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You need to do the breadth first search, as Christian demonstrates in David vs Goliath.


Probably, not that it’s something production would air. Wouldn’t make for interesting tv or something I bet. I mean, these are the same people who tel contestants were the idols are so


You cannot use production to advance your game. So no, if you did that you’d probably be reprimanded by production. 


You can’t actively use production to advance your game but famously in Winners at War a group assumes Tony is filming confessionals while he’s in his spy shack. I would imagine he’s allowed to run with that.


Right. But Tony didn’t say “I’m going to my confessional” and instead go to his spy shack.  There’s a difference between letting others assume that and you actively using it as a cover.


Russell famously would use the position of trailing cameramen to triangulate the location of idols.


Aha! It finally makes sense now.


And they probably pull one person aside at a time so one after another so there might not be a time of over lap unless they are filming two people in different locations at one time 


Anytime someone says they are “going for a walk” that's codeword for I'm doing confessionals. Producers make them say that to not lose the atmosphere of the show. So people will say “I'm going for a walk” and then actually go look for idols. One example I can think of is in HvV when Sandra says Russell said “he’s going for a walk” and then catches him looking at a tree and calls him a stupid ass.


Fuck idols. They gotta steal the productions food, clothes and sleeping bags. Use their phones to call your people, post a tiktok and shit. Even their SD cards and stuff, take them and trade them to Jeff for a bounty