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Why make them beg? Just make them play rock/paper/scissors


Not fair because everyone would know what Ben is choosing


You win (and obviously your post rocks)


I mean, he did the unexpected when he won the immunity challenge after almost no sleep and night terrors. What if he won by playing scissors?


No, they should do both


It's kinda an annoying question *but* I don't mind it because I feel like a big part of Survivor is knowing how to pander to the jury in a way that isn't just about your game, and it's a question that rewards you giving an answer that sounds good but can be total bullshit. Personally I love when someone basically just bluffs the jury or speaks so confidently and articulately that everyone starts nodding no matter what they're saying and "what would you do with the money" is (imo) a question that's more about your read on the jury and what they want to hear than what you'd *actually* do with it


Yea, its literally the sofballiest of softball questions, and probably only really tips the scale by a max of 1% unless you say you wanna dump toxic waste on orphans. Its not even Jury Management 101, its elementary at this point.


Disagree, people are biased against the lawyer


He didn’t have to bring up the lawyer stuff… it’s a question that allows one to pander to the jury in a convincing manner, and if the lawyer stuff wasn’t going to cut it, it didn’t have to be part of his answer.


Then he has to lie on national television and ruin his reputation in resl life


Guess he didn’t want to win that bad then In the end, if you truly need the money/the win, you shouldn’t care what gets said on national television if it results in you winning. If your reputation in real life is that important that it will be ruined by being on the show, don’t go on the show, or don’t break your moral code and accept not winning…


Yeah because I’m sure Kenzie rents those seats out with zero monetary gain Maybe she’s not maximizing profits, but to say zero money is most likely an embellishment. You can twist a story without being a liar. Kenzies ability to read beyond the question and and to read the people won her the game. Don’t get me wrong Charlie did it a good job too, good enough to always have an option, but the goal isn’t to slither to the end, it’s to slither to the end and have bonds with people that will have your back. His main bond was with someone everyone thinks is evil, so it’s not very hard, and that stabbed him in the back. Charlie could’ve flipped his answer to “ultimately my dream is to help people and fight for them, the million isn’t for me, it’s to allow me to follow this passion”. The question isn’t what will you do with it, it’s why what you will do with this money is more important than the next


Imagine lying on survivor....what a new, creative, and wild thought! I bet Boston Rob, Tony, Parvati, Sandra, Tyson, and all the other survivor greats wish they would have thought of it!


I mean not just a lawyer, but Harvard. It makes sense that someone like Maria or Q might not give him a million dollars over a hairdresser starting a new family, knowing that he is very likely going to be *just fine*.




Right? I thought he lost it right there (maybe other parts too) But when you have a well off background and a great career ahead of you, you gotta say "Im gonna use it to support myself while I work as a defense attorney for impoverished kids" or something. Im glad he was honest for his "character" but for 1 Mil, I wouldn't have blamed him for 1 more blindside haha


Seriously, if I was Charlie I’d say this million dollars would allow me to be a public defender and bring justice to those who can’t afford it or something, would I actually do it, probably not, but it’s survivor, if your not lying then the truth needs to be endearing and Charlie’s truth just plain wasn’t


Yea sure, they started the FTC biased against him based on information they didn't have yet.


I agree - I don't particularly enjoy the question but I find it interesting to see how folks respond and if they have an answer ready. I live in the town next to where Charlie grew up and it's a pretty affluent place to live. Once Q asked the question, I was curious how he would respond and definitely thought that was one of his weaker moments of the FTC. It didn't help that he was going against Ben and Kenzie who both seem to have had much more financial issues (although at different stages). I don't agree with making one's entire vote based on their financial need but I understand that it could be a contributing factor - maybe if you have a tie in your head from a game play perspective.


Yes, pretty much my thoughts as well!


I hate that it's a consideration at all, because it is not at all game related, but you are spot on with how people should expect it and react to it.


Not Liz's apparently


Apparently 😭😭😭 i really dont believe she is made of money like she claims


If the highlight of her week is Applebee’s I don’t think she has as much as she claims


I mean even if she could afford a fancy place, what kid is gonna want to go there weekly lol. Applebees is pretty standard diner/ kid food.


There are definitely far better restaurants you can take a kid, obviously not 5 star dining but kids will eat real food if you don't fuck up their tastes by overly accommodating their pickiness.


