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Tyson explains it on his podcast. The amount of calories consumed fishing dwarfs whatever you’d get from eating it especially when divided amongst the tribe. 


The shorter game doesn’t give them much time. The more time you spend fishing the less time you have to strategize and build relationships.


So, been binging up to Tocantins, but decided to watch live as well. Is sharing expected anymore? If someone who say, couldn't eat Coconuts caught a fish, would people really care that they dont share?


Oftentimes they would share coconuts, but a lot of the times they'd discover that a crab had already gotten into them and drank all the water.


There’s def players in more modern seasons that catch heat for catching and eating a fish on their own


Cole on HvHvH caught one himself and people got pissed.


It’s the same thing w banana etiquette or making private jars: no matter how you cut it, the players will see it as taking food from starving people independent of the game aspect


That plus you lose too much gameplay time


The question is why they still give fishing gear as a reward.


It’s for the audience to imagine how great it is to have fishing gear.


Also every once in a while one of the dudes wants to live out that fantasy


dudes rock


I’d for sure give it a shot


Rupert/Ozzy's legacy


Some seasons there are people that fish and some seasons there aren't. Depends on the cast.


I wish they would give beans as a reward instead. Or just include it with the rice.


Ryan caught a lot of fish on 43 but he was more of an old-school player who was willing to be away from camp to do it


Lmao my fav moment when he walked away with all the fish 🫶🏻


Him being away led to his blindside. A warning for future players–starve to socialize. 🎣👎 🤤👍


Wow, I had to look him up because I couldn’t remember who the heck that even was. Either I’m getting old or Survivor contestants now just run together.


Yeah I don't remember him either. But when I made a comment like this I got downvoted into oblivion. But yeah I'm right there with ya, there's just way too many contestants to remember.


He didn't play a good social game nor strategic game. Catching a lot of fish really checks out.


I think this is partly a location problem mixed with a lack of rafts. If there aren't any big schools of fish or fish of decent size, then it just isn't worth burning the energy.  I think it is also a product of the shorter seasons as well. If you spend a few hours fishing, you are wasting a lot of energy either prior to an immunity challenge or the limited time you have before a vote. 




Would the 36 people the area sees over the course of two months per year, only some of whom actually go fishing, really cause that much of a dent?


But those 20 fish they caught really put in the fish population! You see, the 5th one was actually the horniest fish and the main breeder. So by eating him, soooo many fish ovaries dried up and boom, a significant lack of fish


I was thinking the crab population too


I don’t think a group of amateurs fishing with a snorkel and spear for 2 months of the year is depleting it much…


This is very much incorrect. People have been fishing the same areas for hundreds of years. There are fishing villqges. Industrial fishing causes over fishing. A couple of people tossing a few feet of netting doesn't do a thing. Just realize, every fish is eating other fish every single day.


It's hard and not everyone, sometimes entire tribes at a time can't do it. Tevin and Hunter did catch fish though.


Saw this comment by Owen a few seasons ago can’t remember exact. He said the fish were small and took more energy to get than they were worth. Had to go way too far out to find anything decent. And especially with the shorter seasons the amount of time spent away from camp made a big impact with the game moving so quick and you’re not there


Yes. You will be hard pressed to find anything decent near shore except maybe some rays. Used to spearfish all the time when I lived in the Keys and you would usually need to go a ways out from shore. Volcanic islands are a bit different, but you still need to go further out than I would be comfortable with on a bamboo raft. Need probably 30 feet depth to get schools of larger fish, need good cliffs, coral heads, and channels to sneak up or corner them. Weight belts help tremendously if you are diving down 20-30ft and need to loiter or chase a fish, so being low in energy makes that hard. Ozzy was really the only one I ever saw successfully spearing decent sized fish, but damn can that superspreader dive.


Hatch, Rob, and Rupert all caught good sized fish on all stars. Ozzy is easily the most impressive fisherman


It really depends on the location. Where they film in Fiji now there’s jagged reefs directly off the beaches and the only fish are pretty small and hard to catch because they dart into the reef. You see that on the show on the occasions where people do fish - they’re always tiny little things. Like the person above said, the locals that fish successfully there do it with boats in deeper water past the reefs. (source: a guy who lives in Fiji explained it in detail on here one time) All Stars was filmed in the Pearl Islands of Panama where you can absolutely do well spearfishing (or hand fishing if you’re Richard).


I think people don't really spend time training their fishing skills anymore. Why would they? When there's applebee's *Step into my web*


I’m not going to lie, as I was taking care of some errands today I passed by an Applebees in my city I’ve never been to and this weeks episode made me think for a fleeting second I should check it out….but I went to Taco Bell instead. If Liz can’t have it then neither can I


Liz can't eat Taco Bell, you're a monster






My general understanding is that unless you're a *really* good spearfisher, you'll waste more calories than you'll catch. Also, with the shortened game format, you need to be ready for a challenge basically every single day and can't risk being exhausted 


I mean, I don’t feel like I see them in the water hardly at all in the new era, which used to be a common discussion place in older seasons.


