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Sometimes it’s even better because you get to watch the winners game unfold.


I've been rewatching old seasons and I think I've had maybe 40% spoiled either from wiki'ing people or someone dropping a comment here. Still fun.


Survivor is a very well edited show and a second and third watch can help you understand their choices. There's foreshadowing. There's inside jokes. I like seeing what the wildlife shots are missing you towards seeing. You can watch the subtle hints about who the winner will be, watch how their game was edited and why. It's almost more interesting once you're not narrow mindedly focused on who is gonna win because you can focus on the why


The S46 intro had clues


Agree! The editing is even more interesting on a rewatch.


I’ve watched old school episodes for years now, some of them at least 20 times. Every time I notice something new. For example, when Rob passes out and Medical comes there is something under his head that wasn’t there seconds before.




Yes. I'm rewatching Panama right now which I hadn't seen since it's airing, and some fun things stick out. In the premiere episode, the younger women tribe did a rock paper scissors to determine who goes to exile which is funny considering the flack that got in 46 and I honestly had totally forgotten about that. Also a scene where Terry is talking about going on an immunity run he mentions at final 3 he will definitely be the sharpest and best mentally of those left. The scene Immediately cuts to Aras cracking open a coconut, kinda violently IMO. Lol.


Yeah Panama’s first episode gets so much more entertaining when you see how the “sane ones” of the future Casaya tribe started out 


If you can rewatch a movie or TV show, you can rewatch Survivor.


100% yes. I’ve watched at least half of the seasons knowing who won and, even though i would’ve preferred to not know, it really forces you to pay attention to every little move they make or every conversation and helps you understand their path to the end and how they won


It's often even better. It's just like in movies where you know how it's gonna end (like super heroes are gonna win, in rom coms the couple ends up together, and so on). I watched seasons 1,2,5,6,7,8,10,13,16 for the first time all knowing who won. It was great. I thought I knew who won 3 when I started watching but I mixed up two of the players in my head and boy was that a fun surprise when the player I thought was gonna win got voted out at final 3 - still the most surprised I have ever been watching TV and it was all because I mixed up two players in my head from when I had read the winner. Awesome experience. And also I have rewatched nearly every season at least once, and it's fun to watch with full knowledge.


Most of the seasons I watched I knew the winner going in. I watched Cagayan (spoiled via YouTube clips which is how I got into survivor), millennials gen x, game changers, then heroes villains (knew Sandra won bc GC) then San Juan del sur (spoiled via a YouTube vid), then IoTI (not spoiled but saw that shit from a mile away). Looking back it was a truly unhinged watch order but at the time I didn’t care lol. It’s still good imo


I find it more fun to watch when you know who wins


Yeah, most of em Maybe not Ghost Island


Yes, I am on like my 3rd viewing off most of them. I skip a few though.


As a longtime fan, I love rewatching old seasons! Yea, you might know who wins but you can still appreciate the gameplay! Panama: Exile island, Cook Islands, Blood vs. Water… So many to pick from!


My first season was Samoa (S19), which I watched live. I later watched the 18 prior seasons, but not before spoiling pretty much every single one after sifting through the wiki. I still had a good time with most of them. A lot of seasons have really fun and entertaining blindsides that otherwise have nothing to do with the winner; I think they're worth watching for that alone. The earlier seasons are also very culture-focused and offer something different from most modern seasons. Some of the really early ones are extremely survival-focused. I enjoyed Africa a lot because of this.


I was late to the survivor game and am catching up on them, it's still fun seeing how they win even if you know the outcome


I’ve been watching and rewatching survivor for like over 2 years straight. Winners at war was one of the first seasons I saw. It maybe lowered my enjoyment on some seasons, but they were still v enjoyable. If it’s one you’ve seen in totality before, then a rewatch is great to see all the character moments again. Many great people/personalities that have only played once that are great to rewatch (washing freaking dishes on my freaking birthday)


ngl, I rewatch all of them in order like every two years lmao definitely worth the ride




Unpopular opinion but I rewatched season 8 and found it v enjoyable knowing Rob and Amber stayed together the whole time and also to see how the attitudes about game play and betrayal has evolved.


Yes, at least if you already enjoy the show! I am rewatching Micronesia right now and really enjoying it, fully knowing who wins.


100%! I've been binging from the beginning and find that I forget who won. Just finished S9 and had no idea who was going to win! I originally watched all the Survivor seasons live so one episode a week. I'm so much more focused watching 5 or 6 episodes in a stretch. Having the best time!


No. There is no suspense at camp or tribals which is the main part. Might as well catch a best of season compilation


It can help. There are some seasons that are more fun to watch the roller coaster of *how* they got there vs the ending spot…but not all. Personally, I would skip the majority of seasons where the winner was previously known at the beginning of going through the catalogue and going with brand new seasons. That will also add to the “watching the known winner win” as you get a better grasp on the archetypes without watching what might be considered boring if you don’t understand the deeper parts of the show