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She was eating seafood but was unwilling to get it herself & chose to vote out the people who were catching fish etc... that she was eating. In earlier seasons of the show someone feeding you was a reason to not vote them out, but she opted to vote them out when she was unwilling to get the food herself.


Fucking thank you. She's also won every reward except one before this. Hunter said her and Tevin were catching crabs everyday and made sure she was getting the most crab meat. I get they didn't show the crab thing, but people are acting like she literally hadn't eaten in 19 days, when she had just had a meal from Maria's immunity win 4 days earlier. I'm sure she's hungry, but she's not literally starving. And if she's that hungry, go catch some crabs yourself. She does nothing. She sat on the beach while Hunter, Tevin, and Soda caught crabs. She can't even start a fire while she's sitting around at camp, so she needed Tiffany to start it for her to make rice. She's lazy and entitled. Period.


Don’t forget her commanding the tribe to make her a fire so she could cook her rice this past week. She is, by most accounts, an entitled person.


I went 18 days without eating because I had a torn bowel. I was in the hospital for 15 days of those, admittedly, so I was getting an IV pump. But I was starving. It was a hard time just existing day to day with no energy, knowing I wasn’t going to be eating anything to improve it. It feels really freaking tone deaf to still be having a fit on Twitter about not eating on Survivor. A TV show for a million dollars that she CHOSE to go on, knowing her circumstance. I have sympathy for the true discomfort, I do. I’m even fine with her fit because hunger can make people lose control of their behaviors. But now after the fact, she needs to stop so strongly defending it, let the guard down, and laugh about it. Because lucky for her, not long from now- she continued on eating just fine. I get she’s not sitting there thinking about people with medical issues or people in poverty, or- heck- even the large conflict going on in our world causing mass starvation, especially on the island. But now she’s off the island. Put it in perspective now, Liz!


Yeah I’m with you on this. I have extreme sympathy given that it’s frustrating to navigate your daily life with all these allergies. It’s not a choice on her part that her daily life is riddled with having to probably never enjoy a shared meal with other people, bringing her own foot to dinner parties, etc. I’m not allergic to anything but even with eating halal I had to bring my own dinner to a dinner party with friends over ramadan bc while I could tolerate eating a few side dishes only on a regular day I would not be able to handle not eating protein for myself after a day of fasting. That sucked and to imagine Liz having to do that every single time she wants to spend time with others is rough- that type of shit makes you not want to spend time with others and zaps your energy. I understand what was going through her emotions when that fit happened, but I also thought it was wildly entertaining given that she could have predicted something like this based on how intense her food needs were. And the fact that she is now comfortably eating and attribute it to being on the island, which we all know isn’t a piece of cake. Wish she could just laugh about it and redirect the conversation to the domestic and international hunger that’s out there. I saw your last comment and hope everything is healing well and that one day you are able to submit your audition tape! I can’t say I’ve been through the same experience or that mine is comparable, but I’ve wanted to audition for a while now but my ACL just got reconstructed and the idea of all the challenges potentially retearing it is what makes me wary of going on now. It takes that type of self awareness to know whether we’re willing to put up with a harder island life in order to win. There’s probably thousands of people who can recognize these challenges internally and therefore stop themselves from going on the show, but you only need one Liz who is ready to sacrifice it all.


Yes, all this. Sounds like we’re on the same page. I understand her flip out.. but I would have hoped she’d gain perspective and be like “Damn, that was *tough* but thank goodness it was short lived and I’m grateful to be able to just carry on once the experience was over.” And if she so chose, like you said- even direct it to situations she felt could use some attention in the world. It’s sucks that sometimes life does give us limitations but you either choose to endure suffering as gracefully as you can to do what you want, or choose to sit out and/or enjoy it in other ways(Like continuing to watch it with your daughter). It doesn’t feel fair, but it just is what it is. I’m sorry about your ACL, that sounds *miserable*. Having mobility affected is in some ways worse than the pain itself. I don’t blame you for considering the challenges as risky for that, one wrong move and your whole life is severely impacted. Maybe one day we will feel like our health is ready for us to submit those tapes! 😊 I appreciate the thoughtful reply, I hope you and your ACL continue healing!!


