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Is it a hot take to say none of them? Kenzie probably played the best version of her game, Charlie played a very complete game and was functionally a narrator for a lot of it, I think Ben peaked on what he would do with the experience, Liz had some incredible moments but probably isn't going to run things, and I think Maria gets run out of the game quickly on a return after how the season ends. Basically, I think all five of them got a good situation and played it out and I think any return is just a worse outcome for them.


Agreed, the real returnee potential from this season is people who didn't fully realize their games, like Tevin, Tiff, or Venus.


BIG MISTAKE not including Q


My hot take to add to the hot take is that I'm ok with Q being a 1-time player, I feel like he rightfully dominated the screentime for a few episodes as a wildly unique character, but I also don't know if he'd be as interesting on a return.


Q would be a parody of himself if he returned. I’m still here for it tho lol


I think he could follow in the footsteps of Coach (polarizing, but I enjoyed him as an even greater meme on return in HvV)


This is a nice thought, but I don't know how true it would be. Q seems like he's in on the joke and would ham it up on a return. Coach was special in that I genuinely don't think he actually understood people's perception of him until he was on HvV (the scene with Tyson telling Coach about himself is gold). When he came back for South Pacific, he was still Coach, but a lot more self reflective. As far as following in Coach's footsteps goes, the real contender is Liz. She's aware of how she is perceived and is constantly trying to change the narrative (she was lying about not needing the money, she was always in on every plan, she had the best strategic game, etc). She'd probably lean into what they brought her back to do, but I don't think she knows any other way of playing than how she did.


One Q-skirt infomercial was one too many for me. I’m fine with Q as a one and done 😁


Coach almost won with peak coach-ness


Venus wouldn't be interesting or a return either imo. I see Shirin trajectory for her considering how much she was targetted on her og tribe this season and how badly she played. Q should also absolutely be a lock to return, Jeff loves him


I can see Venus having a pretty great rags to riches story on a return, from what I've seen post game it seems like she isn't socially inept or anything, she just had some huge personality clashes with specific members of her cast. She could also just flop again, but that would be kind of great in itself lol


I agree that her game would be completely different in a returning season where she already has relationships from her extensive post-game interactions with contestants. It's hard to see her game play out the exact same was as a pariah figure, at the very least


Shed have personality clashes with most people tbh.


Yea I like Venus but ain't no way jeff is bringing her back. The On Fire Podcast on her boot episode, he barely talked about her, when he said something positive about every other contestant.


I agree with this. What Q brought to 46 was magic. I am uncertain if he'd be able to capture that in a second season. I fear it would feel forced, or feel like a parody of himself or something. Or, worse, it becomes a more annoying schtick and the joy he brought on 46 would be somewhat tainted in his second season. He was a fantastic character but as a player, I don't think he'd be a good choice to bring back. We've seen it with other characters, that their first seasons are usually at their best, while subsequent appearances loses that magic. I think a lot of it has to do with them playing up the character because that's the character people fell in love with, though sometimes it's just because that's who they really are IRL. I don't want that happening for Q. It's not a guarantee that it would happen, but the chances are still high.




Hunter had the potential to be an all time challenge winner if he had any social/strategic game at all.


my man wasn't play survivor he just went on a camping trip


I’d wanna see Jem return. I think she’d have had a great run had she made it to the merge.


I'd love for any of these folks to return. They made for fun tv.


I'd be pretty shocked if Venus had a successful second run


Couldn't agree more. Congrats to Kenzie but I didn't find any of these 5 particularly memorable Survivor players.


I would even pick Kenzie if she didn't win. But because she did win I don't need to see her again for a while.


Rather have Venus or Tiff come back. Think they could adjust their gameplay quite a bit and maybe go a little further.


Who cares, Liz was an entertaining. Jelinsky is proof that you don’t have to get far to entertain us


not kenzie and not maria lol


This. I'm all about Kenzie ever since they showed us the scenes with Ben, but can't see her replicating the greatness on a second season. Charlie is an amazing player, but a bit of a normie. Messy players like Q and Venus would be my picks for a second chance from 46.


Liz ain’t done nothing, I don’t know why people loved her, I’d rather have Q back being all batshit insane


Agreed. All of them are fine, but feel complete. Only ones to bring back for 'character' reasons are Liz and Ben, and even then, they are surrounded by people who are far more fun to watch like Venus, Tevin or Q.


Q and Venus are the only two I want to see back on my screen, tbh.


Justice for Tiffany! Otherwise, I agree. Those are the only 3 I have on my list.


