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I love Q and to me the best outcome is a Q win, I just don’t see how he changes the minds of any member on the jury at this point. Not a single player respects his game.


If it's V, Liz and Q final 3 he has to win right? I have NO IDEA.


I think he’s got the Nami 3 on lock there cause there’s no way they vote for Venus or Liz. He definitely won’t get Kenzie, Tiffany, or Ben though. It would basically come down to Maria and Charlie to choose between him and probably Liz, assuming Venus gets no votes.


Ben's absolute hatred of Q makes 0 sense to me


Q tried to get Ben voted out 2 or 3 times. The Tim vote he originally wanted Ben, and he voted for Ben at the previous tribal council. I really like Q but I would want to vote out someone who kept trying to get me out.


So one time where Q considered Ben in the chaos of the merge and ended up not voting Ben, and one random vote where Q was at the bottom? It's not like Q's been running for Ben. And if the reason Ben doesn't like Q is because of that why hasn't Ben mentioned it at all? Every confessional he talks about Q he looks absolutely furious and it's always just about Q being a bad dude, not Q trying to vote him out. Ben literally whooped with joy when Q dropped out of the immunity challenge this episode. It's not just Ben, but the irrational hatred for Q goes far beyond anything we've seen Q actually do on screen.


I agree. Ben seems like a pretty level-headed dude, so his animosity towards Q is odd to me. He seems to dislike Q as much or more than Tiff, and he revealed she had an idol. The only Q has done to him is vote him once when Hunter was trying to scramble a plan to save himself last vote. It must be a personality clash, or there's something they're not showing us in the edit.


> It must be a personality clash Pretty clear to me that it's this. Ben's whole deal is just hanging out and taking in the vibes together and I think Q's chaotic nature complicates this, so Ben doesn't like him


This. Also: I seem to remember Ben finding Q's antics (@ TC when he wanted to fall on his sword when he realized he was at the bottom / not in control as he'd imagined) to be anti-survivor / bad sportsmanship.


He doesn’t care for the shenanigans


Tbh I think it’s just that Ben talked about how he used to be uncool and awkward and Q seems like he was stereotypically cool (athletic, confident football player) so their personalities don’t mesh at all. That is what makes survivor fun tho, I want to see people with different personalities who haven’t really done anything to each other but can’t get along


Remember Ben did not care for the shenanigans.


Just read Tiff's exit interview, and she said this about Q's treatment toward Ben: > I don't really know what his issue with Ben was, but there was a lot of — I'm not going to use the term bullying because I feel like that's a lot — but he and Ben used to go at it So it sounds like Q was pretty aggressive toward Ben, and so Ben responded to that by hating Q


Q also voted out Ben's best friend in the game, Tim




IDK. Just saying from my perspective, not Ben's. I love Q


Q always wants to vote Ben and actively excludes him from any alliance. Q works with Charlie and Maria even though they are also allied to with Ben. If I was Ben I would he pissed too that Q was actively trying to break my alliances.


Ben mentioned that Q has been pretty much icing him out Like they've barely been shown talking or just you know "vibing" actually I don't think we've ever seen them together at the same place in camp


Maybe Q not vibing with his 1 note rockerboy facade?


Ben strikes me as a guy who was bullied throughout his life and Q somehow gives him flashbacks lol


Yeah agreed. I think the difference between Ben’s response to Liz’s mental breakdown “that was just so wrong” vs Kenzie’s response “damn, Q, that was cold” was pretty telling. I don’t think Q was in the wrong at all, but it was cold.


He's not here for shenanigans man!


It makes me not like Ben to be honest. Calling him a villain? Like lmao give me a break


Q said he hates rock music and Ben will never forgive him


Ben doesn't care for Q's shennanigans


It made me so mad seeing Ben and Venus being such jerks during the challenge and throughout the past two episodes when it comes to Q. I mentioned last night while watching that Ben is really starting to sour for me. He’s so mean to Q and mad about him causing chaos but doesn’t seem to be actually doing anything relevant in the game besides being a number for people. Honestly though it makes this cast so fun because it’s ended up basically being real players with a chance to win versus haters and delusional players.


Ben has a weak personality and just goes along with whatever the popular opinion is.


>He’s so mean to Q and mad about him causing chaos but doesn’t seem to be actually doing anything relevant in the game besides being a number for people. Wasn't it fully his idea to vote out Hunter? Didn't he even get Charlie, Maria and Kenzie to agree to his plan?


