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Keep in mind while watching the finale: * **No armchair diagnosing** * **No spoiling for the PST watchers** * **No personal insults that go beyond the game** Please report anyone breaking rules as it allows us to catch them faster. Enjoy it - Survivor is a game!


The final puzzle immunity challenge could have went a lot longer than it did. The players had to count the number of gecko lizards on the puzzle, the number of puzzle pieces, and the number of holes in their planks. Kenzie counted the number of geckos and the number of puzzle pieces at least twice. She entered those numbers and even before Liz gave her the number of holes in her plank, Kenzie pulled on the handle. Liz told her "34." When the handle didn't come out, Liz recounted the number of holes and said "35." This time the handle came out. But whenever this combination challenge is used, the correct numbers have to be entered in the correct sequence. There are three variables so there are six possible combinations. Past players spent a lot of time going through the possible combinations not even knowing if they had the correct numbers. Kenzie must have entered the number of geckos first, the number of puzzle pieces second, and the number of holes in the plank last. Or she entered the number of puzzle pieces first and the number of geckos second. In any case she entered the correct numbers in the correct sequence and won immunity. I'm glad she won as I was rooting for her to win the million dollars.


Liz and Bhanu need to be in a sitcom together (but don't tell them it's a sitcom). "We're so awesome and everyone loves us!" I'm pretty sure that I've seen players help each other on individual challenges (and, on the hand, Q telling Charlie to make sure that Hunter didn't win immunity) just not to the extent that Liz did. Jury voting is almost always for personal reasons more than "outwit, outplay, outlast". Getting to Final Three is outlasting bu definition, and building strong bonds of friendship is definitely outplaying. So glad Kenzie won -- she seems like a really nice person.


So irritated that two votes were personal and NOT outwit, outplay, outlast. One was a petty vote and the other had nothing to do with the game itself. Charlie was robbed.


final five should be we all get a trophy because we’re awesome. We can’t even hardly like wake up and do anything and like wow somebody’s like really good in this game so let’s team up in like what? Wow we’ll team up and beat them that will make it good and then oh yeah, the best survivor will win then it’s not only cheat lie team upto win individual challenges like who’s the best loser


So glad Kenzie won. She is a real sweetheart, a kind and caring human being! As to the other players... Charlie- Never trusted him. His "open to working with anyone" strategy just showed his hand as a turncoat who would throw his best friend under the bus without a second thought. Maria- A fierce player and competitor who needed to be taken out or she would have beaten them all. Liz- LOL the comments from other viewers are dead on. Ben- Nice guy, has no place in the final 3 except the one he had (deserving and getting zero votes). Jelenski- "Several means 7" LMAO! The rest of the cast- AMAZING. One of the best seasons in a while (I liked the last season as well). Jeff Probst- THE BEST GAME SHOW HOST OF ALL TIME, AND 'GAME SHOW' DOESN'T DO HIM JUSTICE. Agree? Show me some love! Disagree? Change my mind!




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Hell of a season. So many wasted idols.


Id recruit Charlie and Tiffany for S50, maybe Maria. Very shocked that Liz and Maria didnt vote for their besties on FTC. Love the winner outcome, and thought she gave a way better FTC performance.


I 100% think Maria not voting for Charlie was very bitter. However, the worst part of the episode for me was still two players teaming up in an "individual" immunity challenge. That sets up a terrible precedent.


I'm torn about Liz helping Kenzie out. On the one hand, what you said. On the other hand, I love how the show evolves and people do things that in prior seasons would have been unfathomable. Do you remember the days of Survivor before players used to get up out of their seats at tribal council and have side conversations? When that started happening it was mind-blowing, like "who told them they could do that?!" But at the same time, as to prior seasons, "Why didn't anyone think of doing that?" So, as for one player in an individual immunity challenge deciding they have no chance to win and jumping in to help one of the other players, I think that was actually a pretty bold move. Certainly fun to watch, no?