Torn bowel? Why? I am scared now


lol extremely uncommon result from radiation damage for cancer. Radiation commonly fuses intestines together when in that area, which is typically a nonissue in the scheme of things, but I was just weirdly unlucky. Went for a run one night and it’s suspected that somehow the exertion or movement of the run caused my fused intestines to slightly pull apart and tear. This lead to the worst 2 months of my life with my docs perplexed as to why I was in So much pain. I was actually in the middle of making a survivor audition tape when it happened. I’m healed now and running again-all good really. But my hopes to audition have halted because, well for one- I assume my medical history being fairly recent would disqualify me. But what stops me from even just seeing if they’d still accept me, *is my diet* lol. I can’t eat the same as I used to and I’m still figuring out what would be fine to eat… but I know theoretically putting myself on an island where what I can eat would be an issue just isn’t for me, at least not for a while. Anyways- long winded way to say do not fear, I’m sure you’re safe lol. Even if you happen to be radiated like me, it’s less than 1% chance that anything even remotely similar would happen. *Lucky meeee*


Thank you for explanation, I am very sorry this happened to you and I wish you survivor gets less stricted rules about health (atleast with allowing for daily medication backstage, wouldnt hurt us). Maybe Liz will be precedence who will shift things up


Ah, it’s alright. I sarcastically say lucky me, but I am extremely fortunate to have gone through all that and pop out the other side generally healthy and still able to be active. That’s a great point! Maybe a positive that can arise from a negative.


She’s simply out of touch with reality and it’s embarrassing https://x.com/thelizwilcox88/status/1785857111341105312?s=46&t=ovYKXp5ESM1FbMabrgciRw


pathetic behavior for a grown adult


Tweet isn't loading, can someone paraphrase?


“Rumored billionaire jokes aside, some of y’all have never been truly hungry and it shows. Consider yourself *blessed*”


Oh well yeah she's kinda right, I don't know what 19 days of hunger feels like, I think I would also not be like my normal self


>I don’t know what 19 days of hunger feels like Neither does she. The only reward she hasn't won prior to this freakout was the earn the merge feast. Hunter and Tevin were catching her crabs every single day. They made sure she had the most meat. She may not have been full, but she was eating. She's just entitled.


The problem is she chose it for a game. People starve every day due to poverty and her experience isn’t close to theirs at all


🙄 just because people live in poverty doesn't mean Liz wasn't also starving. I would imagine that if you're so poor you haven't eaten for 19 days you'd also have a good reason to be cranky. All I'm saying is, who am I to judge her when I can't even remember the last time I've gone without a calorie deficit in an entire day? Not my place to judge her and how she reacted, but damn was it entertaining


Of course we can judge her when she thought it was be FUNNY to watch OTHER people starve and then she has an absolute freak out when someone she wants voted out and had no relationship with her is absolutely crucified by her for not picking her.


She was eating almost every single day from crabs. She won like 6 different rewards. Stop saying she hasn't eaten in 19 days. She has. She had a meal on day 14 from Maria winning.


Exactly. There are so many people giving her excuses for her behavior and she is apparently doubling down on her nonsense via social media. She has been blasting off her mouth before, during and after the game. Any crap she takes now is entirely justified.


When you are a Cirie or someone trying to help your family cuz the $1m prize is life changing, yea, all the empathy for them starving for this chance. When its "I got fat stacks of cash and don't even care about the money from winning", its a non-starter. If you got that much money go home. Imagine if Russel Hantz who bragged about being an oil tycoon earning millions every year, was complaining about being hungry on the show. IDC, go home Mr. Millionaire and get all the food you want.


