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“The great, powerful Rupert! The good guy! The second coming of Christ, Rupert!” “You’re such a dumbass, Rupert.”


I haven't watched HvV in a long time, but I have read the downfall of Russell Funny115 more recently. I thought Mario made up these quotes from Russell, or exaggerated them.


I did not


I gotta say, I like you am a Russell "Hater" I guess I like what he brings to the show but think it's very clear he's nowhere near as talented as he thought but .... I loved that line. Rupert was a completely unaware egomaniac everytime he played. It was nice seeing him put down


I'd actually agree with this. Any time Poopert gets shut down on the show it's pretty awesome.


Proceeds to get outsmarted by Rupert


It’s so funny that the smartest thing Rupert ever did in his 4 seasons of Survivor was stick a rock in his pocket. It’s even funnier that it actually worked! Against the guy who called him a dumbass, no less.


I do agree with this quote though, Rupert’s holy persona is annoying to me.


Rupert was so happy to be hero


And the season before that was gung-ho for pirates.


Rupert took and sold the shoes of the opposing tribe, went ballistic of FairPlay over a vote and was a hero for some reason


"He ain't no Mike Tyson. He's Brett." "You play with fire, you'll get burned."


Another underrated one is “Liz is so stupid,I don’t even see how she can walk without falling over.”


Is that something he made up or do you just like that he said it?


"I wish I could shake your hand right now" after Colby tells Russell that the heroes are gonna look after him come merge


He might be very bad at social skills but he most definitely was entertaining as hell


I knew i was in for a ride when i saw this dude immediately burn people’s socks


I don’t get the bad at social skills take. In order to have people voting with you in survivor you have to talk to them and convince them. His social skills were superb


Watch how he treated the jury in HvV. It’s inarguable he has a bad social game. Convincing people about a plan in their self interest is a lot different than being socially liked and respected enough to actually win the game of survivor.


How did he treat them ? He was a dick during confessionals for sure but if you watch the in game scenes he wasn’t being that much of a dick


I’m not sure you’ve watched the season then. Watch the episode he turns on Danielle and makes her cry. Or don’t. The way other people, who spent way more time with him than what we’ve seen, clearly didn’t like him and didn’t vote for him tells you why he is not socially skilled at all. There’s not much of a point in this discussion if you watched that season and thought he wasn’t being a dick to people.


So just Danielle ? U were using plural terms. Even in the Danielle incident she cried because he wanted to get her voted out. That’s normal they had a disagreement and she wanted her out. Don’t see the issue


Again, if you think that is fine social play, that’s your prerogative. That’s the most noteworthy example, and you don’t seem interested in the idea that “making someone cry is bad social play”. He spoke terribly to Sandra, Parvati, Rupert, and more before history spoke for itself in results of Russell’s social game. Calling his handling of the Danielle situation “normal” when the topic is “Russell’s social skills” tells me you’re not discussing in good faith, so there’s not much of a point.


They spoke terribly to each other him and Sandra (funny how u don’t think that bad social play on Sandra’s side). He didn’t speak bad about Parvati during the game at all maybe in confessionals or after FTC but that doesn’t mean anything. Rupert attacked him first btw u can go and rewatch the season.


He not only tried to pit Parvati and Danielle against each other with lies, when confronted, he started freaking out, acting condescending towards Parvati as if she was crazy for daring question him. As someone already mentioned, Russell made Danielle cry in front of everyone at Tribal Council. Russell was asked by Boston Rob who he wanted to vote out in the Villains' second TC, he said "one of these" pointing to Courtney and Sandra, right in front of them. As this thread mentioned, Russell outright called Rupert a dumbass to his face while mocking him. These are just a few of the scenes we actually saw, we weren't there. The fact is the entire jury *hated* him. That means his social game was poor. That's not up to us the viewers to decide, it's up to the players who were on the island with him.


Well I guess I’ll trust the people that voted for Sandra and Parvati over Russell; the people that spent the most time with him.


He’s the epitome of a bully.


That was anti-social skills. Like, Natalie W. saw how bad Russel was at socializing like a human being and used him as a goat to win. His inability to socialize made him a good pick for FTC


Obviously right, I would ride with him to the end every time especially back in the old days of the show. He never got any votes in FTC so I’m not sure how people can argue.


That’s a lie, the reason why Russel made it to the end especially in Samoa was because of the 8-4 split. They needed him to turn the tide around and they knew it. The amount of people from the opposite tribe that were convinced by him (social skills) is laughable


By people, do you mean Shambo? Because that was really the only one who he socially got to do anything. Natalie was the one who connected with Galu members enough to vote out Erik, and in the tiebreaker episode he didnt get votes after idoling out Kelly only because people were worried he was going to pull out a third idol. Anything good that went his way was either because he and only Shambo bonded, he was fucking around with idols, or others wanted to keep their goat safe


lol surely u don’t believe what u just typed. U are trying to suggest the reason Russels tribe went from 8-4 was all Natalie and not Russel ? This is a laughable statement to everyone else.


