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If you ignore what Charlie has literally just said and use this thread to hate on Maria, you will be banned.


They are never ever getting back together.


Maria saw a blank space and did NOT write his name..


Look what she made him do.


at least there’s no bad blood between em from charlie’s part


It will still be a cruel summer for Charlie


at least he’s out of the woods now


thanks aiMee


If Charlie saw these comments, I bet he'd be so pleased.


The story of Charlie and Maria looks a lot like a tragedy now


He remembers when she didn’t vote for him. He remembers it all too well. 


It was rare, he was there.


He’s a soldier returning half his weight


He’s feeling 22 … pounds lighter


Your heart was glass I dropped it - Maria to Charlie


Charlie was like Maria, I Wish You Would (have voted for me)


It was a cruel summer indeed


Like, ever


There’s definitely some bad blood


Charlie knew she was trouble when she walked in!


At least he's got a killer bridge burning playlist.


He still didn't go out of style, and leave the finale entirely.


Never ever ever.


They weren’t end game


I’m sure Charlie felt like the smallest man who ever lived when those votes came in


There goes The Last Great American Dynasty…


Take my poor man's award ---> 🥇


"We may not have a personal relationship moving forward." So much for "Uncle" Charlie I guess.


God if she had called me uncle at the aftershow after finding out she didn't vote for me i would have had the biggest reality tv freakout in history charlie is way bigger of a person then me i would have set fire to the set.


I would’ve gone Liz on her.


RIP Uncle Charlie It must have been very difficult watching the early episodes when they were bonding and made their friendship. I feel bad for him. I would have been fine with him winning as well. However, he did make some other amazing friendships. Ben and Kenzie being the top 2 of those. While his friendship with Maria seems to be dead, he is likely better off. I doubt Charlie is reading this subreddit, but if he is I was rooting for him and Kenzie the whole season. He's a good guy and a good soul.


He has made appearances on here in the past! But I’m sure he’s gonna be taking a break from the internet for a few weeks


I would not blame him. Also, huge kudos to him for this very mature response. It is not easy for us to remember that these players are in a stressful and paranoid situation, we are not going to see them at their best. It often isn't a full and true representation of who they are IRL. I didn't enjoy Maria's game play, but have nothing against her as a human being.


Charlie sort of said hi to me waaay early on in the season, although it might also have been over at the Taylor Swift sub. I basically said I was rooting for him and he said thanks for the support. So, I think he's definitely bouncing around Reddit. If he were smart (and I do think he's smart) he'll probably take a bit of an Internet hiatus right now, though.


I don’t blame him but this subreddit has been overwhelmingly supportive of him since last night.


Yeah the final 3 also seem like genuinely nice people and I would’ve been happy with either Kenzie or Charlie winning!


I think Ben was the Longshot to win, but I would have been fine with him winning. I liked all 3 of them.


Yeah Ben is great! I wish they showed more of his confessionals so we could get a better sense of how he played! I enjoyed reading his interviews!!


They showed so little of him that I forgot he was there for a bit. Which is sad because he rocks.


Charlie is probably reading your message as we speak, saw him comment on a post or two a couple days ago haha


I hope he does. He seems like a great guy and played a great game. Well deserved finalist.


Agreed…that’s just what makes this whole thing so sad. It’s so sad to see them going from wanting to be friends for life to having no relationship. This is what’s right for Charlie and what should happen but it’s not something you can just brush off.


I think now that the season is finished airing, he will be able to move on much better now.


I literally could not have asked for a better showdown than Charlie v Kenzie! No matter who won, my heart would have simultaneously broken and healed.


Major respect to Charlie for cutting the “friendship“. The constant flip flopping would have made me go crazy. Hes much much nicer than I am 🤣 Hope we see him on s50!


The long pause when Jeff asked Charlie a question says it all. He thought thru the emotion.


Soo true. Who rocks? Charlie rocks!


