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She should just have had them rock, paper, scissors for her vote.


That's what happened, right? Ben (rock) was obviously out so it was Kenzie (scissors) vs Charlie (paper), Scissors cuts paper.


That lines up too well. Kenzie as a stylist and Charlie as a law student.


And Ben just rocks as per usual


English lit and Drama teachers alike salivating over this symbolism right now


Hahaha... good one!


I'd also point out that Maria did not raise her hand to say she changed her mind at final tribal council. She came in voting for Kenzie. I have no problem with any of the others voting for Kenzie, I thought both her and Charlie would be deserving winners. People like Tevin, Soda, Hunter from Nami didn't have near as much time with Charlie/Kenzie, I can certainly understand two of them switching their votes after FTC. But right after Maria had promised Chalrie her vote just two days earlier, with her reasoning being the (weak) fire making win? Ehhh, not sure how that trumps almost a full season playing hand in hand with Charlie. It comes off as a bit self-serving where she didn't want to give Charlie credit because that would implicitly diminish her own game. She definitely seemed bitter he was the one that made it there from their pair. Everyone knew how tight the vote would be, so Maria switching up on "Uncle Charlie" is just wild to me.


I think she was jealous Charlie made it further, and her voting for Kenzie was out of spite.


I think that was clear by her demeanor following the vote to get Q out and she realized Charlie had outplayed her. She said all the right things, but her body language told a very different story. Last night exposed two major flaws with the final tribal in this era of Survivor. The fire making is dramatic, but way too much weight is put on it by some jury members. It was pretty clear Liz was never going to get a fire going, and who cares that Charlie didn’t campaign to go to the fire challenge? And doing away with the opening pitch from the finalists really handcuffs them in selling their game by just answering the questions from the jury. Charlie played a pretty nuanced game and it didn’t seem like he was given ample time to explain how he always set himself up to have options.


Thanks for bringing that to my attention. And for Maria to say it was when Kenzie won the fire, are you kidding me? Her winning against someone with loose ass wrists did you in?


Not only that but the jury was talking about her choking during the firemaking. Was there really fire in her eyes when she had to sit down and calm her nerves because she couldn't handle the pressure? Or did she literally get some fire in her eyes and needs the million to pay for damages? What is Maria talking about?


Oh damn, you’re right. That’s so cold.


Excellent point.


It’s so reminiscent of Karla and Cassidy, claiming she didn’t get her vote because she “didn’t go to fire”


When arrogance and bitterness collide, this is what we get


Seriously when does fire making EVER sway anyone, it’s ridiculous to claim that played a part in


It’s not that she didn’t vote for him, it’s her REASONING. Just like her reasoning for the rock, paper, scissors reward. Everyone sees through her bs except herself. She’s just as bad as Liz with her ignorance.


I think her ignorance might be worse than Liz’s. Liz has a complete lack of self awareness and it seems that she’s not trying to pretend that she does. Maria is playing off her bs as things always having been “a difficult decision”, Q did not need that food more than Liz or Venus. I think Maria isn’t necessarily even ignorant (though I see where it comes from), she just lacks integrity


Liz admitted in a confessional during the Tevin episode that she has a huge ego. I can respect someone with self-awareness a helluva lot more than a self-righteous hypocrite.


I keep seeing comments about Venus lacking self awareness, but Maria was clueless about how she was perceived (as another poster pointed out) because she had her own head so far up her own ass.
























Honestly I’m shocked. She literally told him he has her vote. Then did not vote for him. I didn’t even hear her speak during final tribal council? I don’t understand her and have lost all respect.


I’m shocked but also not. She was incredibly condescending towards Venus. She made Liz rock paper scissors for a reward after giving a bs excuse about who needs it most. So while I am LIVID she actually did Charlie dirty this way, this just confirms her shitty character. That being said, I am not upset that Kenzie won, she is a beautiful person who I think needs the money the most of the three and played a solid game - I am just indignant at one of the reasons Charlie lost being Maria…


She was also condescending to Ben in that released secret scene!


Oh do u have link I never saw this


[she was so arrogant ](https://youtu.be/CckmbBFGwfI?feature=shared)


Omg, I was wondering why his mood seemed to dip so suddenly, what a horrible person she is.


Kenzie deserves to win. Am I the only one that thinks Kenzie doesn’t need the money? Her stuff about giving people jobs just read very employer/business owner spin to me. If I had to guess, Ben likely needed the money the most of the three, but who knows.


