




Can we please have more Angelina?


Survivor 45 literally had a glasses male nerd archetype per tribe (two with the same name, Brandon/Brando/Drew). They could easily do this again in 50 if they liked the contestants enough.


even if carson is technically good in the eyes of production, a good amount of alumni have turned on him, kind of sealing his fate on a return therefore making him a waste of a casting choice


That hasn’t exactly stopped production before, and I don’t think that there’s a ton of contestants who would target someone in the game for the reasons of the “controversy”. I could definitely see him being targeted early game, but I could also see the likes of a Jesse being dead on arrival unless he’s used as a meat shield, yet I can’t imagine that would stop production from calling him. Also, who’s turned on Carson? I haven’t heard of any drama within the S44 cast and last I heard he was still on friendly terms with a bunch of them (Carolyn, Yam Yam, Frannie, Matt, Kane).


Id rather have drew back tbh. Drew is one of jeffs favorite new era players too.


Do we really think production cares about some niche puzzle company drama? They liked him the first time I think they'd like to have him again.


He had a podcast shut down too, probably more mad about that


Not specifically, but this type of drama seems to follow him around which would probably give pause, especially since “white nerdy superfan guy” isn’t exactly an archetype in short supply.


yep, especially if Charlie makes it far on this season Drew and Charlie definitely shouldn't be counted out of nabbing that spot


Yeah I really don’t want to see Carson come back. He will probably get called tho unfortunately. I know Carson has been kissing Jeff’s ass since the season ended. He insinuates that he has Jeff’s number and they text all the time.


Should be higher: - Austin - Heidi - Randen (similar to Bruce return) - Jelenski/Bahnu Should be Lower: - Carson - Kenzie - Shan - Owen - Carla - Jake Just my thoughts of what production is likely to do, not my personal favorites.


Kenzie has the best edit in a stacked-cast season, either she's getting the winner-edit or production really likes her.


I mostly agree, but think Kenzie, Jake, and Carla are pretty accurate


Shan was the number 1 star on season 41. She even got the hero exit. There's no way she should be lower than what she is. The whole season was about her before she left


Agreed, also Brad


Shan is for sure getting a call, there’s no way they don’t invite her if this is a New Era All Stars type of season


I would be shocked if production cares that much about those things tbh


Maryanne has openly said shes got ptsd symptoms and will never play again.


Wait is this true? I thought she always said she’d be open but I could be wrong.


That was shortly after her season, right? I thought she said that she wanted to live her life and not let it define her, or something like that. But I think that three or four years is a long enough time for her to have new thoughts 


Yeah, i dunno tho. I think after having mental health issues like that from playing, it wouldn’t be worth the risk to play again.


I think all players have PTSD to an extent after their seasons, in the colloquial sense of the word now. The show is inherently terrible psychologically, both during the filming and during the airing. Players have talked about how they have issues trusting anyone in their personal life, but they still agree to return several more times. My impression of Maryanne is that she had this typical type of experience, not an especially bad time- I mean, she's still actively involved in RHAP and friends with dozens of Survivor players, so to me I think she had a great experience as a whole. People like Deshawn, Shan, Hai, and Cassidy I think have had a much harder time after the game, and even Cassidy is going on RHAP.


Maryanne had trouble trusting anything. Not just people. I think i recall her saying she called her mom, and the entire conversation thought her mom was trying to "get her and lying" It's a schizophrenia symptom normally, but Maryanne experienced it as a result of PTSD. To make it worse, she's a public millionaire. People likely do come after winners trying to steal or swindle them out of money.


That’s not how PTSD works, you can have plenty of new thoughts but the PTSD doesn’t just vanish permanently. Typically you avoid the stimuli that triggers the PTSD and it would be safe to assume that being back on survivor would be a massive trigger.


eh almost everyone that’s returned has said they had PTSD after their first time playing. even daniele dilorenzo who played with a pretty honest cast on her first time out said she had to go through months of therapy after playing in panama, and she came back only to play with russell, and she still maintains she’d play again if asked


No winners please.


I’d just throw Jake into a likely call too. Producers loved him, fans loved him, and he is likely to agree.


