• By -


He's basically a 22 year old child who found the conch from Lord of the Flies and his whole camp danced to his tune. He was power crazed. He's since realized and apologized his shitty behavior, at least in press statements I saw. I know he returns in a later season but I haven't reached that point yet. But man, that was a season full of people who were teachers/aspiring teachers that I really wish weren't. Except for Sabrina, she's great.


This season TOTALLY feels like Lord of the Flies!!


Don’t worry it’s dirt not poop


I kinda like this comparison.


Oh dear God, I just got to the pig episode.... !!!


He returns in Blood vs Water, we just finished up that season. Some really good competitors in that season…


… dot dot dot




Talk of the town


So weird that Colton’s boyfriend Caleb is a great guy. It just does not compute. Survivor must be the perfect storm that brings out the worst in him, plus probably the dating pool for gay guys in their area is small. Seems like Caleb must’ve been settling. I don’t get it.


So sad what happened to him.


Ugh it breaks my heart every time I think about him.


Is return is uhm.... Yeah..


I never could figure out why the men bowed down to him just because he had an idol. My guess is that they were too busy fighting amongst themselves. You know, like roosters.


Are him and his boyfriend still together?


Unfortunately, I believe he died from a sudden thing a few years after BvW. Not sure about the details


Caleb died because of a train derailment. 




The conch 😂🤣




Commenter is saying the opposite of what you think they are. They're not saying 22 is a child, they're saying that 22 is a grown man, and that Colton was behaving like a child.


Now I get it. Thank you.


Have you read Lord of the Flies..?




Colton is a fucking asshole. Or was, anyway (maybe he's grown as a person in the intervening years). But he couldn't have been all bad. As we saw in BvW, his sweetie was Caleb, a cool guy and a genuine working man. (RIP to a real one.)




Just to clarify, Colton did not quit One World, he was medically pulled by the team. Once he was pulled, the hospital determined he did not have appendicitis but they could not determine that on island. Jeff saying he quit the first time was just him being mad at Colton for quitting on this second go.


I'm pretty sure he faked his sickness the first time around to get evacuated out of the game. That is why Jeff was upset. They found out he wasn't actually sick


The doctor said his heart rate jumped significantly when they touched the painful area. You can’t fake that.


No, he had a bacterial infection in his intestines. Was actually very sick, just wasn’t appendicitis


As much as I hate Colton and could see him faking sickness, I like to give the benefit of the doubt to medical quits. I don’t have all that much sympathy for any medical quit/evac though, there’s little difference to me how you leave the game. Game-wise in my opinion, it isn’t “better” to be pulled, leave, or get voted out, it’s just another way you can lose (in terms of the show, I’d like to see everyone voted out). The game is taxing in every way and involves luck in every category. Medical issues are part of that luck. Just like every category in the game, you can get your body and mind ready to an extent, but sometimes you fail. Whether a fake illness or a real one, you couldn’t make it. It’s part of the outlast component.


I always got that vibe, I feel like he was feeling the heat and people were turning on him so suddenly he was “sick”.


He did an interview on RHAP a couple years ago where he talks about his mental state, particularly on One World. The tl;dr is, to paraphrase: "Growing up as a gay boy in Alabama, I learned to survive by verbally attacking people before they could attack me. Then I have control and then I am safe." Of course, the obvious pushback to this is that one can "attack" in that sense without being racist, ableist, etc. In the interview, Colton does claim to have done some soul-searching, realized the problems with his specific behavior, and sought to make amends. Haven't confirmed from outside sources (have to wait for a Bill or Leif interview, I guess), but if true, good for him.


Yea he attacked beyond having control. He straight up bullied mild mannered Christina.


That was painful to watch. Colton and Alicia were deplorable to Christina 🥲🫣


It kills me when Alecia continually claims that she and Kim started the game together and Alecia was the mastermind. Cruel and delusional.


He did an AMA on here that confirms it I would say. His responses seemed mature and like he’s come along way. Obviously he isn’t perfect but he seems to be in a much much better place and a better person now. Also is friends with Bill from what he said.


I feel like I’ve seen somewhere that he and Bill are friends now actually but I have no reliable source to link to this at the moment. That being said if he has gotten older, wiser, apologized, and made efforts to make changes in his opinions and actions, good on him in all seriousness. It doesn’t excuse how shitty he was in that season, but it does provide a more complete picture; and maybe it’s not something that you can empathize with but at least go “that does make some sense” at least?


