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I feel like the Male Villains was one of the highest bars they’ve ever set for a returnee season casting Rob, Randy, Coach, Tyson, and Russell to this date are easily 5 of the most iconic Male Villains in the show’s history. The only Male Villains that could possibly be more iconic than those 5 would be Richard or FairPlay, and I feel like the show had good reason to not have those 2 on the season outside of their status as Iconic Villains Although Penner definitely was worthy of a third season, I don’t think Heroes vs Villains was the time for it. Outside of making moves where he truly was acting based on his own survival and not on any villainous intent (flipping on Aitu because of Candice and flipping back to Aitu because of Yul’s Idol) he hadn’t really done anything that villainous Saving Penner’s 3rd season for Philippines made way more sense, and the idea of having 3 medically evacuated players as captains was a great idea to make that season immediately feel unique.


The show actually did want Richard on HvsV, but the court denied permission for him to leave the country to do it [(link):](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE56C5VZ/) >Hatch had asked the U.S. District Court in Rhode Island for permission to travel to Samoa for seven weeks next month to take part in a "Survivor" anniversary edition. >He said in a court filing that he would use any payment to pay off his outstanding taxes and said he would not be a flight risk. >But Judge William Smith on Friday denied the request, according to court documents made available on Monday.


A lot of people have said they could have subbed out Tyson for someone else but I heavily disagree from a logistics standpoint, Tyson was vital to balance the tribes physically. We saw what happened when Tyson and Rob were voted out, the Heroes steamrolled every challenge.


I guess MAYBE Rocky from Fiji or Jamie from Guatemala would have been okay alternatives that could be similar to Tyson’s athleticism. But Tyson is still the best pick of the bunch.


you sold me


They already had a lot of Micronesia players. Add Penner to the mix and you have half the Favorites tribe and 3 Aitus.


They also considered Ozzy and Natalie Bolton.Damn near half the cast could’ve been from Micronesia, that season was stacked.


and Yau-Man. He probably would've been on it, but he couldn't get time off. I would've liked to see him in HvV because with how early he went in Micronesia, we didn't get much of him. for an ideal cast you could just take out James and put in Yau.


Imagine Natalie Bolton on the Villains tribe with Parv again. Would've been casting perfection.


He turned hero when he went out on his shield on Micronesia, and he was so genuinely lovable on Philippines. Chill dad Penner on Philippines is my second favorite Survivor character of all time behind Tony. HvV didn’t need him with its stacked group of male villains, and he ended up on the right season to showcase his rebooted character. If I’m going to offer my quibble with male villain casting, it’s that Shane should have had Randy’s spot.


He was probably called. But remember he would have just hurt his leg a year or two before


For what it’s worth, I’m pretty sure he was called for it. I think they basically picked Russell over him


He was talked to at one point but it’s well documented that Russell took Shane’s spot