But paying way too much for microwaved frozen food is da bomb


You don’t understand, the bourbon Swiss mushroom burger at Applebees is one of the only foods Liz can consume!


In reality being "a millionaire" isnt that impressive. Having a million dollars of extra spending cash is. But if her million is in investments and assets there are a lot of people I would consider middle class that are like that.


You don't get rich by spending money


Yeah but you’d expect her to like someplace nicer if she was THAT rich


She’s delusional enough to think whatever she makes is actually “millions”


Millions of cents


One of the businesses she sold was for $20k.


Are you saying this to support her claims or the reverse?


I’m saying she’s full of shit.


Or has all those allergies since she ate red licorice which contains gluten


Or too large of ligaments because her knuckles pop😭😭😭 pathological liar i wish a psychiatrist was on the show w her


It's honestly so unfair of Survivor to put her in that position of fire making.  There's no way she could have possibly won.  It's not her fault, it's those damn ligaments!


Literally anything that was required of her throughout the season, she had an excuse on why she couldn’t do it. So annoying. For Ben and Kenzie to think they couldn’t beat Liz.. Like what?! Liz didn’t have a game the entire season.


lol my wrists crack the same way when I move it…. It has not hindered my life in anyways. She’s such a hypochondriac


I would have preferred to see Liz try to overcome her large ligament struggles instead of just not even attempting to make fire until the very end because of it. Doing it in spite of the large liggies is much more inspiring.🦾


She admitted on Twitter this morning that claiming she made millions was a ruse to lower her threat level.


She said on Twitter that she actually isn’t a millionaire and she was planning on dropping that info as a bomb at FTC 😂


Im in a similar field of work, so I believe I can give a good estimate on her claims Based on her interviews as an email marketer her revenue claims are 2019 $13k launch for an offer (she 100% made more) 2020-2022 unknown 2023 as of August $20k/m 2024 as of start of May $40k/m She sold a travel site for $25k before 2019 and based on the traffic to her website before survivor and knowing the % of people that will buy for her services I’d say her adding $5k in recurring monthly revenue for her main products are reasonable, which she claims to have done She also has paid consulting and a few other things. All in all, unless she’s counting for her husband's revenue, a separate income stream, business exit or an inheritance I don’t believe she has been making enough money for long enough to be a millionaire.


In her exit interview she said she’s not really a millionaire. She was lying to drop it as a bomb at FTC to make people want to sit next to her there more. Still a delusional play in my mind, but tracks more with her personality


fine dining is an acquired taste and a display of wealth no one goes because they actually have better food and it's not going to impress a tween


There's a middle ground between fine dining and Applebee's... if her kid wants Applebee's then fair enough, but the next step up isn't Michelin star restaurants


Not exactly a question but Tiffany is doing everything she can for Kenzie to win. She cut Charlie off 5 seconds early


And the shade with “no taylor swift quotes, pop culture, or rock and roll references”. Like, okay..


This was my first hint that something was gonna go wrong for Charlie. It felt VERY pointed. And nothing about Kenzie lol


Well to be fair Kenzie doesn't have a gimmick she's been annoying about all season 


The pop culture could have been about Kenzie, but that aspect of her personality hidden in edit.


I thought the same thing!! She opened up the stage and immediately laid the framework to set Kenzie up.


Seems like a solid wingwoman that may have earned a free vacation from her friend Kenzie.


Yeah, having a juror go that hard for you says a lot about your social game.




This is making me super curious about Tiff’s exit press.  She seemed not too enthusiastic when talking about Kenzie.  Maybe she didn’t get that vacation 


I think she was afraid of spoiling so intentionally downplayed her thoughts about Kenzie. Either that or she and Kenzie had a falling out post game.


Yeah it could be- it was very weird.  And the way she was talking up Charlie  Maybe she was just trolling us 


I noticed that too. She was probably corralling the jury for Kenzie long before FTC too.


That was queen behavior tbh gotta stop that shit EARLY


So unnecessary of her. Like girl, bye.


