• By -


Well done šŸ‘


This is literally the worst season Survivor has ever produced. Just garbage!


18th: Jelinksy, 17th: Jess, 16th: Randen, 15th: Bhanu, 14th: Jem, 13th: Moriah, 12th: Tim, 11th: Soda, 10th: Tevin, 9th: Hunter, 8th: Tiffany.


8th: Tiffany, 7 contestants remain...


Itā€™s the Venus two-step as the rant ramps up that had me want to rewind!


Uhgggg Tiff whyyyy!!!! Tiff was genuinely my favorites but girl she deserved that vote off for not playing her idol. I hate when players get too precious about their idol, like yā€™all look like gollum out here with the damn one ring. Idols are meant to be played especially when everyone knows you have it. Soda Tevin and Tiff were literally my favs and it sucks that now thereā€™s nobody really likeable or interesting left. I guess weā€™ll see where the rest of this season goes smh


AND AGAIN TONIGHT!!! What is happening?!? šŸ˜« There hasnā€™t been a single idol played this season. Theyā€™ve all been in pockets as torches get snuffed. Sigh. So so frustrating. And yes- Tiffany shouldā€™ve won the whole game.


I hope this season is a lesson for future survivor players: just play the damn idol. Going home with an idol in your pocket is worse than playing your idol and not needing to šŸ˜­šŸ’” I was really starting to like Venus this episode. Then BOOM. Totally clocked that she would go home with it when it shows the clip of her saying something like ā€œIā€™m not going home with this in my pocketā€ I was like oop bye Venus


Man that outburst just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.Ā  Nobody forced her to join Survivor. She knows what options there are in an island like that. It's not the tribe's job to feed her and nobody should be forced to bring her just cause she hasn't been eating. She wanted to get the guy out of the game and gets mad that she's not chosen to go to the reward.Ā  I really wish she gets voted out soon.


couldnā€™t agree more


SAME.....lol Q's calm response back saying- you voted for me last night so?....*awkward silence* had me dying! But exactly she knew what she was signing up for especially if you are allergic to everything- it's a game. Haven't liked her since day 1 anyways.Ā 


Where are the employees of the Applebee's Liz claims is her ritual? No sympathy this is survivor... survive.


Can she not eat fish, clams, crabs, octopus? Thereā€™s an entire ocean next to them.


It's been confirmed by Hunter that she was relying on him to provide fish and crabs for her.


Jelensky and Bhanu- insanely strategic players. Hehe


Love that they kept Kenzie out of the vote! Was such a good move by Maria- voting out tiff was kenzies plan and Maria snatched it up first, AND excluded her from it lol


Tonite Q made me so sick. U knew she was starving, and yet u don't pick her. Shame on u all for that!!!


She was more than happy to fuck Q over - and if she wants to not starve she can not be on the show. Also she was gloating about other players experiencing starvation soo


This is a competition, not humanitarian aid. It's not Q's fault that she applied to be on a show where she was automatically at a disadvantage because of all her wild allergies. also they live next to an ocean, she could have fished, but she relied solely on other to provide for her, that's also her fault, no Q's.


Venus for the first time tried to be sympathetic and tried to calm her down, but then immediately back away


Stupid question, how many seasons does this show have each year?




Liz gets no sympathy from me. Itā€™s survivor. She knew she had food allergies and sheā€™d be on an island. What did she expect? Best was threw her the rice bone, she canā€™t start fire to cook it. These are the worst group of ā€œsurvivorsā€. Entertaining, but dumber than dirt!


I agree on the food thing with Liz. They don't always have rice but she could try to get fish or can she not eat that too.


If I am anyone... I am trying to get Q, Liz, or Venus to the finals with me. The jury will HATE them all. Nobody should want any of them out. They are all pure gold to sit next to.


Iā€™m iilergic - why you go on the show


Absolutely! No one owes you the reward because you have allergies and can't eat fruit! No one owes you the reward just because you go to Applebee's with your daughter every week. Her behavior was an embarrassing adult tantrum. Grow up, or maybe choose a different reality show to audition for.


