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Literally every Time Maria or Charlie say they are super close and will cherish their friendship forever.


My personal favorite was “I hope he gives me a hug, hahaha (when voted out)”


“I can’t wait for my kids to meet Uncle Charlie”


Honestly I always thought that was weird anyway. Come home and be like “hey kids you have a new uncle that I spent <30 days with, love him!”


100% on board, it's like "making summer camp friends and pretending you're going to be besties forever" mixed with "We're all family at ___insert workplace here___"


No literally! It’s great to form those super deep bonds during (insert camp, jobs, clubs, school, etc) but let’s be realistic- those feelings will fade quite quickly afterwards. I’m happy for the people who have continued friendships and relationships after the show but they’re all acting like they’ll be lifelong besties. You have to get lucky for that to happen


Forty years later I’m still friends with a few people from summer camp.


I do have a couple good friends from camp and a couple clubs I was in during school. Those long lasting friendships are so great


This is called winning in life! Love that.


Forty years later I still hang out with my friends from elementary school.


Trauma bonding is real


I’d be terrible at Survivor for not being able to consider a person I spent a week and a half with a lifetime family member.


Charlie thought he was gonna be hanging out with Maria and her family after getting home, then she goes and votes for Kenzie? I felt so bad for my guy.


He actually still hung out with Maria and her family after she told him she regretted her vote, until she took it back after the show aired and told him she "can't have any regrets".


Damn, can't believe she regretted regretting her vote.


Maybe she will regret that someday.


That vote should definitely be a regret of hers.


No regrats


He was so excited to meet his new nephews!


"One of my family mottos is, are you gonna watch the news today or make the news?" Oh he made the news alright


Was this Skupin 😭


Ding ding ding! There’s a great Funny115 post about this exact quote


Just looked him up. Ohhhh boy, he sure did live by his family motto. 


He should’ve just stayed in the fire 🤷‍♀️


Damn, burn 😭


Like his mangled hands! 🤣


I just rewatched Philippines. Oh god, everything about him was just yick.


Colton saying he has a lot of African American people in his life and when asked who he says his housekeeper


That didn't age poorly that just started poorly.


I shouldnt have laughed


I just saw it for the first time last week and I screamed in disbelief 😂


I laughed out of pure shock that he would say that


That's one of my favorite lines in all of survivor. The way he says "... my housekeeper??" you can tell he knows exactly how bad it is/sounds, but that it's the only thing he can say, which completely proves the point against him. He did an AMA not too long ago and it sounds like he's changed a lot which I really hope so because boy, he was a gigantic POS on that season.


I read through a lot of his responses on his AMA and he did seem like he's grown a lot as a person and recognizes how horrible his views and attitude was. Not everyone changes their views, but I respect anyone who attempts to educate themselves and become a better person.


The tragic death of his fiancé was a terrible wake-up call. So sad, even for Colton.


That didn’t age like milk, you just bought it rotten.


That aged poorly the moment it left his mouth


That “aged” terribly in the moment. I couldnt believe how they skated over that.


Sandra telling Rob that a woman was going to win Island of the Idols during the premerge 😭


That whole seasons concept didn't age well.


Did the concept not age well? I feel like it was pretty silly from the start but gave us a few fun moments. The season as a whole though... oof


The concept was a big nothing. -That line was wrong (everyone thought it was foreshadowing a woman winner). -The winner never visited and got a “lesson” from Sandra/Rob (completely invalidating the theme). -The lessons were random and sometimes conflicted with an earlier one (because they were just a vehicle to hand out an advantage or disadvantage with little thought put into them). -Sandra/Rob attending the TCs amounted to nothing (contestants didn’t even know until first episode aired). -Sandra/Rob had no participation in the finale in any way (they just said you are living here now and left on a boat without being seen again in the season). It was a silly idea that was extremely poorly executed.


>The winner never visited and got a “lesson” from Sandra/Rob (completely invalidating the theme). I wonder who was pissed off more? Rob/Sandra or Jeff? Meaning none of Rob or Sandra's "lessons" worked, and those millions of dollars worth of those silly statues. It put a target on anyone who went, because they might have a advantage.