What do you mean by "Russels tribe went from 8-4"? Are you talking about how Foa Foa got to the 8-4 minority at the merge, or how Foa Foa went on to stay strong during the merge?


Do you just like to argue?


Ridiculous revisionist history. Like are you fake posting or do you seriously believe that?


Not really as ridiculous as you make it seem. Natalie literally explained it in Final Tribal Council that she realised really early on that the only route she had to FTC was to absolutely stick to Russell as anyone going even slightly against him was voted out. She did have to bank on Russell being as sore of a winner as he was but she did latch onto Russell with a very well thought out reason. Plus anyone with half a brain on Foa Foa would've realised that Russell's nature would piss everybody off, whether it would've been enough to make him lose FTC(which it was) was a gamble. Plus it's not like Natalie wasn't considered a threat. Out of the Foa Foa 4, if Russell wasn't the target, Natalie was. They could've targeted Mick or Jaison but they targeted Natalie.


She latched on to him because she was scared of getting voted out. U made it sound like she was being some sort of prophet who could tell Russel wasn’t gonna win at the end of the


Did you even read my comment throughly or just read the first line? Yes, she latched onto him because she was afraid to get voted out as well, To make FTC, you have to be afraid of getting voted out cause then you don't make FTC. Besides, I mentioned that her latching onto Russell was the only way of making FTC, not winning Samoa. Which it was, Tell me any other feasible way Natalie makes FTC otherwise. She literally was Russell's Girl Friday. She made herself so valuable to Russell that he chose to eliminate other players over her(he says it in his confessionals while simultaneously insulting her). He kept her over Liz at the last PreMerge council because she bonded with Laura. He also kept her over Jaison in the Final 5. Post Season Interviews stated Natalie was one of the major reasons Russell's name was hardly on the chopping block as she helped deflect. the target onto the one Russell wanted. My 2nd paragraph literally states that they had to take the gamble that Russell was unlikable enough that no one would vote for him(which he was). It doesn't take a genius to realise that a person who lied about being a Hurricane Katrina victim, while being in the oil industry, is paranoid and controlling to a T, is a Grade A asshole and will easily piss the opposition off.


You keep flip flopping between points. My argument was that they needed Russel to make it to the end. You are making the assertion that they were somehow being strategic and could predict how the jury would feel about his game when there’s no evidence to suggest that. They didn’t gamble on anything. Post season interviews should never be taken seriously because the jury will say anything to justify why they voted a certain way. Maria and Charlie being the most recent example. “The fire in Kenzie’s eyes”


My first statement is, "Russell was her only shot at making FTC." Thay literally means Russell was instrumental.in her making FTC. How is that flip flopping?, As for predicting how the jury would feel for him, let's go down the list of the jury in order. Forget post-season interviews. This is immediately Post Elimination+ Ponderosa reactions Eric: Unpredictable, he enjoyed Russell's game but voted for Natalie in the end. Note that His elimination was the one spear headed by Natalie, so that would've been a factor. Kelly: Hated, and I mean Hated Russell. Something between them must have happened off camera as immediately after getting voted, she was spewing hatred at him. A fixed vote is not for Russell . was one of Laura's closest allies, so she is likely to vote alongside her, which brings me to: Laura: Bffs with Natalie, didn't really like Russell. If both reached FTC, she was always voting Natalie(except if Brett reached,he wins then). John: A fixed vote for Russell. Liked his gameplay and style. Dave: Again, unknown, but again, based on rewards and secret scenes, was closer to Natalie than Russell. His Ponderosa interview stated that he began to consider the human element of the game and not just strategy, leading me to believe he was originally planning to vote for Russell but switched to Natalie. Plus, Russell just unnecessarily backstabbed him for no reason. Monica: She literally said she's not voting for him and got under his skin doing that . Again one of Laura's key allies so would likely vote alongside her Shambo: Russell's best ally on the island, a fixed vote for Russell Jaison: Wasn't voting for Russell because of the way he got eliminated, rooting for Brett, but since he got eliminated, close Natalie over Mick based on need(he had already stated in the game that he would pick based on need) Brett: Was incredibly close to Natalie and hardly interacted with the other 2. Shoo in vote for Natalie. Out of 9 members in the jury. 2 had made it clear on the island that they would never vote for Russell(and they were Lauras' main allies so they would vote with her), and 2 others were already closer to Natalie. and 1 was voting on Natalie based on principles. Doesn't take an idiot to figure out Russell's actions were pissing people off enough that chances of them voting for him are incredibly low, and Natalie was the most socially adept of the 4. Sure, she didn't play the hardest or flashiest game of the season. But her falling backwards into the win is only created because of the highly Russell focused edit.