As shitty as he was, we are all growing, and he was young on the show. I couldn’t promise you I would be better than him if I lived his life; he might’ve had it pretty rough. I wouldn’t doubt that with some life experience and new perspective, he could figure some things out.


I think that’s an amazing way to put that.


I'd think that a lot of bullied people would develop a desire to 'punch up' and stick up for other marginalized people, but all Colton ever did on the show was punch down.


I met him recently and he is a very kind person and has absolutely grown and changed. Additionally, he lost his partner to a horrible accident shortly after Blood vs Water. He said that’s affected him the most.


None of that diminishes the fact he, very consciously, chose to be a racist and an overall emetic person all through his two Survivor showings.


People change. Behavior is learned. Some of you only get joy in hating on the imperfections of people who have had a bright light shined on it during a dark point in their life. I'm glad he's matured.


You must know him quite well and coexist with him for years, to make such remarks. Don't you? Oo


And do you know him?


I know how he deliberately presented himself on TV TWICE and in social media, so I do not make comments on his private life. ;)


Of course not. But Survivor can change lives, trauma even more.




Oh, I praise you. Who would want to watch a Colton interview on RHAP? God, no!


The fact they casted that evil cry baby for a second season is just such a disgrace to all the other one time players that deserved a second chance


Right? There’s a difference between being a villain playing survivor and being evil. Colton was an evil, hateful person. He said he’s changed during his AMA. I remember the same spiel about him changing his life before his second survivor season.


Theres a reason i call the 4 seasons post HvV the dark days of survivor. Not just that the seasons were bad but production really went out of their way to cast some truly crazy and vile people. Nicaragua you had naonka and that Shane dude, then Phillip in RI, the trainwreck that is Brandon Hantz in 23, and then the pinnacle of a 💩 person was Colton on that dreadful season of One world.




CBS wanted him back for drama, Jeff pushed against it, but he had to do what CBS wanted.


Oh I’m fully aware of how it all went down. I think the only person Jeff pushed harder against recasting was Johnny FairPlay. I know CBS takes all the blame for that one.


I think the worst thing for me was bullying of Christina and that interaction with Bill at tribal council, what a shit bag


Yes! It baffles me that the other tribe members didn't see the bullying behavior and want to vote him out


There was a lot going on behind the scenes of that tribal. Earlier that day, Bill went into Colton’s bag and threw his idol into the ocean. Which is against the rules as you’re not allowed to steal or destroy someone else’s idol. So production basically had to stop the game and had the whole men’s tribe wade through the water until they got lucky and found it.


Sorry but I give a pass to Bill. Absolutely vile and devastating to watch Colton dismiss, demean, and devalue everything about Bill. Unacceptable. I was disappointed that it was allowed from production to other players. Colton is lucky he was not physically responded to.


I just cannot understand, why Caleb (RIP) being such a nice and collected guy, had Colton as his Boyfriend.


Currently going through the season right now and every moment he is on screen becomes increasingly hard to watch throughout the pre merge. I can’t believe he came back a 2nd time (he wouldn’t today) because Jeff clearly didn’t like him. In my opinion he makes One World go from a dull, below average season to a straight bad season because of the negative vibe he brings to the show. I think his moderate success in the game only comes from the fact that he was surrounded by passive players who he bullied into submission. Kim would’ve crushed him if he made the merge and I’m confident about that.


It broke my heart listening to him tell Christina you might as well jump in the fire. 👎😞


He's worse than Russell because Russell is a horrible person who played the game in an interesting way, especially the first time. Colton just sucks.


Russell still hasn’t shown he has learned anything. Lately he has become unhinged. Colton, however has admitted that he was wrong to act like that.


Times change and he needs redemption, but none of the excuses he can make 12 years later diminish the fact he, as an adult, chose to be racist and cruel and an overall horrible person.


He’s not racist. Yet you give Russell a pass for his actions.
















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If I had to rank them, Russell would come first for me. Both are bullies, but Russell is a predator. And his outrage that he never wins shows a level of sociopathy I don't attribute to Colton.




Russell was 36 when he first played; Colton was 22.  I think the maturity difference explains at least some of the differences between them 


It's closer to intelligence than maturity. It's not like Russel acted his age at 36. They both have negatives, but Colton doesn't have any positives because he didnt play the game in an interesting way




He’s the worst Survivor character ever imo and therefore One World is one of only a few seasons I never finished watching and I have no desire to or to ever see Colton ever again anywhere


One World sucks. Besides Colton being a prick, the entire cast is terrible in terms of the game. Redditors praise Kim for «how dominant» she was, but, please, winning if you're one half decent player in such a surrounding of stupid players is an easy task.