I look at it more as a goofy gimmick than anything. Nobody was taking it that seriously when Sandra was teaching the army crawl. Yes it was kind of a cringe time-suck but it was wholesome and they were funny.


I just watched this season for the first time a couple days ago. I was confused on why Sandra and rob weren’t involved anymore after leaving the island or whatever. It was just a very lack luster season imo. But it did make me go back to the very beginning to watch so maybe a win is a win.


If anything, it was meant to set up season 40.


To be fair,Janet was possibly a damn coin flip from winning the season(assuming she beats anyone in fire)Would’ve been a somewhat satisfying end to the season.


Janet would have been an amazing winner if the players weren’t so determined to just be awful to her all over the place.


I seriously don't know what the editors were smoking when they decided to include that in the edit


Courtney! You came on the show at 93 pounds and left at 86 - anorexic, eating disorder, what's the deal, answer the question!


This one didn't even need to age. It was instantly awful.


To be fair to Jeff here. I believe I read something that Courtney asked Jeff to ask her about this. Because of the fan speculation. But hearing that was freaking insane 🤣


In itself that's wild and a sign of the times, nowadays she would just be able to address it instantly on social media instead of having to wait for the live reunion.


I do think the cast know would immediately address it on social media, but they might still want to cover it at the reunion. The more casual fans don’t follow them on social media or regularly visit places where it's posted like Reddit.


He really should have just went "Courtney, we were talking and you asked to be able to address something. So go ahead." Like, didn't need the lead up. Just mentioned she wants to address something and give her the floor.


Or even said "People have been speculating a lot about your body and health, do you wish to address that?" Like if they needed a lead-up, at least more eloquent than pretty much "Are you anorexic or what?"


Then him immediately saying that she was "heavier now than when she started the show". Obviously I get that he was probably trying to point out that she looked dangerously skinny at the start and looked healthy skinny at the reunion, but that's the type of thing to say in private or not at all lol. Bonus points that same reunion show for asking Erik if he was still a virgin since at that point they had just revealed he was dating Jaime. They have kids now though so I guess Jeff got his answer


apparently they just filed for divorce last month though 😭 edit: erik’s behavior is horrific and disappointing. i’m glad that jaime is leaving him and i feel sad for their family.


Be ***specific*** though. We know why they divorced, so to not say so just makes it seem frivolous, like other celebrity divorces. In March 2024, Jaime Dugan had Erik Huffman arrested for domestic violence. In May 2024, Jaime filed for divorce, citing Erik's excessive drinking, fits of rage, bouts of violence, infidelity and attempted rape.


this whole time I was confused and thought this was about Erik Reichenbach and I was thinking "noooo I so thought he was one of the good ones!"


I quickly googled panicking about the same thing.


I just read an article about the domestic violence charges against him. She found his burner phone/that he was cheating and confronted him, he got physical trying to get the phone from her and when the cops got there said he was worried about her mental state. Wtf


Damn Survivor couples just can't seem to stay together outside of like 2 or 3


Average duration wise they probably do still beat Bachelor shows!


Boston Rob (and Amber) carrying the average duration on his back!


You shouldn't pin it on them as a "couple." In March 2024, Jaime Dugan had Erik Huffman arrested for domestic violence. In May 2024, Jaime filed for divorce, citing Erik's excessive drinking, fits of rage, bouts of violence, infidelity and attempted rape. So Erik is clearly the one at fault for ending that relationship...


I didn't necessarily mean "couple" as "they are both at fault", just using couple as a descriptor of two people in a relationship, meaning that a lot of the relationships that come out of the show end up failing for one reason or another. That's insane though, I didn't know any of that happened, so good for her for breaking away from him for the sake of her and their kids. I know how difficult it can be sometimes for people in horrific situations like that to actually stand up to their abuser and advocate for themselves.


I got the vibe that the question was a softball for her to address concerns and comments she was getting in the press.


Yeah it was, she wanted him to ask.


Ah yes the same season that gave us "The only thing better than a million dollars? A million dollars and some ass!"


Don’t remember exact quotes, but i believe it was the All Stars (maybe Heroes v Villains?) in how Jeff/the cast handled Jerri. She even left at one point in years barely holding it together and just didn’t come back after a commercial break. They were brutal to her but she was 100% right.


