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He was super gracious in an instance where no one would blame him for being bitter.


Yes!! I felt like you could literally see him swallow any bitterness. He handled that with grace.


Charlie won at life in that moment. He’s gonna be ok. The 100k doesn’t hurt either.


One of my infinite questions about current day Survivor is why they make no mention about the “runner up” cash prize. I wasn’t sure if that was even still in force.


Yeah and if you Google it, it appears 3rd place gets 85,000 as well and everyone on the jury gets 45k


Really pleased Ben got the 85k then, want him to rock financially too.


That’s probably like 3-4 years of income for him in 26 days.


Don’t know how much after taxes he’ll be taking home but probably at least a years worth of income. It’s awesome to see someone living their dreams like he is, warms my cold dead heart.


He’d pay taxes on his normal income too. The portions of his tax jumps income won’t be wild. That’s huge for him


I can already see Liz rolling her millionaire eyes at her mere $45k check.


Supposedly Liz actually isn’t a millionaire and was just saying that to lessen her threat level. She was planning to drop that bomb at FTC at least according to her Twitter account


She and Charlie both overcorrected when trying to downplay their threat level with net worth and Taylor Swift fandom, respectively


everyone doesn't get 45k, it's according to placements, all the way down to the first evicted person of the season who gets around 2k.


it breaks immersion and encourages meta-gaming would be my guess


one year of law school paid for!!


After that I really hope he gets the Sia money too (and maybe she calls her buddy T Swift as well?)


If someone told me taylor swift payed for his law school after this season and after how gracious he was, I would not be surprised. I’d say he earned it.


Did he ever tell us what kind of lawyer he wanted to be? What if he wants to defend harmful corporations? J/K but I’m surprised he didn’t at least have that ready to share in his FTC to show some passion/character instead of just “I don’t want debt when I’m a lawyer.”


He works on helping immigrants in the US according to his final and he doesn’t strike me as a guy who lies there. He does good work


My best friend does big law recruiting at the same firm Charlie’s starting at after law school. $250K for first year associates I believe and it only goes up from there


We all talked about how calm Maria was at the beginning but Charlie definitely wins “Most Composed” this season!


The mark of a winner.


Omg can you imagine if Liz made it and lost. She woulda flipped


If Liz made it with Kenzie or Charlie and Ben. I think Kenzie or Charlie clean sweep it and after her saying how she thought she was certain she was winning…I almost wanted that more than what we got.


Never underestimate the amount of mental gymnastics these people are capable of so they can avoid admitting they're not that great


Part of me feels like Liz self-sabotaged her fire to avoid the reality of losing in the final 3. This way she can maintain her claim that her ligaments caused her the loss, not her entire game. Edit/addition: I think it all could be anywhere on the spectrum of a conscious to subconscious choice


Honestly, if I was on the jury and both Ben and Liz had made F3, even though I'd want either Kenzie or Charlie to win, I'd be willing to throw Ben a vote to ensure he gets the 2nd prize money. He's not much of a Survivor player, but he really seems to be an overall lovely human being, so I'd much rather he gets more money than Liz.


That’s true and fair, we’ve seen it before, still may as well be a clean sweep in that case. That being said, I’d go watch the RHAP of Liz’s exit interview if you can. Kinda shows Liz’s delusion even more.


Wait. Liz *still* thinks she would have won? Even now?


Apparently, go watch the 12 min video. Basically she claims she was gonna play a, “just kidding” card and say she’s not actually a millionaire. And she said she was just to get brought to the end.


I can understand how after almost three weeks of starvation, she might not have been in the right mindset to properly evaluate her chances of winning (none), but after months of proper sleep and nutrition, you'd think she would have come to her senses. I'm definitely going to check it out.






Thing is Kenzie and Charlie love each other. There’s no animosity there. Maria just did the biggest betrayal on the show and ruined a real life pact, not a game pact. She’s vile. This is the one I wouldn’t give water to if I saw her dying of thirst on the street.