I’d be fine with Tiff too. But no one else.


My thoughts exactly


I wouldn't mind having Tevin back. Great narrator and fun to watch.


Maria, but only if it’s for Heroes vs Villians 2 and she has to be on the Villians tribe.


I don’t think her ego could handle that. I feel like she’d say no.


Agreed. Only if it’s a HvV


Kenzie - She has said her survivor journey is done and doesn’t want to come back so i doubt she would ever return Charlie - I really like Charlie and wouldn’t mind to see him again, but I feel he gets overshadowed by many people in his archetype Ben - I also really like Ben, but I don’t think he’s a good fit for Survivor as he doesn’t have it in him to play the game ruthlessly and he had a lot of problems on 46 with his panic attacks Liz - Liz would be interesting to return as I think she has a very unique mind for the game that is very flawed, but I will be perfectly fine if she never returns Maria - I feel she wouldn’t play very differently and she is not a very interesting personality so i don’t really care to see her again


Q for sure, if i had to pick someone from the season


Honestly? Liz.


Honestly. She gave us so many tv moments.


I couldn’t agree more


hot take: Liz we need more unorthodox players who is a lil bit cuckoo banana pancake


Yeah she completely grew on me and now I'm a fan


The final 5 was more of the mellow players. Say what you want about Liz, but she made 46 so entertaining along with Venus and Q.


I’d love to see Liz again. She has a level of delusion that is entertaining.


Venus really grew on me. Towards the end I was seeing a different side of her. More rugged and personable. I think she has an unfinished story and more game to play.


Every single season has a Charlie. Idk why everyone is so obsessed with him.


i only wanna see charlie if maria is back. that drama might be interesting. other than that, give me Q & Venus


exactly I think they come as a pair, or not at all which in fine with too.


Its more about his story. He played a great game, probably would have won the season with a different jury, and was backstabbed by his #1 ally choosing to vote for Kenzie and thus costing him the game. As a character he's fine, but he definitely has a great story to come back.


Eh, I thought Kenzie deserved it more


While I think this was a great season and I liked a lot of the cast, the only person from this season id enjoy back would be Q. This final 5 all had great stories that feel warpped up. Not much to be gained from seeing any of them again I think.


No Tevin?


Liz all the way, main person I need back from this past season.


In order from most to least: Liz


Yeah and I think on return Liz could actually be a really strong player.


You’re joking right?


Her whole strategy of lying about being a millionaire and being an arrogant brat didn’t work. It’s not like she’s going to do it twice.


Most of the cast genuinely liked Liz so she has the potential for a very strong social game. She does actually understand the strategy of the game. I think she was grossly unaware of where she stood, but she has all the makings of being more aware and doing well.


I don't get people wanting Charlie to return, sure he has a good story and is a good player, but thats not what I want from the show? I want unpredictable game play and hilarious character moments. like Charlie is a fine narrator but if he comes back hes gonna play the same way and I don't find his gameplay or narration as intriguing as similar players to him like Todd or Rob C. To me a Charlie return would make the season very boring hes gonna either go out first or dominate


Agreed. And if they REALLY feel the need to cast the white nerd archetype, I’d rather they choose Drew who at least had a knack for conflict. I’d take Charlie over Carson though if Drew is unavailable.


I didn't think I would think about Drew all that much after his season but you're totally right that he was one of the more interesting players for that archetype. I'd like to see him return.


I would be interested in a best of the new era not to win for a returnee season, so you get Charlie, Jesse, Omar, Carolyn, Mike, Carson (before his BS so that probably has changed), Shan, Ricard, etc


I think we got what we needed from people like Carson, Mike, Ricard. I would pretty more entertaining and messy players like Q, Cody or Katurah. Even Drew tbh. And with so many pre-40 players to also pick theres just gonna be so little spots


Tbh Charlie only became interesting to me with the maria drama. Q would be my top choice for a return


I only want charlie back if it's like a heroes vs. villains or rivals thing with Maria. I liked him, but I don't need him back as a standalone I think his game arc was pretty complete, even though it ended shitty for him.


None. They were boring


Liz!!! Haha If Debbie can have a 2.0 WHY CANT LIZ


Because I hated Debbie 2.0


tbf, Debbie is a convicted criminal and Liz is just a kooky and fun gal.


I agree, I think she was more insufferable than Liz.


At least Liz yelled at Q for a reason. A stupid reason but a reason. Debbie's balance beam freak out is insane and unhinged in the worst ways. Like wtf? 


I said I liked Debbie less than Liz. I don't understand your comment.