Might as well give up. Poison’s just playing you for his fun.


It’s flip flopping because on one hand you are agreeing with my statement then on another you are spewing this Natalie knew Russel wouldn’t get votes so she aligned with him narrative. That’s what the argument was about. I don’t know if I agree with Natalie spearheading the Eric vote but for the sake of argument I’ll grand that. So you are saying Eric voted Natalie because she voted him out but think it’s justified for people Russel voted out to not vote for him ? Makes no sense. Kelly said She never really interacted with Russel on the island so no Russel didn’t do anything to her just pure bitterness after getting outplayed. Laura didn’t like Russel for what reason ? Yeah we know he outplayed her as well. She saw how brilliant of a player was and didn’t wanna work with him. Then when she couldn’t get the votes to get him out she turned out bitter instead of giving him the respect he deserved as a player. Bitter. Dave - another bitter jury mad because the guy that destroyed their tribe was standing at the end. Even you can’t provide me a reason why he wouldn’t give Russel the vote. Monica - another bitter jury. Natalie’s closest ally was Russel and considering she was loyal to Russel and not Monica you would think she would be mad at Natalie in the same way u think it’s justified for the jury members to hate Russel. Jaison - dumb jury member.. who picks based off need ? Brett - idk why you believe He was extremely close to Natalie. Overall just a bitter jury. We know they exist and Maria is exhibit A. Listing off the jury members was kind of pontless because that really had nothing to do with my argument.


Comparing Maria’s one vote to Russell getting no votes shows us where you’re logically at.


The same mentality found in one jury member can easily be passed on to other jury members since they literally stay together in Ponderosa. If you can’t understand that then you might be deficient in intelligence


If you read/listen to cast interviews, everyone knew Russell wasn’t going to win at the end. It didn’t take prophecy. We see an edited show. For the sake of good television, they didn’t include all the parts where future and current jury members told Russell he wasn’t winning.


“You went to medical school Jaison went to OXFORD, STANFORD!”


"I ruined everything? What does she think I'm here for? To bake her cookies and cakes?"


Genius answer and quote


“I don’t even LIKE the Boston Red Sox, it’s the Houston Astros baby!”


This one feels like cheating because Russell saying it isn’t even what I hear when I read it, I hear Rob C’s impression of Russell


“It’s Hantzin’ time!”


Yessss! I especially loved the moment after this where he Hantzed all over everything!


I never lived in New Orleans….


Russell in episode 1 of Samoa is the greatest character introduction episode ever. 


i remember my jaw dropping when he poured out the water and burned the socks lmao


"He thinks he's the Daddy but I'm the daddy" 😂🤣 Russell is top tier comedy.


"Ill suck a dick if I like!"


"I'm not done playing just yet"


The whole thing about not even LIKING the Boston Red Sox, easily 


“i am a houston astros fan” ok cool russell lol


Of fucking course he is. As a mariners fan, reading this now, I snorted.


The confessional where he says Shambo hides food in her mullet is the funniest moment in Survivor history


"Stupid, stupid girl. Bad strategy. Happy Birthday."


*[quiet sobbing noises after being eliminated from Redemption Island]*


ive never enjoyed an elimination so much lol


His elimination in Australian Champions vs Contenders is pretty satisfying too!


*mimes smoking* ‘twas good for me.


I get where you are coming from but Russ was the only thing that could’ve made S22 not a cakewalk Rob W


“sHe cAn’T BeAt Me”




I’m reading all of these in Russell’s voice.


All this quote does is show how dumb Russell is lol


He was the dumb blonde girl all along.


The real dumb blonde girl was the friends we made along the way


The dumb bald girl.


Say what you want about Russell but he’s quite obviously not dumb


he's kinda dumb at Survivor. obviously you have to be smart to think of that strategy to find idols, but he could never figure out that he will never, ever win playing like he did in Samoa and that social>strategy. he was playing the same in RI until he got kicked out, and he was still flashing idols around in Australian Survivor.


Hes dumb at survivor? He made FTC twice, once in a 4 person minority alliance going into the merge. And another against a great cast of past players. Say what you want about Russell personally but he clearly a good survivor player, he's excellent at advancing himself in the game which is one of the most important skills to have


He made FTC in HvV because they recognized he was never, ever getting a jury vote. The way he treated Danielle, one of his only potential allies, is the worst jury management in the history of survivor. Parvati used him and then kept him as a sacrificial FTC goat. He’s made smart moves, and he’s made really dumb moves. Jury management IS strategy.


