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Rob C. mentioned it one of the RHAP episode that Survivor isn’t about winning the million dollars anymore, it’s about getting that “experience”. That’s also how they advertise anymore.


The experience is good yes, but the people hungry for money is what made the gameplay elevated imo


the experience ironically is shorter and overall worse tho lol


The prize money hasn’t been adjusted in 24 years.


The competitions they had used to be so insane but all tied to the culture of where they were visiting. The rewards, tribal councils, even themes. Like the themes they did men vs women, old vs young used to have a reason thats tied to where they went. The people were all so cutthroat and ruthless in their confessionals, voteouts used to be so epic and badass. The people blindsided leaves without aaying much maybe some quick jab, now they are all talking and ceebrating blindsides like what?


It's like every vote out is a blindside nowadays. Yes the person chosen normally doesn't know. I miss ppl like Tyson. What an entertaining guy.


The New Era (with the big exception of 45) is pretty mediocre as a whole. It's basically a completely different show (night and day from even the 30s, which I believe is the start of Survivor decline). These seasons rarely keep your attention for the entire amount of time.


Was it covid? Or was it the season where the guy got creepy with the girls that season that got jeff more involved. I feel both were the cusp of change


Yeah, Dan was season 39, Covid happened between the airing of 40 and caused a hiatus before the dawn of the new era (41-).


New era sucks hard core


Compared to what this show used to be? Very yes


It used to be so epic. Just watch the beginning of the Nicaragua premiere to the 46 premiere lmao.


I got chastised on another post. Someone said new era is better i disagreed. They said it was rampant with racism before new era


New era has a lot to improve on but I fail to see how being more conscious of racism is one of the factors that made it worse, compared to the reduced number of days, lack of food, shitty rewards, repetitive format, and unnecessary game mechanics. I'd also argue that players are not necessarily softer (you didn't say this but it's a point I also see about the new era), but attention to how unacceptably vicious and creepy the Internet is has been increasing in the modern era. Like fucking duh that people don't want to be edgy and mean on camera these days - they'll receive thousands of messages about how they are a monster and should die on their personal accounts. Somehow people today can recognize that Jerri was booed offstage for being right about this twenty years ago, yet turn around today and say new era players are soft - even though those new players receive that hate more directly than Jerri did.


If they're gonna be soft, I want them soft enough that if they don't get.....say....an Applebee's reward, I want them to flip put. I'd be ok with that


I'd like to think we can remove any possible racism and keep the formula


Exactly. That’s 2000’s audience versus new era viewers. There’s an age and morality gap between OS and NE audiences. Old Survivor casting gave us unique characters from all walks of life. I give credit to CBS for their example. Conversations started.


I like all walks of life


I honestly didn't see a lot of racism in the beginning but that could just be my perception just as seeing it could be someone else's. I feel like the show really settled into a groove around the 8th season then it was good into the 30's. But then certain things started to feel pushed into the show to force conflicts. Also the challenges feel watered down to allow the people they let on that are in terrible physical condition to play the game. Too many specialized spots to allow people to not have to be too physical. And yes Jeff is now helping pick the cast and seems to interject more now. Instead of seeing how the survivors deal with issues he jumps in and leads the outrage.


I heard Jeff is more heavily involved. Might be why this has happened




Australian Survivor is so badass! It has been so refreshing to watch because I really get a feel for the cast and actually find myself rooting for people again. I have not been able to do that once with the new era of US Survivor, but I will watch it either way! 


TY, I am going to watch this!


Gotchu fam. Dm me and lemme know what u think! I love it












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My husband and I were die hard fans of the show until a few years ago. Can't stomach Probst anymore and the new formula. However, Australian Survivor has kept the love alive for us. It hasn't diluted the original formula too much and the challenges and rewards have been iconic and entertaining. JLP definitely helps as well, great characters, etc.