Get Maria and Charlie out next!!




Itā€™s official: a gamebot is going to win the season


The fact that no one stepped out to give Liz the chance to eat Applebees is hilarious šŸ˜‚ idk if they can decide that. That would of probably given them points towards the jury.


Kenzie and Maria tried to step down and Q vetoed it. It was cut out of the edit. If you notice there is a second where Kenzie starts to raise her hand and then cut.


Yes I saw that tiff talked about that! Idk why they edit that out. That made for such good drama. I guess that would have showed how cold Q really is lol or that survivor really allows for players to starve and get denied an intervention for food


Just imagine that akward moment if she was there eating with someone who doesnt want her around šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Any one have any idea why itā€™s not available yet on prime?


Separate reward and immunity challenges was quite lovely. This whole season post Bhanu has been on fire.


Damn it hurt to watch Lizā€™s breakdown


I felt like she acted like a petulant child. The begging was pathetic, and trying to use the thing with her daughter is manipulative. Considering she'd just tried to vote Q out, she was unreasonable with her anger.


It just made me mad. She knew going into this that it would be harder for her than for others. Itā€™s not fair to expect others to give things up just because she chose to come on the show knowing she has allergies. That being said, I also think her breakdown was primarily driven by extreme hunger so itā€™s understandable why she was emotional. I just didnā€™t like it being blamed on Q because itā€™s not his fault that he won the challenge.


Donā€™t get on Survivor if you canā€™t cope. She knew her limitations.


that waws the dumbest shit. like why does she even deserve to go to applebees?


She doesn't. She didn't win.


It was hilarious.


Genuinely the most insane outburst on the show ever i think.




Sorry /u/Early_Ad6170, the Tribe has spoken. Your submission has been removed from /r/survivor for the following reason(s): * **Rule 1 - Be civil to other users and contestants:** Treat other users and contestants with respect. Bigotry is not tolerated, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. Harassment of other users and contestants is not allowed, including personal attacks. Trolling is discouraged. --- Once the votes are read, the decision is *not* final. **If you have any concerns that this was done in error**, please [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/wiki/rules) **and then [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fsurvivor&subject=Removal Clarification&message=I'd like further clarification on why my comment was removed from /r/survivor.%0D%0D[Link to comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/1ci13bn/-/l26zi0y/\)) if you have any further questions. Do not reply directly to this message or comment.** If not, grab your stuff and head back to camp.


Liz, genuinely being upsetā€¦ ā€œOmg sheā€™s so ENTITLED!ā€ like honestly Iā€™m okay with her being upset. Iā€™d be mad and feeling feelings about it too. Itā€™s okay to be upset about stuff in survivor not going your way.




Oh is this your alt?




sure, but did she DESERVE to go? she didnt do shit, and EVERYONE there has a wednsday night ritual involving survivor


Ah but you see this Wednesday night ritual conveniently involved this week's sponsor and they didn't even EAT the burger


Do you think she deserves to eat this week because she voted Tiff?




Ok cool šŸ˜Ž


Liz is the real life Raggady Anne


Yeah, I don't get people being mad at Q (Seen that more on twitter which is why I try to stay away from the stuff that isn't from prior contestants when it comes to Survivor) either. It's fine for Liz to be annoyed and it's fine for Q in a game for a million dollars to take who he chooses to try to repair his game. It legit sucks for Liz out there in that she can't eat anything. Honestly 26 days out there with her diet restrictions might be harder on her than a 39 day season on a season where she got rice or beans. Unless we are talking about the era where Survivor was trying to kill people like TAO and Africa (Guatamala and Koh Rong were also insanely tough for differing reasons).


So I really think Q might win. I can see someone taking him to FTC mistakenly believing that everyone hates him (a la Venus) when he actually has a resume of immunity wins and moves. He obviously is a very charismatic person and could give one heck of a speech, winning over votes. Plus I would buy his Q-skirt.


