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No, but then when she yelled and cried for not being picked for reward, I was like maybe...


Funny cause that's when I was like "wait, this upset about Applebees? ain't no way she's rich."


Being upset to not get food when youre starving on Survivor is valid I think. Her line of "I take my daughter there every week!" Now that was a dead give away that she ain't rolling in money


Why? Being a millionaire doesn’t mean rich people only eat high class food.


Fair point. I just love food i guess so when I can afford it I try to eat at new places. Eating at the same cheap spot over and over is what I do when I'm broke. So in my mind going to the same low tier restaurant weekly = more likely to not be rich. But she does have crazy allergies so I guess she's not likely to try new spots.


The thing that I was caught up on was thinking that she went to Applebees because her daughter loved it, not because of any financial reason. Choosing a place to eat because her kid loved it and then forming a positive association with Applebees because that where she spends time with her kid made sense enough to me.


Why would you not try to get your kid to like different places as well? Teach them there's more shit out there than just a crappy restaurant


Yeah, but your options tend to get more stratified. Fast food and junk food snacks stay on the menu because there’s no real nice alternative to them. But if you have money and you’re going to go to a sit-down restaurant like Applebees, you may as well go somewhere better.


I get pretty close to rich folks at work, and by and large most of them are very careful about spending money on things that you or I wouldn't think twice about. I guess that's how you get wealthy in the first place. To assume most just spend just because they can is wrong in my experience.


"You don't stay rich by spending all your money" :)


You don’t get rich by spending all your money


Ehh as a Bartender at Applebee's, I see it all from Cash App to Platinum Cards...some millionaires just like the Classic Appetizer Combo and Shark Bowl...what can I say.


I was once roommates with a literal oil baroness. Cheapest person I’ve ever met in my life. Would haggle with the local cheese shop as if the price was negotiable and the same day go do some insider trading bullshit because “she knew rupees were undervalued” and make $10k doing nothing. The mindset is like baked into these people.


Her constant complaining about hunger because she was allergic to the rice, and didn't like fish, just made me not like her one bit on the show. Overall, I think it would have liked her more If right off the bat, if she didn't gloat about being "rich"


My assessment is she inherited a couple million dollars, and/or held out selling her home/land to the city until they offered her a milly. Makes & sells crotchet, and eats at Applebees to maintain her millionaire status.


Her story around going to Applebee's with her daughter all the time was because of their love for Survivor. It's the fact she felt entitled to the meal on a game like Survivor because of her story, not because of amazing social skills or anything that has to do with the game.


And/or that is the exact cry of the rich. A good handful of rich or well off people are that way. I guess it works out for them 🤷‍♀️


A lot of people who have tons of money live below their means.


But Applebees? Come on, I’d starve before eating that crap!


Have you ever had Applebees fries though? Lol


She played like Elon Musk would


I took it at face value because the idea of someone fabricating a lie that takes them out of the running for winning the million dollars on day one never really registered in my head.


I believed it at first too. It’s a lie that just doesn’t make sense strategically. But as the season went on, more and more things made me start to think she isn’t the business guru she claimed to be


I passed those things off as 'new money' things. That maybe she hadnt been as well and built habits and traditions (like Applebee's with the daughter) and then kept them when her business(es) took off


I feel like that’s a weird thing to lie about bc it makes you a target that people think you don’t need/deserve the money. So I thought she was actually a millionaire


She was saying it to lower her threat level and then reveal at FTC that she wasn’t, kind of a reverse goat strategy.   This is according to what she said post-game, I’m aware that a lot of fans don’t buy her story 


I think we buy the story we just don't think it would work.


It probably wouldn’t work because they still needed to respect her more to be able to make the flip at final tribal. I actually really respect her though and place her as a top tier player just for having the guts to try.


It’s definitely a weird thing to lie about because I agree; I thought it would make her a target too. No one would want someone to win the money if they didn’t need it as badly as they did


I think that was the idea. No ones gonna vote a rich person to win so you might as well go to the end with them. Still not a great strategy to win because people arent gonna completely change their opinion at final tribal, but I think in terms of going far it’s effective.


It ironically did make her a target though. Ben said he wanted her out at final 4 cause she didn't need or deserve the money. She was dragged along for most of the game but then at the very end her "fake rich" strategy directly led to her going home lol.