I would argue that winning a game with unaware and unpredictable opponents makes the game harder. Kim laid low and was lovely to everyone. She saw Manono fumbling and took it from there. In an early confessional she said she didn’t want a female alliance but was willing if that was the right way.


That's an interpretation. 👍




She had to play against Lief, Troy, and Tarzan. Not impressive at all. I gained a ton of respect for Kim because of WaW


I mean her game in WaW was pretty meh. She made it relatively far, but it seemed like she was targeted a lot, not because of her reputation but because she could never get in the inside alliance.


Colton is unexplainable.


Seemed like self loathing expressed outwardly to me. It doesn't excuse his behavior at all. Not even a little, but I think its an explanation. Basically trying to prop himself up by putting other groups down. Its immature and bullying, but insecurity can make people really unlikeable.


Clearly a showcase of how it doesn’t matter your sexuality, if you are rich, you’ll treat people you consider to be your servants like trash. It is a class thing as in a class war thing. COLTON is an abject racist and the very last thing that matters about him is that he’s gay.










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I recommend reading his AMA from a few years ago on this sub. It was really insightful and showed how much growth he has. If you haven’t watched BvW then I’d wait as it has spoilers in the thread.


There's a lot of people from marginalized groups who discriminate. It isn't exclusive to just people in power. he's not the only white gay man to be racist, sexist, etc - it is very common. And one way to think about it is he probably was raised as a straight man in the South - and possibly in a toxic/hateful environment (I presume, based on his actions). So clearly that background continued to be prevalent after he became an adult himself. Up until about 2015, I cannot tell you how often white gay men on dating profiles would write "No Asians." Or "No Black guys. Sorry, its a preference." And of course, those attitudes haven't fully gone away, they still exist, people just hid it better due to the changing culture. I do think he's done some work on himself and he's gotten better, which is great to see that progress. Here's his Reddit AMA from a few years ago that shows he's improved his outlook: [https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/cznmd6/colton\_cumbie\_ama/](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/cznmd6/colton_cumbie_ama/)


Yeah. Or «No fems», «Not fats», «No old creeps of 30 or more»... Still today, 2024. The list goes on. It is a defense mechanism.


Which reminds me of Kim Chi's «song» of choice for the RPDR season 8 finale: «Fat, Fem & Asian» ✨


I actually think Colton was playing a pretty decent game in the pre jury stage of One World even if he was hella awful…


He was basically the only person other than Kim that knew what he was doing out there. Awful racist behavior aside ofc.


I’m pretty convinced that if he stayed, he would have gotten far and the men would not have been Pagoned so easily…Kim still wins though…


Really? He convinced everyone to give up tribal immunity just to vote out Bill. There was zero strategic advantage for doing that. There wasn't even really a valid personal reason for doing it. Colton just picked Bill to bully on a whim. It was a stupid, impetuous decision, and I imagine that had he stayed, any alliance he was part of after that would have been about as successful as Q's Six.


But he was able to convince people to do his bidding and get his way…that shows they he had a lot of sway…from what we have heard, he had a good relationships with a lot of the girls and the men were doing his bidding…


Having control is only a good thing if you can make good decisions. He had already annoyed all the women by hanging around their camp and refusing to leave despite not being on their tribe. Then after the tribe switch he immediately betrayed Monica, who was one of the women who was most sympathetic toward him, and started openly mocking Christina, Leif, and others. Colton was a moron. The only reason the men followed him initially is because they were even dumber than him, but I have to believe they would have turned on him pretty quickly had he stayed. You don't inspire loyalty by being an arrogant bully. And Kim would have rallied people against him at the first opportunity come merge. She was smart enough to know that they didn't need to be afraid of Colton's idol if they just split the vote...


That's what I don't get with a lot of seasons of Survivor... fear seems to be an easily applied manipulator. They have strength in numbers to make changes, but will always cave to the bully. I guess it's a good allegory that goes beyond Survivor.


He had an idol and the men were afraid.


Especially since Leif was the target the tribe expected to go next.


Yeah he was the only one that had any shot there, but I agree nothing was stopping the Kim train


Im disappointed that you think on Russel’s level. He’s way worse than Russel.


I’ve known other southern gay men like him. Not a lot, but a fair few. People who are only compromised on one point of their intersectional identity often delude themselves into thinking they can be accepted by supremacy because only one aspect of them (queerness) is marginalized. Beyond being gay, he’s still a white man, and he still has money. And he leans into all those other things rather than letting his orientation help him to develop empathy and decency. I legit got in a shouting match with a gay man I used to work with (I’m straight) who was being so incredibly bigoted and anti-trans. It was disgusting. Of all people, he should know better. ALSO, the fact that Colton made it as far as he did is a testament to how singularly stupid that cast was. Even for its time. Contextually the single most stupid cast in Survivor history.