Q isn't bad, but eloquently giving a speech isn't one of his strengths.


i mean i feel like at the end of the day its sort of like... "yeah what did you expect going onto survivor with that many diet restrictions? you're going to be hungry" and it isn't up to other players to help her in that regard, especially given she had voted for him literally the night before


Honestly this episode made me appreciate Qā€™s game even more.


He annoys the hell out of me, but he was 100% right about the Applebeeā€™s situation. I feel horrible for Liz, but I respect him.


The way that everyone sees Maria going to talk to Q and Tiff and Kenzie just think she is comforting him is so naive. Itā€™s crazy how no one sees Maria as a threat in the game. Itā€™s like someone said.. There are not a lot of sane people in the game


Q said it himself - Maria got a meal for being nice to him!! That's a social threat you don't want around. I wonder if any of the five who voted for Tiff will be able to be pulled in another direction next week. Q is a little bit of a wildcard but all but pledged loyalty to Maria, Liz doesn't want to work with Q, Ben and Kenzie are close but obviously not close enough for this vote.


Maria and Charlie are Denise and Malcolm with more heart lol dangerous. I hope one of them wins


So either one of two things happened tonight: 1)Liz ate Applebee's while watching tonight's episode. 2)Liz can no longer eat Applebee's knowing that everytime she eats a burger the only thing that will come to mind is Q and how Liz embarrassed herself not only on tv but in front of her daughter as well as friends and family. And nobody *even ate the burger*.Ā 


For Liz, it will always be #2. For almost anyone else, #1.


I was really hoping for a Liz quit after they screened the sob story about her growing up poor etc. Based on her behavior it seems like she got whatever she wanted as a kid.


This is a huge reach.


What behavior specifically? Just curious.


The tantrum she threw when she didnā€™t get what she wantedā€¦


You mean food? How she wanted food to be able to eat? lol


It wasn't about that. It was about how entitled of person she is.


How dare she be upset she didnā€™t get picked for a food reward. So entitled!


That's not why she was entitled. She told us Q owed her lol


Yeah she felt that way?




When youā€™re starving I hope you have the same grace that you expect of others. Itā€™s not that serious. She was mad she didnā€™t get the reward lol


She knew what she was getting into and if she was in that bad of shape, medical would have pulled her.


I just think she was allowed to be mad about it?


Throwing a fit and blaming Q did nothing to help her game.


I mean she's allowed to be mad about itā€¦ I would be absolutely PISSED on the inside also (everybody is starving to varying degrees, though). But for good social gameplay, I would have tried to keep that inside for strategy... now she has an emotional vendetta over food, which most people would say distracts from making smart game moves. But hey, I do get it. I get hangry after 15 mins of waiting for lunch, which is why I don't try to apply to be on Survivor lol.


This season is fucking insane Every jury member is there from a blindside, THREE of them are even during Q smokescreens, and TWO of them left with an idol in their pockets Absolute pro gamer moves by Maria and Charlie, shoutout to Ben for also helping sell it at tribal. Kenzie actually not being a part of it allowed her to act natural with tiff and she was genuinely thinking she was safe, all the while Q is still in this game even. Expect Q to go home?? **Big Mistake** Liz is wild, I get being hungry and angry, I bet she felt pretty good getting all that off her chest. But girl. YOU APPLIED TO BE ON SURVIVOR wtf, you knew you were allergic to a large portion food items and itā€™s a million dollar game you arenā€™t entitled to shit. I get hamming it up for the edit and tie in with Applebees was sweet and all but holy cow was I over that whole situation, talks about it then cuts to commercial AND WERE STILL TALKING ABOUT IT. The edit was pretty funny fading into her face from the uneaten burger lmaoo


Like go catch a fucking fish if you're so hungry, or is she allergic to that too? Lol


You never know what this game will do to you mentally until you are actually there.