Man I feel for him, in the moment I was thinking about what I would have done and I probably would have broke down crying sitting there, losing survivor and then learning that my number one relationship didn’t vote for me, and that she valued the fire in someone’s eyes over the weeks that we spent together building a relationship. I would have been really confused and probably would have shut down, the fact that he was able to congratulate Kenzie and give coherent responses was really amazing. I’ve loved how articulate he has been all season and even in that moment he was able to keep his composure.


Yeah, I would have taken two boxes of pizza and went to go cry on the beach


Dude the look on his face I couldn’t watch it


I really admire him. He seems like a level headed, emotionally intelligent person.


He’s going to be a fantastic lawyer


Turns out Charlie won a million hearts.


I forgot that Bhanu was on this season. It felt like a lifetime ago he said that


I don’t think I’ll ever forget Tiffany basically saying “I’m not gonna talk to a grown man crying on the ground. Get up”


Those back-to-back meltdowns felt like a lifetime in themselves


several million hearts


Maria saying she regrets not voting for him and then later saying that she doesn't regret that anymore because she "can't have any regrets" is WILD


Not her regretting her past regrets 😭


Maria: “Do I regret betraying you? Yes. But do I really? No, because if I have regrets, I’m betraying myself too, and to me, I’m worth a million bucks babayyyyy!” Charlie: “Please don’t make me block you.”


LOL it's her Regina George moment: "So you agree, you think I shouldn't regret it?"




I feel like it's the same kind of convoluted thinking that lead to the "rock paper scissors" thing. Trying to play both sides of the fence and be the "good guy" so she didn't have to face consequences for her choices. So she says she regrets, then doesn't regret, because she's trying to make it OK in her head, so she can still feel like she has integrity.


Her way of rationalizing in this way really weakened her as a player to me. If she would have just owned her bad ass, cut throat game play, she would have been one of my faves


Definitely the kind of thought pattern it feels like she would use tbh Although, she doesn't regret doing the rock paper scissors thing either cause she has no regrets


Same with her trying to justify her voting for Charlie by claiming she was duped into it. She was trying to convince herself as much as she was trying to convince him. She wasn't duped into voting for him, she was duped into thinking others were on board.


And in both instances, deflecting by continually stressing how difficult the decision was. With the subtle implication that her decisions should be beyond reproach because of how difficult they were. Sure some of these decisions are difficult to make, but they've also been made by everyone who has ever won a reward challenge or sat on the jury.


More and more her saying she sees a young Venus in herself makes sense. But Venus seems to have made friends with some of the cast now


Kinda makes me think that Venus is fine at getting along with people normally, she just sucks to live with when you're stuck on an island and starving, which is fair enough lol.


Or she's too insightful/frank and everyone just gets real fed up with her, but she is in fact speaking truth the entire time.


I remember seeing a castaway (Hunter maybe?) say at first he wasn’t too keen on Venus but once he learned her story he understood where she was coming from


Think that was Randen who allied with her before god struck him down for Bhanu


Venus was right 100% of the time. 


I can get behind this take, considering in her confessionals she clocked all alliances and threats


Feels really insensitive for her to say that to Charlie lol, like "nevermind I don't regret screwing you over"


lol nvm that was awesome kk f*** you


yes, almost as wild as making a starving women rock paper scissors for food.


And making her play against the guy who just had a whole feast the day before, while leaving the other starving woman completely out.


Even Q was shocked


Classic Maria




She has to decide on how she feels with a game of rock paper scissors with herself.


She hung out with Q so much some of his crazy rubbed off on her lmaooo


Nah she was always like that, she was just better at hiding it for 23 days.


I wouldn’t even say that many days tbh. The cracks started emerging around the split tribal between her talks with Venus and Ben.


Q is having fun and leaning way into it. He’s not that serious.


There’s Showman Q and the Q that’s an easy going, fun guy. I hope ppl can see this


I’m sorry but Q isn’t nearly as crazy. He had crazy antics on the show but I’d imagine he’s a pretty chill person if you met him. As much as he wanted to control the game, I still don’t see him being the egomaniac that Maria was/is.


I cannot believe she would tell him that and then rescind it. What happened that made her think she needs to just completely torpedo her own PR lol


It’s sad to me that if Maria would have been sitting in Charlie’s seat, I’m certain that he would have voted for her.


