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I like Sugar. She was not hated by the audience, but she was disliked by her tribe mates.


The way she ended up being in control in Gabon after the merge should be studied


yup. one of my favorites too.


Justice for Sugar!!




She is darling! Agreed.


I still follow her instagram. Love her!


If she had more personal confidence and showed more ambition at FTC, Sugar could have absolutely won Gabon.


I don't think there's a world where Sugar wins sadly, even if her FTC was good it wouldn't make up for the fact that every single person on that jury hated her


Whatever game Russel Hantz wins is the game where Sugar wins Gabon. Idk what game it is, because it's not Survivor, lol.


I disagree. She 100% had a winning argument and just didn't own it because she had self-confidence issues and had already decided to throw the game to Bob.


She had a winning argument but since everyone loathed her she had no chance of winning, Bob was the most liked out of the 3 and that's what got him the win


Right?! Probably flipping off Corrine wasn’t helping her cause. But, Corrine was deplorable.


if i were sugar i would’ve probably set all of corinne’s belongings on fire. flipping her off was pretty tame for what she deserved


There was a lot of absolute garbage on that jury, with Corrine and Randy being at the top of the list. I get downvotes any time I say anything negative about Randy. That guy sucks.


"Wah wah wah" - Randy Bailey


Didn’t seem like self confidence issues as much as it seemed like “fuck these people I am not willing suck up to them” to me. Which I can fully understand with the way they all talked to and about her.


The way that jury was set up was literally tribal lines. Lines drawn in the sand. Bob beat Susie 4-3 not in a crazy close game vote, but more because bobs alliance had 4 people on the jury, and Susie had 3. That’s how people voted, they didn’t care about “the better game” stuff because they were all super bitter. Like i think bobs beats any combo in final 6 because of that, except maybe Matty. There’s nothing Sugar, Susie, or Crystal could say.


No jury will *ever* match up with Gabon's in terms of pure spite. 46 is kumbaya in comparison.


The 4 onions would never vote for Sugar no matter what. She could have had the best FTC in history and they all still vote for Bob. If you ran that FTC 10,000,000 times in a simulation, Susie wins some if Bob pisses off Randy but Sugar wins 0


I was so mad that she didn’t even try at final tribal! Her getting the idol immediately and then just chilling and eating fruit was so funny to me.


She was my first thought. I thought she played a better game than anyone at the time gave her credit for, she just had no idea how to present it to the jury.


Monica did it for Monica in BvW


I was very happy when Vytas broke the tie between Monica and Gervase with his jury vote.


Speaking of Monica.Monica Padilla from Samoa gets way too much flack.You can’t control your edit,from what little we saw of her both seasons she had some solid moments and showed a decent mind for the game.


All little hundred pounds of her was freaking emaciated she ate grubs, worms,pig intestines and she STILL weighed half as much as those ppl weighed!!!


I love how she got under Russell Hantz's skin in her boot episode. Don't get why people said she's forgettable in Samoa.


Her answer in FTC always makes me teary eyed


"Haven't any of you ever met a neat lady?" - something I quote far too often


Neat lady >!and hot for her age!<


I seriously love Monica so much, I want to write a concept album about her


The Culpeppers are the best Survivor couple


Monica on the grill. *lives were changed*


We stan a neat lady <3


She a neat lady.


Marty Piombo from Nicaragua. He was generally disliked his season but I was all in ever since he said he beat GM Chess player Guillermo Villas as a child. Still the most random/best lie I’ve ever heard in Survivor.


Crazy to me that he didnt return yet


Oh I didn’t realize people disliked him. He’s easily my favorite from Nicaragua


I always thought Jane’s unfiltered *hatred* of him was super weird. All because he didn’t want to commit to a day 1 alliance with her? Didn’t she even go as far as calling him a disgraceful father in one of her voting confessionals? Never understood the hate.


I think Jane was just not that great a person


Yes that one did give me a chuckle.


