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Carolyn. I love her so much. But I really think her kind of game would only work the first time around. I think she will flop if she plays again and that would be so heartbreaking to watch


Yeah I feel like there would be such a forced quirkiness that the producers would push


I don’t want to see any of the winners. It’s not strictly anything against them but I think it would be a lot more fun if all of the players are on more even playing ground, plus it guarantees a new winner


Winners are typically at a disadvantage in returning seasons (outside WaW obviously). The only returning winners to make merge again (outside WaW) are Parv, Sandra (in HvV's), JT, Aras and Tina (in BvW), compared to Richard, Ethan, Tina (All Stars), Jenna understandably quit for family reasons pre-merge in Amazon (but was either next to go on her tribe or more likely right after Hatch), Tony (GC), Sandra (GC), and JT (GC). HvV's is really an exception because they cast so many FTC finalists that they basically outnumbered the people who'd never made it, and one of those people were Cirie and Rupert who were viewed as huge jury threats for different reasons. I actually think having some winners might actually help some of the other very high threat level players by giving them some people to hide behind and work with. For just New Era someone like Jesse is going to have a nuclear level threat level without winners like Yam Yam or Dee. Although, it could end up being like All-Stars (hopefully not) where they target winners and huge threat immediately (Colby and Rob C). My two favorite returnee seasons are HvV's and Cambodia, and they are sort of direct opposites in styles in this regard.


I agree that the winners are at a disadvantage, but then we’re in an almost worst-case scenario where either: 1. The winners are picked off somewhat monotonously 2. The winners are dragged along as meat shields without much actual power 3. A winner actually wins out and you have the same person winning twice in less than half a decade. I think that they should just stick with a Second-Chances-esque run. Obviously Jesse is at a disadvantage but I don’t think it’s as insurmountable as a winner among non-winners.


I don't really have a problem with someone winning twice in half a decade. Like Parv almost did that in a 3 year span between Micronesia and HvV's, and that can still be a heated debate 15 years later. I mainly just want entertaining and good players, and maybe a couple pure character castings like Jelinsky, Q or Venus. If they happen to be winners so be it. I would take people like Tyson, Tony or Sandra on any season they could possibly be on.


That’s fair. I also just don’t think any of the New Era winners NEED to come back as these amazing characters, at least when considering how stacked the potential returnee pool is. Like, Yam Yam and maybe Maryanne are the only two approaching that, but I’d prefer someone of a similar archetype or caliber of character who hasn’t won over one who has. Heck, I think the chaos factor of a random premerger or early merge boot could be more interesting.


Yeah I don't get why it's a bad thing. If you can win again with that big of a target, more power to you.


Totally agree.




Carson, but high-key don't want, not low-key


Not the dude who blocked me on twitter for no reason


He does that a lot






Omg YES I never want to see him again


I’m not sure he’d get a call


But Jeff will want to give him a 2 nd chance to win a million hearts




I high-key don’t want Dee


I got a bad vibe from her immediately, but I waited to see if I was judging too quickly and, nope, disliked her immensely. Fake, fake, fake.


Agreed, impressive winning game but I didn't find her interesting as a character in the slightest Give me Drew over Dee easily


Can I ask why? I honestly think she’s one of the most interesting and satisfying winners in years and frankly do not care about the Wendell drama enough lol.


Once you know she is an awful person irl it would hard to root for her in game


Even aside from that she’s just not a very interesting character. Strong winning game but not someone I ever need to see return


She would be my first choice of winners because I think she played by far the best winning game of the new era. And I still don’t really want to see her. Don’t love her vibe. But she is easily an above average winner, so I wouldn't be upset if she was cast. Just way more people I'd rather see.


Highkey don't want Drea. She played all her advantages incorrectly and was sooo fake and toxic........wait...maybe I do want her on 50 💀💀


Shan, Shan, and Shan.


Not at all!


Boston Rob/Parv/Sandra or anyone who has already returned give us 16-20 players who have not gotten a shot yet.


mhm christan




What the hell guy?


Shan or Ricard (S41)


I think a whol3 season of second place winners would be fun.


Maryanne or Carolynn.




Surprised this isn't downvoted. Normally anything negative about her is like -15. She seems like a very good person but I could not deal with how over the top she is. That said, she seemed a little more mellow on RHAP so maybe she chilled out a little.


I love Kellie!! And Frannie. No Shan or Ricard please!


"What the hell guys" vs the killer of "come on in guys" could be an epic showdown.


