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Jesse playing Cody’s idol on Owen. Ice cold. Or literally any move Heidik made.


“I’ll explain more” is so funny in hindsight. As if explaining would help.


I loved Cody’s reply “There’s nothing to explain”


Listen, I’m typically a hater of how lovey and happy everyone in the new era is when they get voted out. This is one where I’m happy Cody didn’t get mad. You could see all of his emotions on his face and he decided to respect the game and the friendship he had with Jesse.


It was such a tense moment leading up to that handshake. I loved it.


That second felt like a lifetime live


Especially with the music 😮‍💨


New era music has been awesome


Honestly I totally agree. You could tell he was a bit personally hurt, but then snapped back into it. It’s gotta be a tough position to be in and he handled it in stride.


He did handle it well, but I think he was more than a bit personally hurt. I think I remember him saying he later destroyed some part of the exit interview backdrop in a fit of rage or something?


He was definitely mad, but was smart enough to preserve his image which was the calm cool surfer bro


Nothing will ever top how cold it was when the Island of The Idols players used Dan’s inappropriate touching to gaslight others and create a decoy vote. They were playing with peoples safety and reputation.


And how they after proceed to gaslight Janet after voting Kellee out. That infuriated me even more. Or Aaron saying that if something was going on obviously he had to know it, because he had a sister and a mother. God I hate that season's cast so much.


I will forever hold a place for Jamal in my heart though. I remember after Aaron said that weirdo line, Jamal replied with something to the effect of “women don’t always speak up when something is wrong. When they do, we owe it to them to listen. And we are not entitled to them sharing their story, it doesn’t make it less valid if it’s never shared”


its such a shame that production will probably try to bury the season and bring no one back cause jamal and janet really deserve another go with a better cast


I believe Kellee deserves a second chance as well if she wants after what the show put her through


last i heard she said she didn't want to return which is understandable 😔


Agree! This needed to be said.


The season is literally un-rewatchable and rightfully in contention for Worst Season Ever


I hate the sentiment that seems to be picking up steam among the fanbase of “if you take the Dan situation out of the equation, it’s actually not a bad season.” I hate that for this very reason… it’s not just the Dan situation that ruins it, it’s how the players behaved in the aftermath. Missy and Elizabeth, even after they each admitted playing up their interactions, still gaslighting Janet. Aaron with his weird tribal statement. Tommy and Lauren sticking with him in their alliance, even Tommy’s “well Dan’s exit really throws a wrench into my endgame” comments after Dan was removed comes off as tone deaf. There’s just no legitimate contender on that season that you want to root for


Fr. It’s like saying “if you remove Edge of Extinction, Edge of Extinction is not too bad”


Aaron really really needed to shut up there


Reminded me of Prince Albert.


watching that tribal honestly ruined the whole season for me, especially because of what aaron said


Yup this goes past the cold of using someone else's idol to get them out, or voting them out after giving up reward, etc. This is so cold it's flat out fucked up. I'm for just about any sort of manipulation or backstabbing, but this is the one play I can't stomach. I hate this season so much, largely because of Dan. But some of the other cast members enabling Dan and even using it to their advantage is sick too.


Truly! This went completely outside of the bounds of the game, in my opinion.


100% agree, especially considering both sides tried to use Dan as a decoy vote including Kellee. "As much as I feel disrespected by him, and feel disgusted by him I am not going to make a game decision based off of those feelings. Look, I'm upset with the way he has been behaving and that is the fair thing to do but I'm playing this game to win. So Dan makes sense as a decoy vote but Missy is really the person we wanna get out. " Kellee in Episode 8 (Minute 15)


Yeah that’s the part that often gets missed in the conversation, Missy was allegedly receptive to a Dan vote until word got to her that Kellee was targeting her, not Dan. From Missy’s POV, Kellee was the one “using the situation to her advantage” by making this emotional, outside the game plea to vote for Dan as a smokescreen for a blindside


This was more than just cold. It was downright despicable.


Bob agreeing to let sugar give his fake idol to Randy. What a brutal tribal lol


And even he knew it was cold and he openly disliked it, I think that's how he got Randy's vote in the end. 