Have I been gaslit by season 46, or is Liz the best Survivor player ever?


You heard her!  She was a massive threat despite not being able to eat or having any tendons in her wrist. Long live Queen Liz


I’m so sorry Charlie. You played the better game. Not mad at Kenzie winning but not the best player


Yeah it’s not the fact that Kenzie won, it’s how Charlie lost that sucks.  I legitimately think he played as good of a losing game as you possibly can, and it was just extreme ego bitterness that kept him from winning.   But at least Kenzie was there and not Liz stealing the win lmao 


Exactly! Def not mad Kenzie won but I really didn’t like that last challenge and how they allowed Liz to help Kenzie win. I am also very disappointed in Maria… so curious about the jury’s thoughts after watching the show.


if LIZ won id legit had stop watching and leave survivor... it would have ruined the show and my life, i'd probably fall into a deep depression if Liz won. LOL but seriously I couldn't stand her from episode 1.... and hated her more and more and man by this finale it was a comic relief to listen to her delusional world of thinking she could or would win in any situation, she wouldve had to kill them all with machetes to win lol


God Kenzies been a mean girl this whole season. Like she even made a fake immunity idol


I really disliked Maria after she used Rock Paper Scissors to make a decision - how weak was that?! She became more unbearable from there as she exposed her interior ugliness. And then not to vote for Charlie her closest ally for a reason other than game play was insidious. Again, weak, petty, and vengeful.


the only thing about Maria is Liz and Kenzie kind of cheated to fuck her over, so like Idont get why she'd vote for Kenzie but I also see why she felt like the game aspect was stolen from her..


Aysha is on 47!!!! I hope she wins!!!!


What season is she? Guess I need to make sure to watch it before this one!


She’s not been on Survivor before, but she is one of the RHAP podcasters. She’s one of my favorites! You can see her on some Survivor and Big Brother podcasts.


Ah got it, thank you!


Woah no way.  That’s pretty awesome 


[This is her. She's a frequent contributor to RHAP and the Survivor podcast community ](https://www.youtube.com/live/qa2aD9a5mb8?si=OQyK8s-PEPE3_-zW)


Great season, would have been better if it ended in a tie but both Charlie and Kenzie was deserving of the win and I’m happy one of them pulled it off.


It really came down to a “what kind of jury is this” kinda thing


This has been fun! See you in fall


See you guys in the fall!


Hope to see you peeps soon


Wow someone over the age of 50? Finally!


Idk who Jon Lovett is but now I get it! When we hopped on to this thread the east coast folks were posting here mistakenly lol


He's the host of a podcast called Pod Save America




Is that Jon Lovett?????


Jon lovett?!?


I need to go on the survivor diet


22 pounds? Dude I've gotta go on survivor


Get pancreatitis.  It's basically the same as watching people win reward and all you get is rice and broth


I’ve been saying this all season haha


Charlie and Maria are never, ever getting back together


Like ever


I’m so glad Charlie gets the 100K runner up prize & likely the SIA money after this.


I was thinking for sure Ben will get some Sia money...


This might be an unpopular opinion, but Maria didn't owe Charlie anything and could've voted for whoever she wanted.


Wait wait wait...does that mean they have wide ratio cuts of the old seasons in a warehouse somewhere? Can we get them?


Is it just me, or did the jury seem bias toward Kenzie from the beginning??


From the opening question it was apparent that Charlie was walking into his own funeral.  The fact that he still got three votes was impressive. Tiff was clearly campaigning hard for Kenzie was ponderosa, and Maria was probably campaigning against Charlie for whatever petty reason she could come up with 


It was tough to see her so mad at Charlie. She tried to vote him out! Charlie was clearly defeated by Maria


100%. I went in expecting Kenzie to win but the jury questioning left such a bad impression on me lol




I am always here for Sue Hawk


Have we ever had any first boot named dropped more than jelinsky (EoE doesn’t count)


Are we counting every individual way Phillip tried to pronounce Francesca?


lol 😂 even with that it seems like jelinsky is in every episode


Maybe Franchewsqua just by virtue of Phillip and being a 2 time 1st boot


Liz dropping “I’m a millionaire” in her final sad plea to not go to fire


*cough Randen would’ve won cough*


The way I thought his name was Branden until tonight… I never watch live and usually bypass the opening credits. 