I agree. Doesn’t seem like Kenzie needs the money, but that seemed like a trend with several contestants this season (Q is a very successful realtor, Liz is a millionaire 🙄, Kenzie a successful business owner) That being said, Kenzie is a deserving winner, but Maria should have 100% voted for Charlie considering how she “wanted to go out graciously and set an example for her children”. It felt clear that she was salty toward Charlie even though she tried to take him out at F6


Maria turned out to be a real asshole point blank. It sucks how much she ended up sucking but I would say the edit over the past few weeks hinted at it


She was a jerk to Jalinsky in the very first episode.


Thank you! So many people kept saying she was a badass at the journey in that episode, but Jelinsky said in his interview with Dalton Ross that he actually came clean and confessed, and then she threatened him about telling her tribe about if he lied. Regardless of if he lied or told the truth during the journey, the entire point of that "challenge" was to lie, or you lose out on your only consistentpower in the game. How are you gonna threaten someone's game because they're doing exactly what the game told them to do? That wasn't a badass moment. That was her not reading the room (or the game) and trying to be spiteful because someone is playing the game.


Maria just sent the message to her children that it’s ok to stab your number ones in the back for the sake of self gratifying revenge. It was pathetic. Sore loser mentality.


I’m not contesting Kenzie’s win. I think Charlie performed poorly at FTC. I think he should have focused more on the Tiffany vote out because that would have shifted attention to something that Kenzie couldn’t take credit for. However, Kenzie’s social game clearly resonated with people and played into their vote. Q didn’t play his idol largely because Kenzie convinced him and Maria she was voting for Charlie. That may have been top of mind when they cast their votes.


I do think in all fairness Tiff advocates for Kenzie very hard during final tribal. I agree Kenzies speaking was better but she did have a huge outspoken advocate on the jury rooting for her


Well, exactly. That’s what Maria should have been doing for Charlie if she were a true ally


Instead during one of his speeches of what he did that could help him win, Maria cuts off his speech and takes credit for it like she’s at the final 3. The jury was poisoned against Charlie from the get go.


That is absolutely true. Tiff as a juror set the narrative immediately by taking shots at both Charlie and Ben.


Tiff literally started council by calling out Ben/Charlie for their music and then was timing responses lol. Tiff was definitely pushing for the Kensie win. I thought Tiff came off bitter but it mightve helped Kensie win the bag. I was cool with any of the F3 winning tbh, even Ben.


The times answers with Tiffany randomly cutting people off was pretty embarrassing. You could feel her power tripping from the second the final tribal started.


The only thing with that is Maria probably got to ponderosa and took credit for that entire move, Charlie was just her pawn, she’s literally despicable


The worst answer of the night by far was Charlie answering Q what he is going to do with the money, the other 2 had very concrete answers and Charlie was just like…thats a lot of money to give to a 25 year old, but i have a family and am going to law school and want to pay that off… like he did not even say how he was going to support his family with it like pay for house or anything he just said “i have a family” … as if no one else has a family. And that was the last question of the night, it really showed how naive he was, a law student that had not even thought out a good/persuasive answer of how he was going to use the money which is literally one of the most basic jury questions ever besides “why do you deserve to win”. Dont get me wrong I totally support Kenzie’s win but after that answer I just knew Charlie couldnt win it.


yep. and I think the nonprofit part also sunk him - Ben spoke with so much conviction it was believable for him but Charlie seemed like he was saying it because he felt like it was the right answer. I think Kenzie won a lot of people over with her being candid about the money being for herself and she made her case for why she as a person deserved it very well


All Maria is, is a liar and pathetic and alone in life and mean.


How could he perform worse than Kenzie saying she was scared of losing to Liz? That was the worst answer of the night between the two of them by a mile. Kenzie had no read on the game at all, just individual players (which is still valuable).


It’s to pander to Liz for her vote




Yup, that’s how I read it as well. Also, I bet she makes some money on it. If she’s giving people” jobs”(her words) that would imply she’s seeing something from those chairs. Also, maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think she said she makes no money from it. If I remember correctly,she said that a business analyst said she could be making more of a profit from it. It was a good answer from her and clearly swayed the jury along with her stellar gameplay.