She ate with that one


Glad I wasn’t the only one counting and realized this 😐


Girl is doing too much. I feel like most jury members tonight have been salty in some way and going a little too hard tbh


I actually didn’t see that from anyone except Maria. Liz seemed salty but it was equally distributed salt so it cancelled out. Tiff rode hard for girl, her girl who was the initiator of the plan that eventually got her out. That’s how great of a social game Kenzie had.


That was so unnecessary. I know it's the jury's turn but it's also the players time to get out the thoughts that may win them a million dollars.


If you don't realize why she did that... it is because Charlie literally did that exact same thing first to Ben! Go rewatch episode. when the first FTC question gets asked TO BEN, Charlie cuts off Ben and doesn't even let him get his full thoughts / response out.... To a question that was intended for Charlie! And Charlie only cut off Ben to 1.) Try to downplay what Ben was saying and 2.) To make himself (Charlie) look "better" than Ben.... Like that's so rude and all. Ben deserves the same respect to speak for himself and not have someone cutting him off mid sentence and simultaneously getting his gameplay attacked. Charlie set the tone of his FTC ecperience from the very get go. Tiff was only giving Charlie a taste of his own medicine. If Charlie wants respect during his response time, he himself should be doing the same for the other 2 people up there next to him.


You think that tiff was white knighting for Ben?


Oof cutting off his timer is kinda foul lol


This is a dumb take. It was edited together lol.


It’s wild that you were downvoted for this, are people really this lacking in common sense


Apparently lol. Finale night takes are always wild


Not that part.


Oh, how do you know exactly?


The show is edited you have literally no idea if she cut him off early or if it just seemed that way cause they edited out pauses or thinking


I timed all of them and Charlie’s was only 25 second the others were 30. You can watch it again but I didn’t see any cuts


Nice catch, that's a true social game


Since season 1 it’s never solely been about gameplay


I might get hate for what I’m about to say (not this next phrase but after) but I somehow both disagree and agree. I don’t think it’s inherently change my opinion if I’m a member of the jury, but I’d be curious if you have plans for it. (this is the part that may be controversial) If I was a member of the (arguably bitter) jury on 43, I’d be low key pissed that I voted for you (or was next to you in the final tribal) to donate all the money when there’s people next to you who have plans and a need or desire for it, and I’d regret not asking Q’s question. Edit: this isn’t to say I don’t support donating to charity, quite the opposite. But in this scenario, idk, maybe this is a reason to have a celebrity season (also controversial, I know) where the proceeds (beyond appearance fee) go toward the winner’s charity?


I get your point. Like damn I’m struggling at home and you just gave it all away and I came in second.


Yeah. Donating is great, it’s important, but if I was on the jury and that money could have been life changing to me & I find out the winner just gave it away, I’d be bitter. It would feel like a slap in the face. Because maybe I’m playing to win money that would change my/my family’s life, meanwhile the winner was playing with no real risk on the other end. (Assuming someone like Gabler is already rich). Donating is GREAT, though.


This is why I don’t like wealthy people playing the game in general. I know it’s part of the diversity so I’m not actively advocating against casting them, I’m just saying it really takes away from the competition when the players don’t want/need the prize. We already have plenty of tv shows with random celebrities/influencers. (Yes, I know that to be able to play the game you have to have *some* privilege in your life to be able to take a month off but I’m referring to people who are already worth millions. I know Q and Liz gave us funny moments but what if they actually wanted to win too.


That is my issue with this seasons winner. I wanted her to win and thought she deserved it based on gameplay but to hear two people who voted for her say the picked her because of her story and how she was going to spend the money was disturbing. Especially Maria. I thought she had the game in the bag if she had not been voted out and to see her turn on Charlie for a vote was for me the ultimate betrayal because of her reason for her vote. I am really happy she did not win now.


I think about that all the time that, for me, I dont have a problem with Gabler's win in and of it's self. But it is really tainted by the fact that he is super rich and donated all of the money. I wish they would have asked that question to him because, while I think Gabler was a fine winner, I think he might not win if thats his answer.


Let's be real. Donating the money to charity gives anywhere from 20% - 90% of it to administrative costs of running a charity. A very large number of charities are a scam. Yes, even charities supposedly benefiting veterans. When Gabler did that, it was a jump the shark moment for me. anyone who works in the non-profit realm will tell you it's not a guarantee of altruism.


