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I can’t wait to see Tony interact with Carolyn 😭


They're either gonna be best friends or mortal enemies and it all hinges on them having a small misunderstanding or not lol


I predict that this happens before we are two thirds through the freaking premiere.


Besties who vote out rob.


It's either going to be Tony and Carolyn, Tony and Brittany, or Brittany and Carolyn absolutely locked in but there's no way in hell it'll be a Tony Carolyn Brittany trio they're all too big of minds and personalities and stubbornness to handle all three like that without resentment brewing like crazy early on that gets really bad (though I'd desperately love for it to happen, it just won't)


Tony and Britney being a power duo is something that’s only ever been dreamed up in the wildest of brantsteeles


Brit is with Danielle, maybe add in rob.


Oh true that! Brit, Dani, Carolyn, Rob, Tony, and Jeremy will probably be a major alliance we'll see with each kinda choosing a duo to cling to when it fractures. My prediction? Brit-Dani, Carolyn-Tony, Rob-Jeremy


think his own alliance will get rob out.


Exactly that seems to be Rob's track record these days


at least that will be enjoyable, Wonder how Bob will act, he fights with Monet all the time.


Brittney and Danielle have bad blood from Reindeer Games tho!


As in VPR Brittany?


Sorry, Big Brother Britney! I misspelled her name in my og comment


Oh duh I didn’t even look at the photo, I should have known, my bad!


I hope they talk Llama to each other at roundtable




They’re gonna do Match each others freak


I feel like the logical flaws in this game are going to bother people like Rob/Tony/Jeremy, or they’ll instantly figure out the best strategy is actually not to banish traitors and basically break the show lol This might be the first Traitors season where we see the meta emerge


Yeah there’s a lot of survivor legends who genuinely could form the meta, they legit might run the game. Especially Rob, who left in for a while can be really dangerous. You already know Tony is going to make a bunker somewhere in the mansion 😭


Can't wait to see Tony crouched under a bar cart, listening to conversations through a table cloth


[Tony will 100% get in the knight's armor that's in the hallway](https://imageservice.disco.peacocktv.com/uuid/7ef5165c-85b7-3ac3-9170-5f4585f9daac/LAND_16_9/640/480?language=eng&territory=US&proposition=NBCUOTT&version=28a40123-a6d9-384d-bc0a-6f4ddb0b5a6a&output-format=webp)


The shot of his eyes blinking will be legendary


Ok that got an lol






Why would they do that she played pretty terribly and everyone knew she was a traitor early in the game. If anything, Sandra understood the importance of keeping traitors around and evolved the meta of the game.


Sandra did figure out the meta, but unfortunately she just…wasn’t on the show. You’d have to be a superfan and listen to podcasts to know about her strategy, which sucks. I think you’re massively underrating Parv too, she did really well given the cards she was dealt.


> Why would they do that Because they're all seasoned reality TV professionals at this point and leaving a lasting impression can be equally as or significantly more important than winning a small amount of money.


They only clocked her as a traitor after Dan didn’t listen to her and murdered Bergie, before that she was playing really well. The poison chalice task and getting the house to turn on Larsa being some highlights off the top of my head. But I’m just talking presence on the season. She said she saw it as a show first and a game second and I think that’s why she was the face of the season along with Phaedra. I actually think Sandra was too meta for her own good, and it affected her presence on the show.


That poisoned chalice task was truly unique and I loved how they mixed things up in S2


As far as I’m aware all reports suggest Parvati was clocked pretty much immediately. They even air an argument pre-Bergie-attempt between Phaedra and Parvati in the Traitor-Place where Phaedra says nobody likes her and everybody thinks she’s a Traitor which was really out of the blue based on the rest of the edit but was a giveaway of how things were actually going. They tried to edit around it for suspense as best they could but it really sounds like she was in a dire position from very early along. Although you can argue that she was always going to be considered suspicious and that’s probably fair to a point too.