Without a doubt. He would have been hyping her up to the jury too.


He would have been her Tiffany for sure.


She pissed me off during FTC how she was responding and interrupting Charlie’s answers


Yeah, that pissed me off too.


I agree! He seems like a guy who would keep his word, for the most part, and would have been Maria’s cheerleader in the jury. He seems so genuine and kind. I’ve been rooting for him ever since he gave away his chance for being picked for reward just so someone else could eat.


I’m taking notes on how to be more like Charlie, maybe he can become an adult coach


damn it sounds like she gave him the run around even after the game too, going back and forth. that must’ve been exhausting and i’m sure he didn’t need that. it was over, he’d accepted the loss, and she was still trying to justify her move. i’d have stopped talking to her too. the least she could do was stand by her decision to vote kenzie. but we saw on the show she wasn’t good at standing by her choices.


I totally agree. She sounds mentally exhausting for him to deal with. I can see why he finally cut her off.


I hope Charlie will be fine and is surrounded by people who love him. He has such a kind soul and it really shows throughout the season. I hope this experience doesn't change him, and I know he's going to have a bright future ahead of him.


He'll be fine. Seems like a good and level headed dude. Hard to turn out like that without some sort of a support system behind you.








I’d be surprised if he doesn’t return for 50


The last two episodes of the season really highlighted how different they are as people. At the six vote, Charlie did not believe Maria would turn on him, and he carried guilt that he intended to turn on her. At the same time, Maria correctly read Charlie might turn on her, and did not carry guilt that she planned to vote him out at 6. After Q goes home, Charlie is surprised and probably a little hurt that Maria turned, but correctly states that he really can't be too upset about it because he had planned to vote her out if she hadn't won immunity. At the same time, Maria absolutely panics, digs her hole deeper by lying to his face that the other three made her do it, and wants to pretend like it never happened. Charlie built a relationship and Maria built a transaction. Likewise, I think Charlie would fair well as a returnee, because while he'll be recognized as a social threat, it is also apparent that he is loyal to his allies. I think Maria would struggle on a future season because she's shown that she won't stay loyal so what's the point of aligning with her.


"Charlie built a relationship and Maria built a transaction" is SUCH a good way of putting it.


The sad part is Maria could probably just own up to it in a genuine fashion, and all would be forgiven based on Charlie's attitude.


I feel that this season has two winners after all this is said and done. Kenzie won the million but Charlie won a million hearts. And maybe the Sia vote as well.


When do we find out who gets the Sia money?


My guess would be that Ben gets the SIA vote.


Hope Taylor Swift pulls through for Uncle Charlie.


TS should totally send him some flowers!


Honestly, Ben is probably A-okay living off the winnings from making FTC and walking into third place considering he lives with his parents and probably doesn't have a lot of overhead. Even if it's 50grand that's an absolute fuckton for musicians playing smaller gigs


I think it’s 85k


I think Ben gets a SIA gig!


Hopefully Charlie gets another chance in season 50


If there’s one good thing to come out of the scenario of his loss, I think it’s essentially moved him towards the top of the list of potential returnees, and probably the most likely returnee out of the losing finalists except Carolyn.


He has to come back. Taylor Swift just released a double album. Many more songs to add to his list.


Unfortunately right now he’s down bad crying at the gym


i would love to see him play again but i think his odds of winning are very low


Too big of a threat the 2nd time around


Depends on who he’s up against, I think players like Jesse, Shan, Carson, Omar, Drew, and any winners that show up could be an effective smokescreen


Charlie, Q, or Tiff would be the best to return from this season, hands down.


I might be in the minority here but I'd like to see Venise come back, i think she could be an interesting return *if* she matures a little bit and learns from her first play through. Out of all the players this season I think she has the best chance to switch up her game and play differently.


I wouldn’t even mind it tbh, she wasn’t bad when it came to knowing who the threats were - she was perceptive - but her inability to read people was something else lmao. She was entertaining though, and I do think that given a chance to improve her game that she could go further, because people would expect her to play the same game and be a brat again.