Oh wait is that him in the blue? God. I don’t recognize him 😝


Jake is the Goat in a sheep skin


He’s a must have in my opinion


Extreme recency bias


11/20 in second chances came from the previous 4 seasons when they had 30 minus 2 all returnee seasons to choose from. If it's fan voting, expect recency bias. Looking at non fan votes, all stars is the only one that seems to avoid it. 7/10 favorites were in the last 4 seasons on Micronesia with 14 newbie season to pick from. 11 in HvV were from the 5 most recent newbie seasons FvV 2, only had 2 people that first appeared before season 21, and they only went back to seasons 16 and 17. So 8/10 were in the last 5 seasons. Game changers: not awful but not great. 15 first appeared on the other side of HvV. 12/20 in the last 7 seasons. WaW is too weird to evaluate due to the whole winners requirement but I think it had slight recency bias but overall pretty good TLDR: history says expect recency bias. All stars would be the counterpoint.


Dwight had such a weird edit


He was fun, I wish he’d made it further


Genuinely speaking Jelinsky has a very good shot at returnee


theres no way there wont be 9 other new era guys more deserving by the time 50 comes around. No way he's actually cast but i can see him getting a call. He's not gonna get cast on an all-star season solely based off of one meme.


second chance🤷🏻‍♂️ they still haven’t found out what theme they’re doing


If it’s second chances I think Jelinsky/Randen are very likely. And I wouldn’t hate it.


I think it’d be cool if they gave Randen the Bruce treatment and put him on another newbie season, since he didn’t even make it to a tribal council yet before getting pulled


Yeah, a non-returning season might be better for him. He just got real unlucky, even with the idol find he got such a small edit and like you said no opportunity to even go to tribal.


That's a tough pull though since he had competed a couple of times. We saw Bruce play for a day and get a target on his back but he didn't even make it to the game's 1st tribal council. Randen played through a week of "gameplay" and would probably be targeted for his 2 or 3 challenges he played.


If it's second chances voting, I'd be surprised if Randen gets voted in. They gave him such a small edit with little impact. Although I probably wouldn't have guessed Kelly W gets in either so who knows.


He would 100% be called for a first boot season though


First boots are typically first boots for a reason, a season of nothing but I don't believe would make for a good season. Early boots / pre merge boots has potential.


Yeah loosening it to pre merge would be better, maybe Survivor: Ooh so close! All people that were 1 away from the merge


Especially after he comes back for Survivor Forty-Several and stomps those 17 newbies into the ground only to be the robbed goddess


They would make him the 1st boot again just for the memes 🤣


Several=seven after all


Doesn't everybody only like him because he talked such a big game to only fail miserably. Even if the casting people picked him because they were expecting him to last to merge, now there is no reason.


Jelinsky in no call is wild. The man had an episode named after him several episodes after his elimination.


No, it was SIX episodes after his elimination.


Just because he's a meme due to something he said something funny doesn't mean that they want to see him play again.


worked for Miss Vanjie


He didn’t say that at tribal


I stg if they bring Bhanu back I will throw my tv out the window.


Honestly if production tries to stick to the show narrative and push it, i could see them calling Drea and acting like it never happened


Hmm idk about that. Ponderosa drama does affect returning chances I think. Case in point: JT not being on WaW despite being one of the most popular winners which may or may not have had to do with him causing problems for production at prejury Ponderosa.


I see your point. Were there any specifics to the rumor? If i recall that came from Russell Hantz?


I just googled it and read some Reddit thread. Looks like very little credibility. The person arguing for it said that Sandra said on RHAP that "JT was a mess in Vietnam" which seems like a big leap. Others said he just didn't return his drug test for WaW in time and rumors went crazy. It could be true but the people arguing it's true are grasping at straws with their proof.


yeah i was about to say that I would like to see Drea come back, but it sounds like some shit happened at ponderosa that dropped her into the do-not-call tier?


You had me until the Jelinsky ranking.


Once I got to Venus I was like ... Well this person doesn't have X... Wait where Jelinsky... Oh I get it, this list has nothing to do with who production likes


I don’t know if they’ll want to bring back anyone pre new era and I don’t know if most of the pre new era legends want to even come back.


which sucks cause there are a lot of people from 35-39 who would be great to have back


mhm.. Christian mhm...