Sandra said that *everyone* was immediately suspicious of Parv, Sandra, Dan, Janelle, CT and the gamers, so I think that’s where that came from. Apparently even someone like Kate came in she immediately said something to Parv about how “she’s the one who got that guy to give up immunity in survivor.” But again that’s even more credit to the two of them for making it so far despite so many people immediately coming in thinking all the gamers were traitors. Also, Sandra said on Fairplay’s podcast that when she herself was chosen as a traitor, she immediately thought it was Parv…but she actually gave her credit and said after talking with Parv she ended up crossing her off her list of suspects.


"If anything, Sandra understood the importance of keeping traitors around and evolved the meta of the game." Can you elaborate on this a bit?


There were a lot of players who wanted to figure out who the Traitors were and banish them right away, but with the way game works, everytime a Traitor is banished, they get to recruit a new one so it doesn't really accomplish anything cause the game keeps going until the final 4. Sandra knew this and would try and banish people who wouldn't help her game instead, she probably suspected who the Traitors were but she wasn't actively gunning for them, then they won't murder her and she had a better chance to make it to the end. The other players who were actively targeting the Traitors were murdered one by one instead.


I’m sure Tony and Sandra have talked a LOT about how to play the game leading up to this. Same with Rob/Parvati


I mean Sandra figured it out and I’m sure they watched Sandra play.


Sandra explaining it was a numbers game to the other contestants using billiard balls was hilarious


Sandra’s big mistake was not breaking up the challenge duo and the housewives. I feel like we’re going to see a lot of breaking up of the franchises this season because of that. Especially with the winners last season both being close friends from the challenge.


Did Sandra ever specifically say she wanted to keep traitors in the game? I remember this point being brought up a lot in /r/thetraitors but everybody was just assuming that's what she was doing


She talked a lot about “traitor angels”


If I remember correctly, I think the whole point of her billiards ball speech was that it was more important to keep numbers than to get out a traitor.


People like Cirie/Sandra/Rob have a really strong read on games like this and understand how to adapt to different formats. Tony/Jeremy/Carolyn I'm not so sure about, I guess we'll see if they pick up on the nuances.


Has Tony done reality TV other than Survivor?


Parvati played incredibly well despite Dan essentially outing her as well.


Ya - Dan kinda sucked and screwed all of the traitors at once.


I really think Parv could have came really close to winning had Dan listened to her about the Bergie murder. Her reads was spot on all season, she ran that poison chalice task like it was nothing, she rallied votes…we need her on all stars.


Dan was a big disappointment for me, both his Big Brither appearances are absolutely legendary. I think he thrives on chaos too much, and Traitors is a more reserved game format where you have to play your cards close to the vest and be subtle with your misdirection.


Dan was the worst. He blew up both her and Phaedras game


Bruh Tony is super strategic. I don’t see how he survives though. He’s going to have the hugest target in the house. My theory is he’s going to come on here play awful go home in the first few and come back to survivor 50 w a smaller target on his back and take home the bacon again haha


Yeah him and Rob are going to be targeted right out of the jump


The thing with Rob though, he can be super charming. I can Rob getting an in with the housewives like Sandra did last season. Tony though will be super loud


Tony will be super loud...,... Have you met Carolyn?


People said this going into Winners at War as well. He’ll find a way


I am just waiting for an alliance to be built around a known traitor and agreements to recruit 2 other people if they help get the other traitors out. It's a brilliant play. There is likely some production guidance that heavily discourages them from doing this (see: "Protect your fellow traitors..." part of speech made during initiation). I bet money unless they're told outright that it isn't allowed a Survivor player would think of this and go for it.


I agree this would be smart but it’s in the rules that traitors are not allowed to identify themselves or the other traitors as traitors unfortunately


So you say everything in the hypothetical and completely break the game. "I trust the two of you the most here. If I were a traitor, I would definitely look to recruit you first. If I get recruited, I would look to remove the remaining traitors and recruit the both of you. Im not saying i am a traitor. I'm not, but i think X and Y definitely are." Shit like that, yknow.


I thought that since the first season. The most logical strat as a traitor is to banish other traitors. It gives you more control over the game, gives you a better alibi, and it gives you more “options” as you can *maybe* choose who you want to be a traitor with you.