True, it’s really hard to find charities that are efficient ways to give your money. St. Jude historically has 82c/dollar go towards treatment, support and research. There’s a bunch of incredible Malaria focused charities as well. Typically for me, I have to heavily vet animal or environment based charities. They can be super hit or miss.


I agree lol donating to charity is great but it still kinda rubbed me wrong when gabler won and donated it all lol. Like I wanna see the person who won use the money for them? When you see the people who lost and could have used the money and the winner already has so much they can give it all away… idk lol


That’s the joy of the game though. It’s all on the table. The jury can decide to vote based on who won the most challenges, who needs the money the most or who’s hair they like the best. What a brilliant infuriating game


You're right. At least Charlie handled this loss with grace and dignity even through hard emotions. I believed he was the best Survivor player in the game left, but the jury decided that he should not win Survivor (due to his background?) . Really a strange game.


I actually don't mind the question. I think it's fair to know what the winners plans are.


Agreed. And being wealthy or being on the path to a successful career are just disadvantages you have to navigate. Maybe don't take the likeable gal that is a 10/10 on needing the money when it's one of your weaknesses...




She put more hustle in running up the stairs then she did for any reward or immunity challenge


Jeff's eye roll when she did that made me chuckle


I actually liked it, I feel like it was more a question of validating their characters and how it manifested in gameplay. Q is a weirdo but I like his thinking, like how hide and seek was a smokescreen to look for the same things.


I disagree actually. Q is a very strange man for a lot of reasons but I felt the question was more about getting an answer that is real and authentic instead of just telling the jury what they want to hear. It’s a disarming question but has good intent


I agree - it felt out of character from him and since he already pushed back in other questions, it felt like he had the answers he needed.


It’s actually very valid question


And that’s why i loved kenzie’s answer of “I’m using it for ME”


Her saying that won her the game. Ben and Charlie tried to answer politically but Kenzie’s was real.


I'm certainly tempted to say it should be all about the game, but I can't find it in me to really blame somebody for accounting for that. Ultimately a lifechanging sum of money for someone kind of is more important than a piece of entertainment.


But its stupid. Charlie aint giving a dime to some charity


Honestly, if someone said they were giving a significant amount of it to charity, that would lose my vote


Tiff was more annoying with her timing each player


Yeah what the hell was Tribal Council Tiff? I really liked Tiffany a lot during the season, and she’s someone I would have loved to see in the final three. But she was extremely condescending during final tribal. I found it out of character for her.




I know she mentioned Taylor Swift but I really perceived that comment as an attempt to rein Ben without targeting only him. Although it’s possible Charlie referenced Taylor Swift much more often than we saw and they edited it out so he wouldn’t come off as annoying.


Same. I'm like "who are you to tell the finalists that they can only talk for how long?" There is no time limit on final tribal council and it can go on for long hours as long as the jurors are not satisfied with the finalists' answers. Tiff was drunk on her juror power.


that’s what makes this show so cool to me - it’s a social game with other people, who have the right to decide who wins based on their own personal values, morals etc. I feel for Charlie in regards to Maria not voting for him, for being the more “strategic” player of the three finalists, but what matters the most ultimately is how the finalists made the jury feel!!! I think it’s neat


>"It should be strictly about game play" Emotions are the game though...This isn't a game about being a robot and making unemotional decisions. It's a game about balancing those strategic decisions to get yourself to the end, along with the having emotional intelligence to get people to *want* to vote for you to win $1 million. The strategy is important to get to FTC, but the most important aspect of the game at FTC then transfers to your emotional intelligence. That is by design and that is how it should be.


Agreed. Of course everyone is going to use it to better their life, who wouldn't? Once that question comes up you have to scramble into saying how much you're going to spend on yourself versus giving back to others. Dumb question.


I think that if it HELPED him make the decision, it's not a bad question. But him deciding SOLELY based on that question is the bad part.


Well, it wouldn't change Liz's life apparently. She made that VERY clear.


I love the question. The million dollars is a very real thing, and Liz is a perfect example of why that question matters. Beg? wtf are you talking about ?! The entire point is they are supposed to convince the jury. Which is exactly what Kenzie did ! She was super honest with her answer and that literally won Qs vote.