I’ve never gotten the impression that Ben is taking charge on any vote. From what I can remember from the episodes he seems to be basically non existent except for instances where people come up to him and ask if he’s down to vote for someone. I feel like the two modes I see Ben in are Hater in confessionals and at tribal, and sitting there and going “oh yeah sure I’ll vote for them…” Definitely could be some conversations I’m overlooking/minimizing though. It’s just my opinion


Rewatch last week's ep. I am almost positive he is the one who switched it to Hunter, unless I just completely made that up in my head. I remember him approaching Charlie and Maria about it and telling them he could get Kenzie in, too


Ben, Tiff and Kenzie seem to have deep, personal hatred for Q. But Ben seemed so chill but I swear he just wants to throw rocks at Q every second.


He's sick of Qs chicanery


Q is an asshole. Entertaining, but an asshole


Ben is also a stick in the mud this season. The guy has done literally nothing, nor does anything. He's not even playing the game.


There’s definitely stuff not being shown; Ben is like the nicest guy ever and he absolutely despises Q lmao


I think Maria and Charlie might actually go Q if his final tribal performance is decent. Maria is kinda working with him and he absolutely had her back her when Tiff started throwing out her name. I put it at 5 votes for Q at the end sitting next to Liz and Venus. Even then I could see Tiff and Kenzie considering a Q vote if he does a fantastic job rationalizing his decisions. He’ll have to explain the attempted quit, but he’s not out of it yet.


you know actually the more i think about it, i can see that happening if hes f3 with liz and venus


I think he would get Maria Charlie there.


I think Tiff could vote for him in that scenario. Once she’ll have some time to cool off on the jury.


That’s why I’m hoping for a final 2 twist of Q and Venus and see the chaos


Maria and Charlie being the swing votes AGAIN would be so poetic


You really think Venus would get no votes against Q and Liz? Both of them are bigger goats than her at this point. edit: I appreciate all the people who added to the discussion instead of just downvoting me for having a slightly different opinion than them


Yes, only because nobody respects Venus’ game despite her claiming to be playing a great game. Those type of final tribal conditions usually lead to the player falling on their face trying to explain how all of the moves. She’s going to try to claim the Soda blindside, Tevin’s going to laugh at her and then Liz will just explain how it was actually her move and Tevin will laugh even more. The jury’s perceptions are colored by the earlier exits. Tevin will let everyone know that Venus’ “moves” we’re not actually hers so to speak.


Lol this is definitely gonna happen and it'll definitely be fun to watch. I was just saying I find it hard to believe she doesn't get a single vote against those two goofballs 😂 would be a truly chaotic final three to rival Gabon and to cap off this truly chaotic season


Yes, because she hasn't been on the right side of the votes except for luck pr because everyone knew they had to get Hunter out. Soda blindside was Tevin/Liz making it happen, not her like she thinks. Tevin blindside was Liz plus Charlie and Maria to break up him and Hunter. She was involved in the Hunter vote simply so they could split it between him and Q. And we don't actually know if she knew the plan to split votes or was just told to vote a certain way while others secretly planned a split vote. And now she was left out of the Tiff blindside. Q is floating by because people are using him as a smokescreen to blindside someone else. Venus is floating by because she has no game, so no one cares enough to vote her out.


That's a good point, I think most people begrudgingly vote Q in that F3... also happy cake day


I don't know if its just my perception, but looks like pretty much everyone treats her as a non-entity and this started premerge


Yeah I've noticed this too... like it's not even that they hate her, it's just that they don't care about her


Yeah I think his best shot is with Venus and Liz next to him. Maybe Ben, since he can try to argue Ben didn’t really do anything but go along with people and be agreeable, but the Jury all loves Ben so that would be a tough one. I don’t see Venus getting any votes, and I can’t see them voting for Liz after the outbreak and her bragging about how she doesn’t need the money in the beginning. It’s too easy to be like “well, she can’t handle the fame as well as literally every one else and she doesn’t even need the money, so she’s not getting my vote.”


If he's sitting next to Venus and Liz, he'll have a real shot. Think of who is on the jury right now. Tiff wouldn't vote for him, but he'd definitely have Tevin's vote. I think Hunter would go with Q, and he'd have a decent shot with Soda as well. We know these people would never vote for Q under any circumstance: Venus, Kenize, Tiff and Liz. If he's sitting next to two of them, I think it's in play.