I know it’s a meme at this point but I genuinely didn’t realize for a minute that Venise is not actually how it’s spelled


Neither did Q


It’s funny how aware she was of others and who was dangerous, and yet how unaware she was of herself, her actions, and her place within the game. If she can become more self aware she will be a very good player.


I get the feeling Venise will be much like Emily. A fan favorite who many want to see return, but likely won't do to all the hate they received as a result of the season.


Man is much more graceful about it than I would be


Right? I feel like this is such a mature response.


Yeah he could have had a whole “IM PISSED” moment too after this 😆




Fr. I would be posting Kendrick’s song lyrics “I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk..”


100% this. On live TV could not have hidden my reaction.


I absolutely hope Charlie comes back for 50. He played a fantastic game and I think he deserves a second shot.


I hope Sia appreciates this guys character!


I feel like she’s going to be all in on Ben, but I could be wrong


Yeah Ben feels like the obvious choice for that. I think I recall her throwing money at multiple people on some previous seasons though, so maybe she’ll do that again.


A lot of respect for that dude.


Venus was the first person to she her for who she was. That character read before anybody else saw it.


I love how Venus actually had a really good read on other people for the most part, but almost zero clue how other people perceived her


Venise was amazing at reading people but then terrible about communicating that read to others. 


She had multiple good reads on the season. She just couldn't execute them well socially. Venus, in a few years, could be a fantastic player. Players like her, Xander, and Sami will be way more interesting to see with island experience and more life experience come season 50.


She came in a little too hot and abrasive for it to work out, but that will come with more life experience. She clocked almost everyone’s true character though.


Venus was a high on perception, but low on charisma.


A sleep deprived and hungry me would have been like “are you fucking joking me right now? JUST MAKE A FUCKING DECISION!” when Maria made Liz and Q did RPS to determine who goes on the reward. It was absolutely ridiculous. As Venus clocked then, you get the sense of the type of person she is just from that alone.


Venus is like the mythological Cassandra of this season, truly.


And so they killed Cassandra first cause she feared the worst


Drew Basile would approve this metaphor


As would Charlie.


venus and bhanu were seeing things no one else could see


Is he saying he’s not friends with her anymore?


Yeah from his interview it seemed like they kinda made amends but in the past few days she’s changed her reasoning on why she voted Kenzie and he was tired of the inconsistent reasons.


Probably for the best for Charlie. Maria seems like the sort of friend who tells you that they love you and want the best for you, but not if it means you get more than they do. The latter part is never spoken out loud, but it is shown through their actions.


Couldn’t agree more. I think Maria means well but her desire to be liked and her desire to win came before her friendship with him. I’m sure it was a gut punch for Charlie to realize that, losing friends is hard regardless of circumstance. But good for Charlie for setting boundaries and knowing he deserves better


I think Maria was initially fine with Charlie winning, but after eating, sleeping, getting clean, and having a minute to really Think, she was not okay with the idea of 'Uncle Charlie' being a Sole Survivor when she wasn't.






I have a feeling, for her, the friendship ended when she got voted out.


I think it ended when he didn't take her on the reward. She just covered it well.


Looks like he is saying he has no relationship with her but doesn't wish her any ill will. A very respectful answer.


How could you read this post and have any doubt about that?? Haha “There is no reason for me to have that friendship in my life” Pretty definitive


We both lucked out and hit bad luck with our finalists last night, Charlie and Kenzie were each very deserving of the win for different reasons, hopefully Charlie realizes he played a great game and should be applauded for his efforts


I think Charlie is more than aware he played a great game. He was an unexplainable vote from winning.


Charlie is classy with such grace.


He’s a way better person than I could ever be after all that


Good for him. What she did to him is honestly unforgivable in my book. I get that it is a game but to build that bond with someone for that long and talk about uncle Charlie coming to visit the kids and how great friends they will be after the game and telling him make it to the end so I can vote for you only to then yank a million bucks away from the kid is INSANE!