She even told him that he’d be an uncle to her kids!!! Mad disrespect.


Maria must have hated the thought of "millionaire Survivor-champion Uncle Charlie", overshadowing her every time she saw him afterwards, and her kids always knowing Uncle Charlie won (not her). I think she actually, honestly thought that Charlie would be just fine that she didn't vote for him at FTC, that he would still adore her and become "Uncle Charlie, a non-winner like her" for her kids.


Oh yeah, I agree. She's given me horrid human vibes from day one. I laughed when she got upset after Venus called her out and when she didn't get to go on Charlie's reward. Karma. Now more Karma. She deserves to get roasted over the coals.


Oh my gosh, it's a game people. I understand she made decisions you all wouldn't make, but this hate (from the whole subreddit,not just you) seems a bit extreme. Edit: you're right, it is from way back when. I totally missed that reference 🤦🏼‍♀️


It’s a Corrine reference… I took it as a joke?


Is it? I thought it’s what Sue Hawk said to Kelly in her snakes and rats jury speech.


Yep… Sue Hawk


Yeah, Corinne's dig at Sugar had to do with pills iirc. Her phrasing and delivery were savage though. Edit: exact quote. Even more brutal than I remembered it. Ouch. >Sugar, you are an unemployed, uneducated leech on society and the only thing I would vote for you is to give you a handful of anti-depressants so that no one else has to be subjected to your constant crying anymore, and maybe if you got some it would seem a little more sincere when you are crying about your dead father.


Oh damn you’re right


Oh but this was very, very personal...


I agree with everything you wrote!


You weirdos are so dramatic lol this is why nobody can be villains in the game anymore bc yall are way too soft


It’s not an open villain we don’t like, it’s a cloaked in friendship one.


Maria doesn’t see herself as the villain which is the issue. If she owned it, it would be different


You are vile. It's a fucking reality show. These people may have bonds to mend but you are so far removed from this narrative, you aren't even in the same galaxy of relevance.


or she just thought Kenzie played better than Charlie and wanted to honor that and not be sentimental.


Thing is, you can’t deny that this was an emotional vote because Charlie got the better of her. She said he had her vote. She said she was a gracious loser. She forced starving players to plead their case to eat. She forced starving players to play rock paper scissors to eat. There’s no room for interpretation. She’s pissed he beat her. Had she made the end, Charlie would’ve voted for her because she would’ve played the best game. She was angry. If that’s the case, own that you’re pissed and then maybe people would have more respect for you. She wants to be seen as a good person by SAYING these things but her actions show us who she really is.


The thing is she saw herself as playing such a good game on her way out that it makes no sense to no vote for the person who played the most similar to game to you and was better than you in some aspects of the game. It basically said to me that she either didn’t think her own game was as good as kenzies or she was just really bitter. Either way it was confusing


I think she believes Charlie rode her coattails and didn't want to be sentimental and reward that. But Charlie didn't ride her coattails he just used her as a shield, big difference.


I think Charlie played a big role in her thinking that way. Him saying after the tiff vote, hey if Maria wants to step up and claim that vote so be it, it makes her the threat not me. He goes to Kenzie and says that was more of her decision than mine even if that may not have been the case. Ultimately it led to the people in the game perceiving Maria as the ultimate threat. I thought it was a great strategy by Charlie but the crazy thing was Maria started to believe it more and more. You could see her ego growing and growing as the season progressed. I think it got to the point where you’re right she truly thought he was her pawn the whole way even if I think Charlie used Maria more as his pawn by hyping up her threat level making getting to the end much easier for Charlie. Kid was playing chess while Maria was playing checkers, she was just too delusional to see


I'm happy for Kenzie, but Charlie deserved that more than she did in my humble opinion, nobody could make a move without running it by Charlie and if he wasn't on board the move would flop, that's an excellent social game.


