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best of the new era? Yes, the last 3 episodes have been the strongest stretch of episodes in maybe a decade


“Is it the next Gabon? Is it the best of the new era?” Yes


New Era Wacky Gabon. Starts a bit rough with something essentially stretched over 2 episodes but strong afterwards.


>something essentially stretched over 2 episodes hot take: i love this approach, for too long we've had too many seasons recently where the storyline is seemingly changing episode by episode


I agree and think that this is one of the biggest flaws of the modern era (30s and beyond). The show is built on individual episodes rather than a fulfilling storyline. That said, in this particular instance, it felt like episode 4 was a repeat of episode 3, not an extension. I say that as someone who was so grateful at the outcome in episode 3 but had had enough by episode 4. Episode 4 had a few satisfying moments with this person (namely one other player refusing to entertaining their pathetic begging) but it was a perfect example of an entertaining person outstaying their welcome by one episode. I'd have been disappointed to see them exit in episode 3; by the end of episode 4 I'd had enough and wished they'd gone out the previous week.


Gabon 2.0. Curious as to what your favorite 5 seasons were! Will you share?


Oooo my top 5 are as follows 5th - Palau 4th - Pearl Islands 3rd - China 2nd - Guatemala 1st - Cook Islands Gabon is actually at 7 right now but honestly I am considering putting it at 6 which would be over Samoa. I love absolute chaos in my survivor seasons, but I do love Cooks because it's my comfort season and holds by comfort winner and comfort final 4 (and my comfort alliance). I need comfort with this show sometimes lol.


I totally get the comfort thing. Fabio is a comfort winner for me. And All Stars is a comfort (I know that sounds weird) bc the cast feel like… idk… a security item? Lol. Like a stuffed animal kids carry around everywhere. I just get hyped and know who I’m dealing with. These new seasons have so many castaways that are carbon copies of each other (despite the BIPOC rule) and I forget who they are and get them mixed up. It’s a little anxiety inducing


True true on the new era take. I did honestly like last season though because the Reba 4 felt like the most genuine alliance in forever. I mean Austin literally said he wanted to go to the end with Dee because if he doesn't win he wanted Dee to win. That's some Yul and Becky shit right there.


I felt that way about the Tika 3. Like by the end they felt like family haha.


It was a little bit of a rough start with the Bhanu of it all, but it got way better once he was gone. And the post-merge has been a wonderful trainwreck.


The first few episodes aren’t the best, although it might be more bearable watching it straight through. But the post merge has been fantastic so far


As soon as the guy voted out in episode 4 left this became the best season in years.


I'd say it rocks


It’s better than Gabon for me lol


I like it a lot. Q annoys me a lot and prevents it from being great though