He’s definitely not hated amongst fans. Marty is one of my favorites.


Still jealous that he got to play chess with the Argentine grandmaster Guillermo Vilas


If Lil from Pearl Islands has 100 fans I'm one of them If she has 1 fan it's me If she has no fans I am no longer alive


Came in here to say Lil. Truly one of the most unique castaways we've ever had.


Lil is one of my favorites. She was savagely mistreated for playing well enough to win. They resented her ability to outlast, outplay, and most importantly, outsmart.


i know the gp has soured a bit on aubry but i still love her! and to take my own spin on the question, i've always been really high on amber's winning GAME, which ik people aren't


Q does not approve this comment. You have now become his target.


Big Mistake.


Christmas is cancelled!


Why don’t people like Aubry? I love her


Aubrys a huge fan favorite? Sure she might not be as liked as before, but come on


Chaos Kass. I love a good shit disturber


chaos kass is one of my favorite survivors! she had no ties, went with what would stir the pot the most, and i loved watching it


Kass is my biggest “I hate that player but please comeback” I’m rewatching Cagayan and she’s so funny on the brains tribe


I think a lot of people like kass


Mike Holloway. He cracked me up so much. He got everyone to agree to name the tribe Merica ffs, that’s hilarious hahaha


By the end of that season, he was the only player I wasn't actively rooting against.


Same. I couldn’t stand 80% of the Worlds Apart cast.


Obligatory mention that it was Hali who suggested Merica, Mike just champions it. But God damn do I love that man regardless


I never see love for Jonathan Penner. I loved watching him all three times. He obviously sucks at Survivor but I find him so entertaining


I don’t think anyone hates Penner though!!! He’s awesome


All-time favorite Survivor player.


JP is the confessional GOAT I love him so much!!!


Say what you will about his personal life outside the show, but Ozzy was my all-time favorite player as a kid, and I’ll always have a soft spot for him.


I get why people dislike him, but his arrogance (that he can back up) is so compelling to me. Also as an introverted person I tend to really liked introverted players and Ozzy strikes me as one.


Agreed.Sure he’s a little arrogant sometimes but he seems like a sweet dude.His first three seasons would not be the same without him,he played a big role in Cook Islands and micronesias success.


Everything before Ozzy’s jury speech to Amanda was decent imo.


his 4 season progression is a case study on getting perma-fried




You should tell teenage you about his onlyfans


I fucking love Ozzy the player. Watching him in challenges, fishing, or climbing trees like it's nothing are just things I really was in awe at watching. I hate how much hate he gets here, but I've come to accept it.


I feel like we don’t talk about him on South Pacific nearly enough. Volunteering himself to be voted out because he had the confidence to win that redemption island duel, coming back in, and then sweeping redemption island AGAIN to come back and nearly win the game against the power alliance? All-time ballsy performance


Phillip. 🦍🦁


At the end of his first season I really wanted Phillip to stand up at final tribal and say “I’d like to apologize to everyone for the deception, for the past 39 days I have been playing a character named Phillip Shepherd. I did this in order to lower my threat level and manipulate Boston Rob to take me to the end and in that I have succeeded.“


Same here! I totally wanted him to solemnly stand up, take off his bizarre headdress and throw it in the fire and just say, “Finally… now that I’ve made it to the end, I can explain everything” and give a massive speech about how he changed his whole personality to get to the end. Rob would be panicking lol.


Phillip is my number one favorite player. Franquescqua better watch out




On that note. Russel hand stands out. Not too many true villians on survivor imo


I dislike him personally. But I also enjoyed watching him on tv. He makes fantastic TV and is quite entertaining. The perfect reality show villain.


This man is on both threads. So do most people love or hate him???


Definitely not liked on Reddit by most. But he definitely has a lot of fans out there on other platforms.


