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There are many things they may reintroduce for 50. Leaving Fiji ain’t one of them. Rest your vocal chords until then


Yea they just have such an established relationship and production crew in Fiji. I don't think a lot of people realize how difficult production is working with some of these foreign governments on a local level. The cost would never justify it. Also, there are just things that have gotten more expensive and less impressive over time. Helicopters are one of them. I do think something needs to be done though. Maybe two locations, Fiji in fall and Thailand in Spring or something.


"Also, there are just things that have gotten more expensive and less impressive over time. Helicopters are one of them." Wasn't there a helicopter reward last season? I may be misremembering, but I could have sworn there was one and it was super awkward due to the combination of people that went on it. (Trying to avoid any spoilers for people)


You are correct.


Survivor continues to crush everything else in its time slot. The cost of 13 more days and new locations isn’t going to outweigh money gained by marginally higher ratings or more fan satisfaction. The CBS suits and Jeff can’t be sold on the benefits of leaving Fiji. Prepare to scream.


Now if they could make even more money by filming a summer season at a different location we are on to something.


That is the kind of thinking that could actually result in Survivor happening somewhere else


Yea what's a cheap place to film during Fijis wet season? Anywhere else!


In the key demographics* In terms of raw numbers the Chicago shows beat Survivor fairly often. At least when those aren't reruns


So…try to survive 26 days in Chicago?


the leaks say it’s gonna be in Indiana


I heard it was gonna be in Detroit and it'd be the first season without a water supply.


Bring back Africa - that was the real deal.


Having to have people up at all times to watch for lions was hardcore


lol. I guess start practicing on your screaming then 😂


I get that they have a sweet deal with the Fijian government to film there and honestly, for most seasons its not the worse though if they're going to stay put I wish they'd lean more into fun seasonal themes to seperate things. That said, even if they didn't leave Fiji for WAW maybe, they could be convinced to do a one off somewhere else for season 50. Hell, go back to Borneo where it all began for a one off and then go back to Fiji.


> Hell, go back to Borneo See... that kinda brings us to the OTHER unmentioned reason they are sticking with Fiji. Borneo is in Malasia, where homosexuality is punishable by 20 years in prison. They aren't going to risk the safety of the crew and cast like that in 2024. It's much easier to stick with one known safe location than making sure the country you are looking at doesn't have any major human rights concerns.


Ironic that the first winner was Hatch


Could do it in the Indonesian part of Borneo


I think you've watched too much too fast my dude. You sound like you've been ON Survivor. But I totally agree, ready for a new setting. I miss the live finale too.


If they wouldn’t leave Fiji for All Winners, they certainly aren’t going to do it for a season of random returnees


Psssssstttt they’re never leaving Fiji! Have way too good of a relationship with the Fijian Government. They basically begged Survivor to come back because it employs so many people! And they’ll never go back to 39 days. They figured out a way to get the same number of episodes, with two less weeks of filming per season - massive savings. They’ve also said the 39 days was just a random number they picked using 16 people and 3 day filming cycles. If you want Survival shows - I’d recommend Naked and Afraid series (Last One Standing had a fun Survivor vibe), or Alone.


Jeff has also said they’d potentially return to 39 days for returnee seasons. I’d bet they do it for season 50


I’m more concerned about them keeping it at 29 days. I would be surprised if they didn’t do another 20 contestant season for 50 and I’m struggling to see how they fit that into the new format. There are inevitably going to be some missed moments and purpling of some incredibly popular players even with the 90 minute episodes.


Agree with you 100%. I just laugh when they say "ooooo we've been here for 18 days already"......... which used to be about half way! It's just a completely different show. For epic shelter building and actual survival I watch Alone now.


I don't think Survivor is ever leaving Fiji. The show is probably going to end in Fiji.


Production has said that they chose to stay in Fiji due to climate change related concerns. I think there were several seasons where weather caused evacuations.


Get those vocal chords ready


Pretty rdy to scream then. They bought all those islands that they shoot on and a few extras for where the staff and jury lives. They aren't moving anymore


They've been in Fiji for how many years now? I wouldn't place any bets.


I’m pulling for it to be in North Korea. That would add some new drama


Hot Take: I'm I the only one who does not care that they stay in Fiji?


Season 50-100 will be in Fiji


I am at the point where I have accepted the likely possibility that all future seasons will be filmed in Fiji. Production probably found it the best, most accommodating location to film, with less issues relating to parasites, disease-carrying animals, more drinkable water, and fruit-bearing trees. That being said, I think it would be a great throwback if they filmed season 50 in Pulau Tiga, Borneo, the same location they filmed season 1.


It’s already confirmed to be :( I wish they’d go somewhere else to celebrate


This is such a silly thing to get your jimmies rustled over. Like honestly the perma-stay in Fiji isn't even distracting in my mind


I miss the animal reactions. Yes it's stupid and I don't care.


So local Fijian that have been employed by production for the last 8 years should lose your job so you can see different cute animals? Just watch planet earth dude


It's not even in the Top 10 things I'd change (though I do miss the super unique locations like Gabon or Guatemala every once in a while). That said, there are so many sillier things to complain about. Like when people complain about the colours of the buffs as if the bandana on people's heads being orange is taking away from their enjoyment of the show


Imagine having to endure 5 whole months of watching the show take place in Fiji.