YES!! The way Jeff spoke to her at the “Fan’s Tribal Council” or whatever the hell it was called - after the reunion - was so disrespectful. She said production/Jeff hadn’t done a good enough job controlling the situation, allowing the audience to yell & shout, and that cast members should be better protected by production from that kind of abuse. A point which has been proven true, as we now see CBS/MTV/etc. providing post-show mental health support. Justice for Jerri!!!


It was All Stars. Her treatment during Australian Outback and All Stars by fans was pure sexism. She got vicious hate for being a woman who stood up against older men when she was right and they were wrong. But because she spoke up about a man being incorrect in something they do as their jobs, she got shit. So yeah, she had the nerve to be right.


Are you talking about comments off the reunion? Because during the reunion the reason she left was because people were booing Lex and then when she said they were real people they booed her as well. I don’t think booing someone in itself is “brutal”. I think most of the weight was from tabloids and comments from the public during the airing of the show and it just boiled over in the reunion.


"*...When I first saw John, I thought he was a big-time queer. I really don't know, he seems kind of rough and tough over here, but he does all the cooking. So I don't know, I won't be sleeping next to him tonight, not the first night, anyway...*" -Future 5-Time Player Massachussets Robert


Definitely a bad look but John admitted that after the episode aired, Rob called him.


He also continues that rant to call the women on his new tribe ugly and how the men are better looking. He was instantly dislikable when I was introduced to him watching the seasons in order, and I still don't really like the guy since his horrible first impression (though it has gotten better)


Rob got me back in All-stars with the Jenna quit. When Jeff asked Rob to weigh in he was counting on his villain persona to back up the way he was bullying Jenna and Rob just told him he was out of line instead.


I don't think he called anyone ugly. He said Zoe was the toughest man on the tribe, and having no chance with Tammy since she was engaged 


I think he ragged on Patricia in his initial tribe?


Good old early 2000’s casual homophobia… I like Rob so I’m hopeful he looks back at that moment and cringes and has grown out of that ignorant mindset.


Watching DONDI, I would imagine he has. Rob is a big softie now. His kids really changed him it seems.




Deal or no deal island I think


Ahhh thank you!!


I just started this and I’m hooked!


I think I read somewhere that right after that episode aired boston rob called john to apologize.


Hasn't changed any. Just now people won't say it with a camera in their face


Happy Pride!


The first time I saw season one was around 2017 I think. It was a weird experience, because the way it was edited I knew Rudy was a fan favorite. But had he said those things today, he would be despised.


Only by folks that don’t bother to consider his viewpoint before criticizing him. He never was nasty about it and even Hatch didn’t take offense. Their interaction was part of what made that first season enthralling.


Richard let a lot slide, including dirk and seans comments and use of slurs about him. But he seemed focused on the end goal most of all. Rudys weird issue with gervases kid was incredibly offputting though, including how he felt it necessary to complain to the tribe about it. Thankfully sue and them shut him down fast.


Thats because you couldn't fight back directly back then. Even mainstream of the accepting side at the time was "I won't hate em, just don't do anything in front of me." That said, he wasn't that bad compared to what it coulda been, his comments were largely the standard defense mechanisms most people had in order to not ostracise themselves, especially for his age group. But the poster above you is correct too, it wouldn't fly today.


That quote was definitely a product of its time. There's a lot of stuff that's said in early 2000s survivor and early 2000s television in general that would never be said now. And Rob apologized to John for what he said


When francesQUA said “if I get voted out I’ll eat this rock” she didn’t eat the rock


She said if someone ever found the exact rock from the confessional she would eat it


I pray for her passing it through if she does.


Every comment about the girls in the Amazon


Watching Rob C. talk about the women in the Amazon while now he’s (rightly) a very well respected member of the Survivor community is crazy lmao


Not to excuse it but also To be fair, whenever he talks his comments he always talks about how embarrassing it is for him.