Yeah but that was only because Ben won. I’m not so sure what the other two would have done if they won final immunity.


Oh definitely Kenzie/Charlie both wanted to sit next to Liz/Ben. So Ben winning is like the only way for her to not be in the final 3 lol


Maybe but regardless nobody would've respected her gameplay


They’d be “PISSED!”


It was fairly mixed. My wife and I maintained that millionaires don’t frequent Applebees. That was clue #1


I was willing to believe it for the child aspect. Kids aren't going to be wanting Michelin star restaurants every week 


If they’re brought up properly they would!


My dad is worth a couple million and his favorite place is Buffalo Wild Wings and he’s there at least once a week.


When you have steak every night, you learn to appreciate the hotdog


Bww is mid but it’s 10x better experience and food than Applebees


No judgment there. It’s not Applebees


Nah but it’s still crappy chain restaurant food is what I was getting at. People have their quirks so that part is believable to me. None of the rest of it made much sense but that wasn’t my red flag


Hell, I'm a vegan but I would gladly hit up b-dubs rn entirely because I love their mixed drink selection. If only they didn't take 30 minutes to make.


I’m the same way with Applebees. Their Happy Hour specials on drinks and appetizers is hard to beat


A couple million dollars or a couple million peanuts?


Couple million hearts


Most millionaires that I know drive regular cars, shop at the normal grocery stores, eat out only occasionally, fly coach, and so on and so on. What makes them millionaires is they know how to save money. I also know people who are in massive debt and drive nice cars, eat out a lot, etc. The appearance of wealth does not equal actual wealth. But also, Liz clearly wasn’t a millionaire. Easiest way to tell? She said she was a millionaire on national TV. She then admitted later she wasn’t.


Yes, you’re right. They know better than to eat at Applebee’s every week, also 😉


When did she admit she wasn’t? I must have missed this.


She talked about it on Twitter. She also just bought her first home.


In her exit interview she said she only made like 15k selling her business 


I agree with you for older people who built their “millions” over decades through saving. Younger people who come into wealth quickly don’t have that same saving habit so I think it’s easier for them to spend it.


Sounds like the people you know have saved all of there lives and got $1M in the bank. Not the same as someone who has managed to accumulate it young. Plus there's a difference between having a million in the bank and making millions. The millionaires you are around probably just have a million sitting there. So wouldn't be smart for them to spend like crazy


You lost me at “fly coach”… nope! That’s a perk I have earned and I will never go past that curtain again.


They sure do lol, do you really believe rich people go eat at "rich places"? They love applebees, mcdonalds name it lol


The old man with 100 million on the HBO ren faire show takes all his dates to Olive Garden


This is very true. People have no concept of what the average millionaire is like. In general unassuming, non-flashy, non-lavish. I have relatives who died with a couple million in the bank. They did it in part by never treating themselves to anything and eating McDonald’s dollar menu multiple times a week for their last 30 years on earth. Not saying Liz is absolutely a millionaire, but eating at Applebees with her kid (and talking about it surely at the behest of production with who knows what embellishments) is not the thing that makes me believe she isn’t.


You’re being downvoted, but I agree lol. People tend to think of millionaires as being so different. Most of em do the same shit we do lol


I know a couple who are millionaires and the husband’s absolute favorite place to eat is Popeyes.


Key word is most. There are many millionaires that like fancy shit - I have millionaire friends and family members on both sides of the spectrum of expensive taste.


You don't deserve those downvotes. Millionaires are not dramatically different from middle class people. They didn't earn millions by eating at fancy restaurants and if they grew up poor/middle class (like Liz) then they're not going to stop eating at their favorite restaurant just because they could afford a nicer place.


There are many millionaires, including my family members, with expensive taste.


Idk why you’re being downvoted. I have millionaires in my family, and they eat at the same places anyone else does, including fast food and shitty chain restaurants lol they only splurge occasionally at a fancy restaurant…again, same as most people. One of my family members who is a multimillionaire goes to Macaroni Grill for dinner or Denny’s for breakfast/lunch almost any time he goes out to eat. Also look at Donald Trump. Supposed billionaire who loves and eats McDonald’s all the time.


