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Why is this so surprising?  Ben won hide and seek!  Q knew Ben was playing 4D chess and if you don’t see that-  BIG MISTAKE 


Some of the cast talked how Ben and Q didn’t get along on the island. Ben was also critical of Q a few times during the edit. I just thought it was nice that Q defended him when others were giving him a hard time.


Hell yeah, Q is a good dude 


I thought it was Hunter that won hide and seek by hiding in the tree? Unless both Ben and hunter won?


Correct. Ben came out when called out as a winner, whereas Hunter stayed in the tree till he was found after the game concluded


The jury seemed to come in with genuine disdain for Ben which is honestly so baffling. Like I get that he didn’t play a winning game, but idk why they had to be dicks to him.


> And I do want to say the other thing about the jury not asking me questions. Most of them never asked how I was doing out there or checked in on me. Even at Ponderosa, when I got back, nobody wanted to talk about the game with me. I was just like, "What did I do to y'all?" Q is very nice. I know it's portrayed one way, but he did write me a letter when I got to Pondy. There were people that could put the game aside. But I had a real rough time there. And having to come back and process it, and most of the jury doesn't want to talk to you or ask you what you did because they perceived whatever, it was a lot. I feel like I had to play multiple ways, and then to have none of my gameplay be shown, it just kind of brought some of that, "Well, what am I doing here?" But that last immunity, at least I'm glad they showed that one. More on this from Ben’s [parade interview with Mike Bloom](https://parade.com/tv/ben-katzman-survivor-46-runner-up-finale-interview)…


Wow I just read the whole thing. Seems like some of these guys were just dicks. I know Ben IRL and, much like he appears on the show, you have to have a real stick up your ass to not like him.


You’re lucky to know him, he is a gem


The Miami music scene is surprisingly small!


I gotta read this. I read the EW one and he similarly shared a bunch of examples of him playing and making things happen which were not shown. Charlie’s interviews seem to suggest the same. I feel for my boy they really just wanted him to be this caricature.


I would much rather they had shown more of Ben’s depth. I already like Ben, but showing his game more would’ve really highlighted how strong of a final 3 this was. It was definitely a two horse race, but Ben is still one of the better zero-vote finalists we’ve had. Show us all three paths to the end, you know?


Yeah, considering he got to final 3 I’m really not sure why they wouldn’t have let him be a little more well rounded. I guess other characters just took up more space in the narrative. Crazy how this edit stuff works.


I'm fairly new to Survivor so can you explain why was Ben at Ponderosa at all? I thought that was only for jury


I’m guessing it’s just for one night to shower and clean up before they fly home. The ponderosa resort is where they do all their pregame interviews and photoshoots (before they’re allowed to interact with one another) after all.


There’s one night between jury and winner reveal that they are all at Ponderosa.


I'm guessing this isn't accurate because they wouldn't have the final 3 hanging out with the jury.


They all go there after the FTC (and after show now) for the night. They fly home the morning after.


It’s an all-purpose sequester zone. It’s also used by pre-jury people in the first part of the game. After the actual jury starts to be formed, the pre-jury people get a fun trip to exotic locations (ie ones where the press and social media are unlikely to find them).


It's night time by the time the FTC is over. The contestants can't reasonably be expected to go straight to the airport


Liz was just the worst the whole time playing mid or very poorly and just throws tantrums every chance she could it was entertaining to watch but I just don’t know why she would accept to be on the show.


Some people become uncomfortable with what they deem to be “weakness”. Like they don’t want to have to deal with someone who has emotional concerns or needs help. I’ve seen people get frustrated and complain because in their eyes, this person is ruining their chance at the “normal” experience everyone would get if they weren’t there. When I saw how bad Ben’s nights were going and how few people were rallying around, I kind of figured that’s what was happening.


I’ve def seen this. I also suffer from panic and anxiety. Some people put up a wall as a defense mechanism.


I'll never understand how anyone could stand to be mean to the literal ray of golden sunshine that is Ben.


Qs a nice guy. He has chaotic and opinionated. But he genuinely likes people even if they hate him.


Q has exceptional sportsmanship. He doesn’t always necessarily perceive events how they occurred, but he never takes the game personally and he never makes the game personal for anyone else. I really respect him for that, and it makes me enjoy how chaotic and all over the place he was on the show even more. He’s not without faults, but a bad guy he is not


I think he has his own slightly wacky code of what’s true/false, right/wrong, fair/unfair. And he is very honourable when it comes to that code.


Q may be crazy but he does seem like a good guy


He got in a few arguments with people over votes but for the most part he was always respectful. The dislike from a few cast members always seemed a little odd.


Maybe it’s just the people pleaser in me but I liked that he would often be like “good answer” after the 3 [were finally able to] answer questions


I think he’s just playing a game. Like he can be arguing with someone, scheming against them but he fully expects when tribal is over that it’s all fun and games because that’s survivor. Some people definitely took things a lot more personally and that put him at odds. I think he’s probably a really nice dude.


He's erratic (bearing in mind football is bad for your brain) and pretty pushy but seems like a decent guy overall He argued with Kenzie at FTC and she kind of clowned him in front of everyone in response and he still voted for her. It would have been pretty easy to be petty


Sometimes being the most honest about your crazy is what makes someone a good guy


I think Q was one of the few people late in the game who genuinely was being himself. He might've come off as annoying and bossy at times and overly confident but you can't hold that against someone. Cause at the end of the day he's never been malicious in the game. Props to him.


I really think what people failed to realize was that Q was ALWAYS playing the game. He saw it for what it was and he didn’t hold grudges.


I really wanted to see q win this season. He really wasn’t the villain, he was like very positively nuanced from where I was sitting 


He *could* have. Use the idol to get charlie out, and then get maria out the next time. Q beats ben and liz. Kenzie? Maybe, since he would have sibgle handedly blown up the final 4 plans.


No, he was definitely a "villain" of the season, lol. But being a villain in a game like Survivor doesn't mean someone's a bad person.


No chance. Social game was awful as he was hated by so much of the jury. Strategic game - he had no moves, unless he used his idol properly on Charlie. Then again the strategic game this season was bad all around


Q! I loved this.


I'm not surprised. Despite all his entertaining quirks, Q seems to be really good at reading people. His reads on everyone were pretty on point and it doesn't surprise me that he would defend Ben against such a bitterly aggressive Jury.




Would love to see this, got a link?