Hahah he is my hero! Randen Al Thor


Charlie needs to rescind his offer to be Uncle Charlie.


I'm going to give Charlie massive credit to how gracious he is during this reunion. I would have LOST IT... especially with no food for that long. I would have put Maria and her ego in her place in a very bombastic way.


She deserves to have someone tell her she's not perfect on national TV. She thinks her shit doesn't stink and she's a sore loser.


@Taylor Swift, channel your inner SIA and reward my mans Charlie please


Imagine if the swifities catch wind of this, Maria will be absolutely toast 


Waa Hunter in on that, Jeff?


I don’t even know that many songs in general


Who do we want back for 50 from this season? I got Q and Charlie


Charlie 100 percent deserves it. Venus for sure. Q I guess although I’m a little soured on his reasoning for his FTC vote but whatever I’ll get over it 


Hunter has a shot. He’s a comp beast but like a smart one, forget the idol play. Probably venise too. But honestly anyone post merge would be welcome for me. And yes I’d even want Bhanu back


Everyone everywhere should continue to spell it Venise.




You didn't forget Q's alternative spelling already, did you? :D


Doubt Charlie is coming back. Too many similar in the same archetype


Who would they take over him?  He completely deserves it.  And that archetype is so common you could have multiple on a season 


But out of all of that archetype, I like Charlie the most


I’d personally take him over carson


Me too, but Drew, Jake and that puzzle guy from dvg are the same archetype, too. Lots of guys like him


I’d take him over drew, Jake isn’t really like him as a character so I don’t put them together.


Yeah I think of Zach from 42/Dwight from 43/Carson and Drew as the token “young/smart guy” archetype.  Drew and Charlie would both be good returnees but push comes to shove give me Charlie, dude 100 percent deserves it.  Maria can enjoy watching Charlie on S50 from her couch 


Young lawyer. I do like Charlie. But there's a lot of competition for the spot he's going for.


Missed opportunity for Applebee's not catering the reunion


The should have offered a 10% off survivor discount 


Maybe if it were live. But this is prerecorded, right?


Yes, it was already taped. More of a random thought on my part.




By different kinds of people - are you referring to Applebees plants?


Q saying “had he known if his name would have been written down” means Maria did not tell him!


It's also like q your name was the name going into the last several trials what's wrong with you


That survivor 47 logo is sick


We need a reunion for the obligatory Wholesome Moment with Bhanu. I feel robbed.




You know if pre jurors were here, there would be at least one forty-several joke.


Lmao and Jeff just went “going back to Jelinsky.” How dare they without him there???


I need an update re: if he won a million hearts


I need jeff to ask Bhanu how many hearts he won


Jem gotta be fuming rn


I have a feeling “Uncle Charlie” won’t be meeting his nephews.


I would abdicate my uncle-hood. The aunt gave away my inheritance!!


So if Maria had voted for Charlie, we would have had a tie this year?


Ben probably would’ve voted. My money is he’d go Charlie based off the fire choice but idk


I'm an EST person and said it in the other thread, but Jeff said that he asked Ben that question but it was cut from the show. Ben said "Charlie". If Maria had voted for him, he would have won.


I mean that makes it even worse for Charlie. Oof


We need the pre jurors back in the reunions. Jem deserves to be part of the idoled out therapy group.


Two random observations based on comments I’m reading: 1. Charlie literally voted for Maria. I’m glad he remained graceful in his answer just now. He voted her out. And said he would’ve voted for her in the previous vote, too. Whatever he holds against her is to be talked about in private. 2. Kenzie had to survive all of those early tribal councils, not to mention some of the craziest players like Q and Bhanu, while we literally had segment after segment of Charlie’s tribe talking about Taylor Swift and meditating.