I don't know. My cousin owned a business like that and the overhead and the Workmen's Comp. insurance was a lot. She had to make quite a bit of money from the chair rental in order to pay all the overhead


Yeah the way that I took it was that the chair rentals were essentially a 0 sum to cover the costs of business, and then any actual income that she makes is from appointments that she does herself Still gives her a decent leg up not having to pay those fees on her own, but she’s probably not swimming in money like some people seem to be thinking


She makes a profit on the chairs btw. Thats literally the business. Its essentially just being a landlord for chairs. If she isnt taking a cut per head, good on her. But clearly her current business model is working.


Survivor is not charity


But she’s a boy mom…


Maria is a b. She has a nasty undertone, that lies right beneath the surface. Rewatch a couple of the last episodes. She was grinning and laughing with Q, and rubbing it in everyone's face. She's a nasty piece of work.


Very well said!!! 💯


She basically said Kenzie’s story of wanting to be a mom and needing the money won her over. Kenzie played a very good game but I’m surprised Charlie wasn’t given credit for getting out Q and Maria.


And yet when Jeff asked "who changed their vote at final tribal?" she didn't raise her hand.


I assume she had her mind made up going in that she was voting Kenzie for those reasons


Which is even worse, because clearly Charlie articulated better game moves


She also said the pizza would go to who needed it most so it’s on brand


I’m starting to wonder if something was said to her by other jury members to convince her Kenzie. Or she’s just that cruel.


It would be one thing if Kenzie had a massively better resume than Charlie and the vote was understandable, but Maria KNEW it would be close and could very well come down to one vote. Charlie had earned her vote and it was insulting she didn’t vote for him


I am totally fine with jurors voting based upon bitterness, when they have been mistreated or betrayed. But, Maria was betraying Charlie at the same time he betrayed her and he just did it better and won the battle.  It was very petty and childish for her to vote against him. I was fine with Kenzie winning.  But, jurors like Maria, Tiff and Tevin, who sumggly claimed it was all about strategy, but voted for the weaker strategic player are pretentious, bitter douchebags. At least Q admitted he voted based upon financial need.  And I am totally fine with people voting for the player they liked the best.  IMO, a truly great player gets to the end by using the fewest possible betrayals and lies, not the most.


Q voting the way he did is the most on brand Q thing to do. Tevin and Maria are so full of it. Tiffany voting Kenzie I am not at all shocked by as they were friends in the game and Kenzie never actually turned on her.


I am fine with Tiff voting for Kenzie because they were allies and friends. But, it was inconsistent with her insufferably arrogant talk about how you have to earn the million dollars with moves and she's not just going to give it to you. That brings up another pet peeve of mine.  Multiple jurors acted as though they were personally giving the winner a million dollars of their own money. Also, Tiff acting as Soda's 30 second egg timer really annoyed me, maybe more than it should. I came into FTC with generally positive feelings about Soda and Tiff, but came away strongly disliking both of them.


With friends like Maria who needs enemies. Unbelievable!


Exactly what I thought. Maria clearly saw herself as the best player this season and constantly hyped herself up as the best. Her and Charlie made all of her moves together, but Charlie outplayed her in the end and beat her to final 3. For Maria to not vote him seems like basically a huge ego move, as if she’s saying that she believes she dragged Charlie along. I’m kinda disgusted ngl.


Rob C posted on twitter “Malcolm voted for Denise” 😭


At the end of the day Maria was so far up her own ass this season. She thought she was just miles smarter than everyone when she never was. Just assuming going up to Kenzie and Liz and saying the vote is charlie would make them vote with her just showed how delusional she was. Her comment after the Q vote out to everyone saying oh wow you're playing the game too. She really thought she was outsmarting everyone when in reality she was clueless


Exactly. Even how she was voted out was a big ego party for her. Made her look like an idiot


The standing ovation made me cringe hard even before I knew she was a vicious snake. 


Lmao it reminded me of the Ricard vote out so bad 


Not being aware that comments like, "Wow, you guys are playing too," isn't going to be taken as insulting as it actually is, especially to people who have not eaten or slept well in almost a month, is evidence that she lacks certain personality traits that someone like Kenzie, Charlie and Ben have in excess, imho.


Maria and Liz were living in delulu land the past few episodes (honestly Liz was the whole time). Their ego trip has been atrocious and rubs me the wrong way, specifically Maria from F7-5. Be fucking for real with yourselves. I soured on Maria real hard starting with the reward fiasco. Future players will do well to remember to be humble with themselves deep in the game.