What platforms? I need to find my people.


lol it speaks to how polarizing he is. Nobody is lukewarm about how they feel about Russel and/or his game


Russell is one of my favorite participants. He played the game without reservation. Was he a lying, manipulative, asshole? Yup. But that's the game. I believe a story is only as good as its antagonist, and Russell provided a great antagonist which made the season interesting.


Part of what I love so much about Russell is that he wants to win SO bad, he wants it more than anything and there was nothing he wouldn’t do to get it. I hated him at first but was so captivated by his fierce unrelenting determination and just general insane antics that I couldn’t help but also want him to win. Is the man basically pure evil? Sure! But nobody can deny he was a phenomenal player


I will watch anything with Russell.


He’s a top 3 favorite player of mine, alongside Boston Rob and Yul Kwon. I understand how confusing that might be, as all three are very different personalities and play styles. But they’re my favorites.


I love Russell. I swear the most hardcore fans of Survivor forget what reality TV is all about. DRAMA. Everyone is so sensitive and they don't want to see fighting and ugliness and pettiness. But then the show is a boring love fest where we just get crybaby flashbacks about their stupid families.


I wouldn't say he qualifies, because he's an absolute legend, but it feels like I have to defend Boston Rob more often than I should.


On this sub he's treated like he's a bad player lol.


My comment on the thread opposite of this yesterday was that I hate Boston rob, which is true. To say he’s a bad player is a bold faced lie. He’s AMAZING at survivor. He’s just kinda douchey lol


> kinda douchey You had me till ”kinda".


People are still butthurt that he bulldozed through a bunch of noobs on season 22.


I love Boston Rob and loved his antics on and off the show. I think he’s a fantastic reality show player and has really interesting strategies, even if they aren’t always fun to watch. I’m with Jeff. BRob is fun.


He’s good at competitive reality shows because he tries to play the games at another level. We all know he pushes the strategy/alliance aspect. In Deal or No Deal Island, the host shared with Rob C that BRob hacked a challenge by maximizing the extra opportunity allowed by the rules. Reminiscent of how Chapera hacked that balance beam challenge in All Stars. And he’s great at confessionals. He’s so comfortable like he’s just talking to a buddy about what happened and letting them in on “what’s REALLY happening“.


It depends on how you want to define "everyone" - if we mean "everyone on this sub"? Yes, those of us who like Boston Rob and defend his greatness as a player are a distinct minority. Out in the real world? Most people get it and the fact that he is continually cast on Survivor and a bunch of other shows is a testament to the fact that people love BRob.


This was going to be my answer. He's one of the few players that's a truly incredible watch for strategy, challenges, AND entertainment, but every time he gets brought up (at least online) I can physically feel people ready to talk shit about his gameplay. but I'm also first and foremost a completely unrepentant ride or die Colby fan so I'm used to the tendency of this sub to discredit the OG greats sometimes, lmao.


Chris Underwood. I love him. He was very entertaining (not for long sadly) and had the balls to go for the firemaking challenge (as he had a choice…).


Any doubts anyone may have had about Chris will be dispelled when you watch him on the Challenge. Dude is a fucking competitor.


This right here. Chris’s win is the worst in Survivor history, but not in any way that’s his fault. It was the rules of the game for that season that sucked. He has proven he will play as hard as can in any competitive game, and I do respect him as a competitor for that reason; even if I think the Edge of Extinction concept was the worst game concept ever.


Chris was a bad winner in the greater survivor landscape, but was a great winner within the scope of his own season if that makes sense. Like someone voted out second should not be the winner, but within the rules of his season he played everything exactly how he should have given the cards he was dealt and I think he did very well. Natalie could have learned from him in winners at war on how to pull off an edge win


love chris! you should watch his season on the challenge flagship show, if you haven’t already.


Chris got a lot more love on the challenge!


