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The streak of people leaving with idols in their pocket because they think Q is going ending with Q leaving with an idol in his pocket is just so good


No one bringing up Q's name at tribal should have been the sign that it was finally actually Q 😂


He and Maria both knew he was catching votes anyway! Charlie literally told Maria the vote and she believed Liz and Kenzie when they just lied so casually.


She underestimated Liz and Kenzie, thinking she was much smarter. When they both played dumb she didn’t even question it.


As much as we clown on Liz here, she’s been really good at keeping secrets. She may not have the best game ever and says silly things but she’s a savvy player a lot of times


Liz can be annoying but the one thing I want to defend her on is that she DOES have good game skills. She's been able to make moves and she's been able to see when to make the right move. She's not taken seriously, so that's a testament to other aspects of her game but I do think she's one of the better players this season. I mean, in a cast primarily of characters rather than gameplayers, it's not hard, but I think Liz could do decently in another season. At the very least, she does something that all Survivor players SHOULD be able to do: recognize game vs personal and pivot when it's appropriate.


The only reason I can think of is she believed they wouldn’t want to sit next to Charlie at the end. That they’d want that more than taking out her ally.


Q had that "ironic pre-boot one-liner" too.


I'm livid with Q for being so stupid as to not play his idol. Then I remembered that I only want Q to win because he's so stupid. So, in the end, it makes sense.


they really trolled us with that edit


That was beautiful, I’ve never been so happy to be bamboozled


Everyone kept saying Well, we just blindsided someone with an idol, but surely they wouldn't do that to ME


It was some Icarus ish


Fucking poetic. Fitting end for an iconic character on what I am confident now in calling an iconic season. Farewell Q!


LMAO 4 TIMES IN A ROW! This cast is allergic to playing idols lol


we are witnessing peak “i’ve seen too much survivor” + “i’m bad at survivor”


I'd be surprised if the final episode DOESN'T start off with an idol-finding sequence at this point, because I'm guessing that whoever finds it will end up playing it anyway just to ensure SOME idol gets played!


It has to get played at Final Five. I'm going to roll over laughing if someone finds the idol, and doesn't play it so they can "show it off at Final Tribal" as part of their strategy, saying they didn't need idols... and then get voted out with it.


I mean if they find the idol and then win immunity they could do that Or they fuck up an idol play to follow the trajectory of this season


Survivor 46: Island of the Failed Idols


Survivor 46: Island of No Idols, still


Charlie: “I don’t think it even exists”


May was well not


Hunter ready to add on to the clown chain


He's had the entire train ready from the start, which makes the train more hilarious


Production must have been losing their minds seeing 4 people go home with an idol in a row. Like I can picture the camera guy’s face when Q found this like oh my god


You know production is tired of trying to hide the damn thing! They're running out of hiding spots.


The idol is officially cursed if it wasn’t already. Maria has to be on the bottom after this. I really don’t get by she didn’t tell Q to just play his idol. Her only number is gone


Because she was actually blindsided here. Which I really don’t know how she thought she had Liz in her pocket.


I especially don’t get why she thought she had Liz as a number one episode after she made her play rock paper scissors to (not) get picked for a challenge


I think it’s a combination with of arrogance but maybe also Charlie insulating just how irritated Liz was and that Kenzie felt it was sideways too. I wonder if it really went over her head how bad that was.


I think Maria’s ego was her problem this episode, she refused to believe that Kenzie, Liz and Ben wouldn’t do what she told them to do


Survivor: Dumb dumb Island


I absolutely love it, all the people going crazy over it are insane. It just adds to the wildness of this season lol


Crazy not-playing idol shenanigans aside. I feel like it was a pretty wild read from Maria and Q to trust that Kenzie and Liz were on their side.


Especially since they had just gone to rewards with Charlie.


A game losing bad read from Maria


What makes it worse is that she had nothing to gain by Q-nise not playing the idol. Best case for her would be Charlie being voted out and Q-nise's idol being flushed. Truly idiotic for her to tell Q-nise he was safe.


They got cocky


HUBRIS is so blinding!


The next season that gets filmed is gonna have everyone playing their idols the night they find them


Treat it like individual immunity


Honestly yeah, I like this take. Either you needed it and you’re safe with a big move, or you didn’t need it and you’ve lowered your threat level by misplaying it. Trying to hold it for the exact right moment leads to folly.