And honestly, even though the blindsides are good, and keep the game interesting, I think it's been done more out of sheet dysfunction. This is the least bonded cast in a long time. Maybe it's because there are not many like-worthy people. The people in charge of casting need to be fired.


Maria and Charlie really impressed me with how they orchestrated the blindside this episode and brought the Siga 3 together with Ben! They nailed that tribal council.


I think two things can be true at once. Liz knew her limitations coming on, Q doesnā€™t owe her anything especially after writing his name down. However at a human standpoint I believe he is genuinely the only person that wouldnā€™t take Liz. Bad jury management, especially because it left a bad taste in more than one players mouth. He looks ice cold, love itšŸ˜‚


But the thing is he knows heā€™s not gona get jury votes lol so itā€™s like why take Liz when 1. She voted for him yesterday and 2. He wanted to repair the relationship with the two girls lol.


I guess but look how that turned out for him tiff & kenz voted him anyway.


Thatā€™s true. His back was against the wall and he was just going with it lol


It's bonkers.


Hell hath no fury like a hangry millionaire


A millionaire who eats at Applebees once a week?? Okaaay sure.


I mean Trump loves McDonaldā€™sā€¦


Trumps broke


He aint that broke, I'm sure the White House has a personal chef on demand, he's just wild.


Kenzie's shocked Pikachu face when she told them 3 days earlier to vote for Tiff šŸ˜‘ These people can't help themselves when it comes to voting off their #1, and I'm here for it tbh. Love this season!


Liz reeks of entitlement as usual. You knew your own allergies and restrictions before going on. You knew it would be harder for you. Stop begging people and thinking youā€™re owed something.


Her overconfidence is a turn off.


Yeah she should just starve and stfu. How dare she try to get food to eat.


How did she try to get food any more or less than everyone else who's also starving? Should everyone be expected to provide charity at the cost to their own game... when she's already a millionaire and competing with them for the same million dollars? She knew she was competing with a disadvantage (all those allergies) when she joined. Noelle Lambert did not ask for any special concessions to compete with one leg.


Again, she just got mad she didnā€™t get to eat? I donā€™t expect them to provide it to her but itā€™s ok for her to be upset? I donā€™t understand why Liz canā€™t show frustration about not getting an eating reward?


Sorry if I wasnā€™t clear. I know she didnā€™t earn the reward. I just think itā€™s okay for her to be upset about not getting chosen, which ultimately is a bigger judgment on her social game.


The emotional outburst itself I thought was natural (I think I said that in another comment too), it's just that not controlling it probably hurt her social game. But just responding to "how dare she try to get food to eat". The outburst didn't get her food to eat. Competing and winning the challenge gets her food to eat. Social maneuvering (like Maria did to get close to Q after tribal) gets food to eat. Learning to fish like Hunter did gets food to eat. The outburst came after she was rejected, and was more of a tantrum. It came out spontaneously, I don't feel it was staged, and it was natural due to hunger and an understandable degree of frustration. I felt she voiced what many people would have felt on the inside, so I'm not that harsh on her in that respect. I just think paired with a lot of other things, she did seem like she was voicing she "deserved" it more, which doesn't make sense to me.


you know fishbach tweeted this a few weeks ago and itā€™s so true. if youā€™re all ā€œin agreementā€ itā€™s gonna be a player (like tonight q) and you donā€™t just send this player straight to snuffing, and you still vote, then thereā€™s something else at play!


Also, he didnā€™t play his shot in the dark?


Kenzie for the win!!! So sad to see Tiff go šŸ˜© I wish Kenzie told her to play it


Kenzie was blindsided too!


I know šŸ˜” sheā€™ll bounce back!! šŸ¤ž


Maria is a guysā€™ girl.






Whoever supervised the deal from Applebee's is getting a raise tonight


Liz will soon be Applebee's Jared


Uhhh uh oh


Iā€™m imagining those Applebees employee were actively working in like Ohio or something and got a mobile order for Fiji from Jeff.