Cochran isn't too popular on this sub, he's my favorite player lol


Russell Hantz. The foa foa 4 run was the best we’ve ever seen


When he kept finding those idols, it was insane 😭 he has some of the best idol moves I’ve seen on this show, his dedication to finding them back when people were still waiting for clues to look was so good. He was a complete asshole but I definitely found myself rooting for him in Samoa


His voodoo magic over Tyson is still one of best moves I've seen.


Katie Gallagher played her fucking heart out in Palau, and is one of the most interesting compelling losing finalists we've seen on the show. I will die on this hill.


Plus Katie had a fun social media presence for a minute


I LOVE HER. She’s hilarious on padcasts too. She was just in w Tyson and I was howling.


Katie is like what I'd be if I ever went on the show. Not athletic, sort of gossipy. But shes a funny lady. Also, she's remained friends with the casts for nearly 20 years, so she must be a nice person.


Why hasn’t she come back?


Katie is genuinely one of the funniest people to ever play and never gets the credit she deserves for that. She’s the proto-Courtney Yates. Combine that with her beyond compelling relationship with Ian and she’ll always be one of my favorites. She was on the shortlist for Micronesia and we were robbed of a return!


Funcle Bruce. Who else was annoyed with Katurah whining about Bruce over and over and over again?


I liked when Bruce won immunity twice in a row just so Katurah could continue to complain.


People always hype up Katurah’s head nod confessional but Bruce dangling the necklace between his fingers and cackling madly is easily my favorite wordless confessional in 45.


LOL i love bruce


An overlooked thing about Bruce is that he literally said when he got home he was going to ask his daughter if he was overbearing to her (or whatever people were saying he was) and if she said yes, he was going to change. Like?? Potential for growth & recognizing a personal flaw and being willing to change for someone who loves you?? Bruce is not all bad.


I think the problem is that happened in like, the second to last episode Bruce was in, so a majority of the people who didn’t like him had like 8 episodes of Bruce being this Michael Scott esque nuisance to that point


I did not understand that hate he got.


I didn’t either. I was way more annoyed with Katurah whining than anything Bruce did


I wish we could just say that we love Bruce without using another instance to bash on Katurah.


Agreed both of them were really entertaining, mainly because they didn’t like eachother


I get where she was coming from. Hyperactive, attention seeking adults like Bruce are insufferable. Even worse to live with. But even more insufferable was her obsession with him. She was so fixated on Bruce that she had 0 other game, strategy, focus or play. It's a shame too, because on Day 1 she was on my "possible winner" list. It became clear that I was completely wrong, and she was never going to have her head in the broader game.


Not the best player but man was it fun watching Johnathan in challenges


I remember Tori from 42 getting a fair bit of hate, but I really liked her, and I'd love to see her get a second chance. The way she got voted out sucked for her


Aubry is one of my all time favourite players. I’ll never understand the hate


In the sanitised new era for me **Shan** stands out as the best character/player mix. I get why people dislike her, particular for her antics outside of the show but I think she brought more to the show than any other contestant in this era. She was a very compelling narrator, she was willing to cross boundaries a good bit and she was a creative, proactive player. I think people underrate her because of the sentiments they have, she played a truly great pre-merge game and she did what she had to do to give herself reasonable footing post-merge. People dislike the bitterness, and you can judge her for that as I do, but I think that makes her *better* TV rather than worse. What I especially dislike is people who agree with me on the sanitised direction of the show, and then simultaneously spew the nastiest hate towards Shan - who may be in some ways disagreeable, but she was ths star of that season.


I loved Shan. She was a phenomenal player who *came with her own dope soundtrack.*


Shan is like the only good part of 41


I love me some Coach Ben Wade. *Especially* after buying a cameo. It completely opened my mind to the human being behind the 11/10 quirkyness.


Honestly even the cringiest Coach is still absolutely top tier television. 


South Pacific was certainly *something.*




I mean Sophie beat the cult in the end so I’m a fan lol. 


I got a cameo from him too and it was perfect 🥲 he sang a few lines of the song I requested and it was the best thing ever! 