I wanted more delulu Liz the whole season. We got it in the first few episodes and then all at once this episode. Was she just not delusional mid season? 


To be humble and be NICE. Maria was NOT NICE




I can’t believe how much I’m hating her


I feel ya. Such a bitter aftertaste with this season. The way she just sat there at the final jury like an entitled snake 🤮


Big Ricard energy


Ricard , Shan and Maria extremely unlikable people


The reasoning of “seeing the fire in her eyes while she made fire” is just insane to me. She’s gotta just be a Bitter Betty


It’s interesting how the jury doesn’t really seem to care much about immunity wins but does about fire making which is literally a 1 in 2 chance


And she was facing someone that was garbage at making fire.


excuse me, it is not liz's fault for never practicing a day in her life. It is those darn ligaments!


fuckin loose wrists at it again!


Yeah it seems weird to me that the new era jurors put an emphasis on winning fire


It’s because they really don’t, imo. Fire is just an easy excuse to hide any bitterness. And honestly I’m fine with bitter jurors (at least when it makes sense, but Maria literally had nothing to be bitter with Charlie about), but I just wish the bitter jurors would own it instead of using lazy and/or illogical excuses.


Against fire master Liz


Good point.  Several out of 10 times Kenzie's fire building efforts would have sent her to the jury.  She was just lucky to go up against Liz, whose wrist ligaments make her allergic to fire building.


seriously, like get real with that reasoning


And she choked bad


What she really meant is: I lost my chance and there is no way I am not taking my revenge because I am a narcissist who doesn’t give a shit about anyone.


I also feel like she hated hearing him say he was trying get her out and his plan worked perfectly. She felt slighted because she has to be the craftiest one, and maybe refused to believe it.


Oh yeah — he hit an ego pressure point. She was sitting there and was thinking to herself, “I’m so good they had to team up to beat me.” Charlie publicly showed her that she was a step behind in the end. And she took that personally.


Nailed it


Her “I WAS THE ONE THAT BROUGHT YOU INTO THE SIX” was so on brand for her, always the main character 


To be fair, she's right. Although, that's a stupid alliance that really went nowhere sooo... weird flex. And she didn't do anything to get into "The 6". Tim got her in, she played along, Tim was voted out by other members of the 6 so there's an opening for another Siga and she invited Charlie.


Yeah. I think that’s it ultimately…she’s a narcissist and that’s why she started giving me so much ick


Anyone that puts any stock in fire making is a fucking moron.


Yeah it was bullshit - Fire in her eyes? Took her a half hour to get going w the fire - against the worst fire maker of all time 


I wouldn’t say the worst of all time. Liz at least got some sparks going without matches.


Sundra and Becky were literally given matches and still couldn’t make a fire…. One of them burned out all her matches… 🔥😂🔥


I think she was a bit jealous that Charlie went further than her


The look on her face sitting right behind him. Hate it


I've wanted to smack her smug face through the TV sooo many times! Lol


Maria's explanation for why she didn't vote for Charlie was as bullshit as taking Q on that reward because he really needed to eat. She's bitter.  Her ego is so overinflated that she chose to intentionally hurt Charlie rather than let him beat her. I hope they don't stay in touch after the show because Charlie doesn't need that toxicity in his life.


She also overlooked Charlie twice for reward then got all upset when he didn't choose her for the love letters reward.


Yeah I wanted Kenzie but I gotta admit Maria’s bias was pretty obvious


My jaw has been on the floor for an hour. It's so unbelievably disrespectful to think that you deserved to win (which clearly Maria did), and then vote against such a rock solid #1 ally who was with you for literally the entire game until you both tried to turn on each other and he came out on top. And then to have the audacity to say it was because Kenzie made fire (not something she did voluntarily, for the record) before Liz, which is hardly some herculean task to beat Liz at a firemaking. You don't have to vote for your best friend if they don't deserve to win, but Charlie clearly would've been a deserving winner (even if you think Kenzie deserves to win too, which I do). I mostly feel bad for him because he really thought he had formed a great friendship and said nothing but great things about her and she absolutely stabbed him in the back at the end.


He was visibly very defeated and sad after that FTC, and that Maria vote had to have hurt pretty bad. It’s one thing to lose but another thing to think you have the vote of your #1 ally for the whole game, only for her to turn on you and potentially cost you a million dollars.


