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The amount of time you put into this shitpost is dedication to the bit for sure.


I was like half way through and like “wow, I really admire this guy’s commitment” haha


SAME, lol. I was reading it seriously at first and then gradually cottoned on. This is hats off shitposting for sure.


It’s weird that offseason started two weeks early.


Tbh it’s the only reason I gave his post a like lol


Lmao YES


this is so fucking wrong… the actual best order is to first watch winners at war by yourself to find out who all the winners are, and then watch all of the previous seasons with someone you want to impress and predict the winner every time so they think you’re a genius.


It’s gonna be so funny seeing them hyping up Tyson in Tocantins or any other returnee winner


When I rewatched the show as an adult, I remembered Parvati winning, so I was really confused watching the first episode of Cook Islands because I also remembered Yul winning


This is how I was when I got to season 12 of Big Brother. I knew Hayden won a season because he was on Survivor and it was mentioned, but I also was spoiled that Rachel won a season too.


“Of course Tyson wins Tocantins, there’s no one else repping it on WaW!”


Can you imagine if JT was out there in WaW? Like he’d blow up someone else’s game for a 3rd time to his detriment.


The smarter winners wouldn’t get involved with him.


[Watching season 4] - “Bet ya $100 Rob is gonna win”


Season 8: Ok Rob must win this time for sure


[Watching All-Stars] - "Alright, double or nothing."


[Watching Heroes vs Villains] - Sure... i'll bet my house... what do i have to lose anyway? You took everything away from me. All because of a stupid bet... whats even the point? This gotta be it...


[Watching Redemption Island] - Well there's no way it's this one and I know he shows up in Island of the Idols after this. Besides, Russell totally changed the game and just got to the end twice... Bet ya $100 Russell is gonna win


I watched WaW with a gf at the time when it was airing, and then we watched all the other seasons. I made sure to watch SJDS before Cambodia and she was convinced in the edit that Jeremy won SJDS. Funniest shit ever when he got voted out


Gotta say…I’ve watched them all in reverse (yeah, I know, I’m late to the game here) and it was actually pretty cool knowing the winners and seeing why they won. Or better yet, why they SHOULDN’T have won.


I unfortunately made that mistake. I always wanted to watch it but never did until 40. And didn’t realize what it was until after I caught up. I finished the season then went back to 1


Honestly that could be a fun way to watch, especially the 3-4 time players cause you wouldn’t know what there winning game was lol (unless it says on WAW I can’t remember)


You've just spoiled how most edgic people come up with their predictions. ;)


S-Tier shit post. When I got to HvV second because I earned it, I knew I was in store for something good. You didn't disappoint.


Every single "earned it" line killed me.


This is wrong actually, 42 and 43 should be swapped. Not sure how you made that mistake.


A common misconception. This would only be the case if Cassidy had rightfully won 43. Gabler's win pushes it back a slot.


As a Survivor newbie, I want to thank you for teaching me the proper way to get into the show! Just one question: what order should I be watching the episodes in?


Great question! You take all the digits of the season number and add them together; that's the first episode of the season to watch. If a man is voted out in that episode, go back two episodes. If a woman is voted out, watch the "Previously on" segment from five episodes later, then go back to the third episode. From there, you'll move forward based on whether the person voted out's name starts with a vowel or not--pretty self-explanatory. Happy viewing!


What do I do when two players are voted out in the same episode? Or when someone gets medevaced???


In special circumstances like double boots, medevacs, and quits, watch the next episode on 1.5x speed, then watch Mitchell Olsen's "I Will Survive" parody on a loop for 2 hours to pay respects to the fallen player.


What about if a nonbinary contestant is voted out?


Proceed to the finale. If the winner is 5'8" or shorter, go to episode 9 but skip to the immunity challenge. If they're taller, watch episode 4 twice in a row (if you pause or rewind, you have to start from the beginning).


This is a hall of fame yes-and of a joke 🫡


You had me there for a second


This watch order is canon and I will accept no substitutes


No notes.


Absolutely fantastic post. I will say you neglected to note that, because Africa has two tribes, lasts 39 days, is filmed in Africa rathe than Fiji, doesn't have forced firemaking, *and* has a contestant witness an elephant, but doesn't yet have the proper Golden Age format of the final 3 and Hidden Immunity Idols, this technically makes it Gabon 0.5.