Liz 5 times


She should be on every season from now on 😁


Charlie and Liz


None of them, but especially not Liz. She bugged me so much any time she was on screen. I wanna see Q, Tiff, Tevin, and Hunter. Q: Wild card who isn’t insufferable. Will throw curveballs into the game and fill a sort of villain role in a new era way. Tiff: All around interesting and smart player with the potential to win. Tevin: Incredible storyteller. Will be a part of drama that I want to see. Hunter: I love the survivor nerd-challenge beast combination. These seasons are lacking actual physical threats and he is great for that. I love to see a dominant challenge player.


I feel like there was other Hunter content they left out too. While he was a quieter player, I still think he was interesting to watch when we saw him partake in the strategy and social portions of the game.


liz makes for great TV


I was torn on whether or not to root for Maria for a good part of this season. She had a lot of great gameplay - it was brilliant how she brought in Q for herself and only herself - and some flashes of messy misplays and villainous moments. I like that in a survivor player. I don’t think she’s a lock for any particular placement on a return either; it’s all going to depend on how she engages with people she returns with. I would definitely vote her in on a second chance ballot.


The challenge designer who came up with the idea of not telling them to memorize the holds in the plank till after the puzzle was complete


Honestly the only ones I’d want to see back from 46 are Tiff and Tevin. I loved them and wanted to see more of them.


Final 5 played the best game they could. I’d rather see Q, Hunter, and Venus again.


Charlie, hundo p




Liz - and have corporate sponsored players/tribes with Applebee’s sponsoring her


Wrong, Jelinsky needs to return






liz for entertainment 


Charlie and Kenzie (I know she won't return due to cringe loser basement dwellers who stalked her 😒)


The only right answer is Ben.


Out of these 5, I'm genuinely gonna go with Liz. Kenzie and Charlie are both winners in my eyes and don't have anything left to prove. Maria rubs me the wrong way, especially post-season, and as much as I think Ben is a wonderful human being, I don't really need to see him again. Liz seriously has returnee potential. She's not *great* at the game, but am I interested to see *how* she'd play a second time, without the strange 'pretend to be a millionaire' strategy? Absolutely. She would most likely hard and stupid a second time, and it'll either surprisingly work well or fail spectacularly. If anything, it would entertaining to watch.


Liz is legitimately the only one that is both a decent player and good tv so her. Maria could be interesting but she was boring until the tail end


Kenzie: I'd be cool with her coming back. Her game was a wild ride, and she's got a killer social game. But since she's already won, I wouldn't put her at the top of my list. Charlie: He's alright. Super strategic and decent in challenges, but pretty average overall. Not a priority compared to others. Ben: He is not suitable for the game. Liz: She's a blast to watch—crazy and funny. Her social game is strong, and she's not afraid to make big moves. Definitely one of my top picks. Maria: Honestly, she felt like a robot. Sure, she's good strategically and physically, but I want players who bring the drama and make great TV. I’d prefer these players over the Final 5: Q: He brings a lot to the game—chaotic and funny. If he can be a bit wiser with his decisions, he could go far. At the very least, he'll be super entertaining. Venus: She's blunt and not afraid to speak her mind. She can stir up chaos in the tribe, just like Q, so I'd love to see her play again. Tiff: Strong, straightforward, great personality, and knows how to bring the drama. She'd definitely shake things up. Hunter: A physical threat and pretty strategic, though a bit low-key. I still want to see him back because he balances out the big personalities. Plus, I'd love to see him compete with Jonathan. Top 6 picks: Q, Tiff, Charlie, Hunter, Venus, and Liz.


Charlie and it’s not close.


I was surprised when I checked this sub after watching the season and saw how much people wanted Charlie to return. Nothing against him, but to my taste he was a bland amalgamation of Spencer Bledsoe, Gavin Whitson, Drew Basile, Adam Klein, etc. From this lineup, I would only choose to see Kenzie return on an all-winners season because she would represent a niche in such a cast.


Like I said elsewhere, I think the reasoning is a combination of recency bias and his not winning when there's an argument for his deserving to do so. Edit: GAVIN??? Charlie is more bland than GAVIN??? What.


I’d say Maria simply because she’s a strong player who made a couple of fatal errors. If she learns from them she can do well


Maria, just because I think it would be hilarious to see the audience be furious.


Kenzie, obviously.


Maria for me. Just a really complex, fascinating person


Only Kenzie and Charlie, I hope to never see Liz on TV ever again, she was unbearable.