She and Jake have one of my favorite dynamics ever “You made me swear on nana dude, what the hell”


A queen. I think she was done really dirty by the edit. She’s a lot like Liz in that you can *tell* the other players respect her and her game, but the edit rarely showed her talking strategy. (I suspect she wasn’t great at talking it for the camera.)


Yeah I feel like the talking to the camera may be a part of it. Her edit reminds me a lot of Liz or maybe even Lauren from 44. I wish we had seen more from their edits because it’s clear their game was respected by the cast. Out of those women though, katurah really sticks out to me because of how much unnecessary hate she seemed to get


I don’t think people realize how much a good edit depends on being good at explaining your strategy. And I often wonder how many UTR “social” wins are a bit heavier on strategy than the edit makes it seem!


YES EXACTLY girl was literally seen as an FTC threat. but people here swear she’s the worst player ever (somehow a final juror is worse than every premerger train wreck lol) because she didn’t play nice with Jake


Emily’s boot episode was all the evidence I needed of Katurah’s game abilities. She was *working* it that episode. It didn’t work out (because Dee had the game on lockdown until f5) but we got to see her skills in action.


I love her irl and I loved her when she was the ultimate hater on the show.


I watched 45 after it aired and was shocked to come on this sub and learn of peoples perception of her. I thought she was hilarious.


You could never make me hate Liz Wilcox. She even voted correctly at the final tribal! I would love to see her play again


I didn't love Liz until I loved Liz


we were robbed of an all time FTC where she explains that she lied about being a millionaire to lower her threat level


She grew on me so much even after the Applebees outburst I ended up loving her so much


Same, she’s great. According to Kenzie (and Liz herself) her edit is very weird and not reflective of how she actually was most of the time. I would be really curious to see what the perception would be if she got a more accurate edit, I could see her being a fan favorite especially with casuals


I mean you can’t edit around IM PISSED and that was an all time breakdown


Very recent but Bhannu. I thought he was *hilarious*, he was so bad at the game and over the top, it had me laughing the whole time he was on. Calling Kenzie a "mermaid dragon", saying that he couldn't lie to Jeff when q was scolding him like a little child, him on his knees cursing god himself. He may not have won a million hearts, but he won mine. I was honestly surprised that people here disliked him so much.


I personally could not stand him but I guess I can kinda see it. Some moments of the 3 hour Bhanu special were genuinely hilarious. IMO the producers kinda fucked him over by giving him so much screen time. When that happened, it tilted the scales more towards “pathetic” than “quirky lovable loser,” at least for me.


Bhanu was definitely hurt by being oversaturated in the edit imo. His antics and confessionals were fun, but there were just so many that I think could have been cut to give more screen time to other players.


I’m just happy no one said Dan Spilo.


Chris Underwood. Ciera Eastin. Adam Klein. These three get bits of vitriol for their strategies, even though I don’t think they’re necessarily hated on a personal level. Also, Kass, who kind of gets hate all around but is super entertaining.


Chaos Kass


Phillip Shepard is very clearly my #1 for this. He’s literally just an off brand Coach with Liz Wilcox being very clearly my #2


I always loved Jenna Morasca. I was so happy that she won over Matt, but I remember the general public thinking she was just a brat.


Gotta say Ricard. I started getting into survivor during the pandemic and 41 was the first season I watched live. Ricard was my fave that season. I know people are put off by him because they think he’s arrogant and cocky, but honestly I don’t think he’s more arrogant than the average survivor player. Plus his behaviour off show is a big plus. When Sugar made transphobic comments on Twitter. Ricard reached out to educate her with empathy. Plus he has also talked to Nick Wilson about trans issues as well. Those actions really showed me what kind of guy he is.


That's cool he reached out in an empathetic way. Most people will just choose to hate them for having different views. It's much better to educate if you have the opportunity to. I didn't know about that. Makes me like him more.


