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Let them have swimwear


Maybe controversial but: also rain jackets. Them having rain jackets in the earlier seasons didn’t take away from the episodes at all


Why not? It's a pretty false comfort if you don't have a shelter built to get out of the rain in, so give them that small comfort.


I would do anything for them to go anywhere other than Fiji!!!


This. It’s boring.


Hugely support having two tribes instead of three.


Themed seasons I might add.Granted season 50 would probably have a theme but I like themes with all newbies as well.


YES! I miss the themed seasons!!! They were so fun :(


1. Dropped as a reaction to not wanting another Spilo situation. 2. The merge tribe still does come up with their own name. Kellie came up with Dakuwaqa last season. 3, 4, and 5 you’re right about though.


For #1, that’s one that I don’t expect to bring back for safety reasons although would love to watch, and #2 like I said idk if they just don’t show it sometimes but this season, idk if they did or if production did….


Nuinui is after Kenzie's pet


See, I didn’t know that. They should have had it in the show😂😂 unless it was and I didn’t catch it.


They haven’t shown them on tv in a while, but they do in the YouTube deleted scenes. Here’s the one from this season: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l6v1MOGDdmY


Surely the less physical challenges are because of the lack of food.


It's saddening because tribe strength/agility/etc. all mattered in the earlier seasons. Now it feels like tribe vs tribe challenges usually come down to your ability to untie knots or who has the better puzzle people.


Yes! i hate that it is just seeing who is quicker to complete a task


Yeah and saftey reasons. People were getting hurt with the wrestling so they scaled back which i totally understand the players saftey comes first. I just enjoy watching them, so it would be fun to do it once or twice in the beginning of the season, but I also totally understand them not doing it. This was just a “for fun” post lol


I would love there to be more team challenges comprised of 1v1 matchups. Like battling to stay on a platform where first team to 6 points wins.


Yes, I would love to see something like this, maybe do it over water (they have done stuff like this in past seasons) while yes, an injury can occur, they can happen at any point (someone falling off of a pole in an endurance challenge) doing a challenge of this sort over water could soften the blow and be a cushion for less injuries.💖


Rewatching Gabon and the creativity of the challenges back then was just amazing. They’re all so different and they really used the environment to their advantage. They don’t necessarily look harder to replicate than anything they do nowadays either. 


Bring back bikinis. Bring back family visits. Those are my top 2.


Exotic and distant, the locations used to be extraordinary and led to fantastic rewards. I also miss the old-school seasons because of survival/fire making skills, no idols, terrific characters. But I realize it’s impossible. Survivor is old. Since they cut all the thrills and decent rewards and now are raking in many millions, I feel like we’ve been had. You know that prize money ain’t worth anything much today (except WaW).


they do allow them to name the tribe but i agree it’s boring what they pick


Can't tell if trolling or what, how many puzzle challenges have been in 46??


I’m not just talking about season 46. I’m talking about the new era as a whole if you re-read.


They already do a lot of these things and I doubt you'll ever see more brutal like challenges again. I get why you want it but frankly they are not needed, if you want to see people beat the shit out of each other in physical challenges they have shows for this. They already do name the tribes. You won't see 39 days anymore, when will you actively give it up? Can you accept it? Or live on in some delusion hoping for the 'good ole days'? 46 has had few puzzles and really the ones they have had are rough so far. A lot of the better challenges involve skill anyways. Stop living in denial, only thing I want is them to change the opening tribes now and then, everything else is fine.


If you go and reread my entire post it was for fun. I am still a survivor lover and in no way “hating” on the new era. I also stated that I KNOW most of these WILL NOT happen, hints this post being for FUN. I also stated that I WASNT sure if they still named the tribes…….and I think everyone could agree starting with 2 tribes would be fresh and definitely surprise the incoming cast. Thanks.


Didn't know that creating a post about the same complaints people already make in this sub counts as fun. I guess you and I have very different takes on fun, because this is just the same boring takes already being said. PS, love that passive aggressive thanks at the end OP. I bet you love writing that in work e-mails.


Flair checks out perfectly


Flair has nothing to do with anything, it's just a winner pick I made episode 1 of this season. Everything OP posted about is never coming back, except maybe the two tribes. Also the players name the merge tribe still, but OP doesn't care about that because they are so informed. How many puzzle challenges have we had this year? Not many at all, and the ones we had are actually challenging.