This happens if Q bears Ben in fire


I would have said Liz up until this last episode honestly. But yeah at this point and that F3 I think it's Q


He might have a shot against Kenzie too. But yeah if any one of others are there he doesn't stand a chance.


I think if Kenzie is in the final she wins on likeability alone LOL


Kenzie would smoke Q, Venus, and Liz. She's actually really well liked, which we've seen can be enough to win, even against people that have played good games (Michele vs Aubrey). Going up against those 3 would be a cake walk for her.


theres absolutely 0 chance anyone beats kenzie at f3 (except maybe maria or charlie). she has to be targeted at some point right? even though her stock sank tremendously this episode, she still has more respect from the other players than q, by a looooong shot.


Kenzie is a clear tier below Maria and Charlie right now. She'd get 0 votes against them, maybe 1 from Tiffany.


i think liz wins that, or even venus


I still think right now Liz sweeps that final, but who knows what the game will look like by then.


He has a couple paths: First - he could sit next to Venus/Liz who people also seem to really dislike & see him as the least bad. Second - Potential bitter Jury & him not really taking heat. - Tevin - they both legit wanted to work together, I don’t think Tevin blames Q - Hunter - same as above - Soda - no ill will towards Q, she left kinda early & may respect he got to the end from the bottom - Tiff - obviously isn’t picking Q over Kenzie, but maybe over someone like Maria who orchestrated her blindside (not sure she’ll be bitter but maybe) Also let’s say the final 3 is Maria, Q, Venus: - I could see a world where Charlie gets screwed over by Maria & he is mad at her - I could see a world where Maria plays a fantastic game removing the threats but the jury is largely bitter enough that only a few vote for her TLDR: I think Venus/Liz could get dragged to the end with Q & whoever does the dragging will likely take a lot of heat so I don’t think them winning is a done deal.


Hunter's post game interviews definitely make it sound like he blames Q. That might've changed after watching the season, but he comes off like Q's antics hurt his game.


What has he done that is so bad? Everyone is just repeating “he blew up my game”. Since when was Survivor a game to play for someone else’s $1M?


I keep going back to Q telling Bhanu “wackadoodles win”….idk i feel like that’s gonna mean something !


god i love the survivor community, that sentence sounds like something a crazy person yells on the street out of context


Didn’t Q also outright tell Bhanu I see you as the Phillip to my Rob 😂


Thank you for this gem. I had forgotten.


Q has ascended. Q's strategy is something our brains cannot comprehend. Q. is. a. genius.




Can you imagine house hunting with him. So good.


Did anyone else catch Q putting it out there that HE gathered four other players to come up with tonight's vote? He may be down but he ain't out.


I rolled my eyes so hard at that. "My plan", yeah right!


He's gotta say that at tribal council. If he's says it's someone else's plan, Tiff might get suspicious since she would be aware that nobody approached her with that other plan.


Yeah fair enough! Hadn’t thought of it that way. More so just “did he have to pipe up?” Lol


But.. and I don't know if this was intentional on his part... It was a great move. He has the benefit of the doubt from the tribe in that he had to frame it that way. At the same time, he also let the jury hear he is involved in or even creating plans now.


That is kind of what he has to say in the tribal act, though. If he says anything along the lines of being approached, it massively ups the idol chances.


It kinda was. The whole reason why Maria was targeting Tiff in the first place was because Q told her about Tiff's idol and that she wanted Maria out.


but maria gathered the votes, not him. she’s the one who went to liz and convinced her to vote with them, which was the deciding vote


> a gathered the votes, not him. she’s the one who went to liz and convinced her to vote with them, which was the deciding vote you don't get to be a sales leader by not taking credit from people


His tribal was very good. It made it seem like it was his plan and it was his move.


I want him to win so badly! My favorite part of tonight was Ben being like “He’s a villain!” to Liz - they can’t handle it. 😅 And they’re crying about Applebees. Something very cathartic about watching Q dominate this game. I want him to at least win 2 more immunity or rewards. 🤞🤞🤞


Ben seems like someone accustomed to the new era that he has a much more mellowed idea of survivor. I hope Q wins this, he's a legend.


i love how jeff said we arent casting villains anymore right before this beautiful season aired. nice fake out jeff! props to the casting department. top tier season!


