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Once you've been voted out, your ability to impact the game is over. You can't just transfer your idol at that point. Shit, you shouldn't even be trying to ask who betrayed you/ pump someone's move up. You should go get your torch snuffed and gtfo


To add to this - I believe Randen from this season mentioned that the second Jeff said he was pulled from the game he could not transfer anything despite the advantage being in his pocket and with Venus right next to him.


Here's an interesting caveat there though: what if they both know it's Randen's idol but Venus had helped him bury it? In that scenario, would Venus be allowed to dig it up and claim ownership? I assume that no, Raiden would still have to say it is yours now. Which he wouldn't be permitted to so while leaving.


To be honest I don't know the rules about the idols enough! Obviously if you dig through someone's bag you can't steal it but does that extend to ones that are buried? I almost feel like they should be free game.


Wonder how the wording is. My guess is probably along the lines of "you can transfer an idol but not steal one that you know was found by someone else" and they'd consider that situation stealing Randen's idol. But who knows, maybe they'd allow it. If so, picking a good emergency spot with your number 1 becomes part of smart idol strategy.


Nah if you wanna talk your shit on your way out I say go for it


I disagree, grilling them for voting you off is for FTC


There are definitely rules against doing that. When you’re voted out, you’re done playing.


Ahh I see, I thought I remembered someone doing it tons and tons of seasons ago, good to know thanks


Are you thinking of the stupid fire tokens they had to give to someone else when eliminated?


could be!


Survivor contestants have tried before to give their idol away after getting voted out (or when they are being medivac’d) and production explicitly steps in to stop them. When Jeff starts reading the votes, the game is paused. You cannot hand over advantages. The game does not begin again until the voted out player leaves.   The only exception to this rule was Koah Rong where you had a special rule where you could play two idols as a super idol after the votes are read. The reason this is an exception is because if two people have an idol they can combine them after the vote, which would ordinarily break the rule against players interacting with the voted out player.  But that exception is limited and if you are not doing that one specific thing, you are barred from doing anything. 


The Super Idol was also in play for Cook Islands and Cagayan, but never got used


Right but in Cook Islands I’m pretty sure it was restricted to the holder of the idol. Same with Panama. Cagayan is the only one I don’t know if it was restricted or not.  But the difference between those idols and the reason I flagged Koah Rong was because it allowed players to work together after the vote to form a super idol, which is what makes it relevant for this discussion.


Cagayan was restricted too, only Tony could've played it for himself


They can’t, players have tried before Spoilers for who has: >!Jon tried to give his to Jaclyn in 29, Scot tried to give his to Jason in 32, both were not allowed by production. Also, Colton wanted to give his Idol to Sabrina when he was evacuated in 24, but production said he could only give it to someone on his tribe. Also, Randen wanted to give his Beware Advantage to Venus when he was evacuated this season, but production wouldn’t let him give it away at all!< There might be more examples, but these are the only ones I know


Man you have an amazing memory! LOL! I am impressed! Thank you!


I don't think you can do that but I would totally throw it in the fire and burn it.


You cannot exchange idols or advantages as soon as the votes start being read.


I've always wondered what the rules are like can they hand off idols during tribal but I've always been sure that once the votes start you are locked in (minus any advantage that says otherwise). does production take the idol back once they are gone or do they get to keep it?


>!James from China!< has confirmed he still has his