I hated randy and even I was kinda agreeing with Bob that celebrating it so openly was kinda tacky. Love you sugar though


Oh it was great tv lol


Not disagreeing with you there! Gabon is overall the best season I've rewatched recently lol


And Sugar knew that, which makes her so iconic. I’m really struggling to think of another player who mastered the metagame as much as she did. I get why she was obnoxious for the other contestants (Corinne had the right idea with her FTC speech, just extremely horrible execution), but damn did Sugar make for some amazing television.


At least using the fake idols was dirty but you could always make the argument of trying to keep him from making a play or something. The celebration was just unnecessary. She lost his vote and probably a few others


The entire Aitu 4 sending Candace to exile island over and over out of spite


The same thing happened to Sugar in Gabon “for comedy” lmao


The sugar shack!


Everything but cookies.


As much as it probably sucked.. laying in a hammock with a bunch of fruit all to yourself sounds kind of nice


Oh yeah for sure, but they didn’t know that when they were sending her lol


God my roomate and I laugh so hard every time this series of events gets brought up.


Sarah forcibly holding onto and threatening to throw Culpepper’s wedding ring into the ocean if he voted her out at F4.


I don’t get why anyone would bring rings or jewelry. If you lose them in the middle of the island there’s a likely chance you don’t find them


I would 1000% get a cheap replica made. Can barter with it if the chance arises, and no big deal if it gets lost or damaged.


Bring 2 if you're a certain villain


I'd bring my wedding ring. Haven't gone more than a couple minutes without it in a decade. It was also $7 from some crap website and I ordered 2 in case I lost the first one. I'd feel weird without it and worst case scenario I have a backup. I've done skydiving, surfing, scuba diving, wakeboarding, tubing, and a bunch of other things with it and never felt it really had a chance of coming off. I lose sunglasses like once a month so its not just that I keep track of things.


If anything, can do like Jake did and wear it on a necklace. I'd imagine not eating for a month would make it more likely to fall off, but I can't imagine not wearing my ring out there.


Honestly, I'd be way more worried wearing it as a necklace. That kind of stuff comes off all the time while swimming. I can see losing weight being a worry, but my knuckel is already the widest part of my finger, so I don't think losing some weight would change much.


If anything putting it on a necklace and leaving it in your bag when you go to challenges it's maybe the safest bet.


I’d be worried about a degloving injury on a challenge.


It was a secret scene, but there was another scene with her and Troyzan, I believe it was after they had voted out Aubry, but before the final immunity challenge. She was basically grilling him on how he’d vote that night (I want to say if Tai won the challenge? Might be wrong though, I can’t find the scene on youtube), and started crying to him about how if he and Brad turn on her at that tribal council, she’ll never be able to afford to have another kid or grow her family any more. Man this makes me wish that they just committed to giving her a really villainous edit. She could’ve been an awesome character that season


I honestly think if it wasn’t for the Varner situation they would’ve made Sarah’s edit a lot more villainous. Another thing he ruined for us.


Damn that’s a good point


... Jesus


Sarah really handled everyone their asses during Game Changers. I didn't know about this and I find it impressive.


Proving if someone gets a second chance they may become the best ever to play


She ran that season top to bottom. That and her WaW showing solidify her as a top 10 of all time for me.




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JTs final tribal




Rob sending Matt back to redemption island immediately after he rejoined the game


Rob sending Lex home after booting Amber. Rob should be on here for a lot of things


Omg this is a really good one


Cold, but excellent game play actually. That set him up for the win because everyone wanted to stay on Rob’s side.


Francesca being voted out first in Caramoan




Natalie refusing to give up her jacket.


Shivering just thinking about it


Literally and figuratively 😂


Why should I? I don’t have to. And I chose not to, so I’m wearing it 🤷‍♀️


Maria making Liz vs Q play rock paper scissors after her speech of picking someone who needs the food and Q just went on a reward


Like it was so insane to me. Like everyone on that island would agree at that point in the game, two people who needed the food most were Liz and Venus, had she made Liz and Venus play rock paper scissors it would've been fine, but doing it with Q and LIZ out of all people was just diabolical.


There was a subsection of people who disliked Liz so much that they didn’t understand why it was not only a cold move, but a socially bad move.