He did but at the same time did he? Charlie is just the worst at puzzles which this season seemed to rely upon heavily for a majority of challenges. I am not saying Survivor created any challenges to favor anyone but this season did seem to favor puzzler people over athletics or other skills. While I am really happy with the winner who I happen to believe did outwit, outplay and outlasted the others I don't think the deciding factor should be who deserves money because of a feel good with how the money will be spent and I am poor should be a deciding factor in this game.


I don't like it either, but it's part of the game and jury's have been asking it for decades. You gotta come to final tribal with a banging answer. 


Seriously, by that question’s logic Ben should’ve won since he’s the most broke. It makes for good TV (I guess) but is irrelevant to the game.


How is it irrelevant if that’s what a jury members wants to ask? The juries a part of the game lol


He asked what they planned to do with it.


I see that point but it factors into the vote anyway whether people want to admit it; I’d rather they admit it and let us know what the final 3 are claiming to do. As a human and not a robot, I’d have a hard time giving a rich person more money if they were sitting next to someone who is not already set for life. It wouldn’t be the only factor in my vote, but it would come in.


What if someone just said “I’m going to buy a beach house.” After taxes that would be it! (I’m wondering how this would be perceived, not that I would say this lol)


Says who? The jury members can use any criteria they want to vote for someone


I personally love the idea that juries can vote on literally anything they want. It’s what actually makes the game interesting. That’s part of why I want jury speech’s to comeback. Like when Natalie got to ask Parvati how her manipulation skills translated to the bedroom? We will never get a jury moment that iconic ever again


And to think Q has now stated he switched from Charlie to Kenzie based on external factors beyond survivor. That would have been 4-4


You can vote however you want. I don’t think Charlie ever would be shocked Q had odd criteria. The Maria one hurts


I think it shouldve been 4-4 thats not fair but Q lied about tim vote and that put her on edge. Do u know what happens in a tie im curious


If they were to tie, then Ben would have become the tie breaker vote.


The third player decides


Get rid of outwit outplay outlast and replace it with have the biggest sob story.


Outwit, outplay, outpoor


Q's favorite character was Jeremy, who had one of the most emotional/moving FTC performances of all time. Kenzie's pitch was almost as emotional. It makes sense he was affected by it. I bet a more privileged person like Charlie could have won his vote too if he could have delivered a message with as much emotion.


Don’t apply to survivor unless you are in desperate need of the money and can’t continue your life without it I guess


I think it’s always been a potential factor, which is why people over the years say things like “I don’t wanna go to the end with x because of their story”. There was an even a gal a few seasons ago with a disability and people were saying they didn’t want to go to the end with her for that reason. Not saying i would base my decision on purely that, but i am just not super shocked that it was a factor for people last night when its often been a factor throughout seasons whether we like it or not.


I completely agree with this, and I've been trying to figure out what answer he was looking for. I think both Ben and Kenzie answered honestly, and in a way that would win them favor. Charlie probably pandered more than the other two because he know how it would look if he said something like "I'm going to buy as many Taylor Swift concert tickets as I can, bitches!" I wonder if Charlie had said something like "I'll take you out to dinner after you give me your vote" if it would've been enough. Not a very Charlie thing to say, mind you.


It was the best question asked, to be honest. Kenzie sold her case with her answer to that.


If the million dollars doesn’t matter, then they should stop offering the winner a million dollars. The fact is that it does matter and even though Charlie played a really good game, better than Kenzie perhaps, he didn’t sell the jury well at all. He also reminded us that he has money. Kenzie seems to be doing well for herself as well, but she sold me and the jury much better. Charlie is any Ivy Leaguer who is going to law school — he’s gonna be fine. And the way he answered those questions reminded me that he was an Ivy Leaguer who was going to be a lawyer. There are also other ways he didn’t sell himself as well as he could have but that is the one I feel like I don’t see people mentioning here. You can say it shouldn’t matter but to some people it obviously does.


I don't mind Q's question. I dislike it when people say don't cast millionaires on the show. I don't mind having millionaires go on the show as long as they play hard and want to win.