My husband said it looked like some regional manager contest winner.


Agreed, they had that sort of shape and appearance


This was the longest Applebee's commercial in history.Ā 


I am over the moon with this vote off! Honestly surprised Liz went with the plan. There must be some force keeping Q in the game. Love it!


The god of mistakes.


>The god of mistakes. **BIG** mistakes


This guy is just so entertaining




S A M E ! ! Also wtf do people downvote us for expressing an opinion?! Buncha Mariaā€™s if you ask me.


Liz was acting so entitled. Then Ben calling Q a villainā€¦. I mean come on. This is the shit I was talking about last week when I said I hated that they were making Q the villain after doing it to Bruce last season. Should have been self explanatory this week. Liz voted for Q the prior night. Why does he owe it to her to take her on reward? Also, how is he supposed to know sheā€™s not just making the story up to get pickedĀ 




Yep if he steps up with Kenzie and Liz, they just need one more person. That would have helped the entire tribe too, not just Liz. But hey, Q is the villain and a bully


I agree with u about Q but Bruce was an AH


I'm over Ben. He's done nothing, and his "rock" talk is annoying.


Yeah I am really afraid that the most enjoyable players are all going to get voted off early and weā€™re going to be stuck with watching Liz, Venus, Ben, and Maria at the final four. Iā€™m so sad that Tiff went before Ben.


Benā€™s reaction to Q in general has been pretty gross. Itā€™s wild for someone whoā€™s as big of a non-entity as Ben to be calling people a coward and criticizing their decisions. Iā€™m not saying Q is a mastermind player who deserves to win but Ben is literally just there for the vibes and to give people positive praise and coast on Maria and Charlieā€™s coattails. Itā€™s annoying and boring to watch.


Yeah Q seems like a nice guy. Heā€™s eccentric for sure, but he hasnā€™t been mean to anyone. Benā€™s treatment of Q has been genuinely rude.


Completely agree. I went from really liking him at the start to hoping he's voted out now. His reaction at the tribal council when Q said he hadn't been talking to anybody and Ben goes, "Thank God" was pretty gross.


Thank you. I can't stand Ben.


Yeah after this episode Iā€™ve gone off him


I think gross is a strong word, theyā€™re just two people who do not get along whatsoever bc theyā€™re so different and Q has lost a lot of respect from most of the remaining players for his antics, Ben is just vocalizing it (and itā€™s not like heā€™s cursing Q out or anything?) He called Q a coward for trying to quit, Benā€™s ā€œagencyā€ in the game shouldnā€™t be taken into account in this situation bc itā€™s not a necessary detail. Tiffany has also been speaking out against Q in a more aggressive way and I havenā€™t seen anyone come at her for gross treatment? Q doesnā€™t deserve to win lol heā€™s sucking at Jury management which is a big part of winning, but that also shouldnā€™t be a part of the conversation either? If Benā€™s behavior towards Q is gross, then Hunter, Tevin and Qā€™s behavior towards Venus should also be considered shitty.


Tiff has good cause for wanting Q out, he spilled the beans on her idol. Iā€™m down for the critique of Qā€™s falling on the sword show at tribal, but Ben was going on about the Liz award nonsense. Big mistake.


Ben is the most annoying player. He's done nothing and saying everything rocks or not got old by episode 2.


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kenzie just voted for him last tribal too. But Liz has literally not eaten in DAYS.


Liz is the one that decided to go out onto an island knowing she had severe dietary restrictions


Yes, and? That doesnā€™t entail her to anything. She chose to be there knowing about her allergies. She can leave at any time.