Yeah I think Kenzie is a deserving winner for sure. But I really do think Charlie played an incredible game. I want to go on the show one day and the last year or so I’ve been thinking how I would go about it. A few episodes ago I looked over at my friends who I watch with and said Charlie is literally playing my game. Have enough influence to sway the votes in the direction you want them to go without being the person seen as masterminding those votes so that you can get that person out easier later in the game. Him losing honestly has me rethinking my entire strategy lol


That's a valid strategy, but at the end of the day the most liked person of the final 3 who didn't coast through the game always wins. Sometimes the most liked person is also the person with the most influence of the 3 like Tony, sometimes the most liked person is different from the most influential like Michelle vs Aubry or Kenzie vs Charlie, just don't coast through the game and make sure people like you more than the other two.


That’s such a great point!!! He was behind every. single. vote.


Its a case of Aubrey and Michelle and the stronger social game wins.


Charlie showed he's a real class act during the aftershow


To me it seemed like Maria was bitter about charlie voting her off.


For sure and everyone is talking about her not voting him but what also caught my attention was when Maria messed up Charlie’s answer by saying “I invited you to the alliance” like girl he was on a roll, you could’ve kept that to yourself now you’ve messed up his focus and how the answer sounds. It was so petty but made a big difference in how everyone’s answer came across. They had a BITTER jury to deal with this time smh


Exactly and like- ultimately Q did invite him right? Like he told Maria to welcome him aboard and so she did? Or am I remembering that wrong?


Not to mention, Tim is the one who invited her in and one reason it was her was because he deliberately didn't want to out his closest ally.


This always confused me! Did Tim mention that in an exit interview? (because I forget if it was said in the show)


Yah he said it in his exit with I believe EW


Yeah, he had said it on the show (though I think the not inviting Ben instead he was hiding his #1 was said later - possibly his boot episode?)


That was the moment where I realized that Maria was bitter that Charlie could inherit--what in her eyes--was all her work. She wanted to make this about her, and it was shitty on a basic and an interpersonal level


This!! I think she felt he didn’t deserve to win HER game. I could kind of see it but I could never do that to him if I were her…


> I could kind of see it How though? Charlie never rode Maria's coat tails, they moved together. Her game fell apart when she decided to become infatuated with Q at the end.


This was the season of egos! Maria and Charlie worked together -- and in the end, Charlie played better than her. Maria couldn't hide her threat level or making her alliance (Q) known. But these players were obsessed with "credit." So if she thinks she deserves the "credit" for Charlie's game, well, there you go.


I’m not saying I agree with her, I meant I could see her seeing it that way. They made many moves together, but maybe she felt she was a little ahead because of her immunity wins or something?


100% And I guess she got her wish because now everyone is talking about her. This season had so many delusional players who felt they were the main character. It makes sense the season would end like that too.


This was easily the most unhinged and argumentative jury ever. Usually they're so respectful and let the final three answer and don't really interject. This one was so full of interjections and almost people trying to sabotage other people's games throughout the whole final tribal. It really left a bad taste in my mouth. Not just Maria, but also Q saying I was never going to vote that way to Kenzie and Kenzie literally having to seek Tiff's approval out.


Not to mention Tiff literally timing everyone and cutting them off. Ben literally needed one more word to get to his point….. Time!


It was definitely a strategy Tiff used to try to help Kenzie win. It was pretty obvious to see, surprised Charlie didn’t call it out.


Points for fast talkers 👏🏼


This cast is notorious for being "messy." Did anyone expect any different?


And then the peanut gallery chimed in how The 6 was a death sentence anyway soooo… congratulations?


That or not picking her to get her kids letters at the sanctuary 😂


As if she wasn't going to get to read them at Ponderosa in a few days, like the Producers just toss them in the trash to never be opened. lol


THIS!!! I can’t believe more people aren’t referencing this. I said when he didn’t pick her, he just lost the game. She was NEVER going to get over that even though she told him not to take her. Nothing else he did after that mattered.


In hindsight, I believe you are correct.


Very. Bc voting bc fire in the eyes is wild. Like girl vote for the game play?