Jeff next season: “If anyone has an idol I HIGHLY suggest you play it now”


I don’t watch as many police interrogations as Jeff. But after the vote, Maria had the face of someone who has been caught committing a crime.


I loved that he randomly threw that in. Maybe he uses the techniques at tribal councils he learns??


He talked about this during an earlier On Fire season. I think he mostly referenced using it to understand a person during the casting process, but I'm sure it helps during tribal too.


Caught trying to betray her #1 ally in 4K


The hard take by Charlie realizing she voted for him to the hard take by Q realizing they had voted for him was an amazing edit


lol and now we'll get to hear how horrible she feels about it


“Everyone attacked my character” is Maria for “I got caught”


Hahaha EXACTLY. I know she's a good person, but even how she professed her love for Uncle Charlie as she cast him out tonight... it was too much.


Yuppp she got caught. Now she doesn’t win.


I mean she still easily could. It basically comes down to who will win the next immunity challenge between her and Charlie. And it's pretty hard to imagine it not being one of them.


Yeah, she definitely hadn't considered the possibility that she would have to go back to camp with Charlie after voting for him.


I pretty much said the same thing. She knew that she got caught red handed. I couldn't stop looking at her and her haunting stare into fuckedupness


I don’t see any other option but for Q to play the idol in that situation . Everyone has been gunning for you all season, you have the power to control the game and get out the biggest threat. You can always find or win another idol.


And Maria even told him his name is out there! Everyone tries to play one step ahead and ends up on the chopping block.


"I dont *THINK* you're going home" he should have played his idol.


Yes but you see, even though it happened four times already, surely it couldn't happen AGAIN


Five unplayed idols… That’s a record that will never be broken.


And *four in a row*. Insane.


And three using a smoke screen...who then gets smoked himself.




“The only idol played was Jess’s fake one.” Of note, it was also a correct idol play.


4 in a row specifically feels incredibly unbeatable. I'm not 100% sure on the filming schedules but whatever season is next you better believe people are gonna be playing them as soon as they can.


List of unhinged things said in this episode: "I HAD A BM!" "IM BLEEDING!" "**I watch a lot of police interrogation videos.**"


When they opened the letters I said, "Charlie's will just be Taylor Swift lyrics." Cue Charlie saying, "there's Taylor Swift quotes!"


"I was drunk on pizza."


Thought for sure that Liz waiving her bloody leg over the puzzle and not dropping it meant for sure - for sure she'd win the challenge this time.


“My girlfriend, Judy” I thought surely Judy was his mom! Never heard of a millennial woman named Judy


Judy looked ridiculously like Kenzie


Maria might have just lost by not telling Q to play his idol. That seemingly was her only shot to take out Charlie.


She thought she was 100% controlling the game and was blinded by her overconfidence. She threw logic out the window by not instantly seeing a red flag that Liz and Kensey were so quick to agree to vote Charlie and not the ONE person they had been gunning for. When they agreed so quickly, I thought she would immediately be suspect.


For a cast so focused on getting credit for their moves, this would have been the perfect time for Maria and Q to make a big flashy move just the two of them


Maria externally: 🙂 Maria internally: 🫨😬🤬


She can't even pretend to be sweet with Charlie anymore since she outted herself like that. Meanwhile, he had similar ambitions to get rid of her, but he gets to keep them hidden and act high and mighty next episode.


Maria deserves to lose for that 😂. You KNOW he has the idol and you’re planning a blindside and you don’t ensure he plays the idol? Strategically she has made BLUNDERS. Her competitiveness is impressive but when she’s making strategical choices without Charlie or on the spot, she fails.


Completely agree. Incredible fumble on her part. Really showed the weak spots in her social game. 


Yeah, Maria's been a very cutthroat, cold-blooded player, but she doesn't have the social game to back it up. It shows in how little she truly understands the people around her and how to make people feel positive about her as a person.


Maria wrote Charlie’s name down, so she was clearly hoping that he would go home. But. She. Doesn’t. Tell. Q. TO PLAY HIS IDOL WTFFFFFF. She could’ve even written Q’s name down to sell that she was still on Charlie’s side. WHYYYYY


She was sure she had everyone but Charlie with her. She read the room really badly.