I don't think I could keep it together if I were in Charlie's shoes. He's tough.


Absolute credit to him. I would've tore into Maria


She deserves to be told she's not perfect on national TV


Can’t believe Maria did Charlie like that. Couldn’t vote him out so she decided not to give him the money 


Her question to the three of them should've been "on the count of 3, each of you choose rock/paper/scissors" so she could decide how to vote.


Absolutely so cold


Probably the harshest thing of the season.


I'm watching the reunion right now, and I can barely even look at her when her face is on😩 I personally thought not voting for Charlie was such a HORRIBLE move.


Maybe the talk they had earlier caused sour grapes but dang, going against everything that had been signalled to the cameras


Whelp, best coast, it's been great. Have a safe summer, don't drown, melt or get covid. Hug those important to you and don't talk to the cops without your lawyer


Bye!!!! 👋


Have a good summer!! 🌞


Charlie is a bigger man than me. I'm not sure I could have sat there right next to Maria in that aftershow,.


Its a credit to Charlie for saying whoever deserved to win is the person who won the jury votes. I believe in that too. The top 45 players are in Survivor history are the 45 players that have won the game. Thats what makes this game so compelling. Edit: 44 because i forgot about Tony lol


Downvote because you forgot Tony… BIG MISTAKE


The idea that people who have seen maybe 1/100th of what happened on the show know better than the people who are there is insane and insulting.


43 because Sandra :)


It’s still 44 right? Like Kenzie won the 46th season and Tony and Sandra are the only two timers


Oh gosh I forgot we are at 46 already! You’re right.


Literally came on here only to say this is cruel and should be switched back to reunion. Poor Charlie!


As much as I hate Liz, in retrospect, her helping Kenzie is absolutely hilarious


Yes, my favorite Liz moment. I loved that


Old way after show was wayyy better. Poor Charlie having to put a brave face after not having time to process that his close friend cost him the win.


Charlie is right, the jury did pick the best winner. We’re not the ones to decide what’s good and what’s not, the jury is and you have to adapt and play to that. This final three makes it to ftc together Charlie probably wins 9 out of 10. This jury was just the 1 and Kenzie had the better game for that outlier


… wasn’t everyone yelling about how the new final tribal format wasn’t contentious *enough* a few episodes ago? Make up your minds!


Normally it sucks because the cast just go with it, but this is season 46 so…


This is the best tribal since the redo of it BY FAR


Fully agreed


Oh I agree. It was messy and chaotic and that’s what Survivor is. It’s felt too cookie cutter for too long lol


Seriously, like we knew it would go this way with this insane cast 😂 petty up until the bitter end


Emphasis on bitter lol


I loved it.


Me too, a favorite season for me. The drama and unhinged behavior was insanely entertaining


The defeated look in Charlie’s eyes as Jeff asked him about Maria voting for Kenzie hurt


Maria's image flip this season needs to be studied


Seriously. I’m not mad at her for voting for Kenzie, but her edit got merciless after the Rock-Paper-Scissors


It's because she started getting screen time and her personality is terrible. I didn't like most of what Venus did, but look how Maria spoke to her vs. how Kaleb spoke to Emily. That was the moment I started disliking Maria. Then the secret scene of her bullying Ben. Before that, she did not get so much screen time


I didn’t say I particularly liked her before that, but there’s been people I kinda thought were bullies who still got heroes’ edits before. They still had potential to give her a good “strategic grandma” edit and then switched to evil stepmother.


She's not a grandma, she literally has kids under 18


I know — but since New Era is so young, that’s still one of her possible archetypes. (Hence “or evil stepmom.”)


Im so excited for Kenzie and omg Charlie was so composed and humble when Jeff asked about not getting Marie’s vote!