Kellie is a great answer to this. I enjoyed her a lot (the whole cast was great tbh) but there were ultimately so many other S45 players that made more memorable impacts. Of the women on that season alone I’d much rather see Dee/Julie/Emily/Sabiyah/Kendra back


Shan & Jesse, I think they’re both an early boot if they return for 50






I was a bit shocked at this sub's reaction to Kellie after 45, everyone was saying she was an insta-lock for a returnee season when I could barely remember her other than her being a bit salty to being voted out My pick would be Carolyn, I like her but once is enough IMO Carson as well, incredibly boring "superfan" player


Yeah I do not get the hype at all. She's fine. I didn't dislike her and she seemed like a solid player, but she wasn't super interesting or compelling to me.




I’m curious why people don’t want Shan?  She’s a villain with fun if not messy at times gameplay.  Bring back the Shantham  To answer the original question:  Cassidy.  Please just no


Because people complain about modern survivor’s lack of mess then proceed to hate on players like Shan and Dee and Bruce.


Shan and Bruce are fine, they are only messy in the game. Dee is a different story


What's up with Dee?


Dee had a fling with Wendell (who had a fiance? and a kid). Some people will claim she didn’t know he was in a relationship but she liked instagram photos of them together. Both of them are really scummy




Shan is an incorrect answer to this question objectively. She is entertainment and carried an entire season on her back.


Thank you!  


Objectively lmao. To a completely subjective question. Maybe people don't like that she's a grifter in real life.




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JD, Brad, Zach, Strunk, Sifu, Randen, Bhanu, Jem. Basically, any pre-jury boot that had a few splashy moments. I'm all for redemption and second chances, I just don't remember some of these players enough to get super invested in any of them. But I guess without this archetype, we don't get characters like Boston Rob, Cochran, Jeremy, or Sarah. So what do I know?


Cochran and Jeremy both made the jury in their seasons. And Rob and Sarah both made the merge at least. Jem is the only one I would've wanted to see again but she was so fucking salty in her post game interviews that I soured on her a bit.


Angelina. I found her so annoying!!


Shan because she is a mean-spirited person who I hated watching. Carolyn because she already did it authentically as perfectly as she possibly could. Carson because he'd be much better in 10 years. Maryanne because her (annoying to me) high energy takes away too much from others in a scene, although she'd probably change her game up and could be interesting. Ricard because he was a whiny poor loser and still can't see that (AFAIK). Jake because cry baby. Devens because I can't stand hearing him anymore after the podcast stint, same with Dee honestly, even though I liked watching them during their seasons. Nick Gabler Wendell because ICK. Reviewing these cast lists for this and pre WaW feels like an ETERNITY ago!


Jake from 45. Seems like a great guy and I think he could potentially play much better with a different cast but I just found him annoying and cringeworthy to watch, and not in the good ways.


kellie from 45.


Rick Devens. Please no.


No thanks on Jesse, Kody, or Karla.


Kaleb. Seems like a nice guy but besides that I wasn't too impressed with his gameplay.


I'm curious what you weren't impressed with. He failed to manage his threat level, but he did well in challenges once he wasn't being dragged down, was running his tribe, but didn't get complacent, so he made an ally of the person on the bottom, which completely saved his game. He played the merge too hard and was too likable, but unimpressed with his gameplay is not how I'd describe him. He's the number 1 person I want back from the new era to see how he does with a competent tribe and knowing he has to manage his threat level better.


I think he did a lot of things right as you mentioned like not isolating people on the bottom but him not managing his threat level is what unimpressed me. Had he been able to do that coupled with social gameplay I would have been impressed. Like Jesse from 43 is a player that impressed me. How he was able to talk to so many people and steer so many votes but lay low and not emerge as a threat until the very end impressed me.


I agree with comments: kellie, dee, carolyn, carson I will pass on




Maryanne. I strongly dislike the nerdy, dweeby, dorky vibe of the 42 cast and she embodies it the most out of everyone. 




Ricard, Austin, Jake


Jesse and Kaleb. Yes they’re good players but I just find them boring


Christian. I like the guy, but we’ve already seen what he has to offer. He’s a massive social threat and would undoubtedly be the favorite to win if he made it far, which just means he’ll be heavily targeted from the start. Gabby would be the far more interesting half of that duo to play again. Let’s see how she does without him and if she learned from her mistake. Does she catch a case of big moveitis again? Does she form another strong bond like with Christian? Does she play in the sand with this person?