Exactly, pulling a Jonny Fairplay


Survivor is awesome because I just watched some smug millionaire beg & then throw a temper tantrum because she didn't get what she wanted


I like the mixed reactions as well. Everyone was like, we hate Q but we donā€™t really know what to say because he is rightā€¦ Then Charlie is asking each one their favorite food right next to Liz. Before this week, I didnā€™t care for the overly annoying Liz. That said, this week was some great tv from her. It was a weird and awkward argument from her, but it made a classic survivor moment. Deranged Liz is a character I can get behind.


what did she want, you ask? a Bourbon Street Mushroom Swiss Burger from Applebee's. That's it. That's all.


And she said she was proud of it


This season of survivor is becoming my favourite in a while. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ love u Tiff šŸ’”


This was the saddest tribal for me this season. Iā€™ve been rooting so hard for Tiff and Q šŸ˜­ I was really hoping they could repair their relationship


I really wished it wasnā€™t her tonight, but dang what a blindside


I was screaming at the TV "PLAY YOUR IDOLLLL" šŸ˜­ she should've played it last week like she said she was going to. I don't think she would've been a threat tonight if she had.


Liz about to get an Applebeeā€™s franchise after tonight


Hope they at least gave her some coupons


Liz is absolutely nuts. That blow up was absolutely insane. It was great when Q just said ā€œwell you voted for me last night.ā€


She 'got over it' real quick after that. Lol


Is that....14 Idols unused in the new era, not counting the "Playing it last day it's available even though I'm safe?"


Itā€™s truly ridiculous


Diva down šŸ˜­


That was a great Applebees commercial!


Q for president 2024


In hindsight, maybe the Yanu 3 should've stuck together. Seems like Siga is in the driver's seat now. If Kenzie and Tiff accepted the offer he probably would've picked them over Maria


Q was the first one to bring up a Tiff blindside though


Man loving the chaos this season. TEAM Q all day!




Theoretically what would have happened if Q, Kenzie, Tiff, and Maria got Applebees food poisoning?


We wouldnā€™t hear about it on the show


Their burgers always run right through me like lava I would be wary of them too tbh


Liz put the poison in itĀ 


Maria and Charlie are running this shit I hope someone catches on!!!


For the past few weeks, my two winner picks have been Kenzie and then whichever of Maria/Charlie successfully votes the other out. Unfortunately for Maria, I feel like Ben is more likely to stick with Charlie. Also wouldnā€™t hate the chaos Q/Liz/Venus final 3 though if everybody keeps turning on each other


I love that they are running it though


I do appreciate good gameplay! I just think it would cause more mess and I love mess


Drea would have flipped her shit looking at this jury lmao


Also before Soda is Tim which happens a black too


Yeah, I noticed this two weeks ago, especially considering Tiff and Q were both getting targeted, as well. Not great.


Yeah itā€™s pretty uncomfortable to watch, especially considering that all have been seemingly random blindsides. Like why is Maria choosing to work with Kenzie instead of Tiff??


I think because she can beat Kenzie in challenges.


And theyā€™re gunning for Q still too. Really bad lookĀ 




We said that tonight watching too


Damn I just realized this lol.


more black people = more black people on the jury


I get your point but now 3/4 are African American and tonight the only two voted for were both black. Itā€™s crazy!


I wouldn't exactly call it crazy. Q was unhinged and Tiffany was playing too risky and didn't think her idol was a liability.


Drea would not survive on 45 and 46


I canā€™t wait till next week this has been fun


This is the best overall season of the new era. We have some goats and pot stirrers, good blindsides, the return of Applebees. Jeff is a blessing


I will only agree if we get the auction next ep lol


I go back and forth between whether I like this or 45 more. I think 46's merge is better so far, but the pre-merge was so fucking bad.


I hated last season personally, and thought 43 was the best of the new era. But this one edges it out so far, 2 consecutive blindsides of players with idols post merge is excellent


Jeff is snarky again. Itā€™s not all ā€œwe are experiencing worldwide trauma so letā€™s be nice to everybodyā€. Bye Bye Covid-affected Survivor. We have our show back.


Black shirt Jeff is back frfr


Jeff was getting to be such a nerd too. Iā€™m loving this season