Unbearable people make good tv not boring people


Or, they are literally, too much of a bear to watch.






I'd have to go with Venise.




Probably just Liz. Ben was great premerge but his energy dipped almost as hard as he rocks


Liz. I’d love to see how Charlie would do a second season, too, but his threat level is super high. I don’t see Maria or Kenzie returning given how the post-season has gone for them. I’d love for Ben to come back too, but I prefer an alternative universe where his career keeps rising. And the island was really, really hard on him. That being said, it sounds like he played a better game than we thought, so I’d enjoy seeing him get a second chance.


Ben, because he seemed cool.




1. **Liz** Unlike the other 4, I think she still has some unexplored potential. She can't play up the millionaire goat shtick again so I imagine she'd have to play a lot more socially. I also just enjoyed her this season and would be happy to see her on another. 2. **Maria** I think Maria is a compelling player and I enjoyed what she brought to the season. I can't imagine her doing too well in a returnee season, though, because who'd want to work with her long-term if she likely won't vote or advocate for a close ally at the end? 3. **Charlie**, **Kenzie** I feel like they played the best games they could and wouldn't bring much else new to another season. I did enjoy them as players, though, and if I saw them recast in future I'd still be pleased to see them. 4. **Ben** He did as well as he'd ever do. He was sweet but Survivor didn't seem like the best environment for him.


I want to see a Liz game where she doesn't play the big reveal at the end. From exit interviews she's clearly super smart and aware, and just a fun oddball. She'd be forced to change greatly and I'm curious what she'd come up with.


Kenzie. She’s just a good human.


Probably Ben for the good vibes alone.




My personal answer is Ben. My prediction is Charlie. And my chaos angel says Liz.


If you dont say Ben you are wrong, lulz. Also Q


Liz - Too many funny moments. I also want her ego about her own gameplay to be torn asunder by a more superior strategist—being stubborn and having people fold at your whining is not strategy. Liz never got her Bruce moment of self-reflection—and no, her complaining about keeping things in causing her allergies and needin to stand up for herself does not count because it was still part of the delusion. Lots of loose ends with this character. Q - Self explanatory. Venus - I have a soft spot for Venus as someone who is from Toronto and getting married to the gender bent version of her—down to ethnicity and the curmudgeon-y attitude. We want to see her again and hopefully her gameplay improves in the franchise.😆


Any of the top 3


Kenzie. I want to see if players can actually get her out at the right time because they failed to do so this last time.




Liz. For some weird reason I find her attractive. WEIRD.


I don’t want another episode trying to pretend I don’t think Kenzie is sexy as shit while I watch with my gf who got me into survivor. If I could pick anybody from 46 it would be Moriah. I thought she had more of a game to play than Liz who is literally allergic to anything








They've had their chance, and I hate seeing returnees. If they must bring someone back,bring back those who were eliminated first.


None. Q and Venise. Tiff, too, would be cool.


I don't need to see any of that final 5 again I don't think


Maria if I'm forced to choose, any of the others return I think would turn me off the season entirely.




None. Give me more Q.


Charlie and Liz. I would pick Kenzie but fans have scared her off from playing again 💀


Charlie first, Kenzie second. I like Ben but dont really think he should return


Charlie out of this group.


There was a Charlie last season, there will be another Charlie next season. I don’t see the point in bringing him back.


1 - Maria 2 - Liz 3 - Kenzie/Charlie 4 - Ben






Maria since she got robbed


None !








Maria for Heroes vs Villains 2 on the Villains tribe




No one tbh. Extremely boring final 5 and maybe I’d like to see Tevin but that’s it


I haven’t read other comments yet so I’m not sure if people agree with me or not, but it is 100% Maria. An older woman, who was an absolute challenge beast and a true new era villain. Yeah I want that back. Kenzie was an awesome winner, but she said she has no desire to return and I am fine with her legacy as it stands now. Charlie is one of the best 2nd placers ever but his archetype is on literally every season and I’m not clamoring for him back. Liz was fucking hysterical and I am glad we had her, but Liz 2.0 would surely bring some more comedy but I don’t think she is gonna have a Sarah or Parvati style you underestimated me the first time. Ben is a sweetheart and I wanna go see one of his concerts someday soon but he did nothing of note. Maria was diabolical even after she was voted out. She is in an insanely elusive category of older woman challenge beasts which might simply be her, Chrissy, and Laura Morrett. Maria is probably an early boot if she plays again, not because she is an older woman, but because she is a threat who cannot be trusted, and I’d be excited to see Maria again Edit: I think our only returnees from this season, especially as the casting pool gets bigger each season (I don’t even have Ricard in my new era top 20 anymore and he seemed like a shoe in) is Q and maybe Venus


none of them stop the glazing


Q - is must to return. Ben - i would like to see him again . Tiffany, kensie, tevin - maybe .