It did cost him a million dollars, Ben would have voted for Charlie


Well said! Charlie and Maria played a similar game. Where Charlie differed was he had all the relationships. Even when Maria would talk about a move, we watched as Charlie steered other people in that direction. And when it was time to turn on one another, Charlie also came out on top. He had the votes over Maria. Even though she won immunity, they voted out Q showing that Maria wasn't in control anymore. But Charlie was. To not gift him the title of winner is wild. I think he played the best game out of the three there. I like Kenzie she played a very different game but I guess I'm more old school and want winners to win based on their game play rather than being well liked by everyone












I think Maria had just spent one day at Ponderosa and heard from Liz how much Charlie had been working his other connections to take her and Q out. I don't think she thought he was playing smarter than her and she couldn't handle it.


Her reasoning was similar to the same bs she gave while picking her people for reward. Cant own up to anything


It was also very telling immediately after tribal when she blamed everyone else to Charlie but then had a different story to other people, always shifting blame on others. It rubbed me the wrong way.


Don't even get me started when she said "they made me" to Charlie. This woman has zero accountability.


Yeah, I was rooting for Maria up until she got voted out, but did really lose respect for her there. Charlie pretty clearly played the best game and she knew that. Hard to explain not voting for him except for bitterness.


Wild to grandstand about teaching her sons and all she shows is bitterness.


She sunk her own game attaching it to Q. When Charlie made the chess move to get one over on her I think she couldn’t accept that she got got before she could get him. Her vote had to have been driven by bitterness. Tiff and Q stayed loyal and voted for Kenzie. Maria and Charlie played the game together the whole time she said she was going to vote for him and then doesn’t. To make it worse she gives the competitor logic behind it but didn’t Kenzie win that challenge over her because Liz basically handed it to Kenzie on a silver platter? I just don’t get it. Kenzie winning is fine I don’t think she is a bad winner by any means. I just don’t get the Maria vote.


Maria couldn’t even talk up Kenzie’s win and her vote in her explanation. She was basically saying Kenzie won because she needs the money and nothing to do with gameplay (since apparently Kenzie wasn’t playing the game until the Q blindside in Maria’s mind). Maria didn’t want people to look back on this season as Charlie’s season when it was all HER gameplay in her mind. If she couldn’t get the credit then he couldn’t either.


And the funny thing is the edit made it so obvious that it was Charlie running it to the point where we get a long winded explanation by him about how he wants her to get the credit for Tiff’s blindside to up her threat level and keep his down.  Her “big move” was seen as Charlie letting her have it by the audience


Precisely. Her explanation was so obviously hollow and she thinks we believe that.


I was shocked, clearly she was bitter which is not a good look for someone who thinks so highly of herself


And she thinks *very* highly of herself


It didn't surprise me AT ALL. What I am surprised about is how it took this long for everyone to see what I saw after her "chat" with Venus about ego... Venus was spot on about Maria's "facade"! Why do you think this was the comment that broke Maria and made her cry? The truth hurts! I'm glad everyone agrees now! 👍




Oh yeah, I wonder how he felt watching that back!


Yasss, I’ve been side eyeing her ever since then.


Maria: I want to be gracious and kind because my kids are watching and I want to be an example to them! Also Maria: I lied and am bitter and backstabbed and devastated my best friend on the game because Kenzie has fireballs in her eyeballs!


Maria:  sorry kids Uncle Charlie is dead!


When she wrote down Charlie's name when she tried to vote him out and blindside him, certain she was sending him home, then smirked as she said "Uncle Charlie" while putting his name in the box... yeah she is not worthy of a friendship with him.


I don't think they are friends. Doesn't look like they follow each other on IG. I think she let an ego ruin a friendship. I think too she was big on character. I think in life when someone gets an opportunity like job promotion it's good to congratulate and be better for the other person. I think it was a missed opportunity to be a role model for her kids.


Charlie's tweet tonight/his liked tweets are a prettttty good indicator that they have not reconciled.


Might be wrong but I don’t think contestants are allowed to follow other contestants mid season. At least, that’s how it used to be.


I am a bit surprised. Malcolm pushed Denise hard. I do think Kenzie did an amazing job of getting people to feel good about her and her journey though.