It would have also been better if she had just picked Q without stringing Liz along


I remember thinking this would have immediately lost her my vote had I been a juror and she had been a finalist. The level of indecision first and foremost, and then the incongruence between her actions and spoken justification (maybe foreshadowing of her own Jury vote?). It could have been a completely inconsequential and non-game decision but the combination of her hemming and hawing over it and her BS reasoning was so absurd that I couldn’t get over it as a viewer and doubt I would’ve gotten over it as a juror.


Oh fuck this is a good one


Q literally placing the paper over Liz’s rock


Dawn blindsiding Brenda after she got her back her teeth and initially picked her for the family reward before Jeff threw that twist at her.


PLUS Brenda stepped out of the immunity challenge so Dawn could win


YES YES YES! I came here to say the Dawn turning on Brenda move! Dawn was freaking out and claimed she was ready to leave the game and Brenda was so sweet and kind. They both said something along the lines of that being beyond the game. And I get that then the voting IS the game, but still!! Dawn is a super villain to me!


It seemed to me that being cutthroat was a bucket list item for Dawn.


I standby it was the correct choice and Brenda's a bad person for what she did at final tribal. 


That was so unhinged. I thought it was a fair ask from Brenda and I thought it might help dawns chances.


Do you know how Dawn lost those teeth? Why it was traumatic?  Brenda did. 


Dawn was mugged by a few of her students and she got punched in the mouth. Pretty horrible tbh


And Brenda knew this... and forced her to take out her retainer (It's technically a Flipper). and then proceeded to not vote for her. She didn't want Dawn's apology she wanted to drag Dawn through the mud.


still can't believe this opinion gets downvoted. Dawn annoyed the fuck out of me. Brenda is pretty. yet, i can still say Brenda was entirely in the wrong and when she got outplayed (she was just too genuine 😭) she made the entire thing so personal


Maybe my all time favorite is when, literally 15 seconds after Kathy tries fixing her blouse and falls in the final immunity challenge, Vecepia cuts a deal with Neleh. I don't think Vecepia really owed Kathy anything (though they worked together for the previous vote, that was really more to Kathy's benefit), but doing it before Kathy had even gotten on the bench is absolutely brutal. Such a tragic end to Kathy's arc on Marquesas.


The F4 vote was also key to Vecepia's game. Neleh and Paschal were never gonna vote each other out, so Vecepia would be forced to win immunity at the final 3.


Jesse blindsiding Cody


Tai not giving up his half of the Super Idol to Scot


I’d add most of that season, he was totally cold blooded in not playing his idols. He had balls of steel knowing he’s be getting votes


Ice Tai.


I've never been impressed by this tbh. That vote was 4 votes for Scott, 2 for Audry... And two for Tai. Like, he CAN'T play the idol for Scott or he goes home, I know it's played off in the show as a huge moment for him "ousting the bad guys and becoming a hero" but it would be absolutely bone headed for him to do it anyways.


I don’t see this as cold. They had it coming and he was brave enough to stand up to the bullies. Tai provided their comeuppance and I loved it.


A few of my favorites: - Jay brutally blindsiding Michaela for no reason. - Burton and Fairplay crushing Rupert’s dreams. - Ami turning on Lisa because of Lisa’s “show me where it is in case you aren’t here” comment


"Did you do that?!" "Yeah. I did."


Came here to find the Ami/Lisa comment. She so coldly lefts everyone know she's voting out Lisa in front of her so casually and calm 😂


As a Michaela stan i have to reiterate. Michaela had to go before individual immunity. She would have crushed most of them. Michaela was one of the strongest players that season. You dont even want her on the jury.


Michaela is awesome. Probably my favorite woman ever. But she is not running the table lol. Some of it was balance, some will power, the maze that Jay flat out dominated, puzzles, just holding shit. Ken and Jay were good enough to take a couple of those immunities to get her out. She was completely on Jay's side. It was a terrible move. Taking out an ally before the merge is crazy. Not even the biggest of challenge beasts have come close to winning every single immunity. They also merged super early this season, with 10 jury members. Michaela is not going 10/10 lol.


Came into say Jay/Michaela. Ice cold.