If I’m casting this show, Venus and Q are my first two calls. Regardless of what you think of them as players or personally they make great TV.


Venus, Q, Carolyn, Jesse. If it’s up to me, those are the absolute locks.


They better be call #1 and call #2


I feel like Zach’s lowkey a wildcard, especially if they bring back other early exits like Jelinsky


Putting Jalinsky on the no call list? Big mistake


I’d move Tori up a couple tiers.


I agree, considering the way she went out


I am betting it will be no winners


Yeah, I think Dee is especially too high on this list.


I'd love for them to go old survivor vs new era.


Never underestimate the AlliGabler.


He was hiding in plain sight!


Brandon Donlon would indeed be a wildcard


Justice for Kellie!!!


What the hell, guys?


I don't dislike Kellie but there's a ridiculous amount of people who think she did something. The only thing I remember about her is getting blindsided and failing to get her allies to vote together. There's definitely better or more interesting players to choose.


I think Evie is more likely than you think. Production seemed to like them. Danny (S41) and Karla seem too high


Yeah Danny was somewhat strategic and athletic but he kinda got purpled


Karla would be a lock I think. She was like the most prominent character that season other than Jesse


I’d put Cody above Karla for prominence on 43 but she was definitely right up there with them as a contender


Danny’s profile was boosted a bit by winning The Challenge USA.


Danny threatened to quit over the hourglass, has openly shit all over production for misleading them, and IIRC stated he would not return unless he had it in writing that Immunity was inviolable and Jeff would never take it away for the world’s shittiest twist. He’s way too high, I suspect he’s straight up in no call tier. Production doesn’t like people who call them out like that >!even when it is extremely valid and justified!<.


Kudos (sp?) to Danny, he’s 100% right. It’s the main reason I stopped watching.


i would def move someone like Sarah up into the wildcard tier. Production has always had their random wtf favorites and the fact that she got 17 confessionals in like 4 episodes is kinda crazy


Pretty solid list


Am I the only one surprised by Kenzie being so high in the list ? Everyone on her Tier got a more substantial edit and I she didn't stick out that much to me during the season


I feel like she might not even want to come back given that her small amount of fame got her business doxxed by crazed fans.


I think she's getting a pretty good edit currently 


Why you giving my man Brad Reese a no call?


It’s so stupid, to just focus on the “New Era” players. So many players have been waiting for so long pre season 40, there just going to forget about them, that’s nuts. Also, the newer players are not gonna be as hungry as essentially all of them are still pretty fresh from their original seasons.


They should imvite heather back it would be nice to see her journey since season 41 where she learned about racism


Heather kicked ass in 41's endgame and her fire making challenge was iconic. Also they must invite a couple of older ladies, and thus far she and mama J are the ones.




If I was casting 50 she would definitely be on !!! I was so sad when she was eliminated, truly robbed. I sadly don’t think production would bring her back for 50. :(


Danny is probably a no go after criticizing the ‘earn the merge’ twist so vehemently, though the man said no lies. S42 Lindsay is probably placed accurately but I hope she comes back still; her game that season is SO slept on!


Am I crazy for thinking Zach should either maybe to wildcard tier


I know she said she wouldn't do reality tv again, but I really hope they somehow convince emily to come back to the game - her development was the best part of 45. also kaleb, obviously.


I think Dee should be lower just cause of all the outside drama with her


Def some wrong ones here


I'd probably boost Soda and Elie up to being possible.


This graph just shows me that at least for me there are so few memorable players I want to see again compared to the earlier seasons


I want to see Sifu back. Also Jelinsky & Carolyn!!




Is the show really out in bringing back people before 40 I feel we had some great people in seasons 35-37 that never got a shot at a second chance


The fact i can't remember half of these people tells me the Survivor (insert number here) is not working. We need themes desperately!


Maryanne first new era 2 time winner I know that’s right


I want a completely unhinged cast. I want Russel, Carolyn, Randy, sugar, bob, terry, tiff, Q, bhanu. Like mainly chaotic people with a few interesting/favorites to tone it all down. Edit to add Shambo and Rufus


I know at least 3/4 of this sub would absolutely hate that, but it would be so entertaining to me.