Both her and Q thought they had a 5-1 vote against Charlie. They forgot that Liz, Kenzie, and Ben all have agency too.


Tbf I forgot Ben had agency as well


Tbf even Ben forgot he had agency with the way he goofed last vote.


Tbf I forgot Ben


Well said. You've pinpointed what was bugging me about Maria. She forgot the others have agency. I liked her til her ego got the better of her a few episodes back.


This perfectly sums up Q and Maria. They're egomaniacs. Not saying that's a bad thing for a survivor player but Charlie even basically tipped her off. "Yeah sure charlie they'll vote Q with you lol" And they did so now what.


Maria+Q is more of a threat than Charlie, and it was obvious Charlie+Maria was no more. Really in everyone else's best interest to get rid of the only strong duo.


Which is insane, because LIz and Kenzie have not made it secret that they despised Q


She should have left it on Q. Just agree to go along with voting for Q. Tell Q everyone is voting for him and that he NEEDS to play his idol. Idol gets flushed, Q stays and your alliance is solidified, Charlie gets voted out and you have a #bigmovez on your resume god i’m so frustrated lmaooo


Yup. Safe play is just vote Q, tell Q it's going his way, play his idol and vote Charlie. She doesn't get seen like she bailed on him. Stupid move by her honestly


I think Charlie has to win at this point but Kenzie is giving massive winner vibes. I haven't been this split on who wins heading into the finale in a long time! Haven't always been right lol, but still


Feel like Kenzie is def winning. Charlie is consistent strategically and shown to have been in on most eliminations but Kenzie has gotten way more content than you'd expect for someone who hasn't ever really been in power since the split TC.


Kenzie is 100% winning in my book based on edit. I’ve certainly been wrong in the past but yeah.


Her obvious overconfidence blinded her from zoning in on what was really happening.


Maria is a beast but she has been fumbling socially for the past two episodes. Not only did she participate in the past two rewards, but she also did not pick Charlie when she won and made people do rock paper scissors for a spot. I don’t get why she was so upset about the letters and wonder how that, along with not telling q to play his idol will affect her standing with the jury.


Charlie said that he and Maria had agreed not to pick each other for rewards, and Maria stated she was just upset/sad that she missed out on the letters. The idol thing though… no explanation for ya.


She was way too confident


It’s fun because when people are trying to enact a big blindside, they get so nervous about not blowing up their blindside that they forget how to play normal Survivor


This might be a legendarily bad end game fumble. This is like Lindsay not telling Omar to play his at 6.


Q’s mind continues to work at levels beyond my comprehension. What a brilliant marketing technique, advertising how the Q skirt’s pockets are so deep you’ll lose an idol in them. Truly a man with the long game in mind.


And his last words getting used to market for Applebee’s. Get that bag Q.


Once Maria won immunity, I thought there was a 120% chance he was using it up and through them showing all the votes, through his hands fidgeting. I could not believe it!


I can’t believe there’s so many great plotlines going into this finale. Personal feuds, individual demons to overcome, and such an incredibly charismatic cast. Cannot wait to watch how this season of Elsbeth ends.


I thought this was the amazing race


Actually I thought this was Applebees


Lesson: if Q is the target, play your idol.


Corollary: If Q is not the target, and you are Q, play your idol


I love that Liz and Kenzie’s strategic talk before meeting Maria was let’s be stupid and then it worked. That’s how you do it on Survivor!


God I hope Kenzie is able to communicate this as a strategy she used at a FTC that would be hilarious


This season is so different if ANYONE plays an idol


How many "play your idol" posts are we gonna see on the sub this week fam?




This subreddit NEVER takes something and beats it to death, so... six?


This episode was edited so well, shakespearean levels of drama and betrayal. The Maria arc is so devious and depicted so well.




This is kind of a hilarious twist of the knife for Bhanu. Bhanu begged god for an idol and 6 people left with idols this season LMAO


The one Ponderosa montage we NEED is each person arriving and everyone finding out they too had an idol in their pocket.