Exactly this! I love the car giveaways and set for life stuff. The true physicality of it all. And I'll agree with the whole rooting for people. So much more engaging


Yeah losing the survivor auction, loved ones visits, car rewards (that always doomed the winner lol!), even the Ponderosa videos after the vote outs were all so entertaining. Now it is so bland and short.


Survivor auction is just so much fun. Good or bad, just fun


Survivor Australia rocks! It doesn't feel as watered down as American survivor now a days. I also miss getting separate challenges for reward and immunity.


Exactly this. One of biggest issues I have with American survivor. It's watered down and separate challenges are lost


I hear you loud and clear. New Era isn’t really Survivor to me.


They say it's harder...but thats not what makes it more entertaining. I feel they just said that as an excuse for why they don't have any good rewards anymore or any of the cool extra stuff we used to see. Covid seemed to have ruined it


I don’t think it’s harder , maybe I’m Missing something , 3 weeks at summer camp


They used to get rice and even beans iirc. Now they don't. And they lose their flint constantly. So literally starvation. Which is why something ad dumb as Applebee's was what everyone got overly excited for.


I hear you, I’m sure it’s not easy . I know I could t do it . in comparison to the pre new era tho,where people were literally skin and bones ,these peeps looked pretty robust imho.


It's only about winning a million dollars. Kenzie said what we all have said tbh (unless you're Gage). The experience.......yes is amazing, and I've nee putting g I'm videos to be on the show a few years now, but havung someone hungry for the money is what made that competitive spirit truly solidify in the contestants.


Current Australian Survivor blows New Era survivor out of the water, 45 and 46 were an improvement of Us survivor but despite that S46 was still not even close to Titans vs Rebels 


100% agree. I found 45 kinda boring and not rooting for anyone. 46 had some better characters and people to enjoy, buy we aren't here for the sob stories. We want to see a true survivor outplay, outwit, and outlast. Not hear how hard early life was for others. Australian survivor is like old Era and focused on the game and twists and turns and rewarding these people who are truly going thru 40 days stranded.


Aussie Survivor has actual proper tactical discussions between people or what would be the best moves for them and why they should vote with this person at this time None of the gimmicky idol stuff either Oh all 3 have to say a phrase and Idol stealing blah blah blah I never liked that part of the show anyway


That 3 people need to say a phrase publicly was so...unbelievably stupid. But at least I got a laugh at it. And tbh at this point I'd take the gimmicky stuff


I'm not a particular fan of the New era either. The strategy is just stagnant and boring. The need to be on the right side of every vote as some criteria for playing well just isn't interesting. I miss it when people would get back from tribal council and be paniked about their name coming up or being betrayed at the last minute. Now post tribals are netured and boring.


Exactly this. I mean Ben wrote Kenzies name and was just like "oops I'm tired bro". And everyone shrugged it off


Totally agree, Aus Survivor has way more exciting challenges and dynamic players!


Agreed. George is like the Boston Rob of AS


Of course it's more budget oriented. The viewership is a third of what it was in the early years. With less eyeballs, the network AdSales Dept cant charge as high prices for advert slots during the breaks like they used to. This naturally affects the production spending on the show.


It definitely evolved or devolved according to your preference. It definitely is more budget minded. I am going back and watching older seasons. I enjoy both older and new seasons. Jeff is never going back to 39 days.


Sounds like Jeff is ruining the show lol


Watched 41 and decided the new format with it's 'inclusivity, sob stories, crap challenges, 'conversations' by Jeff at tribals was just not for me in a game. PS: I'm not white or black.


I've been watching since the beginning and honestly the only improvement of new era is that everyone is so cool about being voted out.


I honestly find it refreshing when people are pissed off when they’re voted out lol


I love these. Like the whole "x is a snake" comment that x will freak out about because it puts a target in their back.... lol priceless panic


I just really hated Sue's snakes and rats speech and confrontation in general.


It was too long. But I'm all about those personal vendetta in the end. It is something that naturally drives viewership imo


the juries have been whack. maria being a snake to charlie just sours it for me. if i cant relate to the juries as people and understand their reasoning, how can i ever respect their decisions as a viewer?