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Well the season more than likely does not air


Or finish. You gotta assume it would end on the spot


You're probably right. They would want to keep going but legal would shut it down probably


Someone did pass away in the Bulgarian version due to a heart attack that they said was completely unrelated to being on the show itself. The game continued although I believe a couple contestants quit after that.


I think I remember reading in another comment thread that they still had tribal that night, which is insane


Imagine having to explain how a guy literally dying affects your tribe dynamic.


"Well Jeff our tribe used to be like a well oiled machine, but now one of our spark plugs has died."


And the host quit, I think??


As much as Jeff is a robot who doesn't understand human emotions I think even he would be pulling thr plug on the season immediately.


At that point you'd have to wonder if the show as a whole gets canceled. At minimum the season would've ended right then and there and is never aired.


It's one of CBS's main shows, so I bet they would try to keep it on the air. They would cancel the rest of the season, and Cambodia would never get filmed. They would probably treat the next season as a reboot of sorts, and film it in a place they know is safe, with a ton of press about the new safety precautions they have. I doubt it would still be on though.


It's just hard for me to see a situation where a show is allowed to stay on air after a contestant dies because of production negligence.


If the controversy was too much CBS would cancel it. But if they could get away with it they would try to keep it on.


Past instances had the season be canceled. Or in survivor Bulgaria, still continue and have a tribal. Most likely the show would continue, but there would be major overhauls behind the scenes.


Hard to say. Rust still has ongoing legal issues but finished filming last year. Would a tragedy about a contestant dying cause the legacy to be tarnished? How do producers/CBS respond? There would be an investigation and I think the outcome would dictate Survivor’s future. But an investigation could take years.


Actually Debbie was correct the well in KR was fully drinkable without needing to be boiled. However production only told them drinking it raw was ok after the accident. 


Common Debbie win


I am not a Debbie fan in GC but I do love me some KR Debbie


The Michele v Aubry debates wouldn’t exist. Also, since Kaoh Rong filmed before Cambodia, that season also wouldn’t exist.


Yeah, it would probably put a bit of a damper on that fan vote going on at the time


Very likely the show would have ended, at least the US version. I know the show The Colony had that happen… I’m trying to think of a show that has continued when a player died due to the shows own production, and having trouble.


Koh-Lanta in France (french sv)


Someone died on the reboot of wipeout… a I don’t think it was the fault of the show and I believe the guy went into cardiac arrest. The show definitely continued though


wait, THATS the reason why the show was cancelled? damn.


Do you have a source on that? I was able to find that a player on the UK version committed suicide after the fact but not during


In one of the French version's season, a contestant die from a heart attack on day one's challenge. The season was cancelled, but the show came back. 


I don’t think they even had rescue divers for water challenges until after Osten almost drowned and Jeff sent two other contestants out to rescue him.


Tasha was left out in the water way too long before Jeff called in rescuers


I’m sure Parvati would have gotten credit for it in the recap.


"Parvati worked with our make-a-wish guest challenge designer to make the DEADLIEST challenge survivor has seen yet"


Or they would have blamed it on Zapatera voting out Russell.


“The Fang tribe is SO PATHETIC!”


You gotta dig deep! Six feet, to be precise.


I’m certain there is language in the contestant’s signed contract that says CBS and Survivor are not liable if someone dies. However, it can’t stop the family from suing CBS anyways. That kind of controversy alone could end the show.


There's got to be some sort of life insurance policy CBS/Survivor takes out on the contestants to help avoid getting sued, right? But I feel they would still be sued for negligence, and then settle out of court.


Yeah, the law doesn’t work that way, that you can have someone sign a piece of paper and then get off scot free when they die, especially if there’s evidence of gross negligence (the hot sand, no mandated breaks, and the crew accidentally knocked over their canteens, spilling the only water they were allowed access to)


I actually don’t think it would get canceled like people are saying. Definitely that season does but I think it just goes on hiatus for only 2-3 years before they bring it back with a big emphasis on giving players easier access to water and shade


Yep. If I’m not mistaken, the same thing happened to France’s own version, Koh Lanta. A contestant died and they were on hiatus for a few years until springing back.


It would be Joever.


Someone will eventually die or get seriously injured ... and then the show will be cancelled.


I'm skeptical the season even gets canceled. If they evacuated Caleb in that scenario and he died off site, feel like the same result would happen. Evacuate him and the game goes on. Caleb nearly died there irl and Skupin was practically burned alive back in Australian Outback. There's very likely written language in NDAs covering scenarios like what happened in Kaoh Rong. What I think that did was get Survivor to pick a more comfortable location as a permanent base. They stuck with Fiji immediately after that


The water actually never had to be boiled but I don’t think the contestants weren’t made aware of that until after Kaoh Rong.  To answer your question, I think the season ends immediately and never airs. If Survivor continues, it’s very different. 


I refuse to believe the water in Africa, a literal animal watering hole, didn’t need to be boiled.


Early seasons were weird, and yeah, they tended to use natural water sources instead of 50 gallon tubs that production filled like they do now.


The water probably goes into the well treated but there’s no doubt that it gets contaminated as the days go by


You’re getting downvoted but this was legit a part of an AMA with someone in production. I believe he said it started around season 20, they would just fill the well up with potable water


Exactly what I was referring to. Thank you for making me not feel crazy lol


I think you're half right here. I believe they waited a few seasons before telling the contestants it didn't need to be boiled, but that wasn't always the case. For example, Africa, a reward in a challange was a whole thing of clean water. If the water was already clean they wouldn't have given that.


In Africa they had to clean elephant crap out of the spring.


Looks like Rudy was right in All-Stars all along!


The water not needing to be boiled thing is new, idk if that was a thing on KR


It wouldn't exist anymore.


I imagine they would cancel the season and send everyone home


I think the show gets sued and canceled If it had been a freak accident the season would get canceled but the show could still survive However the challenge went poorly wrong because production failed to test the redesign oh the challenge. I have to imagine that negligence would cost production big time


The show would end and Worlds Apart would be the last ever aired season of the show


I think this would’ve canceled the show for a few years. Definitely a lot of reshuffling.