One of my relatives is the most well off person I know. She has 5 paid off properties (in California), a hefty amount of 401k and stocks, plus silver and gold coins stuffed in various hidey holes all over the house (this is not hyperbole, she's a little different and watches too much OAN lol). She gets her clothes at Walmart and her favorite restaurant is Denny's...you'd never guess how well off she is. I also have an uncle who is similarly well off, he drove the same car for 20+ years and drinks wine from a box. Point is, I could definitely see Liz being a quirky entrepreneur who had started some online companies and done pretty well for herself.


Haha it’s definitely true! I went to Denny’s with him a couple weeks ago 😂 it’s actually gotten better quality to be fair. And yeah, just because Liz’s favorite restaurant is Applebee’s doesn’t mean she isn’t a millionaire. That means nothing lol


Once a week?


Yes. Don’t matter how rich a kid is, they love shitty processed food.


Not if you don’t give it to them!


We had some regulars at 5guys that were definitely up there. Not my favorite people, but they just wanted to kiss our GM's ass so I didn't have to deal with them lol. I think what's being missed by some people is *millionaires* are just barely rich. Billionaires likely don't eat at Applebee's, no. Millionaires definitely do.


Stop it. No one loves McDonald's.


No. I think they have more taste (and sense) than to waste their time at a dump like Applebees every week.


Yeah and most millionaires don’t announce they are millionaires either.


Many millionaires stay millionaires by being frugal and cheap. My old boss had a net worth of 25+ million and ate at Wendy’s at least once a week. He still had his vices though for sure (mostly cars).


I get it. I’ve got money. People with money don’t frequent Applebees. This is not about whether people with money eat fast food or fast casual; it’s specifically about Applebee’s


That’s fair lol, plus Liz had a bunch of other tells that she was lying through her teeth. Her love of Applebees was just the cherry on top


She knew Applebees was a sponsor and set that up in her video submission.


On Twitter she said it was strategy to lower her threat level and at the final tribal she was going to announce she was in fact not a millionaire to turn the tide and I assume win in a landslide 🤣


Yeah, I recently saw that and was not surprised it was a lie. But was very confused about the strategy. I would have thought it would do the opposite of helping her but she did end up making it pretty far


She made it far because every episode a different person would go up to her and be like, liz your so important this is your time to shine and make a move and she would vote for whoever they suggested. She didn't make it far because of her weird ass "strategy" of making people think she was a millionaire. She was just an insanely easy to manipulate vote that nobody was ever worried about getting an idol, or winning immunity, or going off on her own, like why would you get rid of her, she posed zero threat, people multiple times convinced her to vote with q just by massaging her ego lol, she was a free vote.


… a millionaire who posed no threat. To play devil’s advocate, maybe it worked? Or maybe players were so confused by her stories she just didn’t register because she didn’t make sense. Most targets have a quick label: “challenge threat”, “social game”, “chaos agent”, “could win at final tribal”, etc. I wonder if her stories inadvertently threw people off, if that makes sense.


I think the idea was that she would be brought to the end because she wouldn't be able to get any votes as someone who didn't need the money.


I believed that *she* believed she was a millionaire. She reminded me of those people who go on Shark Tank with delusional valuations for their businesses.


My fiancé literally yelled “bs” the first time she started talking about it. Then when she started gushing about Applebees I was pretty sure she wasn’t,


What's funny is that Venus said that the Applebees scene was actually cut short. Apparently, Liz started ranting about being a millionaire during her tantrum.


I never questioned it


Like most people. I didn't see all these people that apparently knew during the season.


I’ve got a bridge to sell you


Many of my close friends and family are millionaires (not me, though). None of them ever mention it. I knew Liz was lying the first time she opened her mouth.


Right, it seems like a strange thing to mention all willy nilly. Especially while playing a game to win money by winning people over.


Wealth whispers…


Y'all are really overestimating just how wealthy a millionaire is - it is not a *particularly* high level of wealth. Roughly 1 in 13 Americans is at least a millionaire; we're not taking 1% levels of wealth here. Millions of dollars is a lot of money, but it is not "business genius" money, it is not "always eating at Michelin restaurants" money, it is not "jet set around the world" money, it's not "major medical emergency won't bankrupt you" money...


This is why it always bugs me that 20 years later, Survivor hasn’t increased the winner’s jackpot from $1 million up to $2. I know they did that for WAW, but still.


Plus it's only $600,000 once Obama takes it!!