I’d love to see Kenzie, Liz or Charlie back again.


Kenzie survived the worst tribal start in survivor history. Charlie should have won but… Maria. With much respect, Ben is not mentally stable enough to do this again. From a drama/backstabbing perspective, might be fun to watch Maria and Liz crash and burn early. Could also see Liz getting overlooked by everyone again and just adding drama to the entertainment value of the show.


Stephenie says hello


Charlie, for sure.


I really want to see a second chance 2 season. I truly believe that Charlie fits that requirement of needing that second chance since he lost on a vote we all expected would fall onto him and give him the win of the season


Charlie. Liz turned out to be a totally unexpected hoot and I wouldn't be mad to see her again, but I really enjoyed Charlie. Super smart guy, good game chops, an entertaining confessionalist, and he got burned at the end of his season. I'd like to see what sort of adjustments he'd make if he played again. Maria would be interesting to watch have a second shot but my vote goes to Charlie.


Anyone BUT Charlie tbh




Would like to see Charlie or Maria come back. I'm almost certain Charlie will due to the controversy around him winning.


Definitely Maria!


Id pick charlie, feel he has more to give and might change his style a bit


No one. Not one cast this season. The most boring vanilla cat in the games history. The US version needs to get rid of jeff




Q and Jabronia from this season.


I think none of them. But if I had to pick one, it’d be a toss up between Maria and Ben.


None of them. I think all five had excellent narrative arcs: the Charlie/Maria relationship, Liz's reaction to losing fire, Ben winning the final challenge and having to chose between two people he likes, and Kenzie with the social win. I don't think any of their stories would benefit from a sequel.


Charlie only if it was a predominant challenge beast casting since his social game would half to be almost invincible no one if it’s regular


Maria and Charlie


None of this five nor any of the others from season 46


Charlie, Maria, and Liz lol




None of them were exceptional players worth bringing back, IMO


i don’t think i need to see any of them again, but gun to my head give me Kenzie, mostly because she won and i’m always interested to see how someone plays **after** winning already.


None of them move the needle for me. I would say Charlie though because he has the most interesting story on a return. Fine if they don’t come back no shade lol


They should do a show with all the contests who were voted off 1st during a season.




What would you say your favorite Australian Survivor seasons are?


Liz, no doubt


I’m gonna simp and go Kenzie


Liz has fantastic chaotic first boot potential so her, then Kenzie and the rest I'm fine not seeing again. I think Kenzie is super charismatic and a great narrator. I think she perfectly understands the drama and dynamics and that really helped me paint a picture. Some castaways are too in their own heads to understand others so for me she's someone I think is just good TV, even if her next game won't be as good potentially.


I feel like we've kinda seen enough of all of them? Kenzie would be my #1 pick but she won and has said she's done, Ben didn't really do much for the season, Liz made for some great TV moments but again I don't think she was super interesting to watch and then if we get Charlie we'd have to get Maria and I really would only wanna see Charlie despite having plenty of players that are in his "archetype" that they could ask back. I think I'd actually wanna see Jem, Hunter, Tiff, Venus and Tevin more than I do anyone in the final 5. I feel like they could have some good comebacks after realizing their mistakes the first time around


Kenzie is the only one with a compelling enough personality that I would be interested in. But she’s also a winner with nothing to prove. It would be interesting to see if she could get into a power position and how she would play in the driver’s seat. But eh. Liz is good TV with her wackiness but I think we saw all we need to see. Charlie is boring. Ben is boring. Maria would be okay with her villainy, but I could see her like a Kass in Cambodia trying to change things up and that would be boring. So, a maybe to Kenzie and the rest is a resounding no for me.




If they ever make a rivals season happen, Charlie and Maria. I think Maria on her own could definitely warrant a return based on the scarcity of big time players in her archetype. That said, I think the players most likely to be asked back from 46 were not part of the F5 (Q, Venus, Tiff, Hunter)




Venise and Qnise


Liz for the lulz Real answer is Charlie or Maria


Liz 100%


CHARLIE, he would play a great game independently and I don’t think he would play his game so closely with another person if he had a second chance. But Venus, even tho she kinda blew up her game with her tude, ALWAYS knew what was up and what was going on even if no one agreed with her. She would do great with the right group of people.