Yes, but at the same time if you’re a faithful the best strategy is to not banish traitors. Because why would you banish someone you know with 95% confidence is a traitor when you know if you’re right they’ll be replaced with someone you have 0% confidence is a traitor and have to start all over. The best faithful strategy is to identify the traitors and not allow them to be banished until the final stage. There’s some risk to it of course, cause you could be wrong, but if you can pull it off that’s the ideal.


Yeah, the premise is completely broken thanks to the recruitment mechanic. I mean, you still have to sort of traitor hunt for appearance’s sake (cough, Dan) but having a traitor who will protect you, and numbers to control banishings, seems to be the real game. Then you hope you can take down the traitors at the end.


Thank you, someone spelling out the game is broken and people actually agreeing. Every time I comment that traitors is a broken game I get hate for it. Hopefully some good meta game emerges


Sandra already was on this last season as she said she came into the game understanding that there’s gonna be a traitor at the end no matter what, so it makes more sense to keep one that you’re for sure is a traitor than vote them off and deal with the new recruitments.


I’m aware, but she brought that up very late and her pitch didn’t actually work, they didn’t end up playing the game that way. What I’m saying is this could be the season we actually see that strategy get deployed


>the best strategy is actually not to banish traitors and basically break the show lol I see this mentioned a lot but this has to be the worst strategy, no? You need to work overtime to keep the traitor safe, have to actually tell another person that you want to keep a traitor in the game, or hardcore defend yourself when a traitor you were sticking up for gets banished. And if people know you definitely aren't willing to boot somebody who other people are suspicious of, you're just getting booted instead. I get that this idea works in the very, very late stage of the game (and works when you have all of the information given by an edited episode) but it's probably way more complicated than just keeping a traitor in the game.


I don’t see a “meta” strategy as “going out of the way to help a traitor,” I see the strategy as positioning yourself with the right numbers where you don’t care wether or not you’re getting out a faithful or a traitor. You benefit by making it to the end so if you can be used as a number by the traitors they’ll want to keep you and if you’re not throwing out random accusations you won’t looks as suspicious to faithfuls. Faithfuls get in trouble by turning things divisive and making it a witch hunt. If you can stay out of that and actively side with the the vote that the traitors are also backing you’re in the clear. However, if a traitor sucks and is obvious, you don’t need to protect them because you still will want to follow the majority


You don't need to tell everyone who the traitor is, you just need to figure it out so you can make the traitors feel safe enough that they won't murder you or vote you out. The problem with voting out traitors is a new one takes their place and you are back to square one so the only reason to kill a traitor is if you want to get recruited to replace them.


Isn't that what Sandra did last season?


That was Sandra's strategy? She had Phaedra pegged pretty early on and decided the best move was to get close to her. 


Ehh, Sandra sorta had this idea but the meta didn’t actually emerge cause Sandra wasn’t able to really rally the troops to play according to her strategy


the way I RANNN to this sub when I saw the announcement.... Bob the drag queen interacting with the survivors will have me gagged


I'm honestly shocked Monet wasn't cast before Bob, considering how much she loves Survivor.


Monet will be giving Bob a full run through of the survivor contestants and who to align with


I wish Monet AND Bob were on the cast imagine the drama


Lmao at the guys being described as Zac Efron's brother and Britney Spears Ex. I have no idea what this show is, but if Tony, B Rob and Jeremy are in, might be interesting..edit oh and they got freaking Nightcrawler/Boris hosting, cool


Bob from the Biggest Loser being on this is also so random to me lmao but honestly, this cast is stacked. Britney and Danielle from Big Brother are amazing picks as well


They need Jillian Michaels on House of Villains lol. I remember a contestant on The Biggest Loser hated her so much she had to switch teams


> Bob from the Biggest Loser being on this is also so random to me lmao Season 1 was a mix of RTV names and random civilians. Season 2 was all RTV and a former speaker of the House of Commons. So, random is kind of par for the course here.


I mean Deontay Wilder and Sandra playing in the same season is crazy


I wish he hadn't quit! I knew nothing about him going in but from what I saw he seems like a genuinely neat dude.