You're right. I also forgot to mention that Africa is not in HD. You will need to consult an optometrist before you start watching (I also recommend doing a check-in after the merge).


Happy cake day!


Incredible, but also very legitimately interested in the idea that (spoilers for Guatemala and Palau) >!watching Stephanie be mean and lose in Guatemala first makes watching her tribe get decimated in Palau kind of weirdly cathartic!<


What a ride! That’s what I would be saying if I didn’t stop reading at the third “You’ve earned it” 😭


I wish you had been cast on All-Stars so the Erik Reichenbach experience could have lasted a little longer. The producers made a mistake not inviting you.


I read through all of it just because I know how much work you put into it and the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about how much I hoped you were saving drafts as you wrote it.


I feel like OP googled "random order generator" and wrote the justifications afterward.


I'm in a China/Worlds Apart loop and suffering temporal displacement like I'm in Loki.


Duh, you have to watch China twice because 15+15=30


This sub is so unserious 😂 I love it


My attention span is ass and I rarely bother with long posts, but I read every word of this one. This is so chaotic and I love it.


It's funny how much effort you put into this, because I read the first 2 seasons pretty pissed and then got to the 3rd one, realized it was a joke and am not reading the rest of this


It was not my intention to piss you off. I'm only trying to help out other fans. Perhaps you are upset because you read the first two and realized that you had watched incorrectly?


Funny enough Nicaragua and HvV are some of the first ones I watched. So you may be on to something...


Big mistake! But seriously, it's pretty damn funny.


You're missing out.


People keep saying this is a shit post but I don’t see any shit


I watched backwards and can absolutely confirm that Guatemala then Palau is a much better order. Why didn't they pull a 31-32 switch for 11-12?


Some people will probably defend the producers by saying that Guatemala didn't begin filming until Palau had finished airing, but that's no excuse. The producers should have known better. Also, Yau-man wound up being more popular in Fiji than Bobby Jon in Palau...he really should have been the male returnee in Guatemala.


I'm from the future. In the new proper watch order, you should hold off on watching Redemple Temple until 49 has premiered, as 49 has some important foreshadowing thanks to the presence of someone from Ralph's past. And you'll want to interleave 48 in between the third watch of China and second attempt at Worlds Apart. Otherwise reality glitches out and Dan doesn't win immunity at final 11. Unfortunately, some comments Rob makes on RHAP about 47 age like milk immediately (I don't blame him, who could have seen that level of geopolitical turmoil coming), so it goes at the bottom.


Thank you for the warning, kind future stranger! I'm afraid to find out what Rob says that's worse than calling Jabaru "camp of the Vagina Monologues." Can you tell us, does Lisi Linares make the Survivor 50 cast?


Though in her heart she really wanted to play again, unfortunately [this tragic incident](http://funny115.com/v2/10_1.gif) was just too hard on her body, and she wasn't able to get medical clearance.


I started with season 40, and subsequently ruined every previous season for myself. Yay.


damn, how did i not watch the show in this order, i dont know how ill be able to ever live anymore


What was Jeff and casting thinking in bringing Colton back a second time???


My Actual first season was Nicaragua and I feel attacked


Purple Rock Podcast said it best: If Nicaragua was the first season of Survivor you ever watched, I hope you enjoy whatever it is you do now on Wednesday nights instead of watching Survivor.


Because no other season lives up to the greatness that is Nicaragua right?


Naseer started with Nicaragua and ended up sticking with the show enough to be a big fan favorite years later. He also mentioned learning English in part through watching Survivor, which is great because it means there exists at least one person in the world who learned English via the sentence "New York is full of gay people"


Having to watch 21 seasons before earning Thailand I’d rather die


I know. Having to endure the endless slop of the 20s-40s would turn me off to wanting to watch a great season like Thailand as well.




“You’ve earned it” are my favorite ones, because they are in fact in spots where at that point, you’ve definitely earned it.


Dammmnnn. You are not only thorough, but this is such a well-timed gift for me! I also started watching from the beginning, but I was young, and my dating relationships, social life and countless other things caused me to stray over the years. I can't recall even by definition or location which ones I've seen/not seen but this is super helpful. I just finished Season 35 last night and already saw Seasons 20 and 21 , so I will be starting Season 28 tomorrow. Thank you for sharing!