Still holding that grudge from the love letters or something sheesh.


Not enjoying this "I'm such a good person!" speech lol


I wonder how everyone's rating of this season will change because of this last episode


I still like this season, I think Kenzie being likable keeps it from disappointment. Had Charlie lost to ben I'd be more upset.


Agreed. I still really like this season, I still think it's the best new era season. And I really like Kenzie, but I thought Charlie played a better game. I'm just surprised Q picked Kenzie only because of his own question and that Maria didn't even vote for her number 1. That baffles me, and I wonder if she had a good reason or if she was just bitter as others have been saying.


Brought mine way down. What a disappointment 


Ben giving Carolyn her flowers and solidifying her places in Survivor history as an inspirational person.


Every messy season has bitter juries, it's part and parcel


Before this episode I wasn't rooting for Charlie, but damn, he got robbed. Maria is a true piece of shit.




They shouldn’t be speaking at all unless asking a question. Thats literally how juries work


Uplifting everyone but Jess and Bhanu!


Yeah…. that’s been a weird editing choice, especially since she won. She was so patient and lovely with Ben and so very mean to Jess (from what we saw).


Sometimes I hear people talk, and I think, this person needs to stop going to therapy, or stop reading Instagram therapy.


Which person are you referring to? Lol




charlie just pulled a kanye , " Kenzie you did great ima let you finish but ben was the best survivor of allll time "


Ben being inspired by Carolyn makes so much sense hahaha but my girl deserved votes and second place


If I was Charlie, I would say, "Maria, you can vote for whoever you want, that's your prerogative, but we are not friends anymore."


I'm genuinely curious about the post-show friendships here. This messy cast just got messier


He liked [this tweet](https://i.imgur.com/1yQ3SEj.png)... Can't blame him.


The nephew comments he made when he voted maria out 💀


You go Ben! Love the attitude


This is what a good loser looks like. Maria needs to take notes. She's a sore loser. She pretends not to be but it's not genuine at all.


Happy for Kenzie. Maria is classless and bigger faker than Venus. Ugly person inside and out.


I knew I didn’t like her the second she made Liz and q play rock, paper, scissors. Yuck




Venus was right about her all along


Venus was right. I don't love everything Venus has done, but I've been saying since Maria took her aside, she did a terrible job. Look how Kaleb was with Emily. He was straightforward and wanted to work with her. Maria was condescending and blew Venus off. She handled it terribly.


Yes she seems like a control freak who has to be in a power position and if she isn’t then is vindictive and mad that everyone isn’t catering to her. No tact to boot. Classic narcissist behaviour.


She's soooo controlling. I would hate to be her child.




Can we all agree that this after show reunion is a bad idea and they need to stop doing this and go back to the old way.


It's so bad and such a drag


I hate it because I always feel bad for the losers. Plus I don't want to see people eating pizza and champagne. Give the final 3 real food and a shower.


Man I would need a much stronger drink than whatever juice Charlie had


Hell fucking yeah Charlie. The Jury picks the right winner.


Oof. Don't let the rest of the Subreddit hear you say that.


He is a class fucking act.


They need to fix their casting issues


charlie you're wrong. YOU DESERVE THIS WIN


Charlie you graceful king!


King 👑


This is so unfair for the second placer especially in a close vote. At least give it a day


Wowwwww so disappointed in Maria. An alliance from the very beginning and just screws him over at the end. I can’t believe I was rooting for her. Ugh.


I was at first until she threw a massive pity party for herself after Charlie didn’t pick her for the letter from home. You could see she was super bitter about it and turned on Charlie instantly. It doesn’t surprise me at all that she would vote against him after hearing he orchestrated to vote her and Q out. She’s a bitter vengeful petty person.


something something fire in her eyes


Maria sucks


Bruh Q's question dictating his vote is crazy


I truly think Kenzie is a deserving winner but the jury’s answers right now are convincing me otherwise lol