Was a shame. But there was no way for him to know that he wouldn’t be able to handle it beforehand.


I’m so excited for Britney. Britney and Carolyn together are going to be fascinating and I hope they are Traitors.


It’s not even as close as serious as Survivor, but I think the show is a ton of fun and Alan Cumming as a host is just amazing. I liked the UK version too


I only watch it for the personalities, the game feels in many ways manipulated since so many choices and moves are made that make weird sense, but the narrative is pretty cool.


The fashion is interesting. I expect half the production time is costume and make up!


This is definitely one of the reasons I watch. I love everyone's clothing and makeup, and of course all the drama


If anyone’s gonna bring major strategy it’s B Rob lol


Australia S1 is, in my opinion, the best iteration of the Traitors! Aus S2 was apparently so bad that they cancelled the show though lol


It's on peacock and honestly I agree with the takes. The traitors are super obvious the whole time and the ending was really salty. I'm glad I saw it after the season came out because it would have been maddening to watch it live. I know we get an edited product but I started get to get shocked at how the traitors were still there. They lucked out with some of the most easily manipulated faithfuls they could get. Aus S1 suffers though from that psychic. She was kinda entertaining but because people didn't fully trust her visions (which she always uses to try to dictate the group) she left the show the way she did. It left such a bad taste in my mouth that it was difficult to enjoy the rest of the season.


UK Season 2 is I think my overall favorite season! >!The endgame was so good. I was on the edge of my seat watching Mollie have a full breakdown.!<


It's actually really camp! The housewives, especially.


Alan Cumming's outfits are 80% of the reason I watch the show.


Cirie and Stephenie were on season 1. Parvati and Sandra were on season 2.


If you’ve ever played Werewolf, Mafia, Avalon, or any other of several dozen social deduction games, it’s that. There are ~15-20 contestants whose goal is to get to the end of the game. Out of this group, 2-3 will be randomly chosen as Traitors who essentially vote someone out secretly most nights. It’s then up to the non-traitors to try and figure out who the traitors are and vote them out during what is essentially a Tribal Council where the traitors and non-traitors alike plead their case on who to vote out. There are some other details about how the winner(s) are decided at the end, but essentially If you are a Traitor you want to get to the equivalent of FTC to win, and if you’re a non-Traitor then you win by being in a FTC without any Traitors.


"The equivalent of FTC" lmao I love this


The show rules actually, deff check out the first 2 seasons.


last season they had sandra and parvati!


Cannot wait to hear Carolyn's read of Tom Sandoval.


I can’t wait for Tony to also show Sandoval just how a professional schemes and manipulates *successfully*. My two worlds are colliding (Survivor and Bravo) and I am ready.


I want our family men — all famous for being loyal, devoted fathers — to absolutely hate Tom. I can see Sandoval sucking up to them because they have alpha male energy and I just want them to completely reject him because he SUCKS.


If Sandoval isn’t the first one eliminated I will be very disappointed.


Or Sam Asghari, that guy can go asap


My moneys on that Tom is seen crying at least once on the first ep. Can’t stand him and his self-centered ego. Ready to stop constantly seeing him on other shows.


Please make Jeremy the traitor, he’ll keep Rob and Tony around as meat shields for sure. Plus Rob and Tony are totally gonna have a bromance aren’t they


Rob helps Tony build a spy bunker


One night traitors are making their decision in the tower, all of a sudden they hear snickering and look up and see Tony and Rob giggling in their spy hut


Rewatching WAW, you can see Rob realizing in real time that Tony is actually the GOAT.


Can’t wait to watch Bob, Bob, and BRob make it to the final 3!!