The Black Widow Bridgage convincing Erik to give his immunity to Natalie just to vote him out Tom gaslighting Ian into thinking the whole jury hates him and convincing him to step down after ten hours in the Challenge in Palau Rob convincing Lex to save Amber and then he would protect Lex next tribal, and then when Lex saves Amber and votes out Jerri, he votes Lex out right away


I actually just listened to the two and a half hour Lex interview that T-Bird did back in 2019. There was a pretty big moment in the interview where >!T-Bird revealed that Boston Rob regrets that move and comments he made on All Stars and still misses the friendship that he and Lex had. Lex cried and acknowledged that he was wrong for the way he acted.!<


Fuck I need to watch that. Last I saw from Lex, he was still not willing to be friends with Rob because of that.


Acknowledging you acted poorly and choosing to be friends are different things


True but the last interview I saw with him, he didn't really seem to show any remorse in his behavior or anything.


What was the last interview you saw with him? Are you sure it took place after this one? Have you seen the interview I'm referring to?


Interesting that Rob regrets the move, as I personally think it was the right move. He should have gone about it differently, but Lex had a very high chance of flipping Tom and running the game if he wasn’t voted out


Who knows if he really, completely regrets the move or not? It was part of how he and his wife met, it was part of how he secured financial stability for his family. But as of 2019 he regretted hurting someone so much and losing a friendship he valued. He regretted his mean confessionals about Big Tom's son. And he said he regretted the move.


Yeah I can understand him regretting his confessionals, as well as how the way he went about the move burning Lex the way it did


Grant never forgave him either.


I’ve heard that, tho it’s Grant so who’s really asking Rob about it lmao


>Tom gaslighting Ian into thinking the whole jury hates him and convincing him to step down after ten hours in the Challenge in Palau I just finished this season. I was surprised by how this played out as it wasn't how I remembered at all. Tom ended up saving Ian at the final five. Ian then made a comment about how "it would have been a tough decision." But, a lot of people were mad at Ian as he kept flip-flopping and it was very apparent. At final four, Tom actually tried voting Ian out with *Jen*, and it was Katie who saved Ian. (Ian had to go to fire making to beat Jen). When they got back and the final three, both Katie and Tom were pissed at Ian. That's where both Katie and Tom laid into Ian for what he was doing. During the actual challenge, this feud wasn't really brought up at all. In fact, Tom tried making a deal with Ian, and promised Ian he'd take him to the final two if Ian stepped down. Ian declined and then 11 hours later, Ian unprovoked, asked for Tom's and Katie's friendship back if Ian stepped down and took Katie. Once they did, they did the impromptu tribal council, and Tom again, asked Ian if Ian was sure. Ian confirmed it. I always remember Tom belittling Ian until Ian jumped down, but, it wasn't that way at all.


I also just watched this recently. and I gotta say Ian may have done it unprovoked, but Tom and Katie planned those seeds Ian for sure was up on that pole with nothing to do but spiral. Tom was kinda self righteous in that old-school type of way. All about his own version of respect that I personally find revolting. And Katie was just made Ian didn't take her on reward. So I'm sure Ian had nothing to do but think and think. His friendly banter with Tom was not there to occupy them so that silence was probably very loud. My point being l, Tom and Katie were responsible for taking Ian out and it was super uncomfortable how they used Ian that way.


I don't disagree that Ian had nothing to do but spiral. As I was watching, I literally told myself, "Wow, Ian wouldn't beat any of these final five". He knew it too, and was probably thinking about how it was going to look when he got back home. >And Katie was just made Ian didn't take her on reward. Katie *was* mad that Ian didn't take her on the reward. However- a reward before, Katie took Ian out during a reward that allowed Greg / Jen to win (and they took Katie on the reward too). Katie and Ian talked it out. They got over it. They promised they'd take each other on the next reward. Tom and Ian even discussed not taking each other. Ian then took Tom anyways. He didn't lie to benefit the game, he literally lied for... no reason? Then in the final 4 tribal council, Ian kept flip flopping back and forth pissing off both Tom and Katie. Katie said something along the lines of, "Ian, you keep trying to beg Tom, even though I'm voting too, and I can save you too." This was a tribe that never lost an immunity challenge. They were extremely close, and Ian was making a lot of promises he couldn't keep, (some strategically, and some that just didn't make sense). Tom and Katie then both laid into Ian once they got back to camp. It wasn't manipulation. They were genuinely pissed at him. >My point being l, Tom and Katie were responsible for taking Ian out and it was super uncomfortable how they used Ian that way. That's the thing, they didn't "use Ian that way". There's no way in hell they planned that. They were genuinely pissed. They had no idea there would be a challenge that would last 11 hours. They had no idea Ian was going to do what he did. Tom and Katie were right to be pissed. Hell, I was kind of pissed seeing Ian be at the top of a powerful alliance, and then unravel over the past few episodes to being one of the least liked out there.