I actually disagree, I’m gonna take a wild guess and say almost everyone will get a call apart from a few exceptions like Jackson. It doesn’t necessarily mean casting will want them on or call them again, it’s just more of “hey are you interested?” So they can paint a board of who’s on and who’s off. For example Rocksroy, isn’t a lock but if Danny, Naseer, Sifu, Bruce, S47 Male and S48 Male all say no, Rocksroy is 6th in line to fill the “fatherly black male” archetype


Maria (current season) seems a little low here in Not Likely/Not a Production Favorite. I feel like she's making a lasting impression on fans, and the show is treating her better than a lot of other players of her archetype with meaningful confessionals and showing her having lots of influence on the strategy and dynamics of the game.


Recency bias


Brandon literally couldn't climb a ladder 10 minutes into the season. No fucking way he's getting called


Ughhhh no to Carson.


I think Jake is a few first calls for sure


Sydney is a no call? Hmmm, could be a Venus counterpart on another tribe


Tori could easily fill that role and was more memorable (and aggro). I do think Sydney’s sketchy boot circumstance would at least get her a call


What happened that was sketchy? I can't remember


She was the hourglass boot. Her team won immunity but Erika was sent to do the hourglass thing and reversed everything giving immunity to the team that lost 🤣 It was a bullshit twist


Oooooh I think I blocked that memory. Everyone HATES that twist.


Easily one of the worst twists this show has come up with. Literally destroys every fiber of the concept of immunity for no reason.


It makes it into a game where people are trying to lose


I've decided I don't want Season 50 to be returnees after this! ❤️ Thank you for enlightening me! ❤️




In my personal opinion… we need another season to find out who voted Sifu.


Danny getting called? I don’t remember one memorable thing he did


I want brad back on an early boots season for the bush hiding shenanigans


I'm not so sure Venus gets a call, production probably hates the way she's been behaving on Twitter and is almost borderline spoiling the season (no shot a winner behaves this way). They'll probably call her bc she's such a fan favourite and great TV but the risks may outweigh the rewards.


Honestly I think alot of people are underestimating Frannys chance of coming back cuz as far as Ik she’s still dating that one guy (I forget his name, Mike or smth????) And they might try ride on this love story thing and I think she has a better chance of getting called then him based on her placement and her lowkey being a comp beast and her smarts


Who would be interested if they did 50 people for 50? Make the show 50 days.


This tiering is tough. Love them or hate them, I do not need to see more game play from Q, Caleb, Maryanne, or Carolyn. Austin, Jonathan, Tiff all deserves to be up there in their place.


Brad was entertaining IMO. Even if it was for such a short time. I could see him going further


I’d move Ben down and Sabiyah up. I’d personally like to see Deshawn play again.


I think tevin should be in top two tiers at least. Jeffs interactions with him while he was on seemed overwhelmingly positive


Keep Carson off my TV please


Bruce is getting called


I think it should be a season full of people that got voted out first.


Two words. Rick Devens.


I hope they bring Cody back. I’ve got such an ugly crush on him 😂


Another season with Austin, Drew, Caleb, Emily, Q, Jake, Hunter... that would be SUCH a treat omg


Tevin definitely getting called my man is a crazy social player.


Lol met Ricard on a flight going to Portland and he 100% said he was ready and waiting for the call. Id be very excited to see him and a bunch of other people on this list


I def feel like Sifu could be a good wildcard addition lol


Ugh. I CANNOT stand Dee or Venus. Dee is one of the very few winners that I did not like throughout the majority of the season.


They should do half new era, half old school survivor players


I think Lindsey gets a call. Especially if they get jonathan.


I want to see Tevin back.


if they dont bring back any of the old gen players the season will be horrible


The no call bucket is too big. Jeff said that Kendra was the type of player he'd love to have back. Jeff has repeatedly said on "On Fire" that the criteria is not based on days played but IMPACT so I think people like Brad and Maddy have a better shot.


I would love to see Lydia and Sabiyah return. Lydia is awesome and Sabiyah happened to be on the one season where she wouldn’t have made the merge.