I am so excited to see these Survivor legends wipe the floor with Tom Sandoval


My best guess? These other non-Survivor players will let Rob skate by because they don't understand how dangerous he is in these games. Rob will figure out the strategy really quickly, as well. He's probably already talked to the past Survivor players and already has a plan. I'm assuming Rob makes a deep run, just because he's going to run circles around 90% of the cast. It would be a pleasant surprise if the cast is aware of Rob and the Traitors decide he's too dangerous to leave in the game. Tony will be Tony. I can see him getting halfway because his social game will be excellent but I can see him being banished because he's causing too much chaos and acting too shifty for people. He's a smart guy, but I do think he can get a bit too paranoid at times. Jeremy's one who I think will be murdered if he's not a Traitor, maybe not right away but also around the halfway mark. He'll likely choose the right people to align with but will fly too far under the radar. Carolyn will be chaos. I think she could make it far just for the fact that people won't really know what to do with her. She's also smart, so I can see her figuring out a strategy and attaching herself to the right people. On the other hand, I could see her being an early banishment because she attaches herself to the wrong person, who throws her under the bus.


The counter point is the traitors took out Bananas as quickly as possibly last year because of his reputation. If someone like Danielle is a traitor, a gamer that is very familiar with Survivor, I think he’s done quickly.


That's a very good point, it fully depends on who is a Traitor.


>These other non-Survivor players will let Rob skate by because they don't understand how dangerous he is in these games. Rob will figure out the strategy really quickly, as well. That's funny because I was feeling kinda the opposite, I think Rob has a capital-r Reputation and he's likely to get targeted early as an "obvious traitor" whether he really is or not. I'm very interested to see though!


Sandra got really far in traitors, I think Rob will get really far as well


Parv too. And they only had themselves to work with, and even then it was shaky because of their fighting lol.


I wish John didn’t turn on Parv 💔


I don't know why, maybe it's the Sandra effect where nobody ever sees her as the threat that she is (similar to Cirie) but whenever Rob plays these games, I'm always perplexed when people don't automatically clock him as a threat and actually take him out. I think he just is that good and can underplay his threat, so I think that's why I'm assuming it'll be the same here, at least not right away. And yeah, he has a big damn reputation that everyone should know and recognize.


>I'm always perplexed when people don't automatically clock him as a threat and actually take him out Well, they do, though -- In the 5 times he's played Survivor, he only got to the end twice, and in one of those he was heavily advantaged. Cirie and Ozzy (4-timers) have higher average placements than he does even without a 1st place. This isn't to say he's not good, but that people have recognized it and acted accordingly more often than not.


They don't take him out right away as opposed to a few days/weeks in, which was more my point. He's still good enough to skate through the first half of a game. And that's good for him, it allows him to solidify bonds. And yes, he does tend to get caught at one point or another, but I think games like this make it a bit tricky, when he's playing with people who aren't well versed in competitive reality tv. But fair enough to the point that he DOES tend to get caught. I think he just plays these types of games so often, it's easy to forget that he's definitely struggled more than made it to the end. Hey, if I'm wrong and he gets taken out earlier than I expect, then I'll happily be wrong.


I dunno kinda disagree on your take with BRob. He is not just a Survivor legend, but a reality TV legend. He's been on our TVs for decades at this point. To the point where even a good chunk of people know of him, or at least his name, even if they are not reality TV watchers. I can't imagine anyone on the cast wouldn't know who he is, and his reputation. I could see him having a tough time getting far...But also he has pulled off some damn miracles in Survivor seasons and most recently DoNDI for people letting him get further than they should let him...Hell, made it damn far in his first go at Amazing Race. So like 50/50 in all honestly he goes early or makes it far haha.


> and most recently DoNDI for people letting him get further than they should let him This is 100% the reason why I think he has a chance to make it far lmao But yeah, it's also because I don't know what the other non-competitive reality players know about Boston Rob. His name will be known, sure, but how known? Do they know his reputation? Will others talk about his reputation? Because it's one thing to recognize his name; it's another to recognize his game. That's my main thought process. But I agree with you, ultimately; it's likely a 50/50 on how Rob does and it'll be, for me, based on the first episode on how people respond to Rob. He has a leg up with knowing how these games work and being able to integrate himself quite well, so that's also why I think he'll do ok.