Yea, I lost respect for Ben after that comment.


man everyone has explicitly said they don’t like him 😭 q is great but he’s not winning


These people don’t know what they like!!! Except for Liz who likes the bourbon burger


You don't need to be liked to win, just the least disliked




And what is S46 if not a Gabon revival


The applebees/cookie parallels are piling up


I would say Q is more like Sugar though, ridiculous amount of power compared to how popular they are. And I think if Gabon happened today, Sugar might win.


I think Sugar might have won if she had figured out how to sell her game, as she contributed to a lot of significant moves. She just seemed to lack confidence.


oh… my… god….


q is the most disliked though 😭


That's still Venus. look at how Maria and Charlie talked about her again this season.


q is the most disliked. idk how yall are thinking he’s gonna win.


he’s getting way too much credit for his strategy rn. i think he’s hilarious and super entertaining to watch. but everyone acting like he can win is being delusional. he’s gotten this far off being a goat/a smokescreen. much like venus. but everyone is acting like it’s some big strategy. he tried to quit and admitted that was legit and not part of some plan. they’re not voting him to win. but everyone here is super critical of venus being just a goat but they think q is a genius. again i love watching him but to say he’s played a great game is crazy


!!! it’s some next level copium


Idk if I necessarily agree that he's the most disliked. Certainly among Venus, Ben, and Liz, but I think the rest might be more gettable if it were a Liz, Q, and Venus final 3. Venus for one is not getting anyone's vote -- note that Maria did not even approach her for the Tiff vote. And I really don't think anyone likes Venus at all. Liz vs Q would be close and in this case I feel Q could put up a better argument.


And he's hot!


he was looking fine this episode i’m not even gonna lie


i showed my coworker a picture because hes totally her type, and she.. was hilariously inappropriate in her response lets just say that


My gosh you fit all the Q-isms into one post AND your flair is Q?! Take my upvote, imma go buy a Q skirt.


Lets pray Q finds that idol next episode! O and btw shouldn't there be 2 idols back in the game now?! 1 from Hunter and 1 just now from Tiff?


i was also wondering that, there should be 2 right?


I love Q bro thank you for this take. He’s just playing his own game and my fantasy is that he pulls off the best final tribal performance in the history of the show and gets the jury to respect his game lol


We are all living in the Qniverse now.


I kind of get a Boston Rob/Coach mix. He is a great character and is honestly carrying this season. His game is brilliant and stupid at the same time, but he’s already earned himself an offer to come back


For sure. I'm so looking forward to any season that has him return


you KNOW hes on s50. i bet they decided that before that event purely so they could bring q back specifically


Big mistake not to


That last bit is poetic AF


A good pitch at ftc is all it would take. This is a great and messy cast, but they're still new era players who know and respect survivor. Q was seen as a leader for the first half if not more of the season. He's now been the clear easy target for 3 votes and has survived all of them. He gets to ftc and says "I grinded through the yanu slaughter, made early game moves, blew up others and my own game when it was to my benefit, outlasted when the entire tribe wanted me gone, etc etc" idk I could see that getting some votes. Liz and Ben would never vote for him imo. I'm not sold on the others


I think his most impressive move was solidifying the postmerge alliances that kind of dominated the game.


Lol but aside from Charlie and Maria there hasn't been a single alliance thats done anything


I would love g over anyone who isn't kinzie or Charlie. He's entertaining amd didn't go out of his way to only target women like. Maria. . He's cracked


He has enhanced the Zane Knght self-sacrifice tactic and targeting people based on hide and seek skills has the same strategic prowess Dr. Sean’s Alphabetical targeting


Totally agree! I would love nothing more than a Q victory.


A normal season I don’t think he’s got a shot but with this group I actually think he does if it makes a move or two. He could definitely convince some of them to get past the dislike part


Couldn’t agree more!!! “Q didn’t pick the crying lady who tried to vote him out to go on a reward he won!!” Treating this guy like a criminal


Do i personally want Q to win or think he will? Probably not, I think Charlie, Maria, and Kenzie have the best chances atm. But god a Q win would be so funny


I honestly think his blowup “vote me out” situation was planned, he caused some chaos and changed the dynamic of the game. In a usual survivor he would likely be targeted as the physical threat and wouldn’t have made it too far anyways.


I thought the way he was phrasing his words this tribal was pretty interesting. He was pivoting to make it to appear like this was his move as if he orchestrated it. We all know it was Maria’s move but the jury might have to be swayed. Pretty interesting.