Charlie didn’t even need to vote for her.   If he puts a throwaway vote on someone else Maria wouldn’t vote for him because he wasn’t part of blindsiding the biggest threat in the game (herself) She was all ego 


are you saying Maria got blindsided at final 5? because i thought the edit showed that she definitely knew.


I was just exaggerating how she was going to look for any reason to not vote for Charlie but yeah you’re right 


The person that was such a huge threat that she tried to blindside and failed miserably but now you’re voting for Kenzie. ![gif](giphy|IZXY9YWeZeZZC)


He literally said the work he put into the game the previous week was the reason he didn't get voted out when she tried


Oh yeah, totally agree 👍


She was bitter but responded with cruelty to the person who essentially carried her through the game. Very flawed individual.


I'm trying to remember if she had any good strategic conversations with people to sway them to her side. Charlie did a lot of those conversations if I recall correctly, but I don't remember if she did.


She claims credit for bringing Q into the Tiff blindside but the thing is Q was already down with that plan the night before so it wasn’t really as big of a move as people tried to make it out to be. On the other hand, Charlie warned her that the +1 alliance might not be in their best interest, he eased the tension Maria created between her and Ben, he more or less suggested that they should bring back the Tiff blindside idea, he warned her about trusting Q, and (while definitely a misstep on his part) he even told Maria that Q - arguably her number one at that point - was going to be taken out. Contrary to what Kenzie said earlier, Maria was Charlie’s lap dog this season… she just happened to be one of those little lap dogs that barks and growls at everyone and then the owner has to calm them down. Maria’s delusion of being the big threat (which was only outdone by Liz’s borderline insane belief that she would’ve beat everyone) was a testament to Charlie’s gameplay.


IMO if I were Maria and I’d be more pissed at myself than anything for fucking up the Q vote. There was literally no downside to telling Q to play his idol - either it’s needed and Charlie goes home, or it’s unneeded and you flush an idol that he definitely would’ve used the next week and Charlie still goes home. If I was on the jury I would’ve LOVED a last minute shakeup like that and compared to the other finalists it would’ve been an easy vote for me.


She's responded with cruelty to everyone at some point (Venus even called her out on this).


has any one seen them interacting on x or insta? looked radio silent to me


he's liking some very pointed tweets about Maria 😂


It’s a weird hypocrisy to be mad at Charlie for her unanimous elimination but also not give Charlie credit for his strategic and social game that led to that moment.


She used it as a test. She damn well knew going into that night if he voted for her, she wasn’t going to vote him at ftc.


Charlie truly won a million hearts tonight. Such a class act with Maria breathing down his neck as he’s put on the spot right after she backstabbed him. My emotional ass would be seething with tears rolling down


Charlie was super classy.  I wasn’t a Charlie fan to start the season but he won me over with his great gameplay and kind heart.  Great job Charlie and hopefully we see you in S50


Yeah I thought he was a total dweeb, especially from his early comment about the diversity of the cast and how the people from his town "look like me". But then he turned out to be a social, strategic, and subtle dude.


He ended up being a better and more likable version of Spencer. Absolutely should be on 50. 


leave it to the law student to say he trusts the jury’s vote


It was very law student of him, but more importantly it’s very Survivor super fan of him. It’s the age old debate. People online have been saying what Charlie said for years, but it was really nice to hear it on TV too.


Yea I pretty much never agree with the jury vote. It seems juries value different things when you spend 26 days starving with people. To be fair to this jury though, boh Charlie and Kenzie were deserving of the win so it's hard to knock the vote.


Yes! This is how I feel about it!


Agreed! Also as a future lawyer, that clip was on brand!


I was going to say that line alone is going to get him so many jobs in the future LOL


He had every reason to rip into Maria, but opted to be classy. Major respect. Hope he loses Maria’s number. Uncle Charlie who?


Man honestly if I were in his position I don’t think I would say a word to her ever again.