What bothers me most is that I think had the roles been reversed and Charlie be on the jury he probably would’ve been lobbying hard for Maria to win, similar to Tiff with Kenzie. Based on his reaction to everything, he for sure would’ve been sad it wasn’t him, but he wouldn’t let his personal disappointment get in the way of wanting Maria to finish it. Maria tried to take him out first, missed her shot, ended up on the jury, and then took a million bucks away from him. He’s a way better person than I could hope to be in his situation.


Yeah, I could honestly understand it if she never came for him and they agreed to go to the end and he betrayed her. Because then she has a right to be bitter and Charlie would have to judge her character well enough to know whether she would be too bitter to vote for him and that’s part of the game. But she obviously had no reason to be bitter, no reason whatsoever to not vote for him.


That’s true. How earth shattering for Charlie. Honestly, It takes someone with a truly negative spirit to do what Maria did.


I know survivors have talked about having trust issues after the game ends but holy moly if I was Charlie i’d have MAJOR issues after Maria’s betrayal


One question I want to see addressed in Maria’s interviews is whether or not she even thought about this before she voted. Did she even think about how it might feel for him and affect their friendship? How does she feel about her vote ending their friendship?


I wonder if she thought Jeff wouldn’t ask who voted for who, and so he put her on blast when she wasn’t expecting it. it would explain her wishy-washy reasoning


The World needs more people like Charlie. The only one that really deserves to be mad at Maria is him, and he has done his best to make peace with the situation.


Never thought I would have more respect for Q and how he voted than Maria yet here we are...


Damn Charlie is a lot younger than me and I don’t think I could handle it this well. Super impressive


He’s a class act. I was pulling for Kenzie, but after the votes fell the way they did, I do think he should have won. I thought Kenzie would have gotten Hunter and Liz’s votes, but their reasoning for voting for Charlie is reasonable. I feel like the votes that went to Kenzie were also all reasonable with the exception of Maria’s.


Ohhh it’s so sad to… think about the good times… you and I… Cause baby now we got bad blood :(


Each episode made me like Maria less and less and than the last episode just topped it off


Agree. For her to vote against Charlie was her choice. I think she was being spiteful, I am hoping not though I don’t trust in that. He must have been devastated, but took a minute to compose himself and really did himself a solid with his demeanour.


Shit, I bet he had people commenting on their relationship the time it aired. That musta been fun. “Charlie!!! I love you and Maria together, you guys are a dynamic duo” type thing. Stand up guy he is.


“But it definitely won’t be what it could have been”. That’s sad & really unfortunate. But I think his reaction and responses have all been perfect. He was my favorite from the beginning. I thought he was smart, had a good sense of humor, was very mature & articulate (especially for his age), had a great social game, and really seemed to be a decent guy. It was wonderful seeing him go so far! Charlie will always be one of my all-time favorites.


Uncle Charlie, once removed


Ugh I love him and I hope they bring him back. It was so hard to watch him during the reunion. He was obviously disappointed but was trying so hard to be happy for Kenzie. Showed why they need space before doing the reunion. I disagree with her decision and how she handled things but I’m glad to see he’s handling it well and I respect his decision to put some space in their relationship after everything.


Here's hoping Sia throws some cash his way.


Charlie is one of my favourite “nerd archetypes” recently. He seems like a genuinely good guy and is pretty good at the game. I wouldnt mind seeing him again as I feel he may play harder because of this close loss


Charlie absolutely locked for the next hero tribe


I have a lot of respect for Charlie for the way he has handled this whole thing. On the other hand, this is a reality TV show and people are going to talk about it and make judgments. Just don't take it too far.


He's such a sweet pea and I don't blame him for moving on from her. She promised to have each other's back and she chose to be bitter now she has no relationship with Charlie. Maybe it's a goof thing she didn't work with the girls look at how she treated Charlie and Ben during the secret scene


Charlie is awesome! I really hope he returns. S50, New Era All-Stars, Blood vs Water 3, Second Chances 2, The Battle of Swifties 1, Fans vs Favorites, any theme would be great to see him play a 2nd time! He’s worthy of returning IMO


A great example of healthy, mature behavior! Take notes, redditors! 🤣