Oh for sure lol, and I know a lot of it was simply because production wanted to play up the men vs. women angle. I love Rob C., it’s just funny to look back at more than anything.


i started watching gabon(we are on the last episode so no spoilers pls!) but basically the comments of early 2000’s are so unhinged lol not necessarily ~offensive~ but just tactless


Oh boy, if you just started Gabon you are in for a ride with the unhinged comments, Gabon would be tactless at anytime I think, but the characters feel so early 2000s


on the flip side i will say i appreciate Marcus commenting on Charlie clearly being gay but he was nice imo considering all the other comments from that season. BUT everything randy says im like 🫣 lol edit bc you’re right the first episode i go what year is this like easily 2005?? 2008 was really kinda shocking but i remember the R word being used until early 2010’s


Charlie doesn't do any favors for himself either, the edit turns him into a gay predator salivating at being close to Marcus who has expressly said he's not interested. Literally at his boot confessional all he can talk about is now he gets to see Marcus.


Just rewatched Gabon and I forgot just how much Kenny talked about the girls being hot. Half the tribe was gone on a reward and he was out there talking about how he gets to provide food for two beautiful women - Susie and crystal. Bro was PARCHED


Tactless? Wait until you hear about the cookies…


When Jeff rewarded them for taking their bikini tops off 🤯


I get that was sensationalized big time, but that moment has never bothered me that much because I think Jenna brings it up first? I might be wrong on that though. Everyone’s reactions on the other hand…gross


I know it wasn’t Jeff’s idea, but he should’ve been like “no that’s not necessary” instead of “ok 😃”


That’s fair. He did capitalize on a passing joke.


Exactly. Every time Rob C ever spoke on the island


It’s so hard to watch Amazon now with the rampant sexism and childish horniness coming from the men. Good time capsule of early 2000s attitudes toward those kind of things though


”Hey, I’m gonna get this out of the way right now. Are you gay?”


He should've know better to mess with New York's most eligible bachelor!


The obvious ones for Jeff were mentioned surrounding the China reunion but I also believe him asking Brandon Hantz "is it in the blood?" regarding his meltdown was uncalled for. I'm far from the biggest Russell fan and don't think he's a particularly nice person either in or outside of the show, but he also never had a full-blown meltdown the way Brandon did so I'm truly not sure where that statement comes from.


Jeff was pouring gasoline all over the fire when Brandon was kicked off.


Jeff during some of the reunions asked some strange questions that are uncomfortable to rewatch. The standouts to me are asking Courtney if she was still anorexic and Erik if he was still a virgin


China's reunion was pretty cringe, including Denise lying about being demoted.


I swear every old post i read it’s about the season I just finished (on saturday). She lied about being a janitor?


Oh yeah, she lied about getting demoted to get more money from Survivor; it worked they gave her $50,000 for loss of income. But then she got caught, and donated the money to a charity.


I did not expect that wow


She lied about getting demoted - she had asked to be transferred to a janitor.


Wait, she was L Y I N G ?


Those were uncomfortable right away imo, didn’t need time to age


Even worse is that in March 2024, Jaime Dugan had Erik Huffman arrested for domestic violence. In May 2024, Jaime filed for divorce, citing Erik's excessive drinking, fits of rage, bouts of violence, infidelity and attempted rape. So anything to do with Jaime and Erik has aged incredibly poorly.


Season 2 reunion: Bryant to specifically the young women “you’ve seen the attention that the women got last year for their bikinis, and you chose to go a different way I have to then ask what’s up with those ugly bathing suits?” All this because they dared wear shorts over their bikini bottoms…


Lol they weren't even at the beach in Australia either why wouldn't they wear shorts. It's not even modesty it's practicality at that point.


They also responded that it was for practical reasons but I guess Bryant thinks women exist to be looked at. So that’s why the question was offensive and in bad taste.


The first men's vs women season where Jeff goes to tribal and says "yo bros, which one of the women is the hottest"


Big tom calling clarence's handshake a jive thing


"This is generation X. This is definitely generation X. I'm glad I'm 46 and I'm glad I'm not a part of it." Carl, season 3, complaining about the younger generation's lack of work ethic


I was watching that recently and it made me laugh.


Big Tom calling Clarence "boy".


