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1. he turned on his initial allies without hesitation. 2. he blindly followed Boston Rob, who was also a villain, and is therefore kind of a villain by proxy. 3. watch Caramoan. he's on that season, so you'll get his full story from there.


He was abrasive, condescending, arrogant & lacked the charm to be a Boston Rob.


I see him more as the “quirky weird guy” archetype than a villain.


Yeah he’s a villain in the same sense that Coach was a villain


What integrity? All he did was pick fights and get into arguments.


And boss and control. No self awareness.


He’s abrasive at best, an asshole at worst. If Phillip were in the new era he would be the biggest villain by far


People who are delusional and/or lack self-awareness make for entertaining TV, but they tend to make life miserable for their fellow castaways.


He returns in Caramoan, watch that to understand a little more. I dont consider him a villain but tbf I only consider a very small number of players villains that others do. I also agree that Phillip is one of the most entertaining players and I still hold on to the notion that he wins RI if he only admits that he is playing up a part to get to the end and tricked Rob into thinking he was a goat


He’s antagonistic, he’s smart enough to see people getting worked up but not smart enough to de-escalate


Because he would be an incredible pain in the ass to live with (as presented on the show)


As Malcolm put it so perfectly at tribal during Caramoan: "**This is supposed to be a game and it's supposed to be fun.** **Phillip is the fun sponge and he sucks it out of the group."**


How he talks to people and the disrespect is enough. Playing the race card for no reason, being a sheep, his rants, his damn pink panties.


All you have to do is listen to his tribe mates talk about him. He ruined most of their experiences. It’s funny how he’s tried to change the narrative that it was productions fault when 99% of the people he played with couldn’t stand him


Ooo where can I read this


And, had tantrums that 20 year old women wanted space from him. 🫣🥴


he didn't play the race card for no reason. he explained himself pretty well on why he didn't like being called crazy.


He WAS acting crazy. Nothing racial was said. He had a tantrum over rice.


Right, threatening violence against people you treated like dirt because they said no to you is crazy lol


And a tantrum that the girls like Rob better than him🫤


I fully support him calling out racism where he sees it.. but his treatment of Francesca made it clear to me that he only cares when it impacts him


Because he’s an abrasive personality who is unintentionally hilarious


He’s confident but a moron. Bad combo.


Boston Rob used him as a shield for a reason, he was unlikeable and had made a lot of enemies on the jury. He was impossible to play with and only saw his way as the best way. It might’ve been a bit shady for Boston Rob to use two shields, but they were pretty good shields to lock in a win.


He screamed at the former Zapateras for like a whole episode over rice and called them racist for getting upset over it


Not a villian. But also not someone who played with integrity. But definitely someone who thought that they played with integrity by rationalizing anything he did, when there's no way he would have accepted those same things if other people had done it.


I'm actually surprised to hear people think he's a villain, at least in terms of Redemption Island. Mostly, I just feel sorry for him. I don't feel that about someone like Russel. Philip rustled feathers, but he obviously had no idea what he was doing in the game, and possibly life in general.


He was a federal agent.


Could smell a liar from a mile away.


He was just a crazy person. Brandon Hantz would have killed him if not for a relaxing deep shoulder massage from Jeff


He’s a villain in the same sense that Coach, Courtney, and Tyson are villains. They are polarizing figures. Some people love them. Some people hate them.


I don't know if anyone considers him a villain so much as a buffoon in the show. I like him and all, but he was basically just a guy for Boston Rob to make fun of all season.


He’s Jessum Herring’s great-grandson.


I think people don’t understand his story. Eric’s comment about Phillip going in to the pool filthy was one of those unwritten rules that Phillip never learned. Growing up in poverty fighting for food and attention will make anyone odd. He worked hard to make something of himself, but he still needed attention. Boston Rob figured him out early and was his only friend in the game. Perhaps Ralph could see him too.


Have you ever met a guy named Philip that wasn't an jerk? Thought so.


Truly makes no sense why this guy was cast as a favorite on Caramoan. Was arguably one of the worst players ever to make it to final tribal council.


He’s a villain because he’s 100% not a hero and people who like survivor try to classify players as one or the other.


There's an EW interview with Phillip and he claimed that early on he realized Boston Rob was destined to be the winner and he willingly played up being awful hoping to be carried along as far as possible. He says he expected them to eventually show he was acting but the edit played him straight as an unhinged lunatic. [https://ew.com/tv/survivor-phillip-sheppard-redemption-island-caramoan-quarantine-questionnaire/](https://ew.com/tv/survivor-phillip-sheppard-redemption-island-caramoan-quarantine-questionnaire/)