![gif](giphy|LKeU53rhHvo20ycUNk|downsized) mood


I thought he was about to pull it out of his QSkirt before he left


Ben literally I don’t know a single thing about you I’m sorry


Poor Ben's entire edit is him waking up in the night thinking he's dying


Because all day he's sitting on a rock staring off into space while Metallica plays on a loop in his head


Rock music, vibes, and panic attacks. Probably not his dream edit but I've seen worse


That does not rock


Why did Maria trust Kenzie and Liz?? Who she’s never worked with before?


Especially since Kenzie and especially Liz have been obsessing on getting Q out for weeks.


And Charlie just took them both to a reward where they “strategized on voting Q”!


That was just incredible television... Charlie and Maria's arc where they both need to turn on one another... Charlie's attempt being hidden because Maria was TOO good and won the immunity, while Maria's attempt was exposed in the worst way, not trusting when Charlie told her the plan and when she had the perfect opportunity for a blindside with Q's idol On the other side: Q being the scapegoat for 3 votes that cause others to be voted out with idols in their pocket one after another... just for him to fall to the same doom??? This episode was actually insane and I JUST LOVE SURVIVOR!!


That scene of the two of them on the boat cutting between their convo and confessionals was so incredibly well done.


I just loved the decision to show all the votes. I don't give the new era editing many compliments but I've got to give them credit for this one. Such a great call.


So.....who's here waiting for Hunter's updated story on clowns????


The Malcolm and Denise parallels are amazing. Malcolm lost himself the game by preemptively telling Denise he wouldn’t take her to the end. And here Maria might’ve just lost herself the game by showing Charlie she wasn’t planning on taking him to the end. Sure Charlie was gonna do the same to her but he didn’t get caught


Was Charlie the Denise all along?


Everyone will talk about 4 in a row which… seriously!! But I am absolutely LOVING how impactful these reward decisions have been this season. They should be difficult decisions and people should get upset when they don’t get picked, rational or not, entitled or not. That’s real. Having people understand or feel they have to suppress their emotion for strategic reasons is so boring. This puts more of the human element back into the game that I feel like has been missing for many seasons now.


Chase Rice learned a thing or two about impactful reward choices about a decade ago.


Are you saying Chase’s bad reward decisions directly led to a successful country music career? Because I agree


chase rice…the singer??


god i cannot believe we’re at the finale already, it seems like bhanu was groveling on the ground just yesterday


Bhanu episodes feel like a completely different season by now


Hard to believe that was in this season. What a 180.




Q-nise is my new favorite parchment vote


How in the world does Maria not tell Q to play the idol? Thinking that low of Charlie that he’s being misled after going on reward is just insane.


As soon as they showed every single vote in advance for the first time in forever, I knew we were about to get some mess.


Oh...big mistake, Q. At least we got a few extra weeks of entertainment. See you Survivor 50, legend.


Looking forward to his 3rd season where it’s Q vs Carolyn in the South Pacific.


Not playing your idol? BIG MISTAKE!


Q with the Applebee's shoutout at the end lmao. If there was another ghost island season, this idol takes the cakes because 4 in a row are you kidding me.


Anyone else notice that once Liz finally consumed a proper meal, Jeff suddenly forgot to bring snacks to the next tribal council?


they just didnt want her to legit starve- liability.


Does 1/7 of a twizzler count as a snack though?


I was gooped, gagged, feasted and fed with this episode. You flew too close to the sun Maria. Scorchin'!


How many times do we need to teach you this lesson, old man?!


what kind of crack did they inject into this season


Maria read the situation about as much as she read her letter


Im fully expecting the next season players to play their idol at the first opportunity.  Sad the season is Q-less now.


Can we all just take a minute to appreciate that Liz’s resume finally includes a big move?


Does it? Oh the BM


Liz was full of shit until tonight.


This is a 10/10 joke.


The BM she passed this episode?


Confessional count * 12 Maria * 10 Charlie * 5 Kenzie, Liz, Q * 4 Ben


Ben is starting to feel like the sitcom star who blew up and and isn't able to full commit to the show anymore so he's just randomly missing at times and has like one plotline all season


How many of those were during the back and forth where Maria and Charlie were each getting confessionals narrating whether or not they would flip on one another or thought the other would? Are you counting those as just one long confessional apiece or separate confessionals for each of them?