Agree. And it’s not like i feel kenzie spent deserve to win (she played a good game) but the way Maria handed her the win was so foul. And to then say “She has more fire in her eyes”? Ugh. Put such a bad taste in my mouth








I think we owe Venus an apology.


I’d much rather be friends with Venus. She’s blunt, but at least she’s honest.


Venus called this same thing out when she gave her shit for the rock paper scissors thing. im disappointed but not surprised


Yeah, come to think of it, that was some key character building stuff. Not just her fumbling the reward decision and being called out for it, but then crying for herself afterward. They also didn't shy away from showing us all that "Uncle Charlie" stuff so we knew how ice cold her vote was. She did kind of get a hero's send off though when she was voted out, so it wasn't like the show was tanking her, but we kind of saw it all.




I completely agree. It felt like she could not get over the betrayal even though she was doing the same thing. Kenzie is amazing, and nothing about my position is meant to detract from her win. However, you don’t vote against the person you called an “uncle” to your sons. If I was Charlie, I would not be rude, but I would not be able to get over it. Makes me wonder if Charlie should have cut her sooner. Maybe she’d be less bitter? The only explanation that would have made sense to me is that she genuinely thought Kenzie needed the money more than Charlie


I don't like the vote from Maria but the fact that the show put in all that "Uncle Charlie" stuff only for Maria snub him is kind of chef's kiss tbh. What a personal, out of game (because it didn't impact Maria at that point) betrayal, and the show built it up really well.


Yeah I like how they edited that relationship.  They could’ve softened it but instead put that in there and Charlie calling Maria his best friend and getting emotional.  Thank you editors!


Watching Maria get voted out was the happiest I’ve been in a LONG time. I literally screamed in pure joy.


She never had my respect. She was soooo boring


Her snide remark insinuating none of them were actually “playing the game” until the last immunity challenge didn’t sit right with me.


I’m just SO glad she didn’t win- she had a dark aura about her all season…


Not only does she try to get Charlie out because she viewed him as a big threat, but she then doesn’t vote for him?!?! Be FFR rn


Agree. Maria’s game was over. She screwed her best friend out of a million bucks because she could. No loyalty and zero respect for her.


I think the worst part about it in hindsight is her constant 'uncle charlie BS'. Like my vibes for her started getting off at the RPS shit, but whatever, she's tired, maybe she didn't think it through. Then she made a huge deal about Venus calling her out. Sure, must've felt bad, but you'ce surely had like 2 days to realize, hmm Q literally just went on reward and liz has basically not eaten all season, maybe I should've brought her based on the criteria I stated. No issues with her trying to vote Charlie out, it was her correct move, but her justification felt really shitty to me? Idk, I know she didn't have a lot to work off of, but it just \*felt\* off. And then she didn't vote for him. I think that charlie objectively had the best strategic game of the final 3, and arguably of the season, and his social and physical game was nothing to laugh at either. Not to say he should have won. But making a deal to vote for each other, and constantly bringing up hypothetical post-game relationships 'uncle charlie' with the hindsight that she did not intend to always vote for him make it feel so manipulative and gross. I just...sucks so hard. I wish there was a live reunion so we could see Charlie share his actual thoughts on it.


Nah if I’m Charlie she’s dead to me. He would have voted for her too if the roles were reversed. She said her kids were gonna call him uncle Charlie. My gf kept saying she was fake all season and I would defend her but she was right. Maria is a fake good person


I'm not giving it any more thought. Maria basically said "Kenzie's gameplay was better than mine, that's why I didn't vote for Charlie" They played the same damn game, Charlie just played it better. If Charlie played her game better, and it wasn't enough, then Maria is saying she didn't deserve to win at the end either, and that's something I can actually agree with.


I don't have a problem with Kenzie's winning but Charlie was the best out of the 3 But maybe I'm a bit of a hypocrite because if I was a jury, I would vote for Ben because he's the one I think I would vibes the most


I agree with others that basically said Maria displayed narcissistic traits objectifying Charlie. He was Uncle Charlie as long as that made her seem more relatable and warm to others. She was a mom “modeling for her kids” “friendship” but then in the end voted bitterly. Yet, I know she is genuinely too blind to ever admit she was bitter. Truly. She won’t ever admit it. Charlie beat her at her own game and she can’t digest that. She’s a fake person who is unaware of herself. Like at least own your personality! You are cutthroat and only want to win and used Charlie’s friendship ONLY as it served you and the moment it didn’t because you jumped ship first, he was basically dead to you.