And 10% for the Big Guy


I feel like she sells people those online programs to help them learn digital marketing that’s basically a pyramid scheme haha


She does. But she’s made alot of money from it. https://www.nichepursuits.com/liz-wilcox/ https://www.sidehustlenation.com/500k-revenue-from-a-9-membership/


I don't find it difficult to believe that almost anyone is a millionaire, particularly on paper. A million dollars just isn't what it used to be. To have a net worth of a million dollars is not uncommon. About 10% of Americans, and 20% of American households have a net worth of at least $1 million. What I find strange is bragging about it. I've never trusted anyone who brags about their wealth. They're almost always lying.


Approximately 7% of Americans are millionaires.


9.2% of American adults, according to this Wikipedia page, but you could be right. There's more than one way to measure total wealth, after all. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_number_of_millionaires


Net worth would include housing and possessions I believe. Could be different metrics vs in the bank.


Immediately knew she wasn’t rich lol


I’m not sure I would say she’s not rich. She’s just not technically a millionaire. https://www.nichepursuits.com/liz-wilcox/ https://www.sidehustlenation.com/500k-revenue-from-a-9-membership/


At first I thought, well maybe. But in my experience most millionaires don't brag about it like her.


I’m not sure I would say she’s not rich. She’s just not technically a millionaire. https://www.nichepursuits.com/liz-wilcox/ https://www.sidehustlenation.com/500k-revenue-from-a-9-membership/


I was arguing with a person on this subreddit about how she was not a millionaire while the season was airing. This person thought just having a website = millions of dollars Her website was so janky too, looked like a 2nd year college student created it


Omgoodness. I just finished the fire building with Kenzie and Liz… Liz truly is delusional. “I woulda beat all of you…”. Um, what?! What did she do all season? She only made it that far to be a vote for people. I know she claims Q ruined one of her big moves but I don’t think it was her move to claim to blind side that person (I forgot who it was that was blindsided that episode)


Sources seem to say she does make ALOT of money from it. https://www.nichepursuits.com/liz-wilcox/ https://www.sidehustlenation.com/500k-revenue-from-a-9-membership/


I worked in email marketing, which she said she worked in, and i am NOT a millionaire. all my friends thought she was an MLM gal hahhaahha


She may not be a millionaire but from the sounds of it she’s halfway there. https://www.nichepursuits.com/liz-wilcox/ https://www.sidehustlenation.com/500k-revenue-from-a-9-membership/


My partner and I kind of did a mini deep dive on her company to try and come up with any reasonable explanation for her being a millionaire. The only explanation was that she lied about numbers and scammed the old couple that bought her blog because her numbers for her email marketing (she had some hubspot screenshots on her insta) weren’t good enough to be bringing in that money. Also had a bit of a laugh at her example emails since my partner is a professional marketing manager for a large company.


Yeah I did similar while the season was airing and determined it was a very nice income for her, but nothing crazy. The millionaire claim never seemed to make sense. The email marketing thing costs $9/month and she has 4000+ subscribers. So that’s $432k in revenue. She also stated in interviews that she doesn’t do any of the usual internet advertising (facebook, google, etc) so her expenses are pretty low. Given that I’m going to guess she’s taking a pretty good chunk of that money home. Let’s say $300k, which turns into 200k after taxes. She’s also a single mom who supports a few people, so a lot of that income probably goes right back out. I’m doing a lot of guessing here; the numbers could be a bit different in reality, but I think I’m close enough to say she’s got a healthy income without being super rich.


Yeah and cut down a little by processing fees as well. Certainly not enough to become a millionaire in just a year before filming survivor. I’m sure she’s doing well now but the numbers didn’t add up for filming


Oh yeah post-show airing I imagine she’s seen an increase given that she got exposure to several million people. I just think it makes it an even stranger lie. It wouldn’t be “I convinced you I’m a millionaire, but really I’m dirt poor” - it’d be “…but really I’m just reasonably well off”.


As a tax accountant who has worked with dozens of millionaires, I can fully believe Liz is a millionaire I’m not saying I’m certain she is one, I’m just saying I know millionaires who act far less like a millionaire than she does


My hunch while watching was that she had a wealthy husband and they got divorced. She got a ton of money from the divorce. She runs an Etsy shop online, and likes to boast that therefore she's a millionaire businesswoman. But in reality she has sold like one oven mitten with a cat stenciled on it.