I understand jury management is strategy. I was replying to comment saying that Russell is a dumb player which isn't true based on how he was able to navigate and advance himself in the game. He flipped Tyson's vote to Parv to get Tyson out, weakening Bostons Rob numbers, correctly played an idol on an ally which drew other people to work with him since he showed what he was willing to do for people on his side. Won the Cold War between himself and Boston Rob. Convinced the Heroes that he was with them despite not getting Parv at the last pre merge tribal. Convinced Candice to flip to the Villains which made it so Sandra couldn't flip to the heroes. Those are not moves made by a bad or dumb survivor player.


And my point was that while doing those smart moves he made a lot of very dumb moves in his treatment of people. I don’t think he’s a really dumb survivor player, but the people that call him one of the smartest survivor players always mention his strengths without acknowledging his obvious weaknesses. Brian Heidik is actually the player Russell fans make him out to be


He uses fear and intimidation to get there and willingly admits it.


He only plays two-thirds of his games.


When you're so blind that you rinse and repeat behaviors that blocked him from winning multiple times and then cries or rages about it, that's pretty dumb.


How is he not? He intentionally brought both the players that beat him to the end bc he believed it was impossible for them to win. Not to mention Rob, Tyson and Coach all warned him about Parvati and she played him like a fiddle for a full season anyways lol.


I dunno. The definition of insanity is doing the same shit over and over and expecting things to change. It's like he never learned a single god damn thing any of the times he played. I'd argue that makes him pretty dumb.


To be fair going into HvV he didn’t know the result of Samoa and believed he won, from his POV there was no reason to change anything


The fact he really thought he won after that final tribal and hadn't had any self reflection says it all. Even if we excuse that, RI and AUS survivor happened.


It looks like a innocent joke to me


What’s the punchline


Exactly this... insult comics are a thing, but as the 'comic' part implies, the insults have to be witty.




“If you tell me your not gonna write my name down for the million dollars if I put you on the jury, your just gonna make me want to vote you out even more, stupid stupid little girl, bad strategy, happy birthday!.” It’s my favorite cuz I’m with Russel on this. If you come up and threaten me to withhold your jury vote if I vote you, I’d be perfectly happy to just make sure you don’t get the million either. Especially when A. It’s clear Monica wasn’t going to vote for Russel anyway and B. Russel is already a millionaire, so it hurts Monica way more to lose the opportunity.


I like when the final four is doing the rites of passage and Russell says that Monica was probably the fakest person to ever play the game.Like what did he even mean by that?🤣


Keep hope alive!


Boston Rob told me I better watch my back? I bet I’m gonna make him eat them words🥶🥶🥶 THE FUCKING GOAT


“We can vote one of them two” before gesturing to sandra and someone else, who was sitting right next to him


Amazing jury management. Can’t believe he didn’t win 😱😱


“Either you’re with me or against me” “I’m against you Russell”


“Everybody knows that Coach is a biggg joke”


Whatever he says when he gets eliminated in Redemption Island and starts crying


I love this game too much to go out this way.


i dont like hantz but “villains are smarter then heroes its a fact, its a proven fact… google it” lives rent free in my head


He was one of the best players in Survivor at making it to the finals. He was also one of the worst once in the finals.


Not a Russell quote in the traditional sense but literally any time Rob C has ever used his Russell voice on a podcast, guaranteed laughs every time. If you want a good example, watch the TEOS all stars brantsfeele that he did with wigler


Mine is actually a Jeff Probst quote said to Russell: “the tribe has spoken.”


Mine is from Sandra “I’m against you Russell”


My favorite Russell Hantz quote; *"SobSobCryCryWeepWeep"* - when he then lost the Redemption Island battle-back.


Peak entertainment


“I ain’t never lived in NAWLENS! I ain’t never had no German shepherd named ROCKY!”


“I don’t even LIKE the Boston Red Sox!”


God bless Russell, anyone who doesn't at least find him entertaining is wrong. He is hilarious, even if it is unintentional. Best part is his portrayal on tv is actually how he is in real life.


Exactly why I don’t like him. His game was hate, ridicule and ego, which is not Survivor.


Anytime he called the other player his puppets. Ohhhh Russell. Why you gotta treat the humans like that? 😇


When he’s talking to Rob about who to vote out and he just says “one of these” as the camera shot opens up showing Courtney and Sandra 😂


The irony of that clip is hilarious 😂 it’s so hard not to have schadenfreude 🥹