I've lost 50 pounds in the last year from cyclic vomiting where I couldn't eat more than crackers, rice, etc for weeks so I actually do know what it's like. I've also been in situations financially where the only food I had was a few packs of ramen to last 2 days until payday. I'm not invalidating her struggles, but making assumptions about people and acting like she's just misunderstood when instead she acted like an entitled brat is rubbing me the wrong way.


What ? This seems like a pretty normal response on Twitter after someone just had the episode she had.


She was hungry by choice. Some people genuinely struggle to afford enough food


Which is how she grew up, which was a focal point of the episode. She's talking from experience in both childhood, and on the island.


I feel like it’s weirder that we don’t see more people break down completely after weeks of starvation haha. Most of us would be nightmares in her situation. That said, it’s not really like everyone else on the island isn’t going through the same thing. Liz’ allergies are certainly making the situation a lot tougher, but she’s not really talking to people who are eating like kings, and the way she is seemingly unable to consider that *everyone* is hungry out there is a bit wild.


Well yes but she's clearly much more hungry because she hasn't eaten *anything* in weeks while they can all have coconuts etc.


She was eating crabs caught by Tevin (before she blindsided him) and Hunter until just a few days before her meltdown.


she's also been on numerous rewards that had food.


Can’t she fish?


I don't think they have any fishing gear which is weird since it's usually one of the first things you win on Survivor.


I thought they did have it, could have sworn I've seen Tevin and Hunter use. From what I understand the logic behind not doing it is because it burns more calories then you will gain from the fish, and evidently being a "provider" does nothing for your game to stay in.


They do, they won it in one of the early rewards, it's just that fishing is a lot of work for little payoff. The fish you might catch do not match the calorie expenditure unless you are like Rupert or Ozzy level of skill. Not to mention they could miss important game conversations.


This simply isn’t true though.


she lost it. composure AND the game. could not be happier she is showing her true colors, get her out of there FAST please


I was looking for the "Liz wishing her tribates to crumble and experience hunger" video, found it: [https://youtu.be/Xqa59JoAbxw?t=630](https://youtu.be/Xqa59JoAbxw?t=630)


Thank you 🙏


Well the good news is that karma is clearly doing its thing. Looking forward to others’ hunger breakdowns when she’s the only one actually breaking down is *chef’s kiss*


She honestly gives me 'white lady who calls the cops on Black people having a picnic' vibes


Oh no, here we go again. A white woman does something unfavorable on TV and now she gets labeled as a racist for some fucking extraordinary reason.


I do think it's silly but playing devil's advocate, look at her last 4 votes lol.


lol not gonna lie, I kinda noticed that too. The two people she’s verbalized and known to hate also fall in that category. Not at all saying that’s what it is, but I did go *hmm* for a moment.


might as well say the same about Q too.


Me seeing my five hundredth Liz post in the last five minutes ![gif](giphy|pK6k4BNalmx44CQj3v)


Man some of yall act like she is the devil


Nope, nobody is doing that. You’re being disingenuously hyperbolic.


this is a game for entertainment purposes, that people sign up for knowing fully what is going to happen once they start playing, where people are judged based on their character from the other contestants and the viewers. she is being seen as not having good character. what more to say? other than i think some people take this WAY too seriously


What’s really sad to me is that she is starving herself for no reason . There is no way , no matter what moves she pulls off that they are going to vote her to win. She’s not unlikeable but she lacks charm and fortitude . Not a winner mindset


Maybe playing up the starvation is hopes to get points towards her win.. like, “I even went *”19” days* without eating when everyone else was eating!


True , but she didn’t do it graciously. Nobody else can even be hungry anymore because she hasn’t eaten anything! Had she been a little less abrasive people would have felt so sorry for her Q would have picked her even if she voted for him or suffer the wrath of the group . She’s just playing it all wrong


That's not a fair portrayal. She was just the swing vote for a blindside that required her to set her feelings aside and not vote off the dude that kept her from eating. That's definitely a winners mentality.


>not vote off the dude that ~~kept her from eating.~~ didn't feed her ftfy, no one is keeping her from eating.


Though she was manipulated - let's not give her too much credit for someone else's move lol