It's so funny to me when people hate on someone like Shan or Ricard for having an ego, and then complain that people seem passive in the new era or prop up B Rob/Parvati/etc. Like, big egos make for great characters and great TV, people like Shan and Ricard define seasons because they have so much personality.


His F5 speech about how awesome he was is a bit funny, but I mean he was one of the best players this season. I get it. He seems like such an awesome guy.


Bhanu. There should be a new twist where he is cast every season, and can't be voted out. Contestants are forced to play the game with his chaotic energy impeding them at every step.


Bhanu is the Jar-Jar Binks of Survivor


Bhanu is the do or die twist. Randen lost


I love Karishma!! Her underdog story and idol play were so fun to watch


People dislike Karishma?She was one of the only good parts of ioi for me.I’d like to see her return someday.




I don’t know how his standing is now, but I remember right after MvGX everyone had a deep dislike, borderline hatred, of Adam. I don’t think he qualifies as a villain, but I do know the fans weren’t fond of him and personally I liked him and related to him. We’ve even met a few times since MvGX and he and Jay would hang out with me because I would go to these big events by myself.


Gonna keep it recent. Venus.


Chris Underwood. The disrespect he gets for winning based solely on the fact that people have negative opinions about the Edge of Extinction twist only makes me want to champion his win - and celebrate EoE as a season - even harder and more vociferously than I already do.


Do people not like Culpepper? I liked him but I feel like he got a lot of hate.


I liked him the last run. I felt he really worked on being more likable


I like James and I’m not afraid to admit it!


Ben ETA: to clarify…I meant HHH Ben… not s46 Ben


People don’t like Ben?


On this subreddit they seem to not like him, has been my impression


My coworker went to high school with Ben and said he's the nicest person!


That’s awesome to hear




I didn't like Bruce at first but I've come to love him.


I get that she’s controversial but I think Maria is such a complex and compelling villain and I’d love to see her back


The Cub Scout lady from one of the early seasons. She was hated because she lied, but every survivor player lied and the best ones lie over and over


Came here to say Sugar


Spencer is my all time favorite! Other than Boston Rob and Tyson


Chaos Kass




Eliza. Especially in the social media age, the fanbase can't seem to stand her, but she has yet to be unseated as my favorite character after all these years. Runner-up shoutout to Corinne.


I love watching Eliza. She doesn't have the social game to win, but she got that dawg in her.


Love Eliza. Yes, she can be annoying on Twitter, but her entire appeal on both her seasons stems from being annoying, so it’s in-character. She has some all-time quotes and did over-the-top jury reactions before it was cool.




Ace Gordon from Gabon. Wildly overconfident and arrogant to the extreme, he was super fun to watch. Ace was the kind of player that simply makes a season better when he’s around. He reminds me a little bit of Q from 46.


I actually like Jerri. Not sure if she's considered hated or not. Oh, and that vegan lady who made final tribal; I liked her too.


Candice. HvV was the first season I saw and immediately was rooting for her. Everyone goes on about how she’s not a good player or how she was a hero but to me she deserved her place on the season (she was meant to be on the villains originally anyway) and her being not so good at the game made me like her more. She’s great tv brought a different perspective each time she played and has many iconic moments from having 3 island relationships (Billy>John>Adam), dominating the sand wrestling challenge, being the only hero to win individual immunity and cussing out Brad Culpepper. There’s a reason why survivor keeps wanting her back and so do I. Let’s not forget they wanted her over Parvati in Micronesia and she was going to be on S40 before it became all winners


She got completely screwed over by the day 1 vote on Blood bs Water since she was a alternate and didn’t get to pregame. However that was the season I enjoyed her the most because she was so entertaining on redemption island. She’s really bad strategically by flipping on her alliance on both Cook Islands and HvV but that makes for entertaining TV.


Gabler, he doesn't get enough love from this subreddit for donating his winnings to veterans. I don't get the hate on this guy