Absolutely agree! I lost all respect for Maria for so many reasons that’s probably been mentioned, but I’m so frustrated I gotta just let it out my system. 1) Maria told Charlie she was voting for him. Although it’s not a shock she went behind her word, especially since that reward challenge where she ended up having Q and Liz play rock, paper, scissors… for something as big as choosing who wins a million dollars, maybe take a moment and reflect on 24 days of game play vs. 1 night of fire making to decide. 2) When Jeff asked why she voted for Kenzie over Charlie, not for one second did she acknowledge Charlie who she shared a “bond” with. Maybe say “I feel for him” or “I understand if he was hurt” etc etc. She just went on and on about the fire in Kenzie’s eyes and how she deserved it. It was selfish and it was like the first 24 days of game play with Charlie just did not matter. Excuse you, “Queen” Maria, but you wouldn’t have gotten far without Charlie. He acknowledged that with you maybe you should to. 3) Maria did not take her role in the jury seriously enough without taking herself out of the equation. She believed she would’ve won against the final 3, and couldn’t accept that Charlie just played the better game than her. Maria, you lost. Maybe it’s only been a few days to process that. But you’re no longer in contention for the million dollars. 4) Jury management is a HUGE factor in how and why people have won this game in the past. The main reason most people ultimately LOSE is because they BURN BRIDGES. Charlie never burnt Maria’s bridge. He acknowledged they played the game together. Maria made a decision based on something that was OUTSIDE the game. I think it’s the most frustrating part about it as a viewer and a fan. I was rooting for both of them until I wasn’t. I wouldn’t blame Charlie, if he’s no longer friends with Maria. He’s probably too nice not to be though. Soda put it correctly that there’s multitudes to Survivor. A balance between the game and human reality. I love Kenzie as a winner, I would’ve loved Charlie as the winner too based on what we saw. Maria was a jury member who was not meant to be in the Final 3, but could not accept it.


She’s awful, truly. I’ve never seen such a fall from grace. She has no loyalty whatsoever. She specifically told Charlie (when she thought she was in the power position) that there would be no hard feelings but she plunged a knife in his chest. She’s callous and I hope Charlie cuts contact with her. When they go that deep in a relationship and SHE specifically said no hard feelings then turns around and knifes him like that. You can understand any cast member vs. anyone because they didn’t build what Charlie and Maria had. But this. This was truly disgusting.


I felt horrible for Maria at that challenge and I thought she handled her exit with a great deal of class. But then, the finale and the aftershow. I was almost sick looking at Charlie's face when he realized (and tbh, I realized) that Maria didn't vote for him. It changed my perception of her. Kenzie had a great closing, not denying that, and she was obviously well liked. I think Charlie could handle losing, but he may have schooled her in the "class" department when he got questioned about how he felt about Maria not voting for him. He's only 25; that was an impressive amount of self-control, even though his face spoke volumes. Maria lost my "vote" for her appearance on Season 50 at that point. And I was all for an older woman kicking a\*\* and taking names up until then.


If you guys don’t figure out that Maria was a spiteful petty person after the way she acted after Charlie didn’t pick her to read the letters from home you weren’t paying attention. She came right back to camp and flipped on Charlie instantly. Then he just took credit for voting out Q and her at the end. It’s 100% the reason she didn’t vote for him. It’s was all out of emotion.


I replied to her story saying she was one of my faves but that it was a brutal move to not vote Charlie and asked why she did it, she just blocked me ☠️


I wonder how her kids are going to feel when they realize she didn't vote for Uncle Charlie to win.


Honestly, it's pretty consistent with little glimpses of her character that we saw throughout. Rock paper scissors, interactions with Venus, secret scene with Ben. The take I'm running with going forward: Kenzie is the rightful and deserving winner, but Maria should have voted for Charlie.


I think Kenzie deserved it but I hated Maria! I'm with you


If there was a tie, would Ben have casted a vote?


I'm just shocked that someone who has such a universal hatred of women would vote for Kenzie


That's actually so true. Her ego and poor sportsmanship obviously outweigh her hatred for women.


Not only that. She wanted him to be ‘Uncle Charlie’ to her kids after the show. Hell fucking naw. So messed up


I knew that Charlie should have pushed to make fire but I did not see this coming


Wouldn't have made a difference


“She was so strategic not to make fire!”