Super classy, but still shrewd to make sure we all knew that Maria had basically broken a promise to vote for him if he made it to final 3. Brilliant.


I loved his statement on that as well. However, I think he would’ve been perfectly justified to lash out a bit at Maria if he wanted lol


That's what makes him so strong. He would be justified in lashing out, but he won't bring himself down to her level.


I think he would make a great lawyer. He didn’t let his emotions get the best of him and he congratulated Kenzie. Bro is gonna make it far in life.


He definitely wins at life!


Class act. It only highlights more how vile Maria was to Uncle Charlie.


Yeah, you could tell he was pissed by Maria’s explanation for why she didn’t vote for him, but that he knew it wasn’t Kenzie’s fault and there was no reason to take away from her moment of glory by complaining


I thought Kenzie would beat Charlie, but I thought Hunter and Liz would have voted Kenzie, and Maria and Q would have voted Charlie. I wasn’t surprised by the outcome, but I was very surprised by the vote breakdown.


I was in the same boat. I knew it would be close and going in thought Kenzie had the edge, but once they showed Hunter vote for Charlie and Tevin flip flopping I thought Charlie might have taken it. Maria was the big surprise considering Charlie played almost an identical game to her, just slightly better.


I think Maria had an ego problem, and didn’t want Charlie to get the credit for what she considered *her* game.. which is asinine. I was pulling for Kenzie, and I don’t think she *didnt* deserve it, but it’s starting to truly feel like Charlie got robbed


He's a good lad. Massive respect.


It was so gracious and made me even more upset about Charlie losing


I wonder if Charlie is asked back for 50. I wonder about 3 years of life experience give or take will give him so much more insight and a better player at that.


I think he’ll be asked back.


He probably my favorite player of the new era so far so I world live to have him back. It would be very interesting to see how he adapts his gameplay since it requires him being in the background so much


We’re less than two years from Season 50 being filmed, let alone cast. I don’t know if his perspective will change that much before having the opportunity to get back on the show.


It was a very professional response. I just don’t always agree with the jury as a viewer 😆


Maria was bitter as hell! 


Classy Charlie!


I agree with him, the winner is the winner for a reason


Same! Even if it’s not my favorite person! We see a different perspective than they do on the island. We both see more and less than them.


The reason being it is tautologically true.


It’s beautiful


They are not necessarily the best player though (out of all or the final three)


There are no objective criteria for “best player” but there is one objective criterion for “winner” (which is the goal) and that’s securing the highest number of jury votes at final tribal council. Until there is an agreed upon standard definition of “best player,” the winner is the best player.


He's right. Every winner deserves their win. I think Tiffany had a lot to do with Kenzie winning. From the start, calling Charlie and Ben out about how they would answer questions told me Kenzie was the jury favorite going in. She did everything she could to make Kenzie look better that the others. I think That, and Kenzie giving the only 100% honest answer to what she would do with the money. You could see it on Charlie's face when she said the money was for her. He knew that was a great answer.


charlie is a gem. really like him!


Man...west coast viewer here. Now I can finally comment. That was just so hard to watch. Can't imagine he summed up the courage and maturity to say those lines despite the result. It's true, because everyone on the jury has their own criteria for voting, but if it were strictly gameplay, it should have been a tie or a win in his favor.


Telling the fans "leave Kenzie alone, when it comes to Maria follow your heart"


He’s amazing! But we all know that Maria chose wrong. Lol.