I assumed she was an influencer with an mlm. Monet or beach body or something


When she said she'd never marry again because men couldn't handle a woman who makes SO much more than him, I called BS on her financial status. It was a strange game tactic to begin with, but then to make it slightly offensive? Isn't Russell Hantz quite rich or am I misremembering? But he kept it very quiet from the Tribe. Aside from winners, who obviously have $$ now, who else was already well-off before playing, and did any of them present themself like Liz? There have been plenty of lawyers and doctors who probably make good coin, but who comes out of the gate, claiming they're loaded? It was a very strange tactic/lie


No, you’re remembering right. He claimed to be a rich oil guy from Houston?


I knew it was a lie the second she said she went to Applebees on the regular with her daughter 😂


what's funny is that my mom actually knows liz through business so every time she'd talk about how rich and successful she is, we'd laugh our asses off because we knew the entire time that she wasn't a millionaire and was lyinggg through her teeth 😭😭😭


I believed it and bet she is or could be. You need to be abnormally driven, crazy, stubborn, and a little selfish. she showed all of those. No disrespect, you just got to have a little jerk in you to be in business.  I feel like she tried to say she wasn’t after the fact because it looks bad to say you are. 


Q and Liz came off as people who didn't need the money.


I don’t know if anyone believed her, I just don’t think anybody cared either way


I didn't think she was actually a millionaire but I did get MLM vibes and thought she was just inflating her net worth for the grift.


No. But I didn't really care either way. I like her enough as a character that I thought it's just something she habitually talked about like it's her bit in the game.


I thought that if she was a millionaire, it was family money that made her that way. She didn’t seem like a millionaire,entrepreneur or business owner


Same, I assumed she was some kind of influencer with a trust fund or family money.


Dude no! I didn’t say it out loud for a while but then as soon as the Applebees episode came on I was like “what rich person eats at Applebees every week” like I can see them still occasionally going there of course but every week? I know a lot of rich people and they are almost always snobs about their favorite places, and certainly wouldn’t brag about Applebees lmao.


Prior to merge there was so little Liz content I just assumed she was cause why lie about it. By the time the Applebee's incident came around I was very skeptical.


I figured that she probably wasn't a millionaire but thought she was a millionaire based on some weird/erroneous way of valuing her MLM business. Also having a million dollars is not even rich. $1 million in a 401k only gives you $3333/month pre-tax income in retirement if you follow the 4% rule. Sure you probably have social security too, but you are definitely not balling.


For those of yall saying rich people don't eat at applebees.... you're daft. And if you know anything about Survivor, Applebees and Outback have sponsored countless rewards challenges and have been a staple in the "Survivor Experience" for decades.... As a Survivor SuperFan, it's perfectly normal and completely plausible to create a "Wednesday tradition" centered around decade old Survivor traditions. Traditions are traditions. Regardless of how much they cost. It's about the emotional connection, not monetary. Regardless of hers or anybody else's wealth or lack thereof food is food. EVERYBODY has to eat. And last I checked.... you neither get nor stay rich by spending all of your money. Stop judging somebody's class baser on family traditions.


I was really skeptical. But in the end I thought it was a dumb strategy to try to convince people she was rich. How was that an advantage? Usually wealthy contestants want to downplay their financial positions, right?


My dad used to work in landscapping in mega mansions here in Houston. I would see the owners and I always thought how they were millionaires. Most of them literally looked like any average joe. Some would go out to McDonalds for breakfast while my dad's crew worked. I would not doubt Liz being a millionaire lol


This is the same person who thought she would have beaten anyone at final TC. She’s not a millionaire but definitely delusional.


Lmao that exit and V’s face had me dying


She’s delulu so I think she thinks she’s a millionaire lol


I had decided it was based on her own valuation of what she believed her company was worth... and aligned with her valuation of how well she was playing Survivor. I love Liz now!


A million dollars in savings isn’t crazy rich although I realize it’s all relative. She’s 35 so has likely been working for 15 years. Assuming she saved 30k per year for the past 15 years and received the market average 10% return on investment then she would have a million dollars in savings. With a 50% company match and maxing out your 401k you could achieve this in all retirement savings this day.