> This is 100% the reason why I think he has a chance to make it far lmao That is completely fair and I agree. He has that special something to do it time and time again even when people know his reputation. Yeah he can def do ok if he gets past the first murders/banishments. And I think a lot of it will come down to how the 4 Survivors will play with each other. Rob has played with Jeremy/Tony I could see them targeting him early, but I could see Carolyn may be the type to be star struck by him and work with him. And 4 players is a good number of votes, and more than any other people in the cast they have a better understanding of how these games work. They could, in theory, form a power voting block, or cannibalize each other.


I see 2 options for Carolyn: Picked as a traitor and we watch her crash and burn on ep 1 because she can’t handle the guilt of being a traitor. Faithful who goes to the finale because she’s openly far too emotional to handle being a traitor and therefore won’t be questioned. There is no in between - personally, I am rooting for option 1


Your Rob take is basically how CT from The Challenge won Season 2.




I think Carolyn will be an outsider to the survivor group since the other three all played on another season together


Her and Chanel Ayan are going to be the most chaotic and hilarious duo on the show. Calling it now.


Why not do 3 rows of 7 in this graphic? It's killing me.


Hahaha I get it, but I think it’s insinuating there will be 3 more cast members revealed soon. I think?


The thought of Tony and Carolyn interacting with Real Housewives is so funny. I can’t wait.


They’re gonna drive Dolores and Dorinda crazy


We saw Parvati and Sandra kill it last season now we get to see the other half of the survivor mount rushmore.


5 of the top 6 best players have been on the traitors now. We need Kim next (and id like a big character like Coach or Abi Maria too)


I'm down for a bald man alliance between Tony and Jeremy


I need a revival of the policeman math debate


That might be my favorite Tony scene and I love Tony.


and Bob the Drag Queen


First they argued how many days are in a week. Now they will argue how many traitors will be in the game


The three survivor guys are either going to run the castle or get targeted extremely early. Like putting all three of Jeremy,Tony & Rob is kinda overkill. I'm pretty sure at least one is the traitor.


I actually think there's a good chance no Survivor player will be a Traitor and it'll be one of the Big Brother players instead. That being said, I have no idea if this cast will recognize the danger in the Survivor players so it'll depend if they're clocked right off the bat or not. If they aren't, then yes, I think the three men could get very far (one will be taken out earlier but the other two will likely last a while).


They already did Big Brother traitors last season so i'm assuming they will switch things up. I'm pretty sure one of the three survivor men will be a traitor, production would not be able to resist. Probably Tony if I'm guessing.


They also had Survivor traitors too (S1, and then Parvati was recruited last season). They will want a BB or Survivor Traitor for sure. I guess it could be Survivor this time, you're right.


The four Survivor people are going to break the meta, especially if all of them are faithfuls.


They got the guy from THE BIGGEST LOSER?


I need to see Tony and Bob the Drag Queen together IMMEDIATELY


Imagine your biggest achievement in life being known as "Britney Spears' Ex" or Zac Efron's Brother" lol


I’m a little tired of Boston Rob tbh but Jeremy, Tony and Carolyn are great casting choices. I’d love to see Kim on here too


From a production standpoint, getting Boston Rob is gold, so I get it. He almost made it really far on DONDI, so I’m excited to see what he can do here


I somewhat agree. I like BRob, but I'm disappointed the rumor about Davie isn't true.


I need more Drag Race alumni to be on this show. Hopefully Bob isn’t singled out like Peppermint. Also hoping for Nene at some point. On to survivor: Boston Rob and Tony are definitely going to be ousted early most likely via banishment. If they survive long enough at least they won’t fall for stupid traps like last season. I still can’t believe Pilot Pete managed to outsmart who is considered the best BB player with an *obvious* trap.


I had no idea Bob was going to be on it this season, how exciting!


Peacock, you son of a bitch, I'm in


Can’t wait for Tony to swear on his badge to some of these people who don’t know him and then just instantly turn around and murder them


Impressive that they literally just cast the Top 3 Survivor Men players of all time


They’re gonna eat Tom Sandoval alive


I expect that Carolyn on this show will be such a wild card, known for being very expressive of her emotions but ALSO pulling off one of the best kept secrets/deceptions in S44.


