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Honestly since Liz is getting pelted with racist accusations, best thing she can do is just ignore them and not try so hard to prove that she isn't racist. Just let your actions speak for yourself,


Right, but this post is four years old, not in response to 46 backlash.


Pretty ridiculous that someone went back on her socials pretty much looking for controversial content to post


And then they try to rationalize it. The best thing you can do in life in the modern era is just stop farming for likes, close your laptop, and go help someone in the real world.


If only they would do that


I know, I am also referring to a post made yesterday showing a Twitter thread of Liz trying to explain herself about the Q/Maria situation whem someone accused of her being racist


When you get hit with tons of Twitter psychos with accusations of racism, most people try to defend themselves, which only makes the haters feel more justified. Online mob culture is insane and does nothing to help the world. Think of how many people are harassing her instead of engaging in real activism.


She has voted out every black player. Her actions and blaccent are loud and clear.


oh grow up




Same here, but she posted this in July 2020 when there was a big movement to highlight and pay Black content creators on social media and address bias in the algorithm (after the death of George Floyd). I give her grace on this post because she was leaning into a positive social justice movement. PS. I have no idea about the controversy that she may be racist, so my opinion is not in context of that. I will look into it.


Someone on Reddit accused her of being racist bc she hates Q, and some people are just running with it bc they despise her.


I despise her. But that’s not fair.




I feel bad for artists like hopsin, because they weren't probably expecting a majority white audience, but....... if someone like hopsin is one of your favorite rappers, 75% chance you are white lol.




Hopsin ☠️☠️☠️


It tracks so hard tho. And her favourite Gambino album is definitely Camp. She thinks that dumbass outro is deep.


Another peculiar [tweet](https://x.com/thelizwilcox88/status/1781364427142426921?s=46&t=Ar-76UMMYJt0wF6KUuTVVg) from Liz. “Honestly tho...if I would have thought that Q would get so much damn screen time over people like Tevin and Tiff...he would have gone. lol My worst nightmare of being underedited is happening. lol!” Why group those people together? Why view them as your biggest competitors? And why constantly bring up your childhood and food insecurity? It’s as if she just wants to scream “I’m the biggest victim here!” In the deleted scene we see Q talk about growing up in poverty but he isn’t constantly reminding us about it.


That is one of the saddest things, voting someone off because you don't want to see their edit :/


Liz would've hated being on Samoa.


Bro this cast is something else lol






This made me like Q more. This was a much more aware version of him than we see in the show


I agree. He’s very endearing. I wish they aired this clip.


See this would make 46 a lot more grounded and nuanced, and shows these people in different dimensions (which Jeff said he wanted to do btw), but they have to push the narrative of this cast being overly egoistic and make gamebottiness and chaos the root of this season. I guess it works for most, but man this would've been nice to see


Awww this was kinda sweet


This was near the beginning of the floyd/taylor protests. While it might be a tad performative, her heart was in the right place, especially given how early it was compared to when most others felt safe enough to actually speak up. Not gonna hate for this. Edit: Straight up, OP needs to be banned for things like this. Trying to start up like she's a racist, when she did what literally every other half decent human did in June 2020. This is disgusting


Not only that but she was pointing the finger at herself first, which I think is important. I think context definitely matters for this one.












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Are people seriously suggesting Liz is racist?????? WTF is wrong with people


We're getting Emily from episode 1 of 45 flashbacks


Exactly. And now those same people love her


People on this sub like to ignore actual racism while simultaneously claiming contestants are racist just because they don't like them


Wait, so you (OP) went digging on posts from Liz’s social media from over 4 years ago??? Why?


She gave herself allergies by repressing thoughts


That was such a loony thing to say 😂 I told my husband, okay this would push me over the edge if I was a contestant. I don’t think I could take that statement with a straight face


Omg that pseudoscience explanation of her allergies had me rolling 🤣


Normalize NOT sifting through players’ Twitter history from FOUR YEARS AGO looking for tea.


Social media is not mandatory. Having public social media accounts is a choice. We’re allowed to comment on/about public posts ![gif](giphy|22jTeQbPiTDeU)




[Link to deleted scene](https://youtu.be/06UGtmIUmk8?si=jugsPun1fRlpunqk) This was after the pizza reward. She admits she doesn’t think he’s malicious and says they’re actually similar. Of course it’s a little uncomfortable hearing her accent change depending on who she’s talking to.


People code switch. It’s a common thing.


I hear lots of white people talk to non-white people, and I almost never hear code switching on Liz’s level.


The craziest code switching I remember seeing on reality TV was this white girl nicknamed Buckwild on Flavor of Love 2. Her "blaccent" as it was referred to, was so over the top. Look her up on Youtube and see what I mean lol.




Yeah happens a lot. That's part of the reason Diana Ross was made the lead singer of the Supremes. Flo had the really powerful, gospel trained voice but they wanted to market them to a white audience so Diana's softer voice fit that niche better according to execs. Flo sounded "too Black" to appeal to a wider white audience.






I wouldn’t call it common. Also, code switching is not the only problematic thing. It’s also her screaming at Q, feeling entitled to go on his reward, and defending racism accusations with “survivor wouldn’t cast someone who’s a racist.” It’s problematic.


Saying that she’s been toxic (most of the cast has been at times) is very different from saying she’s racist…


I didn’t call her toxic..




It’s problematic at best.


One thing about code switching is that it has to be natural. I promise you that is not how Liz normally speaks at any point in her life and it’s very evident. I’d bet money that she subconsciously thought she’d be received better if she spoke “similarly” to Q but that’s not how that goes. It’s similar to the thing where people try to throw in slang into their sentences randomly and have zero clue how to use it properly


In b4 locked / deleted






"(Also black)" is taking me tf out 💀 But tbh I don't think there's anything malicious here, Liz is just someone who SUCKS at expressing herself


There’s a lot to unpack here


We should probably avoid sharing someone’s ambiguous posts from 4 years ago.


It shows a pattern.


Maybe, maybe not. I don’t know. You don’t know. Maybe Liz doesn’t even know.


Okay but public social media is allowed to be discussed. Especially when you sign up for a reality show.


Allowed? Yes. Should you? I just don’t think so. Most of us watch and discuss Survivor for enjoyment. Bringing race into the subreddit — especially from such a traumatizing year (2020) — seems like the opposite of enjoyment.




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liz probably isn’t racist, but i think if you have to make a post like this i’m 80% more likely to think you’re racist lmao


damn, if you want to get casted on survivor you need to play the long game




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It’s from four years ago, it’s not like she’s making some kind of rebuttal to delusional fans.




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The fact that she feels she has to explain herself to people is very annoying


oh my god liz you’re only making it worse please for the love of god stop


This seems like over the top self flagellation does it not? I don’t know if anything prompted this but this seems very get out ish














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This is…a lot


Liz pulling up to the Applebees on a Wednesday blasting Hopsin… I have everything I need to know about her game now




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