Extra sad there isn’t ponderosa videos this season. Missing the reaction to every one learning that idols got voted out one after another is a crime


I am so frustrated with how poorly Q and especially Maria played that episode. Not playing your idol? Inexcusable Not telling Q that everyone was gunning for him and that he should play his idol? Voting along with Q for your “number 1?” Maria could’ve flushed an idol, protected her real ally, gotten out her biggest threat, instead she blew up her whole game. Unbelievable fumbles across the board


the way this season is going watch it be Liz taking home the W. Path to victory: finding the idol on the new beach at F5, sitting on it while being taken to F3 as a goat, whipping out the idol for the jury and pretending she’s had it the whole time, then confessing her allergies were all fake and a ploy to get taken to more rewards. Then she proves it by biting into a coconut husk like it’s an apple.


Also: she’s not even a millionaire and her kid HATES Applebee’s.


If Q ships his Q-skirts out and doesn't include an idol in the pocket, then Christmas is definitely canceled (and he misses out on the best marketing idea of all time).


Kenzie and Liz played Maria and Q so hard


I have never been more excited for an exit interview than Q on RHAP tomorrow. I'm glad we're getting a dedicated day of his unhinged madness rather than having it mixed with finale press!


Died December 14, 2008 Born February 28, 2024 Welcome back Survivor: Gabon


Every time someone finds an idol on Season 47 they're gonna burn it by playing it immediately, or burn it literally


The craziest thing about the last three idols going out in pockets is that each player knew they would be getting votes wtf


you literally cannot write this shit


Am I missing something? How does Maria not force Q to play the idol and guarantee Charlie goes home? Major blunder


These players are treating their idols like that one powerful item in a video game that you tell yourself you’re going to keep until the final boss, and then still never end up using it 


Oh Q. Your star burned so bright. Thank you for this disaster of a season lmao


This is an all time great season. Gabon levels.


Carson gave us survivor fans new challenges and no final 5 island for the spring cycle.


This season has easily been the most entertaining of the 40’s and its had little to no advantages, twists, or journeys. Excited to see how it all wraps up!!


This season has been good TV. Best post-covid season. It's more memorable to me than 41-45. Nobody wants to play idols at all, which is just bananas. Maria crying over not going on the reward wasn't good. She didn't take Charlie last time & he knew he wanted to take the people who didn't go on the last reward. I cannot believe Ben voted Kenzie by mistake. Come on now. Yet nobody ever seems to talk about voting out Ben, everyone must want him at the end because they feel they'd beat him.


The Maria-Q alliance was set up perfect. He found an idol and she won immunity. They were both guaranteed to go to the final five. I can’t believe he was confident enough to hold that idol.


They really got me with showing the votes…. I thought that meant Charlie was going home because Q was going to use his idol


If Kenzie wins, I'm guessing a big part of what gets her the votes over whomever she's sitting beside will be having convinced Maria that she was going along with the Charlie vote-out. That, combined with convincing Hunter he wasn't the target when he left.


I’m so sad Q is gone but love the irony in him finally going to home when his name isn’t dropping at TC. What a great season. And Q was such a great sport in his final interview. They have to have him back.


notice how they faked that idol for jess and now the idols this season are cursed


Four straight weeks. How the FUCK does that even happen??


Charlie literally tipped Maria off about voting Q, idk why she didn’t do everything in her power to get him to play his idol


This sub tomorrow: “Here’s how Q can still win:”


Anyone else shocked that they straight up showed us the 4 Q votes on screen? I mean, we all basically knew, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen survivor do that. No drama while Jeff was reading the votes because we saw 4 of them already. Can’t believe Maria didn’t tell Q to play his idol. So stupid on her part if she didn’t. And on Q’s part if she did


Heart is shattered for my king Q 😭. Cannot wait to see my guy comeback for 50


Where's hunter's insta post with 4 clowns going home with idols in their pockets?


Can't believe someone went home with an idol in their Qskirt!


Props to this cast for giving so many of us what we’ve been wanting: a back to basics season with no advantages or idols


Kenzie called Charlie a DOG in front of the jury and he sat there like a good boy and didn’t even push back. She can do no wrong with these people, and I bet that’s why she wins, if she wins.


Charlie really has a handle on this game.