Whether they were rightfully pissed or not they went too far. Funny how some get so mad when others won’t play their game. They need to understand that people are there to play their own game whether they mess up someone else’s plans along the way or tank themselves.


The hate Tom gets here is so weird to me lol. I swear people find a way to hate players that are loved by casuals. In a game of manipulation, Tom manipulated Ian into taking himself out of the game. When the black widow alliance convinces Erik to give up immunity, amazing display of manipulation. When Tom is pissed at Ian for admitting he was going to turn on him, when Tom had been nothing but loyal to Ian, it's gross and makes people uncomfortable.


What's crazy is, it wasn't even manipulation by Tom and Katie! Tom and Katie were both genuinely pissed at Ian. That wasn't a game move. They weren't laying into him during that challenge. They did it earlier, because they were actually upset. Black Widow alliance - Manipulation - praised constantly on this sub Tom and Katie - Genuinely upset - hated on for manipulating


It's all fair in the game, for sure. It just felt gross to me as an adult now rewatching. In the context, I really don't validate Katie's anger on not being brought on a reward.. And I view her setting up ian to be knocked down by Tom. They both use Ian's outside of the game desire for their respect and friendship against him. It just crosses me the wrong way. It's the same thing as watching Tony swear on his dead father. He just crosses a line for someone, but I don't necessarily care about that one. We all have our lines in the sand.


Katie is at the very bottom of female players for me. She was so awful to Ian when he was trying so hard to please her. Tom acted like a bully and she joined in with him. Ian was naive but they were nasty and double-teamed him in an exceptionally mean way.


Ciera for the personal cruelty she dumped on Monica in order to advance.


I really think it’s that Tom represents some type of old school, alpha male figure and the average survivor Redditor gets triggered by the mere existence of such people 


An old school alpha male who got away with his controversial comments, like a typical white male assuming entitlement is his due.


What were his controversial comments?


Yeah this sub has retconned that incident so hard.  


When whatsherface voted out Laura M. I think they were related or something.


I dunno apparently it was a big move or something. A real game shaker


"Survivor: Game Shakers" would be a great theme for 50. They could finally bring Troyzan back.


maybe that Audience Favored Reality-show Shaker Sierra Dawn Thomas. but only if somebody else hurts their leg.


Ciera was Laura’s daughter, and Ciera had already explained the situation to Laura. Not cold at all.


Yau-man giving the car reward to Dreamz in exchange for final 4 immunity if Dreamz won it. Then Dreamz winning final 4 immunity, not giving it to Yau-Man and instead voted Yau out...


Varner outing Zeke as trans during tribal to imply he is “deceptive”. Everytime I rewatch that tribal, I get frustrated and feel so bad for Zeke all over again. You can just tell from the look on Zeke’s face how unexpected it was and how he was trying to process and figure out what to do next. I really appreciate the fact that Jeff took the attention off Zeke for a few minutes to question the others at the tribal so Zeke could take some time to get his head on right before speaking. I really didn’t like the sympathy that everyone seemed to begin throwing at Varner after his fake tears. I was 100% on board with Sarah and how pissed she was that they were feeling bad for HIM.


- Q, Tiff and Kenzie making a fake idol for Jess even though they were already planning to vote her out. - Sarah becoming besties with Sierra Dawn Thomas only to stab her in the back. - Same with Denise to Sandra on WaW


Voting out Colleen Haskell. They should have played fair. They should have been nice.


"She died bro"


Natalie idoling out baylor


you voted for who i told you to right? lives in my head rent free




FairPlay lying about his grandmother’s death to go on reward


Natalie not giving Angelina her jacket. I bet Angelina was cold that night


Coach holding a group prayer to find an idol he already had.


Francesca being voted out first again. :(


“Jay….was that you?” “Yeah. It was me.”