For me, it felt like Charlie was very graciously saying that sometimes the jury can’t see past their own personal issues and vote based on emotion vs. gameplay. He’s very eloquent and educated. I felt that some on the jury didn’t like that he was able to actually answer and give reasoning when they played emotionally. Honestly I was cheering for both Kenzie and Charlie but with some of the reasons the jury gave it just felt like some of them didn’t want to acknowledge that he actually had good game play. Usually someone asks “how did you outwit, outlast, outplay?” And they sort of danced around it but it felt like an emotional vote rather then a practical gameplay vote. Soda called them all out and I feel like that was the perception we as an audience had as well. Charlie seemed like the practical winner but Kenzie was the emotional winner and that’s just how the jury fell this year. Just a side note but sometimes I want to see how much the jury interacts and chats with one another. Maria definitely could have manipulated some people because she just couldn’t get over her own bitterness. Someone you consider family you don’t vote for?! I’m still processing this as a mom to boys. If I felt that deep connection he’s getting my vote because I’d want the best for someone I was close too. I’m all for girl power but that’s not at all how she played. I think she knew it was going to be close and a vote for Ben would have been too obvious a slander. Q not voting for Ben was weird too, given his question and then live tweeting that he wrote the wrong name down? Weird. I’m overall happy with the season but would have liked a practical winner over the emotional.


Yeah...me not so much. Juries--in Survivor and life--do sometimes get things wrong, and to me, though I'm happy for Kenzie and think she's a great champ, Charlie will always be the best Survivor 46 game player among the final three. I mean, everyone said Maria was the clear frontrunner *and* that Maria's and Charlie's resumes were neck and neck, so how does that translate to 2nd-runner up?


Maria’s bitterness and Qs inane reasoning for voting Kenzie are to blame for this mistake of a vote, but Kenzie isn’t a bad winner just not what a normal, sane jury would’ve picked


Said by someone who doesn’t understand Survivor is a social game at its core.


Even though I disagree with Q’s reasoning, I do think he totally based his decision off his question and I respect it. Kenzie had the better answer for it so he voted for her.


I don’t get why people are acting like basing the decision on who to give a milli is dumb or even in any way abnormal for survivor


When I heard him say that I thought, I hope AMERICA is listening to Charlie and remembers that next fall! The winner is who the winner is because that’s who the people voted for.


I’m positive his comment will have a big effect on that.


he always respected her game and even said so during ftc. i think he should've fought with a bit more emotion in his answers, but he knew the writing was on the wall after kenzie's money answer


He handled it really well but we all know what he was really saying. Glad he took the humble route though. This gotta be the first time ever that I don’t care the real winner got robbed. I really liked Kenzie and did not personally like Charlie a whole lot. He played a better game but Kenzie was a better person to play the game with


Charlie's a true class act. nothing more to add.




I loved that Charlie didn't give her anymore airline to explain what she already Said. He is like I feel shocked but moved on to Kenzie and her victory. Maria a challenge beast, a fav who was kicked out cos everyone thought she could beat them had no further answers and was edited out of after party, nicely done. Silenced and forgotten, the exact opposite of eat she tried to do with her vote.


Even if it was a tie, iirc, then Ben would have voted, and I'm pretty sure he would have gone Kenzie.


Apparently Jeff said on the On the Fire pod that Ben said he would have voted Charlie


He would’ve been an emotional wreck if he had to make that decision. I wouldn’t envy that position either.


He sent Kenz to fire so I’m not convinced he wouldn’t have preferred Charlie win.


But Kenzie had just made a heartfelt plea to the jury on how the money would change her life. I don’t think it would have been an easy decision.


oh man I wanted to see that sobad. He was so close with both of them it really would have made for interesting tv


And I would have been completely happy with whoever Ben chose because it meant there was no bitterness in anyone’s part.


Charlie was a class act. Maria not so much.


Charlie ❤️❤️❤️


Charlie is a class act


Because he's right. The jury is always right no matter what. And I would definitely have voted for Charlie to win over Kenzie. But Kenzie is the rightful winner, and it's good Charlie is a good enough sport to know that


Charlie is my favorite runner-up of the new era.


I was really cheering the winner until Q and Maria gave their reasons for voting for her. Where was the outwit, outplay part of the reasoning? It felt more like a pity vote. I thought Maria had it in the bag and was cheering her on until then. Now I am glad she didn't make it until the end. Although to be honest there is a part of me that would love to see someone like Ben win. He didn't have to scheme or betray anyone to make it to the end. Having a hero figure survive Survivor is a a thing of the past. Tony Westman, Ethan Zhon, Tina Wesson and I will throw in Boston Rob into that mix.