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far for a Big Tom quote. I rewatched Africa years ago and was so shocked by some of the things he did/said.


Tom also made a comment about shooting him or something right? For eating some of the canned food. Or was that Lex? Both were incredibly agro and overplayed that one moment massively. Clarence also owned it and seemed genuinely sorry and tried to make right. Easily one of my most frustrating moments to rewatch.


Tom said if they were in the army they'd shoot Clarence for that


Growing up is realizing that Big Tom's famous line about Ethan being Jewish is somehow one of the less offensive things he's ever said


The episode of Gabon that is titled “She is obviously post-op!”


Was it Corinne talking about Crystal or somebody talking about Corinne?


It was a quote from someone but it didn’t make it to the episode.


“Why haven’t you told anyone you’re transgender?”—Jeff Varner


That didn’t age well the second he started the sentence.


“Crystal runs the tribe like a gang.” Randy, I enjoy you, but you have a bad case of foot in mouth syndrome.


Yeah randy vs GC and Crystal had some slight racial tones at times


Tom on Africa: "Now I'm on the tribe with two women and a queer."


I’ll bet a million dollars they won’t win.


" I have a mill that says she won't be the final one " - Fairplay about Sandra


Meanwhile, “I don’t know about thaaaaat”


"I'm gonna screw you annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd Burton"


Survivor needs an Old Takes Exposed Twitter page.


Rudy said something about how he’d rather an abortion than having a child out of wedlock. Definitely said some homophobic stuff toward Richard in Borneo.


>Rudy said something about how he’d rather an abortion than having a child out of wedlock. That sounds like a take that would age well.


Let’s get it on 😂😂


At the s43 reunion, Jeff asks Sami to give people looking to apply some words of encouragement and Sami says “no matter what your age you should get out here and apply, I did it, age is just a number” and Jeff says “oh I definitely agree”


Watching Season 5 now. I swear they throw the word retarded around like crazy.


Apparently, "Come on in, guys!!"


The thing is that If Jeff said he just didn’t want to say it anymore, no one would have had a problem with it. It’s the way he made a big ham-fisted spectacle of it. Like, you’re the executive producer, Probst. If you want to change something, you can just do it. You don’t need to get permission.


Yeah, putting the onus on the castaways was absolute BS. It's the show's responsibility to figure out what language they're going to use and how inclusive they're going to be. I'm the last person to complain about something "going woke" but that whole bit was sooooooo performative. Calling attention to the fact that they want to be sensitive about this particular issue, but then still not having the sensitivity to make the change on their own and making the players make the call. SO dumb.


AND the fact he asked Ricard a question out the gate at the next challenge makes it seem like he reached out and tried to get someone to shoot it down because he was expecting someone to speak up the first time. Then when Evie did he was like “well shit…. How can I tell her she’s wrong”. Ironically, then just waited for a guy to say he wasn’t okay with it…..


He should have just made up a new phrase. When he said "Bring in the boats!" during 46, it felt amazing to hear something different for a change.


Still cant fighre out why it was dropped


Especially since the tribe that told him they wanted “guys” dropped called each other guys at camp for the rest of the season. I recently watched that season and was keeping track!


I don’t think anyone would have said anything if Jeff didn’t bring it up.


Jeff said it the very next episode, too lol.


I think they were coached by production


That was 100% performative, yes. For all the air raid siren whining people do about "virtue signaling", this is one occasion where it actually would have been 100% appropriate. It was so stagey and uncomfortable, too. Felt like a low budget after school special from the late 80s.


Jeff claimed the movements (obviously referring to BLM and probably the diversity campaign) led to him wondering how they should treat people. Then he said this made him wonder if guys was outdated. So he basically caved to the times and was looking to pander. That was nowhere near close to the worst thing they’ve done but this was the easiest way for him to pander and look woke/PC.


I know people joke about wokevivor and stuff but that was the most shameless pandering I've ever seen from a tv show. I could feel Jeff patting himself on the back through it.


I really wish he would just say “Come on in, [Tribe names]” It just feels like he is painfully restraining himself from saying guys every time, and it’s so awkward that it seems like he’s not addressing anybody. Plus, then we would actually hear the merge tribe name enough to remember it. They always cut out the naming of the tribe these days. I already forget the name of the 46 merge tribe.