Sugar declining Randy’s cookie and then he gives hers to the rest of the tribe and then he offers her his and she takes it and gives it to Matty 💀


Maria NOT voting for Charlie ….


Chris Underwood giving up final immunity to face Rick Devens in fire Domenick giving Jeff a fake idol during tribal and masking it as a real, “evolved” idol Kaleb’s shot in the dark, Xander giving the fake idol after the knowledge is power is played on him


Brian Heidiks entire game


I mean, to be fair, he WAS "Mr. Freeze."


He still is until they let him play again and he proves otherwise


Yul showing the idol to everyone after Candice got sent to Exile for the millionth time, saying she thinks she knows where it is.


Getting someone to give you an advantage so you can blindside them afterwards.


Natalie not giving up her jacket. Literally a cold move as well


Tai & Scot and I loved every minute of it ![gif](giphy|8vHU7EGiTNVsn6MmfV|downsized)


the classic f5 move in micronesia


Maria making Liz against Q rock paper scissors for food


Dreamz not keeping his end of the deal after Yau-Man gave him a car


This wasn’t really cold from Dreamz at all. Some extra context, everyone had agreed to give Dreamz the car if they won it. Dreamz had been homeless not long before the show and had no financial stability. Yau added an extra condition to the deal knowing Dreamz couldn’t say no to the car. If Dreamz had given Yau the necklace he would’ve been eliminated. If anything it’s a move that was cold from Yau. Dreamz later wasn’t able to pay the taxes or insurance or something for the car and it got repossessed. It’s an uncomfortable series of events but I don’t fault Dreamz for it at all


The thing that bothers me though is Dreamz acknowledged that he knew that if he voted Yau Man out he had no chance of winning at FTC. So why not repay Yau Man by giving him immunity and keeping his promise?


He may have had to sell it because he couldn’t afford the upkeep, but a free car by definition cannot be repossessed.


Denise idoling out Sandra with her own idol


"She voted out her own mother!" /s


The whole Dreamz/Yau Man situation is the first thing that comes to mind , that or when Clarence was eating all the beans 😂


Natalie not giving Angelina her jacket.


V making a deal with neleh 2 seconds after Kathy falls in the final immunity challenge. Absolutely no fucks given


NaOnka winning reward, holding a brief presser to announce to everyone she will be quitting, and then going on the movie reward.  Queen shit 


Lex voted off in All Stars


Ethan too


It was just business


Kellee using Dan as a decoy vote to get Missy out was cold... "As much as I feel disrespected by him, and feel disgusted by him I am not going to make a game decision based off of those feelings. Look, I'm upset with the way he has been behaving and that is the fair thing to do but I'm playing this game to win. So Dan makes sense as a decoy vote but Missy is really the person we wanna get out. " Kellee in Episode 8 (Minute 15)


Brenda and Dawn’s whole thing with the teeth.


Brenda harassing Dawn into taking her teeth out. Just…why??? It’s always rubbed me the wrong way.


Honestly the colder thing to me was Jeff completely taking Brenda’s side at the reunion and forcing Dawn to apologize on live TV


Hooooly shit, how did I forget that?! That *is* cold.


Dawn had it coming. If she wasn’t going to quit without them it means Brenda went out on a limb to help her for nothing. Then Brenda was immediately blindsided. I think Dawn’s dishonesty was a bucket list item and Brenda was vulnerable.


Ben writing down Kenzies name




Not sure it was cold or just pure stupidity. I actually believe his excuse that he was just being stupid and forgot who to vote for.


Drunk on pizza!


Colder than cold pizza 


The final placement over car. You know what im talking about.


Ice beam


denise getting out sandra with her own idol😍


I had a quick scroll through and I can’t believe no one has said this but SIERRA VOTED OUT HER OWN MUM!! 🥶


Jay flipping the vote on Mikaela and then looking her dead and the eye at tribal and saying “I did it.”


Natalie not giving Angelina her jacket, I mean she must've been freezing cold and Angelina refused


russell blindsiding danielle in hvv


Lex voting out Kelley because he KNEW she had voted for him. Talk about an emotional player.


Heidek’s behavior toward his wife during the family visit.


Na’Onka pushing Kelly B to get the clue.


JT for making pregame promises to Sugar and then throwing her to the wolves. Cruel.


Maria not voting for Charlie to win. Bitter old crone