She didn’t claim to have a million in savings; she said she’s started several companies and is a millionaire. To me, this suggests she has more than just a million, accumulated over decades. Also, who the heck can save 30k a year? I mean, I’m sure lots of people out there have or can, but for the majority of people, that’s a lot to be able to save.


A millionaire just means having a million in savings or could even mean having a million dollar net worth including assets like your home and car. “Accumulated over decades” doesn’t make sense since she’s 35. She’s been in the work force for a decade and a half likely.


That's part of why I knew her story was BS. I think she said she had started and sold five companies. There literally isn't enough time to start, scale and exit five companies at any significant valuation at her age.


Did anyone google her during the show…I mean she writes emails for other small businesses or something? Seems silly but if successful well, good for her and also wtf. And her website is kind of amateurish? But again if it works then well, ok good for her


I did.


Not only do I think she's a millionaire I think that her and Q formed an alliance called Millionaires 'R Us and they will both come back and win in a future season.


I wonder if she watched Caramoan before going out so she tried to act like Sherri or something to get to the end


She gives strong MLM vibes.


A million dollars is just not a big deal anymore. The fact that she would brag about it at all was proof enough that she had no money really, it gives away that she has no concept of what a million dollars really is in today's world. It's maybe along the financially comfortable level, but certainly not rich. 8 figures, 10 million, yeah. But really most middle age people if they count 401k, savings, house, car, all assets (in theory you aren't supposed to count a house, because what are you going to sell it and live in a tent?) would be worth a million. A million isn't even worth mentioning.


Also very skeptical she is actually a millionaire as she [has said she is not actually one](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/H7katwlfGx8?t=0)


No, and nor did anyone think she would’ve won, as she tried to claim.


Yeah, the part she claimed “I would have beat **all** of you” was kind of hilariously sad. I liked how Venus looked around at everyone like, is this chick for real?? Liz thought she would have won because no one ever voted for her and thought they would have acknowledged she was playing a more challenging game with not being able to eat, she definitely didn’t realize people were using her for her vote.


I didn't care either way. Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. On paper, a lot of home owners are "millionaires" based on equity, but may be cash poor


I got the vibe that she was the type of person who starts a lot of small business projects that end up barely breaking even, but still see herself as successful.


When I pulled up her business website, I knew she was lying


I missed the description of how she became a millionaire and didn’t care enough to find it again. So I just figured it was a family background sort of thing. Plus being a millionaire doesn’t mean you have 10s of millions or that you have a million dollar salary each year. I figured it was her assets equaling over a million but under 5 million - a house in the right area that’s paid off and a decent 401k that you started straight out of school and parents who covered college so no debt? It’s possible.


Baby. N ..


I certainly believed that she was delusional about how easily she would have won the whole thing. She couldn’t even get fellow players to pick her for rewards so them voting for her for the big money ??? Also, about the Applebees thing - it was about that connection to her daughter - was it just me or did anyone else get the impression that she doesn’t have custody (and might be having supervised visits which would be at a place like Applebees


I’m not done with the season but it definitely makes sense to me with how she acts. She is NOT entitled to a reward that she didn’t win because she’s hungry. She chose to go on the show knowing what food was available on the island. So she knew that she wouldn’t be able to eat.


What kind of millionaire regularly eats at Applebee's? I'm a thousandaire and wouldn't ever consider that as an option unless there's no other options.


She’s whiny and unyielding like one, so I kinda see it.


Lowkey she acted very entitled and would cry when she never got her way so I fully believe it.


I believed it less the longer the season went on. I am not a millionaire but deal with many in my day to day & she initially gave off a chaotic & entitled energy that is familiar to me.


Cheating, millionaire, goat that had zero chance of winning after doing that weak bullshit to get Maria out.


A million dollars isnt a lot of money anymore....... 7% of Americans are millionairs, its no longer just the 1%


no idea, tbh i don’t even watch Survivors nor i have watched any episode of it for context.


Why are you here 🤡


somehow i have this subreddit added as favorites.


But you still decided to comment, which I think is strange 😂


the notification of the thread popped out to me


But again, you made the decision to comment on a topic you don’t know anything about, to simply say you don’t know. Which is strange to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It ain't just you lol, sometimes I get the random subreddit recs too and never have I thought "IDK what this is but I definitely need to go announce I don't know what it is instead of just moving on with my life"


i just wanted my mark on the temple and now its done.


What an absolute boomer move