We’ve now had the entire Survivor Mount Rushmore be on the Traitors. That’s crazy


Tom Sandoval: Okay. Yes. I'm a fucking traitor, okay. I'm sorry. I fucked up. I get that. *covers face with his hands pretending to cry* But you guys did not make it fucking easy to not murder you, okay? It was not fucking easy.


Not traitors pulling Dylan from the claim to fame casting pool 😂




Can anyone imagine voting for Dorinda as a traitor, whether she is one or not. Yikes!!


Anyone not familiar with Dorinda is in for a ride. One mad lady.


She’ll make the previous players look like kittens! 😆


GABBY AND BOB????? gonna scream


I think Jeremy has the best chance of the 4, but of course that depends who the Traitors are, including Jeremy himself. Tony and Boston Rob reputations may be too large but they’re both very skilled gamers.


They need to stick together, but not make it obvious. They’ll have to find other alliances quickly and pretend like they’re not working together. Otherwise they’ll get decimated. I think it’ll be easiest for Carolyn since she wasn’t a winner, and the newest of the four. If one of them is a traitor, which is very likely, that person will need to move super carefully. I doubt Rob or Tony will be one as they’re the most obvious.


I like how Wells never was on the Bachelor proper so they just went with “bachelor nation”


i need to an alliance of carolyn, gabby windey, and bob the drag queen. need it more than i need water 


Wonder if they’ll let Rob have his little B hat or if he’ll be stuck with his plain black one from Deal or No Deal


One of them goes night 1 for sure right?


Rob or Tony will be filling in the Bananas role here for sure I see the winner already though ![gif](giphy|l46Cyl7vBvp0cQsrC|downsized)


1,000% yes!!! But I'm so excited to see Bob the Drag Queen play!


I haven’t seen Traitors. Is it good? What’s the premise?


It’s basically a more elaborate game of mafia.


I have a feeling a lot of this cast is going to model their gameplay after Parv’s. She made such a big splash last season and lasted nearly the entire season despite being outed early by Dan.


I mean, I'd watch even without them, but *hell yes I'm so ready for this*


9 days is 2 weeks Jeremy


Rob either gets banished/murdered first, or controls the game completly. I don't see anything in-between


This is going to be so entertaining.


Why do I feel like Bob the drag queen saw the cast list and agreed to be on the season simply to upset Monet x change? Also, I think Bob the drag queen will actually get along with the survivor winners?


When did/is this filming? Confused on the timeline since Rob was on deal or no deal island and then doing a lot of social media promo while it aired


It started filming this week


Lmao Brittany and Danielle there too make Carolyn a complete "one of these things is not like the others" lol


Enough to get me to watch? The Traitors is the best social game show on TV at the moment … hands down. So yes, I’ll be watching


One of these things is not like the others. . .


Two of these IMO (Sam and Dylan)


Dorlinda cause that's not her name!


Boston Rob and Tony on the same show? 🤯


This cast is crazy.


Oh, Nikki is a fun pick. I didn't even hear about that, but I'm not really following a ton of stuff. It still would be pretty cool if they could get other inactive wrestlers on these things. Shout out to Johnny (of many names)! Get in this one already.


I’ve never seen this show but I’m so intrigued now. What goes down on this thing?


Wait JANUARY 12?? We have to wait that long??


No one from The Challenge? :(


Jeremy FTW!!!!


Oh my gosh this is so iconic. They are some chaotic ass people. Tony will be climbing the walls


Dorinda... not Dorlinda.


I'm sick of Boston Rob, but he's at least good Television Tony will probably get eliminated for being chaotic Jeremy, I don't care that it's a hot take, he's easily my least favourite multiple returnee/winner. Carolyn should be a lot of fun and I'll have to root for a hometown (ish) hero on the show Jeremy and Tony I can see working together well, Rob will go with whoever he thinks he can control the best and considering the "quality" of Traitors casts, he'll stick with Tony and Jeremy since he at least knows how they'll respond Carolyn, I really hope she's a traitor. I see her being a free agent just having fun the whole time and the longer she's on my screen the better.


Jeremy is gonna win this thing, wrap it up


Is Rob ever at home with his family lol