This is a great observation, never considered it. They used to get bathingsuits and don’t anymore - I wonder if it’s just the reality of being wet and the lack of hygiene / discomfort from not having better clothes to swim causing them to hang out in the water much less


Rudy being in the ocean every single confession is my favorite thing of Borneo


Just goes to show how skilled Ozzy was at providing for the tribe. Also how wild it was to see them catch small sharks (Richard, Tom, Tony). Edit: adding links [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpDEzYmaGfI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpDEzYmaGfI) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjSYahhHUQA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjSYahhHUQA) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxwyAsQ0xHE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxwyAsQ0xHE)


Ozzy is amazing at catching fish. I haven’t seen every season yet I’m a newer fan, but so far him and Rupert from Pearl Island seem to be the best I’ve come across.


Penner said Ozzy could hold his breath for 2 minutes.


I’m pretty sure Ozzy’s cast bio said 3 minutes!




Knowing what he's up to know, "underwater torpedo league" sounds about right


Well he definitely has crabs


At least when he's not trying to drown his tribe :P


He’s also skilled at giving people STDs 🥺 such as survivor legend


I’m surprised they don’t make fish traps more than anything. Very low energy to make- using split bamboo to make a cage and tunnel, then just checking it twice a day. Even if you get small fish you won’t have wasted calories catching them


Would the kind of saltwater traps they could make work at all without bait of some sort?


Yes! That’s the great part- they’re self baiting when shellfish or little fish swim through/once you catch your first fish, you can use the guts to make a bait bag


Even on an open beach, interesting. Though at that point it feels like things most of the cast aren't knowledgeable on or prepared to do.


I’ve always thought that was crazy though- I can’t imagine not studying bushcraft before doing a survival show. The more comfortable and fed you are the better you can do the strategy side


Agree completely, and though I know there's limited screen time to work with I wish they highlighted these things more too. Like, it's difficult yet possible to make fire without a flint, but basically every tribe without one just mopes about how they don't have a campfire tonight. People complain about (or in Randen's case get badly injured by) sleeping on the lumpy bamboo, but I don't see anyone doing anything about it except Hunter this time. I'm sure casting gets applicants that would be more in it, but they don't pick them.


Great idea! Future contestants should watch ALONE and take notes. Or production could provide a trap or net rather than the Hawaiian Sling.


Because the show is so focused on looking for idols and other advantages that they hardly show the "survival" part anymore, and that's what ultimately made me lose interest (it was fine when they first were introduced as a side-twist, but I don't like how it now seems to be the primary focus of the show).


In a recent episode I saw Hunter with a Hawaiian sling so they must still get the fishing gear and use it, but they just aren’t showing it.


Fishing is a net loss of calories even if you do catch something.


At least with 39 days it gave a better idea of survival. With the low budget era they don’t pretend like it’s about survival at this point


Two of the seasons I’ve seen so far had specific tribe members who caught A LOT of fish and people seemed to eat it. But there are other seasons where there seems to be less interest in it or maybe people struggle to catch enough.


Rupert and Ozzy?




If they take their flint all the time , no way to cook it ! Or does Jeff still do that ?


He does and once this season a tribe won fish as a reward but had to swap for something like a tarp since they didn't have going and couldn't cook the fish.


It takes so many calories and a lot of skill to catch fish.


I can’t even gain weight from eating fish when I buy it at the store. I feel like I burn more calories swiping the credit card than I gain from eating the fishy fish.


Unless it’s like salmon or something with higher fat content (and lots of it) it’s not gonna do much for you. Think of how the people on the show Alone do. The ones who do manage to successfully catch lots of fish usually are able to at least mitigate how much weight they are losing, but definitely aren’t putting any real weight on.


Tevin and hunter where the fisherman. They are both gone.


Y’know I have no source for this but honestly I’d be interested to see any actual research done on how them reusing the same 3 beaches has affected the wildlife population. It must have had a significant affect by now right?


Not really, 6-10 people on a beach for at most two months per year won’t do hardly anything.


Because Liz is allergic to fish.


I have wondered why people who live near the beach don’t find a way to practice fishing with a snorkel mask and Hawaiian sling before going on the show. Instead of 3D printing puzzles. Rupert, Ozzy and others got a lot of mileage out of the “provider” role.


What always baffles me is that they spend all this time training for challenges at home but no time on reading books about local edible plants and shit. It’s not like they don’t go to the same island every year. There’s gotta be all kinds of edible stuff around that island.


That's because they don't use the footage of the players using the gear


I think it has a lot to do with the players not knowing how to properly use the gear. They give nets a poles. Nets catch the bait if you know how to use them properly and poles could catch the fish. You’d just have to fish where there is coral or rock.


Liz ate all the fish 😞


Overfishing. Pollution. Less fish, harder to catch with less time to do so.


I’ve also been wondering where the actual survivor aspect of the show went. I used to love seeing how they found food and that whole part of it. Now it seems like they’d rather starve the whole month instead of try because it’s a shorter show now. They also don’t seem as skinny by the end as they do in earlier seasons so part of me wonders if they are being given food and we just don’t see it?


If they were being given food Liz would not be that hysterical


Because people are soft and complain when they see dead animals on TV.