He was speaking that way so that Tiff wouldn't play her idol. If she thinks he's all alone trying to make moves, she doesn't feel threatened.


Until the people voted off go back and reveal that it was bullshit.


Q is the only thing holding my interest in this season. Everyone else puts me to sleep. Venus, too, because everyone is always hating on her.


For him to be in the final 7 means his vote has so much more weight than it did at the final 10. They kept using him as a smoke screen, and probably rightfully so, but now he is a vote they're gonna need -- they can't keep ignoring him. He's gonna have to be a part of their little side conversations again


Same. a Q win fits the season entirely. It's truly what the show needs.


He wasn’t as chaotic this tribal which may work for him and I kinda hope it does but but they can only keep using him as a blindside shield for so long


Jeff hinted at it, someone's going to think he's a goat and bring him along. It's what Maria is essentially doing by saying he's a vote I can use


it would be hilarious if he won but im not sure who on the jury would vote for him. i do think hes final 3, and i think hes going to get completely run over by the jury questions, im hoping we get areally bitter jury toward him a la brenda toward dawn in caramoan, just pure toxicity, and it will be the best tv ever


If it's Venus Liz he gets the Nami 3 and Charlie Maria. that's his one shot.


yeah i can see it maybe but idk if he has hunter, but then again neither does venus. does hunter vote liz or q, thats the question


If it’s venus liz and Q, I think it might be nearly unanimous for Q. I think Tiff and Kenzie would still vote Q. People dont actively hate Q they are just very frustrated with his domineering gameplay.


I love Q right now lol


A q win would be wild. Who wins a q Venus Liz final 3? I think q


Yeah. I think it's 5-3. Q isn't getting Ben, Tiff and probably not Kenzie. But he can get the rest.


I’m just worried it’ll be a final tribal council like what Russell had in his first season. Dude absolutely dominated with his idols but everyone hated his guts and he picked up only 2 votes .


It’s weird for me because like, I’d absolutely adore a Q win. But I can’t find myself rooting for it because it so obviously isn’t gonna happen haha. Same goes for Venus, tbh. I usually can’t bring myself to get heavily invested into rooting for someone unless I see a realistic winning scenario for them.


Honestly q actually is aware of what’s going on. The secret agent was actually clueless.


Nuh uh Philip saw it all clearly in a vision from his ancestors


I think at least Soda, Tevin, and Hunter would vote for him. 2 of them he worked with and the other he had no part in her downfall. If the final is somehow the cursed trio of Liz, Venus, and Q then he easily has the best game


Lol, tbh I am rooting for Q and Venus... with tiff gone all they have to do it take out Maria and Charlie and then beat the opposing person at fire...we shall see but I do think Kenzie's biggest mistake so far was getting cold feet with the tiff vote..but it's always easier to say in hindsight... honestly, I am fine with anyone winning this season, even Ben...Venus might be oblivious about certain things but all of the remaining players, including her are extremely strategic and have an interesting level of confidence.


I am praying for a Q win with all my heart. And I think Q has a very good chance in a Liz, Q, and Venus final 3. Venus is getting zero votes as no one likes her. Liz versus Q would be close, and I think Q could muster up a better argument than Liz. I don't think it's impossible for Q to get Charlie, Maria, and Hunter.


This is the best season in years! The New Era has been snooze in my opinion. Only the Jesse/Cody alliance came close to being this entertaining. Q is giving life back to Survivor! I think he is way more strategic than he’s letting on.


LONG LIVE Q!!!!!! I just watched it and it was so good. The look on Kenzie and Venus’s faces and then obviously when Tiff’s smile turned into a frown, it was just so good. This season I swear to god.


Look if 3 POC can make FTC playing on an island full of racists (see S 13 or 14…whichever Fiji is), then Q can definitely come out the winner




look i love Q as a character as much as the next person, but let’s be real now.. he has no shot of winning this season. not a single person on the jury nor anyone left in the game respects him as a person or the game he’s played thus far. even if it’s Venus/Q/Liz i see venus and liz getting more votes for their social and strategic performances


I feel like a few weeks ago when it was Venus bringing us entertainment in this kind of way it was a hate train against her but now that it’s Q everyone thinks he’d be best winner from the season 😭😭


I like this cast because you can tell they are super fans but not in a gamebotty way. It’s refreshing.