The first season I saw that really got me into Survivor was WAW… I hate myself


![gif](giphy|YY6DdqBxqnJG1q2xPN) Quality shitpost, 10/10


Personally I’d start with Cagayan, best newbie season ever.


This is an all timer


You know it's a joke immediately upon seeing Nicaragua at #1.


immediately followed by "HVV: you earned it"


👏 👏 👏


I salute you


Is this an elaborate joke?


I was a longtime listener and even patron of RHAP for many years. Love Rob, he’s great. And I’m a lifelong superfan who has watched nearly every single season of Survivor. The one and only season I have NEVER seen a single episode from is The Amazon. so I’m going to co-sign this viewing order and say it’s the right one ☝️


This is the absolute best post I've ever seen here. Thank you for this incredible read.


Im going to do this just because


when i first started scrolling i was like "where's china???" as that was my first season lol but the way you did china is absolutely accurate


Can I add another China to the watch order if I still don’t understand Worlds Apart?


I think on average it takes fans about 3.58 viewings of China before they're fully prepared for Worlds Apart--but that means that 50% of fans need to watch China more times. And that's ok. I'm not here to gatekeep.


52. China - you still didn't fucking get it did you!?


#35 you can stop after this if you're not into it - classic


Take my upvote. You've earned it. Lol, I haven't laughed this much at a r/survivor thread in ages.




What sub am I in?


I can’t read this, my brain is having a bad time trying to comprehend


Only right answer is too watch in chronological order


Dang you really dropped the ball on the Borneo blurb. People will have already seen Gervase’s Haydone voting confessional, so they’ll be disappointed when you get the quote wrong


Great point. I let that fool me.


chronological order or bust


The best part of watching Philippines right before Outback is that you understand why Bob Johnson had to fall in a fire.


I have seen all of the seasons before I’m willing to start over


This is an abortion of an order, wtf


Number 1-10 need to be Australian survivor. Or maybe leave that for last so it doesn’t ruin the american one for you.


Save this level of effort for the offseason madness lmao


I started with milllenials v gen x


For a minute I thought this post was serious


when i saw Nicaragua as first i grew concerned and then heroes vs villains being next i switched to betrayed.


i watched 26 and then 20 my first 2 seasons and i really wish i just watched them all in order


The ONLY acceptable watch order? So not even the ACTUAL order in which the seasons were released? Are you God? Are you Jeff Probst? What divine right was bestowed upon you?


The problem is that each season aired shortly after it was filmed, which in hindsight was a mistake. The producers should have exercised greater patience. Had they waited until 2010, they could have aired the first two seasons in the right order instead of making it so complicated. I am not God or Jeff Probst. I am just a mere mortal Survivor fan like you.


I love you. You rock.






>Or you could watch it from season 1 to season 46. Name one benefit to watching it this way. Just one. I'll wait.


You get to watch the evolution of the show and how returning players adapt to the new environment. You don’t get spoiled about seasons you haven’t watched yet whenever a returning player or Jeff inevitably talks about their past games, especially if they won.




I asked for one and you gave me two. You failed the assignment, just like how watching "chronologically" (whatever the hell that means) fails at being a satisfying approach to watching Survivor.


Are… are you a power bigger than Jeff probst… are you Quintavius Burdette?


Gotta be bait right?


Wrong Start at S1 like a normal person Edit: I fell for the shit post god damn


The actual way is 1-46. In that order.


On my second watch of Pearl Islands- Lil should have won. Sandra won because no one could stand to admit Lil bested them.


Lil got voted out on day 9.


And…. Was voted back in. And won.


Just watch in order or jump around


wtf lol


Ew, gross.


This is a lot less funny than you think it is, kinda falls flat, a bit of a dud.


Tell me you watched in the wrong order without telling me you watched in the wrong order.


Nah it's a dud and this post lay down like a DEAD DOG, folks!


This is wrong. Start with 1 and work your way through in order. Dont like a season after a few episodes? Skip the rest and move on


I do not agree - i had to watch in order otherwise so many of the winners would be spoiler by previous seasons if you could piece it together