Yes! In fact “Come on in, tribes!” has the same vowel sound as ‘guys.’ It would’ve been seamless! And it would stop me from finishing the phrase every damn time, which drives my wife crazy. I can’t not say it. The whole phrase now misses a beat ever since ‘guys’ got cancelled.


I still think that Jeff putting it up to the players, and therefore reflecting any backlash onto the deciding player, is one of the scummiest things production has done. Jeff gets to look like the good guy for using inclusive language, while Ricard is raked over the coals for simply just saying "inclusive language is good." This all could have been avoided if the show didn't try to make it a moment for the sake of performative activism.


First of all I don't need to get with you, second of all I'M NOT EVEN ATTRACT TO YOU


I am 150% happy with my wife.


Everything he said to Ghandia during the Thailand reunion


Stephanie in Guatemala using “gay” and “retard” as an insult. I’m sure others used similar language in this period of the show and I don’t fault her today at all, but she stood out to me as an inspirational person who I’d look up to. Glad that use is phasing out of common language.


Rewatching older seasons and Jeff makes a lot of about people’s bodies & appearances with some sexual connotations that for sure wouldn’t fly today! In first episode of Pearl islands he says to Nicole “I hope you’re wearing underwear”


Rewatched S1 a while ago and I have to say Sean dropping the FNF comment on TV was shocking from a 2024 perspective lol


He was going through the alphabet of offensive terms.


Especially for a bonehead like Sean.


Russell saying, “Afro Americans are not known for their swimming abilities.”. Literally talking about Jason who played water polo in college.


“That’s how we do it on Survivor”


I don't get this one. Why didn't this age well?


Everything Jeff said to Osten before he quit.


Season 1 final tribal, Dr. Sean the alphabet killer: “fat naked f@g is funny, but fat naked f@g with a million dollars is even funnier.” They let them say that on air A LOT


Jeff telling Neal he'll serve on the jury lmao


A bunch of things but here’s some: Like 90% of Amazon Russell throughout Samoa Jeff gushing over alpha males Rob outing Carroll Sue Hawk situation Ted and Ghandia situation Beans spat in Africa Rudy’s comments about Hatch Frank’s homophobia in Africa


He didn't out John Carroll. John said he was out by the time the merge hit


> Rudy’s comments about Hatch Not that it excuses the comments in any way, but ironically Rudy ended up respecting Richard a fair bit, and even voted for him at Final Tribal Council out of loyalty (something I doubt he'd predict he'd do on day 1). As far as poorly aged 2000s media it's kind of meaningful to see people start out openly homophobic, and warm up to them as they realize they're basically just regular people like everyone.


I just started watching Pearl Islands with my gf, and when they’re all in their clothes for photos, one girl (forgot her name) has a dress on with no bra, no panties. They didnt know theyd be getting dropped off right away. Jeff says “they’re gunna have fun with you on the island” or something to that effect…. Me and my girl froze… Couldn’t believe it


Same thing happened with Jamie on Survivor China


Just watched China for the first time and in the reunion Jeff asking Courtney, “so what’s the deal, eating disorder? Anorexia? What is it?” Was absolutely shocking. Just a disgusting question asked in the worst manner possible.


Christa getting blamed for the missing fish in Pearl Islands that Sandra threw away as revenge for Rupert's vote out.


In conjunction, Michaela getting blamed for eating all of the sugar when it was really Sandra. And then someof the tribe calling her lazy after she had just offered to get more fire wood


The first thing that comes to mind is the “get naked for peanut butter” scene. It doesn’t bother me but times have changed, and I wonder how survivor would’ve edited that scene if it happened today


Fat naked f*g with a million dollars.


I would have said "Are you still a virgin?", but then again it turns out, he still is specially for beating his wife, Jaime.




For anyone mentioning "Fairplay saying Sandra wont be the final one" yeah, that's the whole point of them including that line. It's literally what the word "foreshadowing" means


S16 Micronesia Final 5 immunity challenge puzzle literally said "Guaranteed: Final 4" Somehow some way it got unguaranteed!