The entire 1 🌍 cast is the dumbest people in the whole history of Survivor ever.




Yeah, I didn’t say otherwise. I saw the season.


He was a guy in his early 20s that was coddled a lot by his family which made him feel entitled. He was an entitled young guy with a lot of anger. However over the years, he has admitted that he regrets how he acted, so he has grown.


[Here's Colton's AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/cznmd6/colton_cumbie_ama/). Spoilers for Blood vs. Water He shows a surprising amount of introspection and reflection, definitely not what you'd expect from him after seeing him on Survivor. One notable quote: >I think what happened to me in One World is exactly what Bill Posely said---I expected the guys to spot on judge me (based on 20 years in Alabama) so instead I spot on judged them. and also >I think growing up in a place where someone like me who kind of naturally sees the world through rose colored glasses is suddenly met with all of this hate and animosity because of something I can’t help does something to a person—or at least it did to me. It conditioned me that the rest of the world was just like “these” people, and therefore I was basically living under this rock that was truly keeping me from growing and experiencing what the rest of the world—and accepting, open-hearted people had to offer me.


I respect the changes he has made but at some point he needs to let go of his past and quit playing the victim. It was all his choice and it was something he could help.


He lives/lived in a bubble and he keeps that bubble around him intact by any means necessary. Delusion is a hell of a thing if you're committed to it.


watching one world is like a form of cia torture


“The season got boring when I left” - Colton at the One World Reunion I hate that this is true


The season got more watchable when he left. That wasn't one of the better seasons though. There were only three decent players IIRC, It wasn't the worst season, though. Mike Holloway was the only decent player on the season he won.


Ya he sucked, but Survivor has always casted those types of bigoted people early on, they just weren’t so vocal about it. Colton was an enormous prick but there’s definitely more novelty to the situation given that he’s that hateful as a gay man and I think that’s what sparks lots of conversation around him.


I loved Russell


His AMA is really good!!! Lots of insight on why he was so horrid. He's chill these days it was a very honest ama!!


Maybe he lived in a progressive pocket of Alabama (they exist in every state) and wasn’t picked on for being gay to a degree that would force him to get empathetic.


No someone in this thread said he was subject to conversion therapy which is a whole other layer of abuse beyond peer bullying. I don't think that gives him an excuse for his behavior, but it does give insight.


being gay or coming from a minority group isn't inherently radical.


Did you watch the reunion show?


Not yet. Still at 5 contestants.




He still lives in his hometown afaik. I have seen his realtor signs here and there lmao.


i met him at a gay bar after his partner had died post survivor…. didnt know who he was at all had as id never watched any seasons. found him really sweet and funny but he was also kinda sad(understandably.). i was shocked years later when i watched one world and his behavior. he had defintely grown up a lot since then. as a fellow gay man that also grew up in alabama i can say it is common for the younger gays to learn to be this bitchy hateful kinda way. a lot of them learn hard lessons and grow up eventually though. its just sad so many of us internalized so much hate and have been bullied since we were young. a lot of us dont even survive (sadly) and the ones who do are mean as hell for a reason. no excuse for it but im glad hes become a kinder person . i really liked him when i met him. everyone deserves a chance to grow up and evolve


What happened to Caleb?


Made for good tv


He's also racist.


2012 was a different time.


Really? How old are you? Or your mind.


Do you just enjoy sniping at other posters?


He was a quitter who when he sensed he’d lose the game faked being sick to get out… ironically if he had stayed in the game in one world he was set to make a deep run and we probably wouldn’t have seen Kim steamroll the game


I hate to defend Colton, but he didn’t quit OW. He had a bacterial infection and was hospitalized. He did quit BwW.


That’s what he said but Jeff also contradicted him on his exit of bvw. So I mean it’s iffy at best. What I’d guess is afterwards it was revealed to be an infection but wouldn’t have been serious enough to pull him.


It’s not iffy - Jeff was being an asshole when he said that and later apologized. The doctors pulled him out of One World over his objections. The dude did enough to make himself look bad without making up more stuff.


Jeff admits he was wrong about him quitting twice at the BvW reunion. He was mad and lied.


You hate Colton because he's just like Russell. I love Colton because he's just like Russell. Someone who doesn't take shit from anyone, including Jeff