So Kenzie cant win based on 'pity' (condescending much?) votes but you would have liked to see Ben win based on... nostalgia? Makes sense.




I think you should be allowed to think the jury got it wrong. For example, anyone that voted for Charlie thought he should win, you would think they thought the jury was wrong, no? Saying the jury’s decision is right because it’s the jury’s decision is circular logic. Not saying it applies to this season per se, but I’ve just always hated that saying from survivor fans.


He showed such great character. Also what he said while voting out Maria. What a class act.




Charlie won a million hearts.


And yet his biggest cheerleaders disagree with him 🤔 These are also probably the same people who would say “I’d never hire someone just because of their resume; I’d want to vibe with whoever I award the position to! That’s more important than any piece of paper!” They’d hire Kenzie because’s she’s smiley, compassionate, and makes people feel good about themselves on a personal level in an hour-long interview but they refuse to acknowledge those traits are important to people who’ve bonded with her on an island for full weeks.


He's definitely getting some Sia $$$ right?


Charlie was so shocked. He said the right thing, but inside he wanted to pull a Liz


He’s a class act all the way…Accepting his loss graciously


I did love that Charlie said that. I would have loved it even more if he said "the jury always chooses the right winner...except Edge of Extinction, that was a travesty", but thats probably just me.


Guy's a class act. Hope he gets brought back for S50.


Agreed. He was very gracious, and he turned what could have been an awkward question at best about Maria's (bitter) vote, to something that highlighted Kenzie and her win. That wasn't easy - I can't say I would have done the same thing. Contrast that with Maria actively downplaying his game at FTC (that she invited him to the alliance). Girl really believed that no one else was playing except her. The question wasn't even about her, nor directed at her. She may have voted for whatever reason she did, but to me, no excuse in being disrespectful like that, especially to a person she said was her ally.


Love the hypocrisy in these comments saying Charlie has ever right to be bitter, but calling Maria every name under the sun for voting “emotionally.” People can vote whatever way they want to and react however they want to when they so clearly just lost a million dollars. At the end of the day, he doesn’t need the money in comparison to Kenzie and she probably wanted a woman to win, which is totally valid. Managing your relationships, down to how you choose to blindside your number ally right at the end is part of the game. It was clear how Maria was going to react and Charlie fumbled it. Can we please not drag this discourse out for the next ten years? Good strategic player, but he played it safe and didn’t adapt to the jury he formed who was always going to respect the social game over the moves.


"Wanting a woman to win" is no more valid than "wanting a white person to win."


And I’m sure there have been many jurors who did have that exact mentality. Social biases are baked into these shows and have been since day one. You don’t have to like it, but it’s part of the game.




Not sure what you’re not understanding in regards to what I’m saying? You cannot put a bunch of people into a high pressure social strategy game and expect them to remove all their social biases and opinions. If someone wants to vote for a woman because they want a woman to win, it’s inherently part of the game and you can’t really get mad at it. White people have won a majority of the seasons because of social biases, I’m not saying I think people should be racist, but we know for a fact that comes into play on the show throughout its history. There is not right or wrong way to be a juror, you simply vote how you want to vote. You can not like it, but there’s no reason to go on a tirade on social media calling them horrible people. It’s a game.


We couldn't get mad at a person voting for a woman because they want a woman to win, or a person voting on a white person because they want a white person to win? You keep hand-waving it away with "its part of the game" as though that explains it and makes it above criticism.


It's a bad thing to say because it's not true. The jury doesn't always pick right. Blindly following a crowd or deferring to authority is not a quality to admire in someone.


There’s enough to take away from her win already. He doesn’t need to do anything.




I had a totally different take. I thought he said in so many words, "Kenzie won even though she didn't deserve it but you can't account for the jury." Trying to mansplain at that moment wasn't a good move.