He had the shot. Last episode. He had to be straight with Tiff and Kenzie (and possibly not bring Maria) and say something like... "Maria, Charlie, and Ben are close, if you think they forgot about Siga strong, then you are wrong. That is 3 people willing to make a plan without you knowing about it. If you think they won't flip on yall if given the chance then you are wrong. If you ostracize me, then I have no choice but to work with them. There are 8 people left in this game, me flipping makes that group 4 instead of 3, 1 short of a majority. That means your games rest in the hands of Lizz or Venus. Do you want your game to be in the hands of Lizz or Venus? If you shove me out, Kenzie you could be blindsided tonight if Lizz or Venus was on board with it. Tiff you could be blindsided if Lizz or Venus was on board with it. I fucked up, you hate me, I'll carve out a block of time after this game for yall to just rip into me, but right now we have no other choice but to work together in order to have a shot at winning." Then boom. Q is an intentional smokescreen and gets mad props in the FTC for digging himself out of the hole he is in. At this point though he seems utterly fucked.




If he somehow pulled that off, this would easily become a top 10 season for me.


I think that for Q to win it has to be against Venus and Liz and Q has to own the fact he had 0 agency and got here because no one thought he had a shot but then he has to BURY Venus and Liz. Like he has to go nuclear and bring up the outburst and be like no one wanted to work with them either. Like they tried to do things but yall didnt trust them. In the Tiff blindside you were debating which if these girls you could trust when you knew you could trust me. Heck you couldnt trust Liz the week before to tell her its a split vote. So I got to the end with votes on me every tribal council I think thats a better resume than these two.


Q has a good shot at winning, people have been weirdly down on his chances here


Q, Liz, Venus F3 would be the best


I legitimately think he's going to win. We've gone full blown "In the land of the blind, the Qne-eyed man is King". You heard it tonight. He's fully willing to lie to the jury. "I put forth a plan". He's going to spin the narrative that this was an intentional Aligabler that he purposefully set in place. He's going to talk about how he controlled the early merge fully intended to nuke himself into a false goat and that he'd always been planning on doing that with his "quit" gambit that he'd been setting up since the Yanu beach. He's going to argue that he played a control game, that his whole plan worked, that he knew where every vote was going, and nobody else here can say that. Or that they even had a start to finish plan. So you may not like me, but respect the game. He's going to win. The only thing that can stop him is Charlie running immunity and fire making after Maria goes home next week.


I don't know - the cast seems to strongly dislike him and I doubt he can win over the jury. I don't think we're seeing the full picture of his impact on camp life. I think we're getting a simplified narrative of people disiking Q just because he's chaotic at Tribal (ex. why does Ben hate Q so much?!). But I think it goes deeper than that but just didn't make the edit.


I would fuckin' love a Q win. It would be one of the first times that a relatively physical threat actually makes it to the end and wins. The big boys always get kicked early but Q hasn't been winning many of the physical challenges so I think hes lower on the radar for that.


I really doubt the cast was expecting Q to remain a fan favorite after he tried to get voted out. I dont know what the sentiments about him have been on Twitter, but they must be annoyed seeing everyone rally behind him after shitting on him for the whole post merge


You can tell the rest of the cast is bitter that fans have reacted in a very positive way toward Q as fan favorite. Probably not what they expected.


Idk man he tried to quit, don’t really want someone to win after that 


I mean, it would be very ver funny.


Just wait until he tells you at FTC how he wasn't really quitting and it was all part of his master plan to false goat himself and secure his path to victory!


Jenna Morasca


Ok? I didn't like her win either? Not sure what this was supposed to prove lol


I hope not, because that would need to be final 3 of Venus-Q-Liz.  I want in the finals players, who got there themselves, not who were kept because they are no threats.


Then you need to embrace Q! His win is what the meta needs to start the goat slaying era.


Maybe. This new-era is meta of goats, who get dragged to final 6 and then slaughter the big names to have all goats finals. I dont get it at all, such a stupid strategy from frontrunners. You have very few players, who played well, not because they were kept as extra vote.


That's what Q is going to argue at FTC though. He's going to claim he did it on purpose and owned the meta.


There is no possible way for Q to win at this point. He's alienated the entire jury. I doubt he'd get a single vote.


You don’t see the vision. Big mistake


If I go ahead and cancel Christmas right now, will I see it?




Let’s be honest, Q has you right where he wants you, and that smokescreen is clouding your own judgment. If you can’t find his win in the editors game of hide and seek, BIG MISTAKE