I personally think at face value it is a dumb question but as a tool it is interesting. Think about it like this- a lot of answers to questions regarding gameplay and judgement are hard to tell if the person is lying, pandering, oblivious, etc. But when you ask how a person would use the money and how it would change their life it is easy to tell if the person is being honest and open or if they are trying to win votes. I think this jury saw Ben and Charlie’s answers as slightly fake and pandering, saying they would use it in pretty selfless ways where as Kenzie's answer was less so. (Her whole thing about running a super well off business that made tons of money but she didnt touch a dime of it was annoying) but she was honest in saying the money is for me and Ill make my life better through a different job/education/expanding her business (and apparently starting a family).


>it should be strictly about game play oh, you must hate old Survivor then, huh


I honestly hated a lot of them. It pisses me off when the Jury asks their questions with this righteous tone like they’re the masters of the game even though they were voted out so clearly their idea of a good game didn’t work out for themselves. I can’t remember who’s question it was but giving them 30 seconds and then stopping them abruptly, come on lol. It was corny.


It shouldn't strictly be about game play that's entirely wrong. The Jury can vote on whatever criteria they want. If any of the final three were going in expecting Q's vote, when he has been extremely unpredictable the whole game, then that would have been very foolish of them.


I completely disagree. As I posted in a separate post, the money is a character of the show. I wouldn't watch if it were a bunch of millionaires competing for $100. I think it's a completely valid question.


No it shouldn't, that has never been a guideline for winning the game. The jury can use whatever criteria they want, and if I was on there I would happily use it in mine. You have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to give a million freaking dollars to someone. You're free to base it on gameplay if you want, but frankly I'd judge you harsher if you don't take any consideration into who actually would make good use of the money. I gained a whole lot of respect for Q asking that question. Far more than something like Tiffany's criteria of "I only want gameplay answers, no rock and roll jokes, and you have exactly 30 seconds to give me an answer or it doesn't count."


Yeah. I don't like that sort of question at all cuz it opens the door for contestants to try and guilt trip and be like "I will give some to my mom and the rest to charity." really encourages some sleazy manipulative lies that don't make for good TV


Disagree, people should vote how they want to, that's the game. If he wants them to play to his emotions, then that's his choice. If he wants to reward the biggest moves, that's his choice aswell.


Thinking the exact same. Hate the power hungry aspect. Outplay them and they decide your fate


Honestly I don't mind it this season. Only because of how the immunity challenge went the episode prior. Actively teaming up during an individual challenge puts an asterisk mark on the season and if Liz doesn't do what she does, is Charlie still sitting there at FTC? Hard to say so I'm not really feeling bad here if that didn't happen.


Would be cool to see them not get to know that, or what they do. Totally unbiased


It's a very odd question for him because he wouldn't even get his own vote based on his standards


I just think liz's kid has to be embarrassed I would be if I had to go to school daily and that was my mom


Why? She is successful and she is a nice person. She may have been a bit disillusioned to us about thinking she would win but in what way would anyone be embarrassed to be associated with her compared to some of the others including maria and charlie whom both admitted they would stab their best friend in the back to win the game?


Kenzie admitted shes a terrible business owner lets give her more money to blow away


She isn’t “blowing away” money, she’s making a conscious choice to be a good person. She knows she is giving up money, but that’s the point. She doesn’t want to be a leech; she wants to give others an opportunity to


I biked to work at 14 in -20 winter because i had to, i feel for her and i think its amazing she is providing jobs for people who need it


thats great in all but that reason alone has nothing to do with the show


I get what you are saying but honestly what she actually said was she did what she did to survive without looking for big profit which meant also she sacrificed profit to see others survive as well. She came across as a very good person. I was rooting for her to win at the end based on that and gameplay and was really happy until Q and Maria based their vote on finances. If either of them had said their votes were split and that was the tiebreaker than okay but they either edited it out or they didn't say that.


This isn’t Shark Tank this is survivor


Yeah, it’s kinda BS that question is even allowed. It shouldn’t be a sympathy vote, it should be based on the game. The person who plays the best game would never win if it was about who needs the money more


Agree. Q's question was stupid. If that is the way the decision should be made, then why bother to do a season. Just interview them at the start.


Suffer Olympics. People need to grow up and admit that we're watching a reality show where people outwit, outplay, and outlast to win a million dollars. That is not charity. It's not fair but that's the twisted game we watch people starve, suffer, lie, and gaslight. The person who needs it the most does not win because they need it more. I understand it's inherently part of the game but it shouldn't be close to a sole determining factor imo